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The Twisted Laird

Page 36

by Cherime MacFarlane

  Gritting his teeth, he turned his back to the fire to warm his backside. Ailene came bouncing up to him. He was in no condition to be dealing with a small child. Searching the room, he saw Lara across the room trying to amuse the toddlers.

  He did not see Rhona and presumed she was upstairs. Ailene put her hands up and rapidly curled and uncurled her fingers.

  "Up?" the little girl asked with a smile.

  With a sigh, Edan squatted down, taking some of the strain off his leg by placing his right fist on the floor and letting his arm take some of the weight. "Sweeting, Da's all wet. If I take ye up, ye will be wet tae. Rhona will nae thank me for getting ye as soaked as we are."

  Her small lower lip quivered and Edan felt his resolve crumble. "We're going tae have Rhona berating tha both of us, wean."

  Edan held out his left arm and the little girl threw herself against his chest.

  "Have ah care! Dinnae knock yur old Da on tha ground." Pushing up from the floor with the child held against his chest, Edan turned back to the fire. "I'm gonnae take ye up tae Rhona."

  Her lower lip quivered again. Edan cupped her chin in his right hand. "Darling lass, why do I think ye're playing with yur da? Aye, I do believe ye are. Nae arguments here, it's up to Rhona with ye."

  The pain in his head spiked when rising from the floor with the child. Upstairs, Edan lowered Ailene to the floor before the door to her room. He did not have a chance to call out or knock. Ailene pushed on the door and it swung open.

  Flying inside, calling Rhona's name, the child was oblivious to the nude woman rummaging in the chest. Edan groaned in the doorway when Rhona turned in response to Ailene. Taking a step inside the room, Edan could not look away. He had seen her bare breasts and had wondered at the rest. Now he knew.

  Everything receded into the background, the ache in his leg and the child were nothing to Edan. Rhona's dark gaze was fixed on him. She appeared to be pinned in place.

  Swallowing hard, Edan took one tentative step forward. Ailene grabbed Rhona's bare leg and Edan felt as if the room spun. Turning, Rhona grabbed a skirt from the chest and held it tightly against her body with one arm.

  Edan turned on his left heel and stomped away. He half stumbled down the stairs and tuned into the cubby where his bed stood. Jerking the door shut behind him, Edan got off his boots, stockings and trousers.

  Pulling off his damp shirt, Edan wrapped it around his throbbing cock and closed his eyes. He wanted the woman. Rhona was all he wanted. Biting the inside of his mouth to keep silent, he relieved himself with the picture of her body fresh in his mind.

  That night he did not leave his bed to eat. Edan hid in his box bed, as if it were the old Pict cave. He was not sure if he was hiding from Rhona or himself. Tomorrow he would venture back out into the clan. After tomorrow, he only needed to survive to Hogmanay. Somehow, he could make it through the months, a day at a time. After Ailene's birthday, a full year would have passed since Daracha's death. What to do from there was not formed in his mind, but it was a goal he was trying to reach. Delving any further into his motives caused Edan to feel uneasy.

  He tried to shut his ears and brain off from the noise of the household beyond the thin wall that cut the cubbyhole off from his family. Muting the noise by pulling bedding over his head, Edan felt like a child sent to his room for a misdeed. He did not understand who he was anymore and was afraid to find out.

  After Edan spun around and left, Rhona sat heavily on the end of the bed. Turning to reprimand Ailene, Rhona changed her mind with a shake of her head. She was at fault, not Ailene. I didnae secure tha damnable door. She thought as she closed her eyes.

  She needed to get dressed and go downstairs. They would be eating soon. How in the name of all that was holy could she face him? Rhona wondered if Edan knew what it had cost her to keep from running to him.

  His face had held a look much like a starving man facing a venison joint placed before him. Eyes glittering like jewels in his head, Edan did indeed, look dangerous. Rhona wanted to be devoured by him. Her body shook as if chilled. It had been so very long since someone had looked at her with desire.

  Ailene was the reason she had covered herself. It would have been so very easy to give in, to let him take her. Rhona knew much of his manner of making love to Daracha, but this Edan, this man seething with passion, was an altogether different story.

