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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 55

by Tia Siren

  “So, what brings you here mid-morning? I wasn’t expecting you till lunchtime.”

  “I’ve just gone through the books, and Kent is causing us a major headache again,” he said.

  “Shit. How much is he down now?” I was so pissed that Kent did this all the time.

  “Three million, give or take a couple hundred grand and some spare change. And that’s just the losses,” Jonathon said as he unbuttoned his jacket. “This guy’s hurting us. He’s a fucking liability, and we need to do something to stop the bleeding. It’s fucking embarrassing on top of the loss, as I’m sure you know.”

  “Your right. He’s been bailed out more than enough times,” I said. “When he’s on fire, he’s unstoppable, but two quarters in a row of losses is deadly in this business. You got any ideas apart from firing his ass?”

  “Well, we need to recoup some of the money, say twenty percent, and no bonus until he’s paid back his losses,” Jonathon said.

  “That sounds fair, but he needs to hurt, and we need something to make him feel his loss short term. Then maybe he will get back to his winning ways and the probation will be over the next quarter. If he takes a dip, he will be finished,” I said as I sipped my strong coffee.

  “I don’t know if he’s collateral or of anything that will hurt him. We should haul him in and see what he’s up to,” he replied.

  We chatted more about Kent and what we could do to make him understand his situation. He had been with the company from the beginning and had made some killer deals, but as of late, he had dipped and was underperforming in a big way—a way I wasn’t happy to accept.

  “Lyndsay!” I shouted.

  Her little legs ran to see me. Her face was finally in a more relaxed pose.

  “Jonathon and I are just off for lunch. When we get back, I want Kent in my office pronto, and don’t tell him until after lunch,” I said as I grabbed my jacket and headed out of the office.

  I always enjoyed lunch with Jonathon, especially when we went back to the old part of town where we grew up, and today I had a reason for going. Tony’s Pizza was one of our childhood haunts, and it was still owned and run by Tony, a great guy who had taught me a lot.

  “Hey, if it's not Charles and Jonathon,” Tony said as we walked in the door.

  “Hey, Tony. How are you doing?” Jonathon said as he beamed a smile.

  “You know, this is Tony’s pizza. What do you expect!” Tony went on. “So, Charles, why’d you come here today?”

  “We all know you make the best pies in town, pure and simple,” I replied as I kicked out a chair. “Sit down. I have a proposition for you.”

  “What sort of proposition?” He looked intrigued.

  “News on the street is you are in trouble,” I said quietly.

  “You know, the big boys wanna move in, and they will kill this little place if they do,” Tony replied with sadness in his voice.

  “I wanna invest. Fuck the big boys. We are the big boys. And you were good to us, and it’s time for you to call in your favor,” I replied as I placed my hand on his hardworking shoulder.

  “I don’t want charity. You know that,” he replied.

  “This isn’t charity. You know how I work. And like I said, it’s an investment, an investment in you… So, deal?” I added as I held out my hand.

  “Deal, and thank you!” Tony’s face looked refreshed immediately.

  “Now come on, where is our pizza? Your service is lousy,” I replied with a laugh.

  Our pizza soon arrived, and I had not lied when I’d said Tony made the best pies in town, and not just this town. He made the best pies period.

  We chatted more about the investment. I wasn’t bothered with profit. I just needed a place for those quiet moments, the meetings that no one said ever existed and where conversation never took place. You know the ones? Yes, the ones where I paid attention.

  When we arrived back at the office, Kent sat at my desk, his hands clasped as they rested on his knees. I must have admitted, he looked a little edgy, and he looked like total shit.

  “Holy shit, Kent, you living on the streets? Fuck, you look like shit.”

  “No. I have just had… Well, I’m not sleeping well,” he replied nervously.

  “Fuck, you look like you aren’t sleeping at all,” Jonathon said.

  “You know why you are here?” I asked as I placed my jacket on the hanger.

  “Sort of. I have taken a bit of a dip,” he replied as he tugged at his shirt collar in nervousness.

