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His Sweetest Sin

Page 23

by Fiona Murphy

  I don’t care if she stays with Kevin. I just want her body. Besides, it won’t last long, desire never does and I don’t want her clinging after it’s over. Only, the bitch keeps pushing me away, denying us both the satisfaction our bodies crave. Her sanctimonious refusal as she uses Kevin and her engagement ring as a shield pisses me off. I didn’t want to drop a bomb, but if it gets me what I want, her in my bed, then I’m not going to flinch from it. I need her to satisfy this craving that’s eating me from the inside out. I’ll make her pay for making us both wait. I’m not her asshole ex, and I’m sick of paying for his stupidity. Her body makes my cock ache and I want her exactly as she is. Only, inch by inch I’m consumed by my need. I warn myself to pull away, sure this won’t last, can’t last. But letting go isn’t an option, no matter how hard I try.

  The Gangster’s Girlfriend

  Miranda Beckett was born and bred in Chicago, and with that comes the knowledge that the city, built firmly on criminal enterprises by every group that could gain ground, is still a city where crime is as much of the economy as the retail shops and hotels that line Michigan Avenue. Just like others in Chicago, a blind eye is a content eye—until it’s all brought into sharp focus by her younger brother one late night. She hasn’t seen her brother in years and the last time she did, she’d told him she never wanted to see him again, so she knew it was desperation that led him to her door. Before, he’d flat out stolen from her, but now, he’s pleading for the money. He pleads for the money that he owes the head of the IRA in Chicago, and then he threatens that Declan Kelly knows about her and that she has the money, and if she doesn’t give it, then Kelly will come for it himself.

  Miranda refuses her brother and she knows she’ll be able to refuse Declan Kelly when the time comes. But she’s wrong, so very wrong. It isn’t money Kelly wants, it’s her... her expertise as an accountant to audit his books and find who is stealing from him... that’s it, he tells her but his eyes tell her there’s more.

  Without being quite sure how and why she agreed, a deal is struck and Miranda wonders how long she can fight the need for a man she can’t have. It’s one thing to know what Declan Kelly does, and another to allow herself to become involved with him. She is sure she can keep Declan at bay, she has plans to become a gangster’s girlfriend or lose her heart to him. But she’s wrong, so very wrong.

  His Healing Touch

  Maggie Pruitt can take care of herself, thank you very much. She doesn’t need the drool worthy ER doctor carrying her away from her problems. Although she is pretty impressed he’s strong enough to carry her size fourteen muffin-topped butt away if he wanted to. She’s been taking care of herself for years and she doesn’t need anyone’s help.

  Okay, maybe just this once and just until she can walk without crying. Besides this is a one-time kind of thing. It’s not every day a nearly one hundred pound Rottweiler takes off on her without warning. As soon as her right ankle doesn’t stop exploding in pain when she steps on it and her left knee stops feeling like it’s being poked with a sharp object she’s out the door.

  She’s gone this long alone and really she’s happier that way, really. She doesn’t need some man to complete her. Now if it’s sex he’s after (with her?) that’s something she’s very willing to have the doctor’s healing touch for.

  Because as far as everything else in her life is concerned she’s fine. Really.

  Rafael’s Woman

  Carrie Whitney’s young twin brothers have messed up one too many times and if she can’t get Rafael Castillo to change his mind then they are going into juvenile detention and they’ll be lost to her. She has no choice but to go to Rafael to beg for her brothers to be given another chance. Nothing goes as planned, and in a whirlwind of tears and accusations Carrie finds herself in the arms of a man she knows has the power to make or break her world. He wants her, short and chubby Carrie never believed a man like him could want her but she knows it from the look in his eyes and his touch. Never expecting to find someone like him, she is willing to take him anyway she can get him. Too soon and yet not soon enough she’s begging him for what she knows he’s only prepared to offer her. A relationship based only in her bedroom, no promises, no holding hands and she’s sure she can hold out long enough until he figures out he cares about her the way she knows he does. Yet, as the weeks turn into months without the words she needs Carrie isn’t sure she can continue. Far too quickly the question becomes, has she read into his touches and kisses more than there was or does he love her as much as she loves him? If he does love her then why won’t he move them out of the bedroom into the world outside of it and if he doesn’t how long can she continue to simply be Rafael’s Woman?

