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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 18

by William Gladstone

  But for all the challenges and side effects, the pills actually worked. The virus in my blood went below the levels where it could be measured, a very positive clinical sign. My T-cells, the good cells that fight disease, climbed slowly back to 300 and over several years kept climbing and hit a plateau in the 500 range. Not normal, but for someone with my history, very, very good!

  Nearly ten years later, I met Master Sha. I wasn’t looking for a spiritual teacher, as I was still working with Amritam and two different gurus from India. But there was one area in which I knew I wanted a teacher. Ever since I was a boy, I had always had the sense that healing miracles can happen. It even seemed to me that we actually should be able to create them. It seemed to me that this was part of our natural way of being, and that somehow we had gotten lost. For about a year before meeting Master Sha, I had been saying that I really wanted to meet someone who could teach how to perform actual miracles.

  At this point in time, I was doing massage and energy work, both at a spa and at a healing clinic at the local Unity Church in Honolulu. I had heard there was some kind of Chinese medicine guy coming to do a talk at Unity who was supposed to be highly respected, but I really didn’t know anything about him or about what he did, and didn’t have any strong desire to go see him. I mentioned it in passing to my roommate, and then just let it go. When the evening of the talk came around, I happened to be flipping through my e-mail and found the flyer for Master Sha’s talk. Again, I mentioned it to my roommate, but with little or no expectation that we would be going. Next thing I knew, Robert was standing in the doorway saying, “Come on! Let’s go!” So we went. That night, Master Sha performed a Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission System blessing for a woman who had virtually no cartilage in her knees. She could barely walk with a cane. Master Sha offered her spiritual blessings. Within a couple of hours, she had put her cane aside and was walking up and down the church sobbing what appeared to be tears of gratitude. I had a strong feeling that I had found the teacher who could teach me about creating miracle healings.

  I continued to study with Master Sha. I have learned so much about the energy centers and pathways of the body. My awareness of how healing actually happens has deepened tremendously. I have received countless transmissions to further my healing. I have received blessings, transmissions, and practices to boost my energy, stamina, and vitality. This has been one of the most notable outcomes of knowing Master Sha. I serve as the event manager for many of Master Sha’s events. I am the business manager for Master Sha’s Soul Healing Center in San Francisco. It is not unusual for me to work until one, two, or three o’clock in the morning. For someone who has been through what I have been through, I am amazed that my body can keep up as it does. When we have retreats, both I and another staff person with AIDS are usually there before most of the participants get there in the morning and after they leave at night. And many, or most, of those are people with no health challenges. The blessings and practical techniques from Master Sha work! Without them, I am sure I would not be able to keep up.

  I am also so grateful to be one of Master Sha’s Divine Channels and Worldwide Representatives. As such, I am able to offer Soul Healing Miracle Blessings to others to clear their karma and help reduce their suffering. I am so humbled to be able to do this, to be used by the Divine in this way. All I have ever wanted is to share my heart and soul with others in love. Being a Divine Channel allows me to do so in a very special way.

  Master Sha once asked me what full healing of my condition would look like. To date, there are almost no cases in medical literature of someone who has had AIDS for as long as I have, where HIV has been completely cleared from his or her body. Many who have started treatment right after infection have cleared it. This is known as post-exposure prophylaxis. One patient, known as the Berlin patient, was seen to have cleared HIV from his system as a result of doing a bone marrow transplant. Part of the bone marrow transplant is to use immune suppression therapy. This effectively destroys the host’s immune system and replaces it with the immune system of the donor. In this case, the donor also had the benefit of having a rare gene mutation that renders resistance to HIV infection. The bone marrow transplant procedure is so invasive and risky, however, it is not even being considered as a general treatment. There are other men living with HIV who have also had bone marrow transplants for other conditions and are continuing on HIV treatment. Given this, I told Master Sha that the first indicator would be my T-cell count going back to normal. My count was “stalled” in the 500 range. Recently, my doctor told me that my T-cell count was in the normal range, above 700. This is incredibly good news, for which I am very grateful. We will keep looking for other health markers and we both have great hope that a full healing will be accomplished.

  Master Sabine Parlow

  From Successful Insurance Broker to Divine Channel

  I WAS BORN on a Sunday in November. During my childhood I was told many times that it is something special, being a Sunday child. At that time I did not understand it: my childhood was special, as very often I had been very sick and I was much too thin and too small.

  I grew up in a small village in the north of Germany together with my mother, my three brothers, and two sisters. We lived a simple life and I learned early to integrate all the household work and the work in the garden into my life. In this way we could jointly contribute to our livelihood and we learned to appreciate nature, herbs, the countryside, and also animals.

  At about seven years of age I started going to school, but was immediately taken to a hospital for two months as I had a contagious disease. No visitors and no contact with the outside world. Only once a month I was allowed to see my mother behind a glass panel. I think I learned very early to have inner strength and to believe in myself.

