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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 19

by William Gladstone

  The religious part of my upbringing instilled “scholarly” qualities in me. Judaism is a religion that encourages “questioning.” Formulating a good question is more important than the answer. One has to think it through well before asking. I learned this at a young age because I was very curious about everything, particularly about the big questions of life. What is the purpose of life? Why do people fight with each other? Why do people worship differently? Is there more than one God? Why do people suffer? How could something like the Holocaust take place in the modern world? These were just a few of the questions. Most of all I couldn’t grasp why ethnic groups, racial groups, and religious groups were so divided. It seemed wrong to me.

  When I was old enough to do things on my own, I went out to explore. I went to churches and Buddhist temples. I went with my mother to one of the first yoga classes that was held in Toronto. We learned about meditation. I was seventeen. My father, also very curious, became the leader of a Christian/Jewish dialogue group, and I had a similar dialogue that I organized with my Christian and Jewish friends in high school. I became an active spiritual “seeker” looking for answers.

  One other constant in my young life was that I was often quite sick. Despite the best efforts of my family and me, I developed respiratory issues and had pneumonia and bronchitis many times. I suffered from digestive problems that caused a lot of pain in my abdomen. Though I was quite athletic, I was really not very strong. When it came to my immune system I seemed to pick up every virus there was. So I spent quite a lot of time in bed, and I used that time to read a lot. I also wrote plays and poetry. I had a diary where I recorded my thoughts about life, religion, and relationships. I explored myself inwardly and tried at the same time to answer those big questions.

  As to the illnesses, I wasn’t diagnosed with any specific condition until much later in life. My parents always said I had allergies, that my constitution was weak and that many people in my family suffered from similar maladies. I just learned to accept this and take it as an opportunity to develop in other ways.

  When I completed high school, I moved on to university. Most of my friends joined me at the University of Toronto.

  I loved learning so it was difficult to choose a major because so many things interested me. I decided to focus on two instead of one and studied both psychology and English literature and drama. My career goal was to be both a teacher and a psychologist. I was hoping to find a way to combine the two.

  While at school I also did volunteer work in the downtown core. I was at a street hostel helping kids deal with drugs and life on the streets. I got training on how to counsel and support them. This confirmed for me how much I wanted to serve people, to help them. I had been doing some form of volunteer work since my early teens, so that impulse to serve had been evident for a long time.

  When I graduated with an Honors B.A., I was ready to move on and become a teacher. I had already started to teach religious studies at my parents’ synagogue and I liked it. The volunteer work showed me I could be a good counselor too. I applied to the College of Education and took both the English teaching program and the counseling program, thinking I would be working in both capacities in a high school in about a year.

  The year in college was great because I knew very quickly that I was not suited for life in a public high school. It was just too confining. With some good coaching from the head of the counseling program, I decided to go out to work and apply to graduate school, intending to be a part-time student there. I got a job working for a social agency doing rehabilitation work with people with disabilities. I divided my time between doing public relations for them, which I knew very little about, and some counseling. They were both great learning experiences because my boss in the public relations end of things was an experienced newspaper man, writer, and editor. He introduced me to the world of media, and later on in my career I did quite a lot of work with newspapers and television companies. I also got to venture out into the business world because part of my duties was to do fund-raising, which meant connecting with companies who could donate financially to our agency. A very eclectic job but great preparation for the future.

  Meanwhile, I was accepted to graduate school in a combined master’s degree program of adult education and counseling psychology. I became well versed in all of the latest counseling modalities, as therapy and “selfactualization” was huge in the seventies. Gestalt Therapy, Bioenergetics, Transpersonal Psychology, Client-Centered Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, just to name a few.

  Eventually I gave up my job and became a full-time student. I also was actively involved in studying meditation, kundalini yoga, and alternative forms of health treatments. I still suffered from bouts of illness with my lungs and my digestive system. So looking for ways to deal with these naturally was of real interest to me.

  At graduate school I got to do an internship at the Addiction Research Foundation in Toronto, which meant I was seeing actual clients and counseling under the supervision of a resident psychiatrist. While I was in graduate school I was approached to do a short workshop on communications skills. During my internship I did a lot of counseling, but because we were also being trained as adult educators, I developed and delivered programs for clients on how to communicate effectively in relationships and on the job. The workshop I was asked to do was for a professional association of people doing training in the corporate and government world. I didn’t know anything about this kind of work, but always open to a challenge, I took it on. It was a success and one of the participants asked me to deliver a similar course in her company, a multinational insurance corporation. I agreed. So without much knowledge of the business world, I became a part-time corporate trainer. A new door had opened.

  When I left school I decided to become an independent consultant and did many different projects in all kinds of organizations. Change management, leadership development, strategic planning, team building, executive coaching, sales training—I became quite expert in many areas. At one point I took on the challenge of becoming a senior manager in a large corporation and helped facilitate a major shift in their business. I managed the Organizational Development and Training Department and worked across Canada and in the U.S. with the executive team. I enjoyed it all, learned so much and got an inside perspective of how organizations function and what constitutes success and failure there.