  Too soon! It was too soon for him. As much as he wanted her, Rhona doubted he would be happy with the result. She must not give in easily. But, if he did come to her, she could not reject him.

  Dear God! She was walking a fine line with the man. If she rejected him, heaven only knew what he might do. If Edan did take her, it could not be against her will, he would surely never forgive himself.

  They must wait. Somehow they had to get through the winter months into early spring. Ailene's birthday would be the turning point. But how to keep him at arm's length when she wanted his kisses, his hard body against her own?

  Pushing up from the bed, Rhona dressed hurriedly. She must go downstairs and pretend all was normal between them. For Edan's sake as well as her own, there must be no hint of what had taken place in this bedroom. The consequences of not playing the cards correctly, were enormous. Rhona readied herself and made her way downstairs.

  The dance Rhona and Edan did to avoid being alone, did not go unnoticed. The members of their family instinctively understood the need. Parson James would surely frown on any liaison between the two. It would be no surprise if he refused to marry them, as a suitable mourning period had not passed.

  Rhona gratefully accepted the help of the other women. Edan's acceptance was grudging. Mild tempered Edan had disappeared and a slightly angry, vaguely irritated man took his place.

  The only time he exhibited any sign of the other Edan, was when dealing with the children. As surrogate father to all but the twins, Edan was called upon to settle arguments, inspect scrapes and scratches and tell stories.

  He used the old Latin Bible and told the oral history of the clan. Edan wanted the children to know their history. Skirting the matter of Culloden, instead, he spoke of Robert The Bruce, of Wallace and Gideon The Templar.

  Not wanting Hamish to be forgotten, he told the children of the many times the sight had guided Hamish. Knowing the Parson would not be pleased, he explained how Hamish often prayed for guidance and likened the sight to a gift from God. It was how Edan put the idea to the children, regardless of his own view, that it was disconcerting.

  They sat around Edan in the evening after eating, waiting patiently for him to finish his tea and decide what he would tell them. Settling themselves to some easy chore, the women were as ready as the children. Jamie sat next to Rut, working on a bit of harness.

  Edan removed the old Bible from its box and gave it a pat. Glancing out the window, he could see fat, wet snow falling in the light that poured out of the cottage. The temperature was mild and it was doubtful the mess would stay frozen. They would all be working hard in the daylight to clear a path to the coal shed, the chickens, and the stable.

  Tonight he would keep it short. Edan glanced around his waiting family, they would have a story about themselves this night. The tale of Ailene's kidnaping by the MacNabs would suffice. If he gave them a Bible story, there would be far too many questions. This story would go quickly. The only comments, would probably be grumbling against the MacNab.

  With a slight grin, he wondered how they would take the ending of the story, when Gideon offered the MacNab a place in the glen. Finishing his tea, Edan asked Lara to fetch him a cup of ale to keep his throat moist as he spoke.

  Popping up to her feet, Lara took his empty cup and ran over to find the jug. After handing the full cup to Edan, Lara sat back down and gathered Cadell into her lap.

  "Och! Weans, this is ah story of Ailene. She was nae careful an didnae watch around her. It near cost Ailene her life an tha life of Gideon. Now, hold yur tongues until tha telling is done, mind."

er a quick sip of the ale, Edan began telling the tale. The house was quiet as all listened carefully. Edan was good at telling the old stories. An added benefit was the relaxed state it usually put him in, that was good for everyone.

  Chapter Fifty - Three

  The coming of spring brought smiles to all but Edan. The closer it got to Ailene's birthday and the anniversary of Daracha's death, the more irritable he became. With nearly three weeks to go, all walked carefully around him.

  Now, he often retired at night without bothering to do more than grunt something unintelligible at the individual unwary enough to cross his path. Only Ailene appeared unaffected by his ill temper. Any stories told were usually done at her urging.

  The early budding of the rowan tree and the early spring grass was curtailed by a late spring storm. It piled an enormous amount of snow over everything. The thaw was halted and all the melt water turned to slick ice. Everyone turned out to try to clear what they could.

  In the process of tossing ash onto the path to the coal shed behind Adie, who was shoveling, Rhona hit a slick spot and was unable to catch her balance. The ash bucket went flying and the woman slammed into the hard ground. Her head hit the ground with a thud.

