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His Sweetest Sin

Page 22

by Fiona Murphy

  “Hmm...sassy mouthed little whore aren’t you?” Her eyes snap at the ‘whore’ but her full lips thin instead of lighting into me like she wants to. I get close to her, my hand goes into her hair, I’m able to get a nice handful. “I guess you’ll do.”

  I keep my hand in her hair as I run another hand along her throat. She’s wearing a tight wrap dress that presents her full breasts nicely. “My fee, it wasn’t clear if you wanted me for the hour or a night. Before you start handling the merchandise.”

  Cupping a breast through the dress she whimpers as my thumb toys with an already tight nipple. I find the catch at her waist to open the dress, pulling it open. Nice. Black lace covers her breasts, lifting them up for presentation. Her panties are matching black lace, hiding a pussy already wet I can smell. My cock jumps to be inside her already. Hmm, I’m going to enjoy tasting her first. “You’re clean right? You smell delicious, I need to taste the sweet juice you’re making for me.” She blushes as she nods. “I was told your fee was a thousand. That’s for the night, right?”

  Her eyes widen as she shakes her head. “No, just for an hour. All night is five thousand. Until the sun comes up.”

  My hand tightens in her hair. “All night it is then, I like getting my money’s worth. My wife thinks I’m going out of town. Everything better be open for that amount.”

  “Everything is open, Mr. Baldwin. If you want to get your money’s worth then let’s get down to business. I have my own lube, your cock is already impressively hard. Which hole would you like to start with? I’m quite adept at bringing men with cocks such as yours to climax quickly so we can enjoy all the other things.”

  “I don’t do quick, so neither will you.” I flick open her bra, the sight of her full heavy breasts swaying as her nipples tighten fills me with satisfaction. This promises to be a very enjoyable night.



  “Don’t you fall asleep on me, Mr. Baldwin. I’m starving. You have to help me eat the pizza I’m ordering.” I nudge his gorgeous body, already lightly tanned from the hours by the pool. My fingers roam lightly over his ass. I love when we do the role-playing, it’s so much fun to be dirty without the worry of kids outside our door.

  He groans, then his arms sneak out and pull me close to roll me under him. His hand goes into my hair, tightening. “You cut your damn hair again. If you get a pixie cut I’m divorcing you.”

  “I love you too, it’s not that short, it’s still enough for you to get a handful. Chris, I’m hungry, come on. Let’s be even badder than we were with the lube.”

  “We’re starting on the carbs early, aren’t we Mrs. Baldwin? We’re going to Paris where they cook with three different kinds of fat. I was thinking of a steak and salad. So I can eat as many croissants as I want without thinking of there not being a gym in the hotel.”

  “Hmm.... I do so love how you haven’t gotten even the smallest bit soft. Is that normal? I mean in ten years, aren’t you supposed to have a dad bod now?” I complain in his ear as I run a hand down his hard chest and stomach.

  “Is that what all that pasta is about you’re constantly cooking? I got to keep up the body my wife loves so much. I can’t have her looking elsewhere when she spends her days in the courtroom with all these lawyers which were the only things she used to date.”

  “Please, I don’t spend all day in the courtroom although there were those back to back cases.” I’d finally found my calling after keeping my foot in law by continued volunteering with the women’s clinic. Chris was supportive, saying he felt is was important to keep our own identity separate from being mom and dad and even husband and wife. It was why he dissuaded me from working with him on the buildings he bought, rehabbed and either rented or sold. Even with the cases I took, I kept them to a minimum because I still loved being a mom and Chris’s wife and our kids are hard to do, even with help. “Civil rights law hardly has me swimming in lawyers who are even slightly appealing especially when compared to you, my beautiful, sexy husband with the most delicious dimples that still make me swoon when you flash them at me. That make me do crazy things like agreeing to leave our six month old twins at home for an entire week while we go on vacation.”