  “Yes, you could say that you have been down for two quarters running, and this quarter you have dropped three million in losses,” I replied as I sat on the edge of my desk and stared down at Kent. “You do know we should fire your ass for this. We’d have done it for far less to anyone else,” I said.

  “I know, and I’m sor—”

  “We need to recoup something. You have just cost us too much,” I said. “Do you have a savings account that you could draw from?”

  “Not much. Not enough to make a dent in what I owe,” Kent replied with a solemn look.

  “Well, you gotta put up something. How are we going look to them out there if we don’t get our money back?” Jonathon said from the couch. “We could sue, but what use is that? I mean, it would take years for you to pay it back.”

  “Please, I can make it right. I promise,” Kent said.

  “Don’t you dare beg. Begging doesn’t pay the bills; you know that,” I said. “I do have one solution, though, for a quick payment until you can get the rest.”

  Kent’s ears pricked up. “What’s that? I’ll do anything. You know I love this company.”

  “I’m away for the weekend, and I could do with someone who will keep me company and take care of me, if you know what I mean. Do you know anyone who can fill the position?” I said, thinking of devouring a pleasure-giving woman.

  “I…erm…well, there is…”

  “Spit it out! Just say it.”

  “My daughter! You can have my daughter!”

  Although I was shocked, I showed no sign of it. I had learned to keep my emotions in check from high-stakes poker, and it had paid in dividends when it came to business.

  “So, why would I consider your daughter?” I pushed. I already knew the reasons. I’d seen the misbehaving girl years before at one of our company family outings and had spent the day trying to hide a hard-on. She was beautiful, sexy as fuck even as a teenager. I couldn’t imagine what a few years had done for her, but I sure as hell wasn’t giving myself away. My cock twitched at the thought of her, grown up and still acting like a little bitch. She needed someone to teach her a few lessons.

  “Well, she’s very smart, and she’s beautiful. Young and a little unruly, too. She’s still in college, but they will have finished college before the weekend for their summer break, so she has nothing to do apart from bum around and spend my money,” he said.

  “So, if I agree to this arrangement we have…let’s say it will pay off five hundred grand of your three million loss and you will have a couple of weeks to find the remainder,” I said. “Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes, we do. I’ll let her know,” Kent said. “You will take care of her though, right? It’s not like you’re going to hurt her.”

  “As if I would hurt anyone,” I replied with a smile. “Lyndsay will have all the details when you arrange it with her, but no; no one will get hurt.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Dillon. Thank you for being so considerate,” Kent said as he stood.

  “Kent, look at me.” Kent turned toward me. “I’m not being considerate. I’m recouping some of your debt,” I said as I stared into his eyes.

  Kent started to shuffle his way toward the door, his head down.

  “And stop drinking. It’s not doing you or me any favors,” I added.

  Kent glance over his shoulder sheepishly before heading out of the office. I sensed he would head straight to his desk and have a quick drink just to calm his nerves while he th
ought about how he would tell his daughter.

  Jonathon had sat and watched the conversation unfold. He left the office to go find someone else for us to harass. Then I sat and pondered what had just happened. I had just agreed to take Kent’s daughter with me for the weekend. I had to know what she looked like now.

  I accessed the college website and trawled through the girls listed.

  There you are, kitten.

  I found her and was pleased to see that Kent wasn’t wrong. She was beautiful, and such a tender age. Christ, just twenty-one and ripe for the picking. I had visions of the weekend and how I could bend her to my will. My cock grew thick and hard just looking at her picture and thinking of the things I was going to do to her.

  Chapter 3


  Nancy banged around in the kitchen. She was a decent cook, but god was she untidy and noisy. I walked into the kitchen in my tattered nightshirt to see what Nancy was cooking.

  “What are you making now?” I asked as I leaned against the kitchen counter.

  “Bacon and eggs. Sound good?” she said as she cracked the eggs into the pan.

  “Sure. Sounds good to me. So, what you are you doing today?” I asked.

  “I have to run to one of my summer jobs. I’m filling in for someone who is absent,” Nancy said. “So what do you have planned for your day?”

