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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  Cecile didn't want to talk. She stood looking in the mirror and wondered how she had gotten herself into this mess. Wiping her face with a damp rag, she forced herself to calm down. She could get through this – she just had to put on a front – a false sense of bravado. There was no reason that Bobby had to know how much he had hurt her – and she didn't mean physically. "I'll be right out," she forced out a lilting tone that she hoped conveyed the idea that all was well.

  Bobby leaned on the door. "I just want to hold you, sweetheart. Please come out." As if he words were magic, the door opened. His heart jolted at how pale she was. "Did I hurt you?" he had to know.

  Cecile put on, what she hoped, was a brave and sincere smile. "Of course not. I'm fine. I'm sorry about – you know. . . "

  Cecile ducked her head and it hit Bobby like a ton of bricks – she thought that he had reacted like her husband. Oh God! Not only had he not given her an orgasm, he had reinforced her belief that she was undesirable. Not happening. "Ceelee, baby – it's not what you think." She wasn't listening, she was moving past him, purposefully making for the door and a quick escape. Reaching out, he caught her by the arm. He managed to stop her easily, but she wouldn’t look at him.

  "Let me go, Bobby. Please? I can't take anymore of this. All I want to do is go to my room, crawl under the covers and put a pillow over my head."&nbhe smiled sadly. "I appreciate what you did – it felt really good."

  "Stop!" he almost shouted – making her jump, a little. "If you think that I lost my erection because I wasn't attracted to you – well, you're as far off base as you could be." He took her hand and placed it over his reawakened dick. "It was the fact that you were a virgin that blew my mind."

  Ceelee was careful not to move her fingers. The heat of his penis through his pants was a bitter reminded of what had happened. A bittersweet pang of arousal shot through her. "I understand." Tugging her hand from his, she managed to get it away from the object of her desire. "Can I go now?"

  "No, I need you." Once more she was in his arms, but she remained stiff – unyielding. "Talk to me, treasure. We can work this out. I've made a mess of things. If you had just told me that you were a virgin – I would have warmed you up, been gentle. Give me another chance, please?"

  Cecile didn't move, but she began to talk. "It wasn't your fault. That's the way it is with me. I'm defective," her voice broke – but she quickly regained composure.

  "You are not defective. Your husband had to have been gay – and I'm a moron – but there's nothing in God's name wrong with you." Wrapping his arms around her, he picked her up, carrying her to the bed. She tried to get away, but he pinned her down. "Be still – you are safe with me. I'm going to show you just how desirable you are."

  "Please don't," she begged. "Sex has always been a nightmare for me; I don't know why I thought this time would be different." He pushed her hair out of her eyes and kissed the tears away. "Please – I don't need your pity."

  "Darling, this is as far from pity as it gets." Bobby decided that the time for talking was almost through. He framed her face and slowly, sensuously kissed every square inch – when he made it to her lips, they were open and ready for him. He sank inside, letting his tongue mate with hers – grateful for a second chance. Feeling her mellow, he pulled her with him until he was on his back and she was lying square on top of him, full length – no part of her untouched by a part of him. As he continued to feast at her lips, he petted her – rubbing her shoulders, her back, her arms – gentling her, freeing her emotions from the bonds of self-doubt that kept her from letting go and enjoying the gifts of her femininity. "That's it baby. Feel how much I want you." Bobby lifted his hips, pushing his erection up against her. "This time I'll have you so wet and excited that there won't be a moment's pain – I'm going to love you like you've never been loved before. It's going to be so good, baby."

  Pushing herself up aaction, Cecile looked Bobby in the face. "Will you hush and just kiss me, please."

  At her adorable desperation, Bobby laughed out loud. "Yes ma’am." He began tugging at her dress once more, skimming it over her head, he tossed it to the end of the bed – grateful to see that she was gloriously naked underneath. "Sit up, I want to play."

  Cecile sat up, astraddle of him – fighting a desire to cross her arms over her breasts. Suddenly she was aware how wet she was and how her sex was open and in direct contact with his abdomen. "I'm gonna mess you up," she said hesitantly as she watched him raise his hands to her breasts and begin to rub them in circular motions.

