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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 22

by Tia Siren

  “Any sign?” I asked.

  “Nothing down that street. I knocked on all the doors, and everyone has checked their yards,” Katie explained.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Katie! Why did you not watch her all the time. You know how quick she moves, now that she can walk,” I said angrily. “I’m going to the security gate for the base. You check the end street, and I will do this street. I will meet you back at home.”

  “Okay,” Katie said and walked off, upset that I was holding her responsible.

  I walked toward the gate on the main road. If there was no sign, the only explanation could be she has been taken, and God knows what would happen if someone has the indecency to nab her and take her from the base.

  “Morning Sir,” Scott said as he saluted me.

  “Fuck that Scott. Emmy has gone missing. Have there been any strange vehicles in or out this morning?

  “Not really. It has been quiet after the concert,” Scott said.

  “Do me a favor and keep an eye out for her,” I said.

  Shit, the fairground. I never thought of that. Maybe she had toddled onto the base and gone back to the fairground. I ran across the bottom of the support road and headed into the base. I could see teams of people busy wrapping up the fairground and loading it into trucks.

  I asked around all the teams, and none of them had seen her. I quickly ran back to the last street and checked all the doors. No one had seen Emmy. They said they would all keep their eyes open in case they saw her.

  My head bowed down as I slowly walked back toward the house, very slowly and mulled over the whole situation of what could have happened to Emmy. I could see Katie sitting on the curb; her head was bowed and I could hear her sobbing as I approached.

  She looked up at me as I neared her.

  “I take it no one has seen her?” I asked Katie.

  She shook her head as tears streamed down her cheeks. I could see her holding something close to her chest.

  “What you got there?” I asked.

  “It is her unicorn from the fair,” Katie said Her tears flowed.

  Emmy had instantly fallen in love with her stuffed unicorn and wouldn’t put it down. She even took it to bed with her last night.

  “Well, that won’t help find her,” I said angrily.

  “No, I found it,” Katie said and wiped her eyes.

  “Where was it, in the house?” I asked.

  Katie lifted her head and looked deep into my eyes. “No, it was on the road.”

  Well, at least we know she went down here, and it is the only street left that we have not checked. My heart sank and I started knocking on all the remaining doors asking if anyone had seen Emmy this morning. The answer was the same from each home. No one had laid eyes on Emmy. I reached the bottom of the street and could see Katie slowly walking down the center of the road.

  Her head was bowed down as she took short steps towards her home.

  Chapter 30


  All the families in the neighboring streets had been out looking for Emmy, and the only sign we had found was her stuffed unicorn that I had found on the street. The signs looked grim that she had somehow been taken. Families stood in their gardens and chatted amongst themselves. They were all dressed in their PJs, and it looked like something appalling was going to happen, like they were just waiting for the spaceships to come or something ridiculous.

  I continued to walk down the street and saw Cam slowly walking up to me. I had not realized it before; I just looked like I had just gotten out from bed and was wearing short cutoffs. I had the baggy navy t-shirt that Cam had left on the bed for me, which just happened to have his name printed on the back of it. And, to top it all off, I was not wearing a bra. I had not realized that my nipples had gotten hard with all the excitement and the running around.

  For anyone who was now standing on the street looking for Emmy, it was obvious where I had spent the night and why I was in the middle of a search for Cam's missing daughter. I felt sorry for the Admiral. God… my dad would be part of the innuendo as all the neighbors would look at him now in an entirely different way than they used to do. The respect he had would somehow evaporate from all my sneaking around and screwing with one of his officers… well and truly under his nose.

  I stood on the street as Cam slowly approached me. My hands just lolled at the side of my body, and I held the stuffed unicorn in my hand. I could hear my sobs. Cam reached into his pocket and started to pull out his cell phone.

  “Well Katie, there is no use for it. I’m gonna have to speak to the cops for the second time today, both on not so savory subjects,” Cam explained.

  “Cam, I’m beside myself. I have no idea what to say or what to do. I’m gutted. And if anything happens to her, I have no idea how I can ever expect you to forgive me,” I said and glanced up at my house.

  “Good morning you two. Nice to see you up so early together,” the Admiral said as he stepped out from the front door.

  We both glanced in the direction of the Admiral. Fuck, we were caught red-handed, so to speak. He was not stupid, and I had Cam's name all over my back. It showed that I had not spent the night at home, just as I promised I would do.

  “What are you doing out so early anyway? Dear God, you look like you’re looking for something?” the Admiral asked.

  “Dad, I have lost Emmy. I was cooking and burned the food, and that is when she wandered off. We have looked everywhere for her,” I said, tears flooding down my face.

  “Ah, I see. Have you called the cops yet?” the Admiral asked.

  “Just about to do it, Sir.” Cam said as he held the phone up in the air.

  “I wouldn’t bother if I were you,” the Admiral said.

  “Why not Sir. They will be able to help,” Cam said, feeling distraught that the Admiral said not to bother.

  Was he just pissed with Cam, over the fact that I had spent the night there? Gosh, maybe it was payback for screwing his daughter. And if Cam had paid attention to his daughter, rather than to me, she might not have gone missing.