  Dropping his shovel, Adie went first to Rhona. Her eyes were open, but she was not able to answer him. The boy ran into the house for help. Kyla was the first to dash out to Rhona. Gasping for breath, Rhona lay on the icy ground.

  As the other women crowded around, they suddenly heard Edan's voice. "Damn tha bloody ice! Move tha lot of ye, we must get her inside tae her bed. Clear tha way!"

  Face pale, Edan joined Kyla at Rhona's side. "Take her other arm! Help me get her ontae her feet."

  Without argument, Kyla helped Edan get Rhona up.

  "Och! I'm spinning!" Rhona cried out before spewing onto the path.

  "Devil take this!" Edan mumbled as he lifted her into his arms.

  "Edan! Nae, put me down. I'll walk." Rhona cried out even as her arms went around his neck.

  "Haud yer wheesht! Haud bloody still afore ye drop tha both of us. Ye're going tae be tha cause of me going round tha bend!"

  "I slipped. Edan, 'twas an accident. If ye're thinking I do things just tae cause ye difficulties, ye're sorely mistaken." Rhona whispered.

  Scampering ahead, Adie opened the door for Edan to carry Rhona through.

  When he started toward the stairs, Rhona stiffened in his hold. "Nae! Set me down, I can manage tha stairs on my own."

  Callum was at the foot of the stairs, watching as Edan carried Rhona without stopping.

  "God's teeth! Ye caile, bloody be still! I've heard enough." Edan brushed the boy aside, as he started up the stairs.

  Her face went pale. Behind him Edan heard Callum's angry response to the insult Edan had dealt to Rhona. "She's nae a dirty woman. Ye've nae right."

  "She didnae do what she was told when they burned tha yard. Keep yur nose out of tha matter, laddie. 'Tis nae yur business." Edan spit the words out as he continued up the stairs with Rhona.

  There was the sound of a curse behind them, then the front door slammed. Rhona huddled against Edan's chest. She should have been more careful. If only they could have made it past that horrific anniversary.

  Tears began to flow down her cheeks. He still blamed her for Daracha's death. There was no way around the fact. If he did take her, there would be no love, no respect in it. Her head was spinning and a huge, pounding was present in her skull.

  Edan placed her on the bed and Rhona turned away from him. The situation was impossible. Somehow, she needed to get away from him before something terrible happened.

  Seeing her face and the tears, Edan began to repent. He had opened his mouth when it should have remained shut. Kyla came through the door with Cadha. Both women gave him a hard look.

  Cadha tugged on his sleeve. "Leave her be. She needs rest an doesnae need tae be badgered by ah lout what cannae keep ah civil tongue in his head!"

  Edan found himself pushed in the direction of the door by the older woman.

  Out in the hall, Cadha shoved him against the wall. "If ye're still holding all tha old cac against tha lass, ye had better take another look at things. She is nae tha same Rhona as she was. Ye ungrateful wretch! Without Rhona, Ailene would probably have died! She is injured working for all here an ye have tha gall tae call her an evil name! Were Callum older, ye would be called out for it, make nae mistake."

  Cadha, turned and took two steps away. Then she turned and stared at him. "I'm ashamed of ye, Edan. Never, in my life did I ever think it would come tae this. An dinnae think of running off tae hide. Do yur duty an mend yur ways."

  Dropping his head back against the wall, Edan considered Cadha's words. Then he slammed the back of his head on the wall several times. Dear God! I've made ah royal cockup of things. He thought, as he stood silently in the hall.

  Leaning against the wall, Edan ran everything back through his memory. He had behaved very badly since returning. The why of it pricked at his conscience. Having done things he chose to do, he had punished everyone around him with his moods. Edan, swore softly under his breath.

  The matter with Rhona was even worse than Cadha suspected. He burned for her while still blaming the woman for the death of his wife. For nearly a year, Rhona had cared for his child, loving Ailene as a mother. Did that negate all the hurt and humiliation she had heaped on him as a child?

  "Aye!" Edan muttered to himself. This time he was at fault for holding those times against her, still. In her own way, Rhona had apologized to him for her behavior. The most 1despicable thing Edan did was to curse her at the bottom of the stairs.

