Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 12

by William Gladstone

  And then the key phrase—“please forgive me.”

  Forgiveness is the key to so many traditions both Western and Eastern. The Lord’s Prayer in the Christian tradition includes “Forgive us our trespasses . . .” Forgiveness is a foundational principle in all world religions. Asking for forgiveness is an essential element in the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono and many other indigenous traditions. I suspect there is a reason asking for forgiveness has endured for millennia in so many traditions. It must be effective.

  The rest of Dr. Sha’s exercise has you forgive all those who may have harmed you in this or past lifetimes. You must not just forgive them totally, but you must honor and appreciate those who have harmed you. This may seem inappropriate if someone has truly violated you, but I can assure you from personal experience that forgiveness sets you free and also provides a blessing for whomever you may be forgiving. Growing up, I was severely beaten dozens of times by my schizophrenic older brother. He nearly killed me on several occasions. It was frightful and dreadful. I do not enjoy being around my brother even today, and I avoid him whenever possible. But I do not have any negative thoughts toward him and I truly forgive him and truly love him. We are all on this planet doing the best we can in every moment. Some of us do horrible things to each other. We need to punish or at least contain those who do evil, but we also need to forgive them. We are ultimately all one, and even those doing evil among us are part of the divine energy of the universe that can and will heal all who seek such healing.

  Once you have forgiven everyone and yourself, you ask for the divine treasures that will expand your Jin Dan. This is the good part. This is where you get your power. Your power to heal and transform. You are now ready to ask for specific healings for whatever is ailing, whether mental, emotional, or physical. This is the opportunity to ask that the universe support and bless your key relationships. You do not need to limit yourself to healing alone. You can ask that all aspects of your life be blessed, your finances, your intelligence, and your success in all your endeavors. It seems too good to be true, but it is not.

  Now you end your exercise by expressing gratitude:

  I am extremely grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  It is not enough to just say you are grateful. You must verbalize your thanks, and saying “thank you” three times is the minimum. You can never say thank you enough. You are thanking the energy that has created you and the universe for your very existence. The greatest miracle of all is that you are alive and connected to all matter and energy in every moment. By recognizing this fact, you can create your own miracles. At least this is what Dr. Sha believes. I have to admit that as I observe and experience the divine gifts that Dr. Sha has brought to so many people, I am beginning to believe as well.

  Am I losing my objectivity? Perhaps, but I do not think that that is the case. Dr. Sha’s teachings are perhaps more powerful if you believe in his concepts of reincarnation and past lives, but such beliefs are not necessary. Do the above exercise and discover for yourself. Just keep an open mind and allow yourself to feel energy moving through you. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that you have the ability to heal yourself and receive countless blessings.

  Can Calligraphy Heal?

  IF YOU HAD asked me this question a year ago, I would have emphatically said “no.” Today I am not so sure. I am still somewhat in disbelief even though I have personally used Dr. Sha’s calligraphy to heal my golfer’s elbow and eye strain. I am unsure because I know that I also did the healing chant and I have a personal relationship with Dr. Sha. Perhaps the healing only worked because of the chants and my personal relationship with Dr. Sha. How can I be certain?

  As I have previously admitted, I am not much of a meditator or chanter. I really just did the chants once or twice and without any real commitment to them, so my healings in my mind either have to do with my relationship with Dr. Sha or with the calligraphy or perhaps some combination of both. Dr. Sha is absolutely certain that his calligraphy can heal. Of course, it is better to do the chants as well.

  In studying other miraculous events, there have been reports of miracle healings that have occurred just on the basis of contact with images and pictures of Jesus and Mary. I have never taken these reports seriously. Just cases of believers who hypnotized themselves into believing these artistic creations healed them. Really, how can a work of art heal us? Art is beautiful. It makes us feel good to look at it, but heal us? You’ve got to be kidding.

  And yet it is becoming harder and harder for me to doubt Dr. Sha.

  In his book Soul Healing Miracles Dr. Sha writes, “In June 2013 the Source gave me new power to create the Source Calligraphy for healing, blessing, and life transformation.” Well I guess a year ago this healing modality did not even exist. This is one of the qualities I so admire and enjoy in working with Dr. Sha. He is constantly evolving and improving as a healer and as a human being. With all the success he has already achieved with his energy medicine healing, who would have thought he would be motivated to learn an entirely new modality, an entirely new art? I have seen the video of Dr. Sha training with his calligraphy teacher (you can view the trailer here: drsha.com/soulhealingmiracles/soul-healing-miracles-and-the-source-ling-guang-calligraphies). Just learning how to do this level of artistic creation is not easy. To think there is also healing energy behind the effort boggles the mind. I could not imagine John of God or any other “natural miracle” healer having the drive to develop such a new talent.

  In Soul Healing Miracles Dr. and Master Sha explains that on August 8, 2003, an era that had lasted 15,000 years ended and a new era began. The new era is called the Soul Light Era. The Soul Light Era will also last 15,000 years. In Dr. Sha’s belief system there are a series of 15,000-year cycles for each era, and this new era is especially propitious, allowing human beings to connect with saints and countless soul treasures. These soul treasures are the reason he was able to create Soul Light Calligraphy that allows those who view and touch his calligraphy to receive divine blessings.