  Too intent on the pleasurable task at hand, he almost missed her anxiety. "What do you mean, sweetness? How are you gonna mess me up?"

  Leaning over, dangling those beautiful tits in his face, she whispered. "I'm too wet to sit on you like this. Let me lay on my back." She started to move off of him, but he stopped her.

  "Let me see," he slid his hand between her legs – the back of his hand resting on his own abdomen and curled his fingers into her slit. Yes, indeed. She was creamy and slick with excitement. Hallelujah! He hadn't killed her desire for him. "This is your gift to me, sweetheart. I'm so glad you still want me. Now pick up your tits – offer them to me – feed me baby, I'm starving for you."

  His words set her on fire – she might be doing the most stupid thing in the world – but, by God, she was going for it. What else did she have to lose? Picking up a breast in each palm, she brought a nipple to his lips. He lifted his big beautiful brown eyes to her and smiled the sweetest smile. Cecile melted inside. And when he closed his lips over a nipple and began to suck, she couldn't be still. As he sucked he rubbed her back, making the sexiest sounds she had ever heard. If he wasn't enjoying himself – he should win an Academy Award.

  Bobby had to have her – but this time he was going to do it right. Letting her nipple go with a resounding little pop. "I want my second course, baby – that was just the appetizer. Lay back – I'm gonna return the favor."

  Cecile realized that she was about to experience oral sex – from the receiving end. "Are you sure?" she asked hesitantly. "I've never …”

  Bobby's heart ached for her. Damn her husband! He couldn't believe a man could have a treasure like this in his bed and treat her so badly. But then, she had been a virgin. He couldn't wait to get to the bottom of that mystery. He helped her settle back, covered her with his body and kissed her slowly and thoroughly on the lips. As soon as he had her panting, he ska his lips down her neck and moved his body down the bed. Spreading her legs wide, he stopped for a moment just to appreciate the sight. Her breasts were moving sensuously with every breath – her nipples were hard, red berries that he intended to feast on repeatedly – but the real treasure lay between her legs. She was breathtaking. "God, you're beautiful." She was so soft and vulnerable, pink and glistening in her arousal.

  Bobby was humbled. She was aroused – for him. Even after he had selfishly neglected her needs – going from her sweet offering of a blowjob to hastily taking her virginity – she still wanted him. Amazing!

  "Really? I’m beautiful? Down there?" she was sincerely doubtful.

  “Exquisite.” Bobby eased himself into a comfortable position and got down to business. Kissing the inside of her thighs, he reached up and caressed her breast – tugging on the nipple until he heard her groan. Her breasts were very sensitive – he'd have to remember that. When he took his first lick – from the bottom of her sweet slit to the hard knot of her clitoris – she let out a ragged, hungry moan. Bobby vowed to give her more pleasure than she could handle. Any man who wouldn't go down on their woman ought to be shot. To think that she had missed out on that kind of joy hurt his heart. On the other hand – he was thrilled that it would be him introducing her to this ecstasy. "Hold on baby, I'm gonna rock your world!"

  Cecile thought she had died and went to paradise. Raising her head, she tried to watch Bobby as he ate her out. His lips and tongue were giving her untold pleasure. Without hesitation or qualm he buried his face between her legs �
�� sticking his tongue deep into her channel – sucking on her clitoris – nibbling her labia. "Bobby! God, yes! Bobby! Oh, God, it’s so good!" she screamed as she came in a white-hot rush of pleasure. Her hips bucked, but he held her steady – keeping up the sensual onslaught. "I don't know if I can take anymore." Her system was on climax overload!

  He paused only to encourage. "Yes you can, doll. Come for me one more time – then I'm going to fuck you so hard you're going to scream the roof down." She believed him – and he proceeded to show her he knew what he was talking about. He made himself at home between her legs and licked and sucked until she was tossing her head in orgasmic abandon.