  “Not sure yet. I might just hang around here until later and see what comes up.” I munched on a piece of fried bacon fresh from the pan. “You know, Nance, you are a pretty decent cook when you want to be, but you’re a messy girl at the best of times,” I said with a laugh.

  “Well, at least I don’t have to do the dishes this morning. It’s your turn!” She grabbed her jacket and headed toward the door.

  “Catch ya later. If I go out, I’ll leave a note for you,” I said as the door closed behind Nancy.

  I looked at the dishes and thought I should do them. I supposed it was only fair, even though if it was up to me, I would just leave them until later.

  When I finished the dishes and moved back into the lounge, I huffed and puffed as I walked around the apartment thinking of what to do. I had a thought of Russell before I had broken up with him and imagined what it would be like to be with a real man. One of those alpha males everyone talked about. Someone who could actually control me, make me bow to his commands like in that movie. Um, I can never remember the name.

  The more I thought about it, the hotter I became. I pictured a hunk of a guy with huge arms and a rock-hard stomach. Nancy had gone out, and I was feeling horny. Just to be on the safe side, I locked the door before going to the couch. I plumped up the cushions and slipped off my nightshirt, dropping it on the floor. I closed my eyes and let my mind run wild with the thoughts of really being dominated.

  In my mind, the guy walked toward me and ripped open my blouse. My bare breasts bounced softly as he scooped me into his arms and carried me toward the bed.

  “Strip for me,” he said as I kneeled before him. I slipped my blouse off my shoulders and caressed my breasts. “Stop. Don’t touch yourself.”

  “Okay,” I replied as I opened the zipper on my shorts and slid them down my legs. My pink panties were tight against my body, which highlighted the crease of my mound.

  “Take it all off,” the alpha ordered.

  I did as I was told and slowly slipped off my panties, my athletic, nubile body ready for his taking. I wanted to feel his touch, but he had total control of me.

  I lay on the couch and caressed my breasts as I thought of my fantasy. My nipples became hard as I pinched them between my fingers and thumbs. Then a slight pain shot through my nipples, but I got turned on by it and felt something stirring deep inside my pussy. I lowered one hand over my stomach and stroked my belly, the faint smell of my pussy starting to fill the air. I could smell my arousal that had started to flow as I slowly parted my pussy lips.

  The alpha stood before me and slowly unzipped his pants. He slid them over his waist. His huge cock stood straight and proud in front of me. His eyes were filled with wicked-hot lust.

  “Suck it,” he said.” But no hands. Just your hot little mouth.”

  I moved my mouth close to his cock and started to run my tongue up his shaft. The warmth in his cock grew as he started to become aroused. Then his cock grew larger and longer as my tongue teased his manhood.

  My pussy was wet as I slid my middle finger inside myself. The couch was rough on my back as I squirmed deeper into it. I slid my finger in as far as I could. So wet and hot. Oh, god!

  The alpha had become fully erect, and I flicked the tip of my tongue against the head of his hard cock and opened my mouth. I placed my teeth under the head of his cock and closed them slightly. Sensually, I tugged the head of his cock with my teeth before I slid my mouth over his throbbing shaft.

  I wriggled in ecstasy on the couch, and my pussy throbbed at the thought of the alpha and his cock deep inside me. I took my other hand and started to rub my clitoris. The heat in my pussy started to spread, and as it entered my stomach, I raised my hips and slapped my pussy.

  The alpha grabbed my head and slowly pressed himself into my mouth as I sucked on his huge cock. I gasped for air as my mouth filled up with his thick dick. He held my head tight, controlling me.

  The alpha rolled me onto my back and rubbed his cock against my wet pussy as he parted my lips and slid it inside me. Then he raised my arms over my head and pinned my wrists to the bed. He slowly thrust his cock deep inside me as I let out a moan.

  I slid a second finger inside me and moved my hand faster and harder, the palm of my hand hitting my clitoris with each frantic stroke. The heat inside me started to rise, and I was close to finishing.