  Chris nips at my bottom lip then sucks hard, oh yes. “No more complaining, because I don’t regret a damn thing. Jane and Charlotte are in the very loving care of their grandmother, their nanny who has been with us for over nine years, and our poor housekeeper to keep our home running smoothly. It’s either we take this vacation or you cut down on your hours.

  “Considering you only work three days a week and you love what you do, there is not a damn thing wrong with us taking some time away to remember we love each other, like each other, and in eighteen years our twins won’t want a thing to do with us unless it’s about money or needing you to do their laundry. While we’ll be staring at each other trying to find something to talk about that doesn’t include our kids. This is also overdue, this is only our third week away, we couldn’t go when we were supposed to because you were pregnant with the twins.”

  “We do go away though, we went away four times last year and the year before.”

  “Sugar, three days away ain’t nothing and you know we both feel better for it.”

  “Are you sure you aren’t still mad about the twins?”

  “Hell yeah, I’m still mad about the twins. You give me boy after boy after boy then when I tell you it’s time to close down you go and get yourself pregnant with twins. The only reason I didn’t spank your ass hard enough for you not to sit down for weeks was they are the girls you finally promised me.”

  I run my tongue up his neck to his mouth before nibbling at his pursed lips. “Liar. You love your boys to death, the same way they love you. Here I thought I was going to get all the cuddles and they only come to me for cuddles when you’re busy.” He rolls his eyes as he blushes with pride. His sons adore their daddy. The nervous fears he had over being a father burnt out in the fierce hot love he felt the moment Grayson was put in his arms. Although, he played at being annoyed the sonogram showed Zachary a boy he didn’t even bother to hide his smile when the doctor announced Liam was another boy.

  “I have to take what I can get with the boys considering the way Simone is glued to your hip when your home. She only gives me her smiles and love when you aren’t home or she wants something.”

  “Don’t even try it, you’re the one she wants in the middle of the night when she gets scared. Why was she calling for you last night?”

  “She found the Stephen King shelf. We’re going to have to move that up. She’s just like her mama, reading the day away on whatever she can get her hands on. It’s also a good reason to keep her on the second floor with us.”

  “Baby, I love you but she has a point. We are running out of space on the second floor. Grayson, Zachary, and Liam are in one room, the twins need their own room. It makes sense to move Simone to the third floor for her own room and bathroom. The basement bedrooms and play room are for nanny Lota and Rosa, even though Rosa doesn’t live with us, as the housekeeper she needs a place to rest during the day.”

  Blue eyes glow down at me as they narrow. “You already promised her she could move.” As hard as I try to pull away from his gaze I can’t. I nod. “You making the promise without discussing it with me first and the new, shorter haircut calls for a spanking.”

  I’m wet at the way a large hand covers my ass. “I think you’re right. Dinner, a spanking and an early night. We don’t want to miss our flight tomorrow morning.”

  “I think you need the spanking now. That’s the good thing about a private plane, it’s on your schedule. I’m going to enjoy making you pay for the sin of not honoring your husband.”

  “Hmm...I’m more interested in doing some sweet sinning with said husband. I’ve been very bad, I’ve been thinking of naughty, dirty, wicked things I want to do with you.”

  “Then your wish is my command, you know I’ve never been able to deny yo
u a thing, not since the moment I laid eyes on you. Everything you want, everything your heart desires is yours.”

  “You, just you, you are all my heart desires.”

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  Blurb for my new His Fire Inside on the next page, releasing on 7/24

  His Fire Inside

  Okay, I know it’s crazy to hate someone you’ve never met before but Rourke Vega is not the average man. The arrogant billionaire manwhore is to blame for turning my beloved Austin from quirky, cool college town to hipster paradise.

  It’s a good thing I don’t have to deal with him while I help his mother recover from a stroke. Her, I love. Him, all right I might have this insane desire to lick the dimple in his chin. Then there’s the way from the outside he’s calm, cool, collected and in control as if nothing fazes him. It makes me want to press his buttons, to make him lose control, to see the fire he hides inside. The fire I felt all too briefly. The fire I can’t forget even as I tell myself I’m crazy because no way could a man as gorgeous as Rourke want a plus size like me.

