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Misbehave: A Navy SEAL Romance

Page 56

by Tia Siren

  “How so? What can sway my mind?”

  “Well, you know the Drophead Jaguar you wanted? I can get that for you when you get back.” He sounded nervous.

  “Why such a big thing just for a weekend?” I asked. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “Not at all. He’s desperate, and he doesn’t want to take anyone from work. I mean, he doesn’t trust them,” Dad said with a croak in his voice. “He just needs a really big favor, and I said I was able to help him out.”

  “So what does this guy look like? I wouldn’t want to go with some old, nasty guy. I do have standards you know,” I said to him, being cheeky as usual.

  “I’ll send you a picture in a minute. Then you can see he’s just a normal guy,” Dad said. “So are you going to do it so I can confirm with him everything is okay?”

  Chip had been nagging me for a while. Most of the time I was on the phone with Dad, I was trying to ascertain what we were talking about. Geez, he was pissing me off. I had Dad in one ear and Chip in the other, asking why we were talking about Jaguars and guys. Hmm, was something shady going on? He is willing to buy me a Jaguar!

  I placed my hand over the phone and looked at Chip. “For fuck’s sake, Chip, can you butt out for a bit? You’re getting on my nerves.”

  “Come on, Lizzy, it sounds a bit iffy to me. It doesn’t sound right. I don’t like it,” Chip said.

  “Just shut your mouth for ten minutes, will ya!” I said angrily, holding the mouthpiece to cover it.

  By the time I turned back to my phone, Dad had sent a picture of his boss. I opened the file, and there he was. I looked at the picture for a while before I considered my next remark. This guy was hot as hell. Wow, he was double my age, but he was a real stunner. He had nice and deep dark brown eyes and black hair. He had a tan and a perfect smile.

  “Dad, I got the picture. How old is he?” I asked. Chip was trying to listen in.

  “He’s just over forty I think, so nowhere near as old as me.” He had a slightly relieved tone in his voice.

  “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll do it for the weekend on two conditions,” I said.

  His silence when I mentioned the two conditions said he wasn’t happy. In fact, he was really pissed and had probably wished he had never asked me to do it.

  “The first condition is the Drophead Jaguar, as promised, in midnight blue,” I demanded as I smiled to myself.

  “What is the second condition, Elizabeth? What more do you want?” he asked in a nervous tone.

  “Ten grand as spending money before I go,” I said. “Then I’ll do it.”

  “Good God, Elizabeth, you would bleed me dry if you had half the chance,” Dad spat over the phone.

  “Well, you need me more than I need you. Deal or no deal?” I asked as I smiled to myself.

  I could hear it in his voice. He wanted to say “screw you,” but for whatever reason, he wasn’t in a position to say it now. I had my Dad over a barrel, and I was going to screw him.

  “Okay, Elizabeth. It’s a deal,” Dad said before he hung up the phone. I could tell he was pissed. So what? Fuck him too.

  “So, what was all that about, Lizzy? What are you doing for Dad? And what was that talk of an older man?” Chip asked. “If it’s suspicious, you shouldn’t go. It could be dangerous. You know Dad isn’t thinking straight.”

  “Well, I have made a deal with Dad, and I’m going. There is nothing you can say to stop me,” I said.

  Chapter 4


  I decided to go to the office late today, as I had things I wanted to check before I had the rigors of running a billion-dollar company hitting my desk. I walked downstairs to be greeted by Molly, my trusted maid, and Edward, my even more trusted butler.

  “Morning, Mr. Dillon,” said Molly and Edward in unison.

  “Morning,” I replied.

  “The chefs are just preparing breakfast, and your papers and messages are on the table, sir,” Edward said as he opened the dining room doors.

  I walked into my dining room and headed for the end of the table. The stack of newspapers was on one side, and each was opened to the finance pages, which showed interesting news, and all the messages had been placed in order of priority. I looked down the table and got my head straight before I started. I had always spent a few moments of concentration at the beginning of any work day. It was one lesson I learned when I’d worked for Mr. Chong, who owned the Chinese restaurant in the old hood.

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I placed myself in that place where I performed at my most efficient level. I picked up the phone and called Captain Black.

  “Hi, Captain. I just thought I would check to see if the boat is ready for the weekend,” I said.

  “That she is, sir. I had the engines overhauled and all the electrics tested. She’s as ready as she will ever be. I’m just going to take her for a test run later today,” he said.

  “Good. I wouldn’t want anything to ruin this weekend. It’s kind of a special trip, this one. Make sure you let me know if anything is wrong,” I said. Then I hung up the phone.

  I glanced at the messages and noticed Molly as she walked toward me with the breakfast trolley. “Your breakfast, sir,” she said as she placed the trolley at my side and then made a swift exit.

  I had some of the best personal chefs who provided me with the healthiest food you could imagine. I had found it was crucial to take care of your body so you could perform your best all the time. I took my tablet from my bathrobe pocket and opened the picture of Kent’s daughter, who he had traded as part of his debt.