  Although I highly respect Dr. Sha and his beliefs, I do not share his belief system. I am an expert on the Mayan calendar and believe that their system of 26,000-year cycles is more aligned with physical evidence than the idea of 15,000-year cycles. The precession in the orbit of our planet is 26,000 years, not 15,000 years. In other words, our planet takes 26,000 years to complete a cycle in which the wobble in the rotation of the earth comes to a completion. Most scientists do not think there is necessarily a connection between the precession cycle and human cycles, but many Mayan scholars do, including John Major Jenkins, who has written extensively about this phenomenon. In any event, for Dr. Sha the concept of 15,000-year cycles is important and the specific date of August 8, 2003, is the date on which our present cycle began. For the Mayans, our present cycle began on December 22, 2012, the day after the previous 26,000-year cycle ended on December 21, 2012. My novel The Twelve explains why December 21, 2012, was such a pivotal date and why the Mayans believe that we have entered a new cycle that will honor feminine rather than masculine spiritual principles.

  I share this aside because it is not important whether or not we agree with Dr. Sha’s concepts of reincarnation, karma cleansing, or the concept of 15,000-year cycles. All that matters is whether Dr. Sha’s techniques and his calligraphy actually produce soul healing miracles and blessings to those who gaze upon them. Apparently the answer remains yes. I do not expect every reader to just take my word for the powerful healing effects that this calligraphy has. Dr. Sha has graciously created a wonderful calligraphy image for this book.

  On page 319, you will see a special Soul Calligraphy calligraphy image that Dr. Sha created on Saturday, April 19, 2014, especially for this book called Ling Guang Calligraphy.

  If you want a quick overview of how and why this calligraphy is able to help you heal and provide blessings, let’s paraphrase how Dr. Sha explains the origin and use of his calligraphy in Soul Healing Mira

  According to Dr. Sha this calligraphy:

  Carries Source energy.

  Carries Source love, forgiveness, compassion, and light.

  Connects with countless saints both in Heaven and on Mother Earth.

  Carries countless Heaven’s saints’ animals.

  Carries countless treasures of Heaven, the Divine, Tao, and the Source.

  Dr. Sha provides precise exercises and instructions on how to use this calligraphy to heal spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. He recommends his Four Power Techniques of Body Power, Soul Power, Mind Power, and Sound Power.

  We will only provide the example of Body Power. The basic instructions are:

  •put one palm on the page with the photo of the Source Calligraphy. Put your other palm on any part of the body that needs healing; or,

  •put the page with the photo of the Source Calligraphy on any part of your body that needs healing; or,

  •meditate, looking at the Source Calligraphy, or just have the Source Calligraphy near you while you meditate.

  Again, this is just one of the four techniques. Should you use this, be sure to end your session acknowledging that the calligraphy is healing you and thank the calligraphy for participating in your healing.

  From Dr. Sha’s perspective, every time you ask for healing, you must acknowledge the source of that healing and express gratitude for the healing. These are the two critical steps that you must never forget to do.

  I have no idea if doing this exercise with the calligraphy in this book will have any immediate impact on your health or well-being. I do know that thousands of people have reported healings just by using the calligraphy in Soul Healing Miracles. I am not attempting to provide the benefits of Dr. Sha’s soul healing miracles to you in this book. I just want to provide you with as much background as I can on what Dr. Sha does, how he does it, and how simple and non-invasive his techniques are. You do not need to change your own belief system to benefit from soul healing miracles. I continue to maintain my own beliefs regarding the nature of the universe and the relationships between my everyday reality and the unseen dimensions that clearly influence human beings and the evolution of health and wellness throughout our lives. I am intrigued by Dr. Sha’s beliefs and impressed with how they work, not just for him but for thousands of people. I believe that his calligraphy does in fact offer healing properties, not just to those who follow his practices but even to those who, like me, just casually look upon the calligraphy as art. I do not understand how this calligraphy can actually heal people, but then I would have never believed that simple chants and exercises of gratitude and forgiveness could serve as healing agents either.

  Can Sound and Music Heal?

  ONE OF THE unique aspects of Dr. Sha’s personality and his healings is his devotion to chanting and singing. Dr. Sha loves to sing, and he sings well. Famous singers such as Roberta Flack have said, “His voice is incredible and carries incredible power. . . . His voice is like the voice of God singing. God’s voice in his body is so unique that it is definitely a healing sound.”

  When Dr. Sha does his healing chants in Chinese they sound to me like ancient Native American chants. There is a tone and vibrancy that is universal. According to Dr. Sha, one of his Four Power Techniques for healing is Sound Power. With Sound Power you take a phrase and you repeat the phrase out loud many times. If you are not able to sing or repeat the phrase out loud you can think the phrase to yourself, as even thoughts can have healing vibrations.