  If my plus size doesn’t put him off my family situation will. Both of our lives are too complicated to add romance to it. Besides, he’s made it clear for the six months I’m his employee I’m off limits. Except he’s still staring at me with the heat of a volcano ready to explode. Like a fool I’m drawn to the fire even when I know it means one of us will get burned, but who?

  His on Demand

  To achieve my goals, I’ll do anything, even put up with an asshole like Leandros Kaplan. Four years, five tops and I’ll have enough money saved to fulfill my dreams of writing full time. I know lying to him to get the job is crazy and stupid. It’s as crazy and stupid as the requirement for his new assistant to be married. I’m not married, and I’m not like his past assistants, the ones who dropped sexual innuendo daily and then would hand him their underwear when he asked for reports. I’m a freaking virgin at thirty-one.

  I swear I never thought I would fall for him, it doesn’t matter that he’s a gorgeous Greek god billionaire, he’s also a jerk who takes pride in being ruthless and cold-blooded. He’s so out of my league we don’t even play the same game. He’s into dating double zero models. There’s no way he would ever be interested in a plus size like me.

  When he finds out I lied I’m not surprised he wants his pound of flesh, I’m surprised he wants it in the form of my flesh, naked for him. The retribution he demands is me, whenever, however, he wants my body. I’ll give it to him, everything he demands. He doesn’t want my heart or tears, only I can’t stop giving him both, and it’s slowly tearing me apart. Can he ever forgive me for lying or will that one lie be the end of us?

  His Sugar Baby


  I made my first million at sixteen, my first billion before I was thirty. I get what I want how I want it, and I have no problem paying for it, that includes women. Hell, I’ve already been doing it with the women I’ve been dating. They enjoy my credit cards during the day and I’m supposed to be able to enjoy them at night but as the weeks go on the excuses pile up but they still spend my money. So I’m done with dating. It’s time for a woman who knows the deal and signs on the dotted line. I’m looking for a sugar baby, it's instant lust when I find Anne and see her curves that should come with a warning sign. Until I find out she hasn't just been a sugar baby before; she's sold herself by the hour in Las Vegas. It's one step too far for me, only I can't stop thinking about her. I find out she had her reasons for what she did, like I have mine. Her past is her past; I want her for what she is now. Besides, this is just sex, a simple exchange for time and money. Except, little by little, it becomes far from simple as I find out money doesn’t buy everything.


  I thought I was done with being a sugar baby, of selling myself for security and a better life than the one I grew up in. Even though I’m a plus size, not a size two, men were more than willing to buy what I was selling. I tried to go white collar, to be normal. For four years I worked my ass off to get a degree in accounting; only, things don’t always go as planned. The instant attraction to Grant is a cherry on top; he's gorgeous and very generous. Is that why all my rules begin to blur, blend, and break to please him? I'm not ashamed of my past and all I’ve experienced, but it doesn't prepare me for Grant and all the things he wants and needs from me. I don't believe in forever, in happily ever after. What happens when he wants more than I can give?

  His Under Contract


  As a kid with a Marine for a father, and a doormat stay-at-home mother, I didn’t have huge aspirations for my future. Maybe a teacher—working with kids, and then enjoying a summer break. However, I didn’t think I would end up a housekeeper scrubbing floors. It doesn’t matter if the floors are in a million-plus dollar condo, in one of Chicago’s most exclusive addresses. I’m still on my hands and knees for one of the most obnoxious assholes I’ve ever met. The jerk believes his own press as one of the biggest rainmakers in Chicago. A lawyer specializing in business and sports contracts, Ethan Bishop is sought after in the boardroom and the bedroom. While even his sister thinks he’s best taken in small doses, she offers me a job I can’t refuse, not if I don’t want to go back to my parents with my tail between my legs. I need this job, and it’s not like it’s forever, just until I’m not on the edge of poverty. Let him be the unrepentant manwhore who didn’t do repeats. It’s better for him not to be at home, so close that my stupid body goes nuts when I even think of him. It’s better this way, because he could never want me. I’m a plus size not a size two model he’s used to having. I’m safe, it doesn’t matter how badly I want him, he doesn’t want me. Does he?