  Allowing himself to take his frustration out on Rhona and the rest of his family was the action of a selfish man. They had done nothing but care for him for years.

  Well, so he killed four men who harmed his family. He chose to do the killing, it was time he owned up to his deeds. Why was he making everyone else pay for his acts?

  It was past time to take himself in hand. Going downstairs, he looked around for Lara. On finding her, Edan walked over to the child.

  "Ye ken where Callum is tae be found?"

  The little girl looked up at him with wide eyes. "Ye're nae going tae punish him are ye?"

  Her question put the nail in the coffin of his almost, yearlong temper tantrum. Taking a deep breath, Edan shook his head.

  "Nae. Tha lad's done nothing tae be punished for. I need tae tell him how sorry I am for letting my mouth run off. An, I've ah favor tae ask of ye. Can ye mind Cadell an Ailene for tha balance of tha day an maybe tha night? As hard as Rhona hit her head, I'm thinking she will nae be able tae care for tha weans this night."

  The other women waiting for word of Rhona, moved closer. Jean placed a hand lightly on his forearm. "Certainly, we'll all be looking out for tha weans. When have we nae done so?"

  Looking up at the family gathered around him, Edan nodded. "It would appear, I've been tha slacker here, nae ye lot."

  The back door slammed and Edan looked over the heads of the women gathered around him at Jamie.

  Standing with both fists on his hips, Jamie glared at Edan. "I've barely talked tha lad out of shipping out on tha first vessel which would take him. I swear tae God, Edan..."

  "Jamie, I've been taken tae task by Cadha. I've been an asail. Where is tha lad, I need tae make things right between us."

  Jamie heaved a sigh. "If ye're going tae start acting like ah laird instead of ah ...."

  Edan cut him off "Instead of ah bloody asail? Aye, I've been ah right bloody ass."

  Opening the door, Jamie walked back out and waited for Edan to join him. "I'm glad ye decided tae be reasonable. Frankly, I was thinking of moving Rut and myself off ah bit from here."

  "Christ! Forgive me, Jamie. I'll try tae do better. Tha time I was gone, tha whole of it prayed on my mind. It ate at me."

  Jamie turned, moved in front of Edan and stopped. "As if all here didnae ken. God's teeth, Edan! What in tha name o
f God led ye tae believe we all needed tae be shielded from what went on? Ballocks! I was at tha killing field. Ye could have come tae me an talked it out."

  "I...I butchered tha bastards." Edan blurted out.

  "Och, aye. Stabbed tha lot in the back, did ye? Mayhap, ye got ah pistol an shot tha bastards in the back of tha head from ambush?"

  Edan turned pale. "Nae! I took Williams prisoner, took tha murderer tae ah cave, gave tha asail ah sgian an we fought in tha dark."

  Jamie grinned at that. "Gave tha fool ah fighting chance, did ye?"

  "Ah wee mite." Edan shrugged. "I had memorized tha ground. An I tricked him ah bit, threw pebbles away from me an...."

  "Edan, Edan. God, laddie. Ye continually surprise me. I ken how Tally died. I think tha whole o' Glasgow kens. They all got an opportunity. Ye gave tha lot ah chance. In ah fight, anything can happen."

  Edan scowled at his friend. "Nae that much of ah chance."

  With a soft laugh, Jamie clapped Edan on the shoulder. "Jaysus, lad. Stop beating yurself up over being tha better fighter. Ye didnae ambush tha lot, they all had tha opportunity tae best ye."

  Edan started to say something and Jamie waived him to silence. "They all underestimated ye. 'Tis what they get for thinking tae take advantage of ah lame man. They had tha advantage physically, ye evened tha odds with yur wits an yur training. Now, tell me how is it "butchering"? Culloden, there is where tha butchering took place. Ye're nae in tha same league."

  Falling silent, Jamie was obviously waiting for an answer to his question. Edan considered all Jamie had said for a long time. Finally, he shook his head. "I dinna ken tha answer. But, ye see, I was better, an I was fully aware of it."

  Anderson chuckled. "Fortunes o' war. If ye start ah war are ye nae figuring ye're better than yur opponent? What if tha enemy proves tae be better in tha long run. Recall Tha Bruce. Did he nae do tha same thing?"


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