  I continued to do counseling too and secured contracts with an employee assistance firm whose clients included police officers, health professionals, teachers, and corporate executives. I kept my practice active and saw clients in the evening, on weekends . . . whenever I could.

  I did get to do it all, just as I had hoped. Moreover, I became a wife and mother too. On a personal note, my family was still a great support and I enjoyed motherhood immensely. If you want to really learn about yourself, look at your children and you will see yourself reflected there. I got that insight early on and it still holds true.

  My spiritual journey did not stop either. I became a student of a very powerful spiritual teacher who was also a psychiatrist. He taught me about new modalities like rebirthing, spiritual attunements, and therapeutic touch. I learned special breathing techniques that brought people to a very deep inner connection and stimulated past-life experiences. Some people would call this regression therapy.

  It was of immense assistance to me. I always felt in my counseling work that the missing element was the spiritual. People tended to repeat the same patterns of behavior, of thinking, of relationships over and over again. I knew intuitively that we were somehow recreating our past-life experiences in our current life. I was sure that I was, but I didn’t know how to access this information or how to apply it. This teacher helped me see it, but clearly the role of karma was important and the teachings didn’t adequately explain how we acquired karma and how we could release it.

  I was still feeling the effects of the physical conditions I had and was finally diagnosed with asthma in my thirti
es. The abdominal issues escalated and at one point I had to have surgery to remove my gallbladder. I avoided this for a very long time by working with a naturopath, but one day I suffered a major attack and was hospitalized. When I saw the picture of my gallbladder and all the stones, I agreed to have the surgery. Because of the effects of the anesthetic I suffered a minor stroke afterward and had some nerve damage. The stroke itself was to become a vehicle for a big leap in my spiritual journey.

  When the stroke occurred I was working with another spiritual teacher and was asking the question out loud: how can I know unequivocally that I am more than my mind and my body? When the stroke occurred, I had no control over my body, my speech, nothing. I was helpless yet I . . . my soul . . . was intact and functioning well. I let my soul take over my mind and body and overall I was very calm, centered and positive. I meditated as the ambulance crew and then emergency room doctor worked on me . . . and through this “peace” I was able to focus and realign everything inside. It was the proof I was asking for. There was a soul . . . another being that existed outside of my physical body and my mind. My teacher said, “Lynne, be careful what you ask for.” I wanted proof, and it came through having a stroke. Wow. I saw when the soul is engaged more fully there is great power.

  I worked with this teacher for a few years more intensely. He had deep wisdom, mostly gathered through his own life and death experiences. I meditated and I learned how to access more directly my own soul’s wisdom. I trained in different forms of energy healing like Reiki. Eventually we moved apart when he informed me that he could take me no further and that I would meet a very special man who was a powerful spiritual teacher and healer. He would take me where I needed to go.

  My health began to deteriorate again and I was hospitalized with acute pain and bleeding in the colon area. I was eventually diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. So now I had two chronic conditions. The asthma was still a large factor in my life too.

  I decided to not take any medical treatment because essentially that would include surgery and large amounts of medication. I did acupuncture treatments and herbs, which helped me to manage both conditions so I could continue to work, study, and be a mom.

  One day a friend called me and said that he and his wife had just heard a Spiritual Master and Healer offering healing over the radio. He said that Dr. Sha was the real deal because they had both experienced relief from pain during the broadcast. They encouraged me to come with them to meet him at a workshop he was offering in the city. My heart skipped a beat when I heard his name because somehow it sounded familiar.

  In March 2003 I went to the workshop, not knowing anything about Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha except that he had impressed my friends with his healing ability. I also had never met a “master,” so I didn’t know what to expect. When he was introduced, I saw a tall Asian man in a sports jacket get up. There were no robes, no special crystals or amulets, just a man.

  As he began to speak I realized very quickly that he was an incredibly powerful teacher. His presence emanated strength and certainty. He said that the purpose of life is to serve. He spoke about the power of the soul. He said everything and everyone has a soul. He said souls can communicate and souls can heal. Every word resonated deeply within me. It all sounded very right. When he said that one has to heal the soul first before the mind and body can be healed I became excited. This was something I had contemplated because of my own physical conditions. I was still suffering. Right away I thought about what my former teacher had said and that maybe Master Sha was that special teacher. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I was ready.

  I continued to listen, and when he described soul communication and that every soul has its own unique language, a huge lightbulb went on within me. For years, whenever I was doing healing—and I had by then learned many healing modalities—a voice started to come through me that was not my regular speaking voice. It sounded like another language. This must be Soul Language, I thought. My soul was trying to engage in the healing I was offering. Wow, that explained a lot.