  Good morning, Elizabeth. I’m happy to see you looking so fine. That body of yours looks prime for the taking, and I’m sure you are ready for me. I’m going to take you to depths you never knew existed and introduce you to real pleasure, deep pleasure.

  She was stunning. A nice curvy blonde with those sexy fucking eyes that made you drool. Eyes like the ocean.

  I looked at all the pictures that had been gathered from her social media accounts. She had a body and a mind that could be bent and twisted and finally broken. And all at my hands… She would bow to my needs no matter how much she thought she could struggle and resist.

  I placed Elizabeth’s photo in front of me and continued to eat breakfast. The papers were just full of old news, stuff I had known a few days ago. Fuck, she is hot!

  I headed back toward the bedroom and informed Edward that I did not want to be disturbed. I had something personal I needed to attend to and needed complete silence. I entered the bedroom and locked the door behind me. I walked to my closet and opened my secret compartment. My pride and joy sat before me; the light reflected from every corner and shone in every direction.

  My special briefcase; my silver briefcase, and all the secrets and memories it held for me from over the years. I treasured that case because it had brought me so much pleasure out of so much pain.

  I laid all the contents out on the bed, and I checked they were all in good condition. I had a range of toys that would fulfill any fetish or situation—no matter who I had to break and dominate. I checked my whip and flogger and my trusty paddle. The spanking toys were in good order, but what else did I have that would bring pain and pleasure? I had my trusty adult collar, a very effective piece that simulated being fastened to a table, and four shackles and a collar to restrict limb movement.

  For something a little less restrictive, I had my pink nipple pumps. And the choice of many beloved nipple clamps and nipple stretchers. I started to foam at the mouth just thinking about it. I looked at all my toys and thought of the last woman who had shared them with me.

  Alice had continued to call after I had used my toys on her, but she had been after a long-term relationship, and I’d just wanted a plaything for a night, not a commitment. I remembered using the nipple pumps on Alice’s tits; they had been medium sized, and I’d watched as I had slowly pumped the air out and suctioned her nipples. The areolas had grown in size
and sensitivity. I had nearly made her come just by fastening my nipples stretchers onto her nipples after they had been in the pump. It had been a wonderful experience and one I wouldn’t forget.

  I also remembered how I had used the pussy pump on her. Both her lips and clit had swollen and become super sensitive, and when she had come, she’d said it had felt a lot different than normal and she’d had a more tingly sensation. Fuck, she arched her back like a cowgirl that time.

  I started getting hard from thinking of Alice, but I had turned my attention toward Elizabeth, who I thought may be a little promiscuous due to her pictures. She was definitely young and probably had a lovely, sweet, tight pussy. I was fully erect, and my cock was aching. I couldn’t stop thinking about Elizabeth and what I had planned for her. I sat on the edge of the bed and opened my robe, my bare cock just waiting for some serious attention.

  I reached into my case and pulled out my trusted cock and ball ring. I lubricated myself and slid my testicles and cock inside the ring. My cock instantly started to increase in thickness due to the restricted blood flow. I teased the slit at the end of my cock; my heightened senses shot immediately to my stomach, and my cock became super sensitive around the head.

  I took my tablet and looked at the photo of Elizabeth and imagined what I was going to do to her. I could see she had big breasts, so there would be no use for the nipples pumps. God, her pussy would be so tight and so sweet. I imagined placing the pussy pump on her and watching her pussy lips and clit swell.

  I grabbed my cock

  and slowly started to stroke while I looked at Elizabeth’s picture. I thought about how desperately wanted to fuck her and make her submit to my very whim. My cock tingled from using the cock ring and had grown rock hard. I could just wrap my fingers around it as I stroked and gripped it tightly. The more I stroked it, the more engorged it got with blood and the more sensitive the head became.

  I pictured Elizabeth shackled in my four way, her arms and legs restricted as I opened her mouth and slid the tip of my huge cock into her mouth before I slowly started to mouth fuck her. I imagined her shaking her arms and legs, trying to shake free so she could interact. She had limited movement, and I continued fucking her mouth.

  Elizabeth struggled for breath as she sucked my swollen cock, her eyes filled with tears as she gagged on it, her wretches sending spasms down the length of my shaft. I look at my cock, and it had gone a dark red color. It felt huge in my hand and throbbed the more I stroked. My balls had restricted movement and had numbed from my thoughts. I caressed my balls and could feel their larger size and wondered how much hot cum they contained…

  I imagined Elizabeth laid out on the bed with her arms and wrists shackled as I placed the nipple stretchers onto her large breasts and attached the clamps. I slowly turned the screw and watched as her hard nipples became elongated as I continued to stroke my cock. Elizabeth winced in pain as I tapped the nipple stretchers, which sent shivers through her body.

  I pushed my case and toys to the side of the bed and lay with my head on the pillow. I placed my hand on the bed as I stroked my cock. My fingers touched the cold metal, and I realized I was touching my nipple clamps. I loved inflicting some pain, but I loved the feeling when I masturbated and hurt myself slightly too, because then I was in control and I could hurt myself as much as I pleased.