  In my world, the stakes are high, million dollar high, so no, I’m not nice. I don’t say please or thank you and I never apologize. If you have a problem with that, it’s your problem not mine. I didn’t make partner at one of the biggest law firms in Chicago at only thirty-two with my winning personality. I’m on top because I make money for my clients, whether it’s a high stakes takeover, or a player getting paid every dime he’s worth. My clients come out on top. I have worked hard for the life I have, the million-dollar condo, the Ferrari in the garage, and the hottest woman on my arm and in my bed. So, if my bitch of a new housekeeper wants to look down on me, like I give a fuck. My one weakness, my little sister parked me with a housekeeper who is far from perfect. Okay, she has the cooking and the cleaning down. But damn, does she have an attitude and a mouth on her that smiles even when she’s insulting me. It’s a good thing she isn’t my type, or I would make her pay the best way possible. At least, I’m trying to tell my cock she’s not my type, only the asshole has had his own idea since he saw her. It won’t last long though, it never wants any woman for long. When she offers herself to me, it’s with a contract where I hold all the control, all I have to do is sign.

  His on the Rebound


  Hell... I’m going to hell. I can hear the nuns now, condemning me, and I deserve it. How could I have let Maxwell Brandt kiss me? A man I found disgusting at the way he treated woman—as if they were disposable, to be used then thrown away. It didn’t matter who he was, or how much money he had. He was a horrible person. Who the hell am I kidding? I’m just
as bad because I let him kiss me. Then I did the unthinkable and kissed him back, with a hunger I’ve never felt before. All of this while my fiancé was in the same house. It was a horrible mistake, one that can never happen again. I love Kevin. I want to make a life with him, not be used by a man who won’t remember my name a month from now. What Kevin and I have built is real and I’m not throwing it all away. It didn’t matter if no other man, including Kevin, had made me feel the way Max did, it was wrong. Despite the fact Max keeps coming back to entice me, I stand firm. I won’t cheat on Kevin. I won’t become that person, no matter how badly my body wants him. I don’t want to want him.

  Until the moment he drops a bomb that destroys everything. Kevin has been cheating. His words destroy the illusion I’ve been hiding behind, because I know he’s telling the truth. Knew it in the way Kevin has gradually been pulling away, his late nights out with the guys, his disinterest in me, and the way he’s twice pushed back the date of the wedding. I hadn’t wanted to believe, had been willfully blind to preserve the promise of a future with a man I believed I loved. All I want is to hide and lick my wounds, but Max won’t let me. With Kevin gone, he demands I fulfill the promise of that kiss. I don’t understand how a man like him wants a plus size woman like me, when my own fiancé refused to date me before I lost weight. Yet, he does, refuses to go away. In a rush of anger, pain, and hunger, I give in. The feeling of being wanted by a man like Max wiping away the humiliation of Kevin’s betrayal. Maybe a fling, a rebound affair, is exactly what I need. No promises, no expectations, and no broken heart. At least, that’s the way it started.


  Out of curiosity, to get a look at the fiancée who put up with a cheating weasel like Kevin Jarvis, I find myself looking into the bright green eyes of a woman who makes my body hard with longing. Then the weasel does the unimaginable and introduces green eyes as his fiancée. Even though she looks at my hand like it’s a grenade about to go off, she takes it and we both feel the attraction. We’re both in deep shit now, because I know she feels what I feel and I’m about to go after her, fiancé or not.


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