  Rafael Castillo wasn’t expecting the tiny woman with the bright blue eyes to turn his world upside down and he doesn’t like it. It doesn’t matter what he wants, family expectations mean a woman like Carrie is off limits. She’ll want and deserve marriage and she isn’t the type of woman he’s expected to marry. Her offer of a sex only relationship is a blessing and curse, he doesn’t care what she says he can see the love in her eyes. Lying to himself he takes what’s offered and plunges deep into something he never thought he’d feel or know again. He’s always disdained the hot-headed Latin stereotype so why the hell does the idea of sharing or seeing Carrie with anyone else but him send his temper soaring? This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go and now that he’s lost in her beautiful body the way out of their nights locked in her room away from the pressures of expectation is harder to find.

  His Hidden Agenda

  I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. He’s always so charming and gorgeous and everyone in the office loves him, but not me. He’s my competition and I hate him. I deserve the promotion, I’ve given not just my nights, but my weekends and even my marriage to this company, and I deserve the promotion. Only, it’s Alex my bosses are patting on the back and taking meetings with. I’m positive the only reason Alex is nice and smiling to me is because he’s trying to throw me off my game. Men as gorgeous as he is don’t let their eyes linger on fat girls like me. He’s blueblood, I’m south side Chicago, below the poverty line, he’s Harvard and I’m night school six years to get a degree; on paper, it’s laughable. He can’t really want me, there has to be something he’s hiding, a hidden agenda only he knows.

  There is, and when I finally find out, I’m going to have the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. The company I’ve put my life into—or a chance at the kind of love I never believed existed before.

  His Hostile Takeover

  Ellie Shaw has been in love with Greg Turner since she first met him at sixteen. It doesn’t matter that now at twenty-four, he still treats her like a kid sister, Ellie still loves him. So why did her body go haywire when she first met Dmitri Markhoff? Dmitri was taking over the company she had worked so hard to keep going, Ellie wasn’t part of the bargain. Okay, she needed the job of personal assistant that he was offering, and it was only for three months. That was more than enough time to save while she found another job, because her time with Dmitri wasn’t guaranteed. She loved Greg, hormones and never having been touched were all that was making her feel the way she did about Dmitri. She was sure of it.

  Dmitri Markhoff is a ruthless corporate raider and had long given up on soft feelings for women. He enjoyed their bodies and paid for it in diamonds and other trinkets. All he wants is Elise’s body, love isn’t something he’s looking for. When he figures out that Elise is untouched his body goes into overdrive. Even though he’s aware that keeping her is wrong when all he wants is sex, he’s having the hardest time letting her go.

  His Next Chapter

  Lukas Everett is Avery Parker’s new reclusive landlord. He’s gorgeous but damaged, as damaged on the outside as Avery is on the inside. A car accident that killed his wife left him with physical scars that cause him to hide from the world. Avery hasn’t had it easy in her few physical relationships and isn’t looking to get involved with anyone, let
alone someone as cold and hard as Lukas. Lukas seems just as intent at keeping her at bay even though she knows he feels the same longing she feels. With her mind telling her to run and her body begging her to stay, Avery accepts his job offer and she finds Lukas doesn’t just own properties, but is a writer she herself has enjoyed. It isn’t long before Avery demands all the passion she sees in Lukas, but will she just be the next chapter in his story or will they find their own happily ever after?

  His Secretary with Benefits

  Laura is a blonde with a bombshell body that has men drooling over her and treating her like a blow up doll, to be used only for their pleasure. Growing up, Laura had been taught sex was a dirty thing and it wasn’t to be enjoyed. Her first boyfriend did a good job of making sure she didn’t, same with her ex-fiancé. A job offer comes her way that has Laura’s interest, an assistant is leaving her boss and trying to find a replacement. The only thing is her replacement has to be willing to let her boss have his way with her whenever and however he wants. Laura’s shock is quickly sidelined as the woman describes the complete and utter satisfaction she finds in her boss’s demands. Having never experienced that kind of pleasure before and wanting to know what it’s like, Laura agrees to meet Paul.