  At the age of eight I joined religious classes held in our village. I was able to learn from a Catholic priest much about the Bible, about God, and about the Ten Commandments, which I still carry in my heart today. In many sick and lonesome hours I have called upon God and the saints for protection.

  I went to school for ten years. Financial reasons prevented me from going to university. This often distressed me, and the wish to study one day always remained.

  I learned to be a professional office clerk in a large company. I had the good fortune to be surrounded by wonderful colleagues who trusted me. I wasn’t measured according to my social standing, but by my personality and my engagement. This built my self-confidence, and at the age of thirty I started a four-year university education program and received a business degree.

  At that time I already had two wonderful daughters and my husband, who supported me fully. I should have been satisfied; however, a strong desire and restlessness prevented me from experiencing the inner peace that I had been seeking.

  Since the days of my childhood, I knew that something special exists in life, although I could not name it, nor did I have an idea of what it could be. So I was restless and searching for this inner fulfillment. In my early childhood I often had a certain image in my dreams: that I would meet a special Asian man. I thought it was absurd, as I grew up in the former German Democratic Republic and traveling to other parts of the world was impossible. Nevertheless, this picture and thought returned again and again.

  At an early stage of my life I became interested in alternative healing methods, as a man in our village was healing through his words. I witnessed myself how he helped some of our village inhabitants in a most mysterious way when modern medicine was at its wit’s end. I admired this form of healing and I wished to learn more. However, this path was not encouraged and one would only speak secretively about it.

  So I was over thirty and still searching for this unknown wisdom, the teachings and secrets. I had just gone through an operation on my lower abdomen and my breast and been told that if I had waited longer cancer could have developed. Many people are shaken when hearing these words. I have also wondered, why me? We were looking forward to
having another child. I would experience two more pregnancies; however, both babies transitioned directly after birth. I was in a very delicate situation with myself and my environment. At the time, I was full of self-pity.

  I kept asking myself why all this was happening to me. I searched for inner peace, which was still missing. I wanted to learn something, something special, and yet did not know what it could be. No idea, no words, no clue. However, I knew it was to be found somewhere, but where? What could it be?

  Then a stroke of fate hit me that it took me years to recover from. My favorite brother transitioned due to a car accident and my world broke apart. My brother and I had been best friends, trusting each other, and had been fighters in the business world and had enjoyed so many little things together. We had achieved success beyond our very simple world into which we had been born. We had jointly cared for our mother. She had moved into our village and had left the village community that she had known for fifty years. We wanted to care for her together, however eight months later, this dream came to an end.

  So I took over my brother’s business and led it for several years. At that time I had my own business and operated out of two offices in the city. Every night I prayed that my life should end. I did not want to live on without my brother. He always needed me . . . and I needed him.

  God heard my prayers and I developed cancer. It was already in an advanced state when I got notice of it. I was prepared to leave Mother Earth. The doctors gave me little hope for a long life.

  However, by then my daughter had given me my first grandchild, and my daughter reminded me that both of them now needed me.

  So one night I made a promise and asked the Divine to gift my life back to me. I promised to spend my further life in service to others, although I did not know how. I asked again that this path be shown to me, and it was.

  On July 7, 2007, I received the wonderful opportunity to meet Master and Dr. Zhi Gang Sha. He was touring Germany for the first time and I took the chance to participate in his workshop in Hamburg. A couple of weeks earlier I had received the recommendation to read his book Soul Mind Body Medicine. I was fascinated, my heart was touched and I could not understand how a human being was able to write a book with so much love and devotion. Only some years later when I read the German version of the book again did I fully understand it.

  From the first moment I saw Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha I absorbed his teachings and wisdom. I knew I had found my teacher and Master. It was love and compassion for all souls that emanated from him. There were so many new aspects, so much hope, so much curiosity and the feeling of coming home.

  Since that first workshop, I have been his student in Total GOLD and on the same weekend I handed in my application for further training. I heard words like karma cleansing or Akashic Records for the first time, nevertheless, everything was clear to me, very important and familiar.

  At that time I had a full-time job and was successful as a freelancer for a large insurance company with operations in Europe and worldwide. My profession was fun for me, I was successful and I enjoyed many amenities.

  However, the more I integrated the teachings, knowledge, and wisdom of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha into my life, the greater the distance to the commercial world became. I got to know other things that were important to me and that enriched my life.

  This situation has lasted for approximately seven years now.

  In 2010 a special situation occurred within my family. My daughter happened to have strong pain throughout her whole body. She could hardly move or get up from bed. This situation had lasted already for several days. No medical doctor could help her, no clear diagnosis could be given. I was once again on my way to a retreat in Toronto called Divine Transformation. I had the opportunity to speak to Master Sha about my daughter. At that time he was offering for the first time the karma cleansing for the emotional and mental body. He took my daughter as a demo person and transmitted the karma cleansing via webcast from Canada to Germany. A little later I had my daughter on the phone and she could get up again, could walk upright, and her pain was gone. This was an extraordinary miracle.