  Bobby's heart was so full. He couldn't believe how sweet she was. She was begging and praising and her little cries were not rehearsed and fake – they were real. She was coming so hard that she was literally crying with release. Kissing her one last time right on top of her sweet mons, he raised up to look at her – and she surprised the hell out of him. Launching herself upward, she clasped him around the neck and began to feverishly kiss his neck. "Thank you, Bobby. Thank you. I didn't think I would ever know what that was like. It was wonderful – you were wonderful."

  "It was my pleasure sweet doll," he whispered to her. "Now lie back down and let me come inside you. I want to show you what it can really be like between us – lay down, now" he urged, "and let me come into paradise."

  She looked up at him so trustingly, so hopefully that he had to kiss her again. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll take care of you." Slowly he pushed inside of her – he didn't take her roughly like before. God, he hadn't meant to hurt her. She was infinitely precious and he was the luckiest SOB in the world to be sliding deep inside of her. Ah! She was velvet – hot, wet, soft – velvet. He began to move in and out in smooth, sure thrusts. Gritting his teeth, he refused to rush – this time was for her. He was going to show her that she was the most desirable woman on earth – even if it killed him. God! This was so good! It might just do him in.

  Cecile held her breath. She had never felt anything like it – she was being taken, possessed, ravished! Before, it had been so quick – and the pain had been so sharp – she couldn't appreciate the wonder of being filled, stretched – plundered. She had to get closer! She wanted more! "Can I put my legs around you?" She didn't want to do anything that would offend him. Lord, she knew so little about making love – reading about it and participating in it were two entirely different things.

  Words – he tried to form words. His mind wasn’t working, it was too fogged with pleasure. Sweet Jesus! She was so tight! It was like a vise around his dick. “Yeah, hold me, baby. Wrap those long, pretty legs around me.” As soon as he said it was okay – she clasped him tight, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, clinging to him so sweetly he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. “Does that feel good, Ceelee?” He pumped into her over and over – pulling all the way out and then sliding back in. God, what he’d give to do her bare-back. Whatever it took – that was one experience that he would move heaven and earth to try.

  “Yes, Bobby,” she moaned – holding onto him with everything she had. “Yes!” she cried as his penis drug over a spot she didn’t know she had – wonder of wonders – she might have a G-spot! “Harder! Harder!” She couldn’t believe she said that – but – O God, it felt so good!

  Bobby complied – her little erotic requests were like saying ’sic’em’ to a dog – he was on it. Rising up on his arms, he gave it all he had. Plunging – pumping – he closed his eyes and let the ecstasy wash over him. When she started lifting her hips – meeting him – accepting him – loving him – God! – it was unfuckinbelievable! “Ceelee – Ceelee,, honey – you are perfect, baby!”

  It was as if his approval opened the oodgates for her – he felt her tighten around him – incredibly tight! Her orgasm began in little flutters that caressed his dick like butterfly wings. But as her climax strengthened, so did the convulsions that were massaging his cock – they set off an explosion low in his belly that shot outward through his loins – absolute and total bliss. A tsunami wave of dizziness washed over him. As he held her – loving her – she quivered and groaned her release as her dainty little body milked his manhood of every last drop of semen. He had never been so thoroughly loved in his life.

  Ceelee held him tight, rubbing his back – comforting him as his big body trembled in her arms. He had bellowed her name as he came deep within her. Joy flooded her soul. She was normal – there wasn’t anything wrong with her. She had brought him pleasure – or, at least she hoped she had. She leaned over to sneak a peek at his face. Her breath caught and her heart jumped – he was so gorgeous. Cecile had to smile – he had given her so much pleasure. Would it be needy to ask if he had felt it too? Probably, anyway – she couldn't bring herself to do it – so she just stroked the hair from his brow.

  Bobby cuddled this incredible woman closer to him. "Hmmmm, I love holding you. You are so soft, so sweet." He turned his head and kissed the upper swell of one breast. "Thank you, love." He kissed his way to his lips. "You devastated me – I've never come that hard, before." When she didn't answer, he sought her gaze – anxious to know that she was all right – that he hadn't hurt her. After all, he had broken through the barrier of her virginity only a little while before. Speaking of – he pulled himself up so they were lying side by side. "Come here; lay your head on my shoulder."