  The alpha quickened his stroke. He pumped my pussy faster and faster, my hands tightly held as his cock rammed deep inside me. The sensation in my mind was so good, and my body wriggled as I tried to free my arms and interact with his fucking.

  I was so aroused that I slammed my fingers deep into my pussy. I felt myself coming, so I arched my back as the arousal of my pussy flowed out. At the same time, my body released a flood of heat that shot throughout me.

  My wrists were still being held tight as the alpha rammed his cock deep inside me. I felt his body tense as it was about to release his male prowess inside. I wanted to feel his cum shoot inside me. The alpha pulled his cock out just as I was about to come. He shot his warm cum over my belly and tits, leaving me wanting more of him.

  In my imagination, I had reached the point of coming, but he controlled me, and he wouldn’t allow it. My body relaxed, as I felt I had truly been controlled. I lay on the couch and bathed in the beauty of my orgasm as I pictured the alpha, a prime specimen of a man. He was perfect in every physical way and strong enough to control my feelings. I sighed as I realized this was a daydream. He was just an image in my mind; this sort of man didn’t really exist.

  I showered and got dressed, and then my phone rang.

  “Hey, Lizzy.” My brother’s voice filled up the line.

  “Hi, Chip. How are you doing?” I asked.

  “I’m good. I’m just calling to see if you want to walk on the beach and have a chat,” Chip said.

  “Sure. Why not? I haven’t got much planned for the day,” I replied. “What time? Say 2 p.m. after the lunch rush has finished? I’ll meet you at the ice cream parlor if that works.”

  “Yep. See you in a little while,” Chip said.

  When I arrived, Chip was waiting. We headed toward the beach and decided to walk over to the point.

  “What have you got on your mind?” I shoved my hands in my sweatshirt pockets.

  “It’s Dad. I thought about what we said the other night. I think he needs to get out before he crashes and burns,” Chip said with a concerned look.

  “You sure he’s not past that?” I replied.

  “I think he’s at rock bottom, but I’m not sure how far before there is no return,” he said as he kicked an empty can
buried in the sand.

  “Well, only he can get himself out of it,” I said, wishing to take the discussion elsewhere.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe he should consider dating. That would certainly take his mind off things a bit.”

  “What woman would look at him? I sure as hell don’t know any woman who would,” I said. I clambered up onto the rocks.

  “You know he’s just going through a rough patch. Maybe he needs someone to care for?” Chip sat on a piece of driftwood.

  “I know for a fact he doesn’t care about me, so I’m going to return the favor and not give a fuck about him,” I said as I jumped back onto the sand.

  “So, you have any more thoughts about getting a summer job?” Chip asked, changing the subject.

  “Nah. It’s not for me. I’m a free spirit!” I shouted in a loud roar toward the ocean.

  “You could come and work for me in the office. I could actually do with some help filing all the patient files until I get settled in.” Chip smiled as he drew in the sand.

  “It’s okay. Thanks for the offer, but I’m gonna make the most of these three months. It might be the last chance I get,” I said. Then I kicked sand over Chip’s drawing.

  We walked and slowly headed back toward where we started. When we were almost there, my phone rang.

  “Hang on a minute,” I said as I took my cell from my pocket. “It’s Dad,” I said.

  “Answer it and see what he wants.”

  “Hi, Elizabeth. It's Dad. I need you for the weekend,” my father said.

  “I’m busy this weekend,” I replied, pissed at him. “What did you want me for anyway?”

  “My boss needs some assistance on a trip he’s taking to his private island this weekend. It’s just some minor secretary stuff he needs doing,” Dad said.

  “I told you I’m busy. No can do. Sorry,” I added as I walked across the sand.

  “I’m desperate. I’ll make it worth your while,” he said in a trembling voice.

  I sat in the sand while Dad explained the whole scenario to me. Somehow, he sounded suspicious, and I wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not. Mostly because he hardly ever phoned and now he was asking for my help for some guy I didn’t know. His voice gave it away, and I wasn’t sure if it was the drink or his nerves that were getting the better of him, but if I did decide to go, it had to be worth my while.


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