  I took my nipple clamps and squeezed the spring. The clamp opened, and I placed it over my nipple. Then I slowly released the spring and felt the pain shoot through my chest. Fuck! My cock twitched as I fastened the second clamp to my other nipple.

  I closed my eyes and imagined releasing the pussy pump from Elizabeth’s slick lips. I spread her legs wide and sucked on her swollen lips, her body squirming against her shackles.

  “Oh, fuck, Charles. That’s so good,” she said breathlessly.

  “Is it sensitive, slave girl?” I replied as I got off on it.

  “Every touch of your tongue, mmm,” she replied, causing my cock to grow thicker.

  I spread her sweet pussy lips and saw her swollen clit. I flicked my tongue gently over it as Elizabeth started to scream and wriggle in pure excitement. I took her clit in my teeth and nibbled until her body trembled and quivered. Her ankles shook and rattled as she tried to fight her restraints.

  “Goddammit, Charlie, you are driving me crazy,” she screamed as I sucked harder on her clitoris and flicked the nipple clamps. “I wish I were able to move. I would fuck you so hard right now.”

  “You are in my control,” I replied.

  “Fuck. My body just wants to hold you. I want to feel you. Fuck, this is insane!” She wriggled her wrists.

  My cock was red hot in my hand and had numbed due to circulation. The tip of my dick was so aroused that my back arched and stiffened as I tugged on the nipple clamps.

  I closed my eyes again and imagined rubbing my swollen cock head against Elizabeth’s swollen pussy lips. I watched as her lips parted and the tip of my cock slid relentlessly inside her. She convulsed and tried to shake free, but my cock slowly slid into her and filled her pussy completely.

  “Ram that cock inside me,” I imagined her saying. “Fuck me real good.”

  “With pleasure. I want to feel my swollen cock inside your hot, wet pussy,” I replied.

  I picture myself rolling Elizabeth onto all fours. She was motionless and unable to move. The nipple stretchers rubbed the covers on the bed and teased her nipples as they moved.

  “God, my nipples feel like they are on fire. Oh, yes, it feels so good. I hope it never ends,” she said as she looked into my horny eyes.

  My image was of Elizabeth, unable to move and on all fours. I saw the mound of her swollen pussy between her legs, her lips parted and her swollen clit wanting me. I slapped my swollen cock against her clit. The shackles shook as she wriggled, my cock stretching her open so fucking good.

  “Oooh, my pussy is on fire!” Elizabeth’s body contracted as she screamed.

  I imagined I could feel my legs and stomach tremble. My muscles tensed and a swathe of sensations flood my body as I begin to come. Then the slit of my cock was teased as the hot cum shot from the head of my cock, my orgasm enhanced and strengthened by the cock ring. I came hard and filled Elizabeth’s hot slit with my release.

  “Take it. Take it all. You are in command,” I said with a groan.

  In reality, my body trembled as my cock built up its pressure, my balls contracting so damn tight. I was ready to let go, to blow my load. Hot cum left my balls, and I felt the excess force as it shot from the tip of my cock. I squirted hard as it coated my skin, warm and sticky.

  “One more day and you will be mine,” I said as I continued to pump cum from my dick to my chest.

  I felt the heat as each load of cum slowly started to run down my chest and make its way to my belly. I closed my eyes, and my whole body vibrated as I orgasmed.

  Fuck! I imagined Elizabeth knelt over me as she licked and cleaned the cum from my body.

  “I hope I fulfilled your desire, Master,” she said in my mind.

  I relaxed on the bed and waited for my cock to subside. The pressure from the tightened cock ring had made my erection last much longer, and my cock felt hot as I removed the ring.

  I removed the nipple clamps and placed all my toys back into my silver case. It was going to be a good weekend, a special weekend. A fucking dark, erotic weekend.

  Elizabeth was going to be mine, if she liked it or not.

  The choice wasn’t hers anymore.


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  Big Bad Twins: A MFM Ménage Romance

  I had a crappy little life in a crappy little town. Then they walked in the door… The Wolf brothers, identical twin billionaires who were hot
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  Then two hot billionaire twins stroll into my diner and turn everything upside down.

  I bet those boys know how to make a woman feel special.

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  They have c*cks.

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  And they might be able to make me forget just how lonely I’ve become…

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  My brother and I have a motto: you can never have too much money or too much pussy.

  Little did we know that when we landed in the Cajun backwater town of Bellegrade, Louisiana, we would find an abundance of both… How fucking blessed are we?

  Yep. We’re going to bang a hot Cajun redhead.

  We both knew it the moment we saw her. I felt lightning shooting through my balls. Tony felt it too. It’s what we call our Wolf Sense.

  We’re going to give that hot Cajun redhead the time of her life.

  And then we’re going to leave.

  Because there’s no woman special enough to make us stay… even if she does have a broken heart.

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  I’d had sex with only two men in my twenty-four years on good old planet Earth before the Wolf brothers sauntered into my diner and charmed their way into my bed.


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