  Master Sha offered me the great honor to become his Disciple, his Worldwide Representative and Divine Channel.

  I have received this honor beginning February 2011. This meant to progress rapidly on my soul journey and resulted in new challenges in my business life, my private life, and for my whole family. Everything turned upside down, everything was renewed, challenging, and beautiful. Things that were important for me before turned stale. The unknown and the new became interesting. The more I learned, the less I knew. The world and the wisdom that opened up to me were endless and fascinating.

  In June 2012 Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha gave me the responsibility over the European business. This meant to restructure all of the business processes, to find appropriate and competent business partners to put the European Mission onto a solid and powerful foundation. I found out that managing both businesses was not in alignment for me anymore. So I decided to give up my profession as an insurance and finance agent and to fully concentrate on the business aspects as well as on the teaching and the spreading of the Mission.

  I am so happy to have made this decision, as living a double life before did not fulfill me. To find inner peace and inner joy, one has to follow the soul and to listen and pay attention to her wishes. On January 1, 2014, a very big wish came true and I could end my exclusive contract with the insurance company prior to its official ending date.

  Now I only serve one company.

  Today I feel this fascination and I enjoy all of my tasks. I am grateful for all the challenges, as I know it is God’s plan. He is the creator and the motto is “Follow nature’s way.” When I follow this path, much is possible and can be achieved and fulfilled. During all of the years that I have known Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, I have experienced that he dedicates his heart to humanity and all souls to spread love, peace, and harmony. The quiet aspiration that all souls carry within will become reality one day. Master Sha pursues this unique goal with indescribable devotion, love, forgiveness, compassion, and purity, and we all take part in it.

  We are able to learn, to experience, and be amazed. We can purify and further grow on our spiritual journey. Each day gifts us new blessings and offers us new challenges. Each day is a new beginning on our soul journey.

  I am full of appreciation and gratitude for all these experiences. I am so grateful that I have met Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha and that I may be part of this soul family. I thank all who prepared this path for me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share this with all of you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  In love and gratitude,

  Master Sabine Parlow

  Master Lynne Nusyna

  From Business Executive to Divine Channel

  MY NAME IS Lynne Frances Nusyna. I have the honor to be a Divine Channel, Disciple, and Worldwide Representative of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. Through Master Sha I have been given the privilege of the title of Master. This is beyond my greatest dreams in this life. I did not envision that any of these honors would be given to me. I feel very privileged to be able to serve in this way.

  I would like to share with you some of the events and circumstances of my life, my soul journey, my healing journey, and how I came to work with Master Sha.

  I was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1948. My parents, Ruth and Morris, had both come through the Second World War without harm and were living with my maternal grandparents at the time of my birth. My mother was born in Canada. My father, his mother and father and sisters, had come from Poland when he was eight years old. My family is Jewish. The extended family in Poland was large and very close. It was not easy for my grandparents to make the decision to leave.

  Before the war my grandmother went back to visit her family and urged them to come to North America. She was quite “psychic” and feared for their future. A few of her brothers did come. She had nine siblings. Whe
n the Russians and then the Germans invaded the country, many were caught in the firestorm that became the Holocaust. My great-grandparents, great-uncles, aunts, and cousins were all lost. We learned of their fate after the war.

  The pain that this brought to my grandparents and to my father was incalculable and left its mark on me and all of our family members. To this day there is a feeling that there are many empty seats at our table on religious holidays, and there is a well of grief that has affected us all.

  Some of those who survived came to Canada after the war and arrived just before my birth. So I was the focus of a lot of hopes and dreams . . . and love . . . for many people. I was the first grandchild in my father’s family and the first girl in my mother’s. My grandparents lived next door to each other, so you can imagine how much attention I received.

  Both families had their own businesses, and my father worked in his parents’ furniture and appliance stores in downtown Toronto. My mother was a bookkeeper and worked outside of the home on a part-time basis.

  Soon after my birth I became quite ill. A high fever and seizures. My life was in jeopardy. I was in the hospital for some time receiving medication intravenously. I survived, but there was no definitive diagnosis, so a pall of concern fell over my family. They were quite adamant that I always “take care of myself” and they shared the story of this life-threatening experience many, many times. It became the first of many illnesses that I experienced and continue to experience to this day.

  Growing up I had a fierce need to achieve. Whether it was in school or in sports, I tried to do well. For the most part I succeeded. I got good grades and often I was selected for leadership roles at school, like the student council or captain of a sports team. Also, I received a religious education, attending Hebrew school twice a week and religious school on the weekends. My parents were Reform Jews, so women could partake equally in all aspects of religious life and education. I took piano lessons and dance lessons too. So it was a very well-rounded, normal existence for a middle-class, North American Jewish girl. I was very fortunate.


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