  An example of Sound Power from Soul Healing Miracles is the following forgiveness practice:

  Chant silently:

  Divine Forgiveness

  Divine Forgiveness

  Divine Forgiveness

  Divine Forgiveness

  Divine Forgiveness

  Divine Forgiveness

  Divine Forgiveness

  Connect with all souls or if you do not believe in reincarnation, with the idea of forgiving all your ancestors for any harm they have ever caused you or you them.

  Then chant:

  I forgive you.

  You forgive me.

  Bring love, peace, and harmony.

  I forgive you.

  You forgive me.

  Bring love, peace, and harmony.

  I forgive you.

  You forgive me.

  Bring love, peace, and harmony.

  I forgive you.

  You forgive me.

  Bring love, peace and harmony.

  Dr. Sha’s instructions are: “Chant these phrases as often as you can. Chant for at least ten minutes per time. The more often and the longer you chant, the better.”

  Dr. Sha shared with me the following story of how chanting healed a clinically ill woman.

  “A very prominent person’s mother had serious leukemia. This family owned a few hospitals. The top oncologist said that this type of leukemia had no cure. The doctors had given her two weeks to live. She could hardly eat, her energy was depleted, and she was lying on the bed, unable to move. The family member asked me to do a remote healing on the telephone to the mother. I offered healing blessings, karma cleansings, and divine treasures. I then sang a Soul Song blessing. The file was sent to the family member. Within two weeks the mother was out of the hospital and she listened to the song day and night. Three months later she went for a checkup. Her leukemia was completely gone. She is still free of leukemia up to today. My Tao Song carries jing qi shen (matter, energy, soul) of the Source with love, forgiveness, compassion, and light of the Source. I always teach that the Source frequency and vibration can transform the frequency and vibration of our health, relationships, finances, and all life.

  “I want you and all readers to remember:

  Source love melts all blockages and transforms all life.

  Source forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace of all life.

  Source compassion boosts energy, stamina, vitality, and immunity of all life.

  Source light heals, prevents sickness, purifies, and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind, and body; prolongs life; transforms relationships; transforms finances; and every aspect of life.

  This seems much too simple to be effective, but thousands of his students do these chants every day and claim extraordinary benefits. You can think of this simple forgiveness practice as chanting a forgiveness mantra. This mantra of forgiveness goes out to the universe and touches all the cells of the universe with healing energy. This healing energy comes back to you with unlimited abundance. This is Dr. Sha’s belief. There certainly can be no harm in sending out this message of forgiveness. Try it.

  If you are like me, you probably won’t do this Sound Power exercise on a regular basis. I don’t and doubt it will ever be part of my routine, but I do feel good when I do it.

  In analyzing why and how sound and music can be healing, I researched the literature on sound and vibrational healing and learned that many mainstream doctors and researchers are exploring the power of sound and music to heal. Studies have been done that show that Gregorian chants, when repeated, can alter the energy of those who chant. New studies are showing that those who listen to chants over extended periods of time can go into alpha or theta brain states, greatly reducing stress. Chanting has been part of many world religions, including Hindu practices and those of indigenous peoples throughout the world. Again, I suggest that practices that have endured universally across different cultures for thousands of years are likely to have had positive results, or they would not have continued.

  For those of you who would like to hear what Dr. Sha’s chanting and singing sounds like go to the following link to hear him: youtube.com/watch?v=2gFe-1uTcHY.

  Whether music has specific healing properties or not, great music and great singing moves us. We often speak of the music of the heavens, and almost all major religions have singing or chanting as part of their spiritual practices. There is a reason for this, and no doubt that reason is related to the deeper reality that the source o
f all energy and all matter is vibration. Harmonious vibrations are soothing. Cacophony and screeching sounds upset us. Choose positive vibrations in your life. Listen to Dr. Sha’s singing and see how it makes you feel. If you resonate, you may find that just listening is one of the easiest healing practices you will ever have the joy to experience.

  The Company We Keep

  I HAVE EXPERIENCED as a businessman, anthropologist, literary agent, and author that we can learn a lot about people from observing the company they keep. Who are the people they spend time with, what motivates those people? As a young boy I would accompany my father as he visited printing companies and other vendors with whom he did business as a book publisher. I would ask my father why he wanted to visit these companies when he could just phone them. “I can tell a lot about a company by the way people act. Are they smiling? Are they busy? Is the warehouse clean? Those details tell me whether I want to do business with a company or not,” he advised.

  In the case of Dr. Sha, I have learned that he attracts highly intelligent people who are motivated by a sincere desire to heal and help others. Even the people who primarily help him in an administrative, legal, or financial advisory capacity are highly evolved souls dedicated to helping others. They are thoughtful, concerned with details and impeccable ethics, and want clarity and fairness in all they do. Perhaps this is due in part to the belief they share that karma will ultimately decide the fate of their souls, but whatever the reason, they go out of their way to acknowledge others, to be kind, and to treat potential business associates with respect and generosity. Dr. Sha sets the tone by always acknowledging how grateful he is to those who work with him and for him. He sets the model, and if there is a corporate identity around Dr. Sha’s enterprises, it is about gratitude.


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