  “One reason is, I have Emmy here,” the Admiral said. Emmy walked from the door with a cup of water.

  I was stirred by a million and one emotions. I was just so happy to see Emmy as she walked from behind Dad, sipping at her water and waving at me.

  “High Katie!” Emmy called.

  “And ‘hello to you, you little madam,’” I said.

  “You should be more careful with your family, Cam. I thought you were one person who understood that more than anyone?” said Dad.

  “I do, Sir. It was just that this morning a friend called me for help, so I had to leave pretty quickly,” Cam explained.

  I looked around and could see the gardens were full of families who were watching and listening to the events that were unfolding before them. It must have made for a fascinating Saturday morning, compared to normal.

  I looked at Dad and then broke down in a fit of tears. Cam crumpled to the floor, and I could hear him crying with relief. That was the softest he had ever appeared, and the one moment he had seemed to be out of control of a situation.

  I watched as Cam gathered his composure and ran up the drive. He scooped Emmy up into his arms and hugged her so tight.

  “Oh, Emmy, I was so worried. I thought I had lost you, baby,” he said and kissed her cheeks.

  “I was tired, Daddy. Emmy cooking food bad. Smell burn,” Emmy said as Cam held her tight.

  “You should not leave the house by yourself Emmy, it is not safe,” I explained to Emmy.

  “It was the smell and smoke. I was scared, so I went walking.”

  The Admiral, my dad, said he had come out for the morning paper and saw Emmy sitting at the bottom of the driveway.

  “Oh, and she told me she was thirsty as it was a long way from her house.” He had taken her inside when he could see no one had missed her.

  “Thank you, Sir. I’m forever in your debt,” Cam said to the

  “That is not the thing to say to someone in my position. I may just ask for the debt to be repaid, and who knows how that will be,” he said.

  I walked towards Cam and Emmy and could see Dad watching on, smiling over the fact that they had been reunited. I couldn’t help myself; I just had to join the party. I threw my arms around Cam and Emmy and hugged them close. Cam opened his arm and pulled me closer to him. He kissed me on the head.

  We were so wrapped up in the emotion, we had forgotten that my dad, the Admiral, was right next to us watching every single move and hearing every little word we said.

  “Ahem, don’t mind me,” Dad said as we hugged.

  Anyone who had watched us would have thought we were a real family rather than a decorated SEAL and his young girlfriend, so to speak. I was oblivious to everything around me, and I was just happy and overjoyed that Emmy was safe and sound.

  As I said to Cam, before I would have had no way to understand how he could forgive me. And, in a way, that thought remained. But the only difference was, Emmy was safe rather than missing.

  “Well Katie, I must say, the outfit is not one I have seen you in before?” Dad said.

  “Well, Dad, it is a long story,” I said.

  “I have time. It is still early in the day,” Dad said.

  ‘Dad, have a seat and I will tell you all about it,” I explained.

  “First things first. Cam had to rush over to Owen’s as he was having a problem with his ex-wife,” I said.

  “There you go; Navy guys have family problems,” Dad replied.

  “It was not like that. Owens ex-wife cheated on him when he was on tour,” I explained.

  “Well, that is slightly different. Keep going,” he said.

  “Cam shot off in the car. I started to cook breakfast and, halfway through, I needed the bathroom. I thought I had turned the gas off, or to low, but when I came back, the kitchen was full of smoke,” I explained.

  “Yep. I’m with you so far,” Dad said, nodding.

  “Well, I opened the patio door, and started to soak the burned food from the pan,” I said.

  “Yes, with you, proceed,” he said.

  “Cam came home and saw the mess and went to look for Emmy. That was when we realized she was not there, and had walked out of the side gate,” I said, with a slightly embarrassed look.

  “And I bet he was livid?” he asked.

  “Livid was not the word for it. He was piss--” I started to say as Dad looked at me sternly, “I was really upset with myself.”

  I explained more about how we had checked all the streets and Cam had even gone as far as the park and the gate to the base, plus the fun fair from last night. There had been no sign of her, and the last street we had checked was ours. If we had checked here first, we could have saved a lot of time and a lot of stress. Cam took Emmy home.

  “Well, you certainly covered everywhere she could have been, if I had not found her,” Dad said.

  “We thought, at that point, that she had been nabbed, especially when I found her unicorn on the street,” I said with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

  “Let me say something now, Katie, and listen good. You can see why I worry about you, even though you’re older. It doesn’t take long for someone to disappear these days,” Dad said and placed his arm around my shoulder.

  “I know Dad, and I’m sorry, especially to Cam. I just don’t know how to make it up to him,” I said.

  “He will come around. But I think there is a lot you have forgotten to tell me, like how did you and him first, you know, get together, and how long has it been going on?” Dad asked.

  “It all started at the party. You know, the one with the kid and the video where Cam saved me. Well, after that, he took me for a burger to sober up as I knew you would kill me,” I said with a grin.

  “And it started?” Dad asked.