  The very first time she meets him she knows he’s what she wants, what she needs. It will be mutually beneficial for the both of them. Hot, satisfying sex on tap for the both of them. That’s all she wants, all she’s looking for, right? Falling in love isn’t on the agenda, for either of them.

  A Favor

  Zoe has been called cold, empty, and undeserving of love when she can’t give it back. It isn’t how she wants to be, but she knows no way of changing. So she hasn’t gone looking for a relationship. But then it finds her—in the form of Sam King. Sam is a former Ranger, scarred on the outside from a mission that forced him out. The security contracting company needs Sam but very soon Zoe realizes she needs him, too. But it isn’t fair to get involved with him when he’s already been hurt, she has no right to add to his pain. But Sam is insistent, he’s not looking for a relationship, just sex is all he wants and needs from her. Fighting Sam and her body is a lost cause, and she gives in but soon she’s the one wanting more from Sam, but how can she find a way to not be cold and empty. Is it her turn to end up hurt at the end?

  His For More Than One Night

  Kate Frazier wants one night and one night only. It’s the only thing she’s made for, the only thing she’s capable of. She doesn’t want any hand holding or cuddling, she wants to get off and then she wants them to leave. She likes her men, bland boring and non-threatening only the Nordic god staring at her from across the pub is anything but. One by one she’s breaking her rules for only one night because the moment he gets close she can’t help herself.

  Only Trey refuses to let it go at one night. He knows her secret the one she’s tried so hard to pretend didn’t happen, didn’t exist even as her nightmares still haunt her. He knows and has her admitting to the rape she suffered from her mother’s boyfriend for two long years and he knows about the frantic, ugly things she did with anyone who have her in her teens. He sees it all and it doesn’t faze him, he wants the woman she is now and he’s not going to let her go.

  Now Kate has to make the decision to go through the painful door of her past to the other side where Trey and the happiness she never thought she could know is waiting.

  His Marriage Demand

  For two years Ria has longed to touch the fire in Drake Hawthorne’s eyes but she doesn’t dare. The hotel where she has worked has a strict hands off patrons policy and if it’s found out she’s even lingered too long in his room she’ll lose the job she’s worked so hard for. Maybe if she were more reckless and willing to step out on a ledge she would but she isn’t and she can’t. Because it isn’t just Ria’s welfare at stake but her little brother’s and she’s not able to put his happiness on the line for her own. So she’ll keep hiding behind the meaningless wedding ring and fake husband that she knows is the only thing that has kept Drake from pushing her for more. She’s seen too many rich and powerful men like Drake Hawthorne to know they didn’t care about the havoc they left behind only the moment where they got what they wanted. Ria needs more than a moment, she wants and needs forever.

  When Drake finds out there isn’t a husband he demands marriage and Ria opens her mouth to say yes until warns her about the ending. Marriage shouldn’t come with a time limit and Ria refuses to give in. Just when it looks like forever is promised will threat from her past cost her the future within reach with Drake?

  His Back Bay Princess

  Diego Suarez is a Boston homicide cop who comes from a completely different world than Catherine Fisher. He’s the son of Mexican migrant farm workers, she can find the founders of Boston in her blue bloodline. He’d had to endure a stint in the Marines to fund college, she’d gone to a private university and her graduation present had been a three story home in Back Bay, where Diego couldn’t even afford property taxes. They are different, too different for it to work out between them. Cat deserves better than what he can give her, it will never work.

  It doesn’t matter if the only time he feels alive is when he’s with her. It doesn’t matter that she looks at him with all the love she feels for him in her eyes. One day she’ll wake up and figure out she can do better. It’s better to never start something that won’t last, can’t last.

  Catherine doesn’t care about money, the having of it or lack of it. All she cares about is Diego. After Diego has been shot and she is asked to look after him, she knows she has just one last chance to find out what is keeping Diego from her. She knows he feels something for her, so why is he pushing her away?




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