  Cecile smiled to herself – now, this is what it was supposed to be like. She had always dreamed of being held close after making love with a man. Even when she and Carl had been halfway successful during a sexual encounter – he had always rolled over and went right to sleep. Bobby began stroking her back and she eased her knee up on to his thigh and snuck an arm around his waist. "This feels so nice." She gave him a tiny squeeze – it was hard to know how affectionate to be. Most men craved sex, but they didn't necessarily crave afterglow.

  "Yeah, it is." And it was. Bobby was content – for weeks he had thought of little else but, somehow, getting this woman in his life – and here she was. Now, he had to make sure he kept her there. WHOA! What a thought? Was he serious? He was a Senior – on the verge of graduating, possibly getting a chance to play in the NFL – and he was thinking long term with a woman? Bobby tested his feelings. He listened to his heart. Hell Yeah!

  He tightened his arms around her and heard her contented sigh. Sweet. Now, to get down to business. He had questions – and she had answers. "Sweetheart, explain to me how you were a virgin? I gotta tell you, it’s worrying me to death. I'm imaning all kind of things." Bobby waited and when her little body started to shake, he was afraid he had made her cry – it took him a second or two to realize that she was laughing. "Am I that funny?" Bobby took the opportunity to goose her a little – which led to more laughter and then to squeals.

  "Ssshhhh, ssshhhhh," he put his mouth over hers. They had been pretty loud during sex – and Alex and Ethan's rooms were down a different wing – but a happy Ceelee's voice would carry all the way out to the cabins. Since he was there he kissed her. And she kissed him back – pure, erotic play time. He felt the strings of his heart being tugged when she moaned in his mouth and began to massage his neck and shoulders with insistent little fingers. "What were you laughing about?"

  Looking at his beautiful face, she traced the strong line of his jaw – relishing the feel of his beard that gave his face such a sexy, macho shadow. "It is funny – I've been married for seven years and I was a virgin until you made lo… I mean, had sex with me."

  "Made love is the correct term, honey." he assured her. "So, enlighten me about how I was lucky enough to be the one to take your – uh – innocence." He smiled at the face she made.

  "I'm almost embarrassed to say – but I'm beginning to think that it wasn't my fault." He listened patiently, caressing the side of her face, soothing her hair, letting his eyes rove over her face. "Sex always hurt with Carl." The moment she said that Bobby's face grew dark.
  "He hurt you?"

  "No," she assured him quickly. "He didn't hit me or anything – penetration always hurt." She averted her eyes, looking to the side of his face instead of directly at him. This was just too embarrassing. To use a play on words, "Foreplay was not his forte. I went to the gynecologist for my regular checkup a few weeks ago and while I was there I mentioned to him about the pain – even though it hadn't been a factor in years. Until tonight, I hadn't had actual sex in over three years."

  Bobby watched a blush creep up over her skin. This was hard for her. "I hate it for you – so bad. But I can't say that I'm unhappy about being the one to finally bring you pleasure. You belong to me now." Her eyes widened at his statement. "Don't look at me like that," he chided her. "I know we have a lot of talking to do – but, you're my girl, now."

  "That sounds so good," she idly ran her hand up and down his arm. The muscles under her fingers felt like stone – strong – able to defend and protect what belonged to him. What would it be like to belong to this incredible man? Knowing there was still more to tell, she forced her thoughts back to the matter at hand. "I always knew that Carl was built small – not his body, mind you."made the funniest little face. "Until I saw your penis, I didn't realize how small Carl actually was. The doctor said that my hymen was back just far enough that he butted up against it occasionally – hence the knife-like pain, but he wasn't big enough or long enough to break it. Isn't that the craziest, saddest story you've ever heard?" She looked up at him with big eyes, wanting to pour her heart out, but hesitant to do so.

  Bobby couldn't help but smirk a little. "I'm glad the size of my cock meets with your approval. I aim to please." Her face broke out into a radiant smile.

  "You pleased me more than you'll ever know. I almost fainted with the pleasure." She kissed the side of his neck, letting her tongue taste the salty muskiness of his skin. "And you are so kind – and nice to me – I don't really know how to process it all."


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