  During that one afternoon I publicly spoke my Soul Language out loud. I translated other people’s Soul Language and I learned about the nature of karma. That was a significant day for me.

  After the workshop Master Sha offered to clear people’s karma. I was overjoyed. At last there is a way to actually do this. I proceeded to the parking lot, where I received my first karma cleansing. There would be more to follow. I was literally knocked out. When Master Sha said that he was about to start two new classes on the telephone, I jumped up and applied. This was a Soul Study class and a Soul Language class.

  I was really happy. I knew that I had met my teacher, and my soul was singing with gratitude.

  Within a few days I was on the telephone two nights a week with Master Sha. Often these calls went well into the early hours of the morning, but I was so enveloped in the teaching that it didn’t seem to matter that I had a business meeting a few hours later. I loved everything we were doing and it was useful. I could actually apply the practices to my own life, do self-healing and share this with others.

  The telephone classes were quite small, perhaps twenty people total. Most of the students were from the San Francisco area, where Master Sha had gone to spread the teaching. Once a month Master Sha taught a workshop in person on the weekend in Toronto, and I always attended. I met other local students and we met regularly to practice and support each other.

  In July 2003 I had my first private appointment with Master Sha. I went to his small office and immediately he began to teach me how to bow down and honor Divine. He told me this was very important for my soul journey. This was new to me and not what I had expected at all. I thought he would ask me some questions or . . . ? I didn’t know. He shared with me that at a retreat a few days earlier, which I wasn’t able to attend, he had received some remarkable teachings and special treasures. He called them Soul Software. When he explained that these were treasures from Divine, that he was a Divine Channel and they had been given to humanity through him to help us to heal and transform, I jumped at the chance to receive them. So I became the recipient of Soul Software for my Lower Dan Tian and Snow Mountain Areas. These would strengthen my foundation centers and give me a stronger base physically and spiritually. He then taught me how to practice. It was a very special time. I didn’t really understand then that I was witnessing a major step forward for humanity and all souls, but I knew that these tools were what I needed. I trusted Master Sha then and I trust him now.

  I shared with Master Sha that I had some chronic conditions and he seemed to know this already. He gave me special software for my lungs, for my colon, for my intestines, and for my gallbladder, and I practiced with them. I had some relief and was able to get on very well without having to use a “puffer” for the asthma. As I grew older the condition had worsened, and when I was really, really struggling I had begun to use pharmaceuticals to get me through.

  All this time I was still working in the corporate world and offering private counseling. I had taken on a major project in a public organization, and though I functioned as a senior manager, I was a contractor and was able to maintain some flexibility. It included a lot of business traveling, and often I did the evening courses from hotel rooms and airports.

  Whenever I could, I traveled to be part of Master Sha’s yearly Soul Enlightenment Retreats and other events and finally got to meet those voices I had been hearing on the telephone. I became a Power Healer and then Soul Mind Body Medicine Healer and started to offer soul healing to my clients. I also saw that my soul communication abilities were growing and advancing. I didn’t know that my Third Eye was open . . . though I had seen images all my life but never took them as more than the outworking of my very creative imagination. When Master Sha asked me to do some readings and share my Third Eye images at a public event, I was quite surprised . . . but I did. He told me afterward that what I had shared was correct. I was very happy, as I had never antici
pated that I would be able to do this. This was an incredible blessing because I knew that I could serve people even more with this ability. Since studying in the Soul Language course I had also become quite good at translating Soul Language and “flowing” messages through direct soul communication with other souls. Now with these wonderful tools I could see people’s past lives, see blockages in their bodies, communicate with their body soul and the souls of their system and organs, and apply soul healing to help them get well. I felt, and still feel, incredibly blessed. Everything I had hoped to learn was coming to me through Master Sha.

  In 2005 I traveled to China with other students to meet and study with Master Sha’s teacher, Master Guo. He had great wisdom, and his clinic was a haven for people who were considered untreatable. Many of them had advanced cancer and other terminal illnesses. His work in Body Space Medicine and the wisdom teachings he shared with this group from the West was very, very special. I became quite sick when I was there and received herbs from Master Guo. He also did a reading and told me that I was going through a process called “tui bing” (pronounced tway bing), where my body was reexperiencing all of the illnesses from this life and probably past lives as well. I had a high fever, trouble breathing, and abdominal pain, and he gave me herbs and Master Sha gave me soul healing blessings. Clearly there was a lot of purification taking place and I could see blockages clearing within my soul, mind, and body. I also learned that we retain things at the deepest levels, even the illnesses we have experienced.

  I continued to learn from Master Sha, and in 2007 I was honored to be appointed as one of his Assistant Teachers. I was still working in the corporate world, but I managed to attend all the workshops and retreats with him and I started to teach some of the teleconferences. He was passing on these responsibilities to his assistants. We taught the new soul healers and soul communicators and offered support at the bigger events that were now happening around the world. Master Sha had broadened his teaching to locations in Europe and Australia.


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