  “No. Cam was a real gentleman, and didn’t try anything. I have, to be honest; I did try and get something to happen, yet he was having none of it,” I explained.

  “And, what happened after that?” Dad asked, listening carefully.

  “I pestered Cam, rather than him chasing me. And, from his side, things just escalated naturally. On my side, though I had always had feelings for him from the start, I can just tell he’s a very special man. And Emmy, I just adore her; we get on so well together,” I explained in high detail.

  “So, there has been quite a lot happening behind my back?” Dad asked.

  “Not really. We have had our moments, and we have both been upset with each other. Yet, we just seem to make it all better, if not stronger than it was before,” I explained more.

  Dad described how he found it hard to believe that Cam would even be interested in me and my wild-child nature. I broke down and explained to Dad that it was not the real me. I was just rebelling against him and the situation with Mom.

  I was actually a daughter that he would be very proud of, and it was Cam who had made me realize that I did not have to be wild to have fun. That feeling could be achieved with simple things, good things, like love. Emmy has put a spring in my step, and I was excited to simply be with her.

  “I went to another party and got stranded. It was Cam who, once again, came to my rescue when I needed him, without question,” I said, staring at my father in the face. He had to understand my side of things.

  Cam had been good to me from the start, and only had my concern at heart. He was not the type to hurt me.

  “I see that it has been a torrid affair, if you ask me. Yet, it shows that you’re now looking for something a little more serious than just casual dating,” said Dad.

  “Yes. I would be over the moon if things progressed. I can see there may be a future for us after all. I know all about the age difference, and it was only the party yesterday when things got to me, when everyone began staring and whispering about us.

  “Well Katie, now that you have explained all that, I think you should go and get your things together and get your ass back home. I think there has been enough excitement for one day,” Dad said to me.

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “Don’t leave it too long. I have to talk to you some more later,” he added.

  Dad looked from the garden wall where he was sat and looked in Cam’s and Emmy’s direction. I could see that he wanted to have a word with Cam, yet he was going to save everyone the embarrassment and wait until the office on Monday morning.

  Cam came down with Emmy again.

  “Cam, don’t think you’re getting out of it that easy. I know you nearly lost Emmy, so I will see you in the office first thing on Monday morning before you start work,” Dad said to Cam.

  “Yes sir,” Cam replied.

  “I have a lot to say to you. So spend the rest of the weekend thinking about everything that has happened and how you see your future here?” Dad explained in a commanding tone.

  Shit, Cam is really in for it if he's going to have him in the office on Monday. That means it is by the book.

  I watched as Dad left us standing in the street. I noticed that the throngs of people, who just thought they would stick their noses in, started to return to their homes.

  Go on fuckers, the show is well and truly over. Get back to your cereal and juice and enjoy the rest of your life.

  I could hear a few whispers as we walked up toward Cam's house for me to grab my things. I was not worried about them. Everything was now in the open. We strolled up the street and Cam held Emmy's hand. He also held mine. We opened the door and went inside.

  I stood close to Cam and put my arms around his waist.

  “Cam, I’m so sorry for what has happened, I truly am,” I said and filled up with tears again.

  Cam looked back into my eyes. “It may be wise if you go home, before there is any more trouble.”

  Chapter 31


  I had woken up early as it was Monday morning and the Admiral had summoned me to his office early
after Saturday. I wouldn’t want to be late. Firstly, I had to take Emmy to daycare, and it was Katie’s first day on her new job, so I was hoping to catch her there when I dropped Emmy off. It had seemed forever since Saturday morning, and I had just spent time with Emmy, explaining why it was important to stay where you know people and not to talk to strangers.

  I had woken Emmy up, and she had again asked where Katie was. I said she would be at the center and Emmy was overexcited at being with Katie for the whole day. She even jumped in the shower with no qualms and started to wash herself.

  “Quick Daddy. Katie will be waiting,” Emmy said as she wrapped herself in her towel.

  I dressed her in her clothes and we had breakfast, a large bowl of her favorite loops. I watched her in amazement. She could now use her spoon properly, which had been something else Katie had taught her to do. Emmy grabbed her coat and her bag and we headed out of the house.

  I held Emmy's hand, and we walked down the street until we finally reached the center. Emmy ran into the classroom and hung her coat as always. She came back to the classroom door and asked where Katie was. I was surprised that she was not here as she had become so excited about starting, especially when she knew that Emmy was going to be here.

  “Emmy, I have no idea where Katie is. She wouldn’t miss being with her special friend, no way José,” I said to her and kissed her on the cheek. “Maybe she will come a little later.”

  “Okay, bye Daddy, see you later,” Emmy replied. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss.

  “Bye now sweetie, have a great day!”

  I left Emmy in the classroom and asked a couple of the teachers if they had seen Katie this morning? They informed me that she had not shown up. I thought it was strange that she had not come in, but I did not have time to really dwell on it as I had my appointment with the Admiral. I was nervous as the dinner interrogation had been bad enough. And now, everything was out in the open. I was nervous as hell. Fuck, the Admiral could finish my career without breaking a sweat.

  Cam, this could be your last day as a SEAL instructor.


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