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Bobby Does Dallas (Hill Country Heart)

Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  Bobby narrowed his eyes; he was beginning to get the big picture. "That asshole blamed you for his shortcomings, didn't he?" At Bobby's well-worded question, she giggled. It was the absolutely sweetest sound he had ever heard – it had bubbled up from deep within and sounded like pure unadulterated happiness. That realization made him feel like a king. He had made her happy. He had made her laugh. And he intended to see that happen over and over again in the future.

  "His shortcomings? I don't think I can be blamed that his petey was small." At her terminology, he guffawed.

  "Woman, if you ever refer to my huge, manly dick as a 'petey', I will turn you over my lap and spank your beautiful, curvy, little rump." Her giggling stopped, for it had faded into arousal. Bobby was flabergasted! So? His little doll fancied an erotic spanking. Well, he'd have to put that on his 'to-do' list. He wasn't a die-hard Dom, but he liked to tinker with the idea. There wasn't a bigger turn-on in the world that a woman giving herself over to her man, completely. He filed that little tid-bit away for future reference.

  "Carl made me believe that I was frigid, when the problem was that he never made an effort to arouse me." She didn't elaborate, she could tell by his face that he didn't want to think about Carl having sex with her – well, she was tired of thinking about it, too. "Let's see – what can I call your manhood?" She made a show of seeming to turn terms over in her mind. "I know – I can call it Gargantua, or Dickzilla, or Super-size," at his pained expressions, she had started giggling again. "I know -" she sobered and looked him straight in the face. "How about I call it – mine."

  Mine! Instantly, he was as hard as the pink granite that Texas was so famous for – the granite that the Capitol building is made out of – the granite that forms the dome of Enchanted Rock – hard, pink granite. &qnbspAre you sore?" Her body was luscious, and he wanted more. Mine! Her possessive statement immediately turned him on. Gliding his hand down her satin skin, he delved between her legs and found her vulva rich with cream.

  His touch ignited a fire-storm of need within Cecile. "No, I'm not sore – I'm starving for your touch."

  "Ye, gods!" Bobby groaned. "Every word you say is like an aphrodisiac!" He rose up over her, feeling more of a man than he ever dreamed possible. He ran his hand down his engorged cock – then asked. "Love, I've never been with a woman without a condom. Are you protected, on the pill?" At her nod of affirmation, he almost begged, "Could I?" He watched her sparkling green eyes for any hint of trepidation. There was none; there was only heat.

  Cecile actually shivered at the thought. She answered him the only way she knew how – she opened her legs and welcomed him home. "Please," she lifted her hips in supplication. "I can't wait."

  Reverently, Bobby guided the head of his cock to the dainty portal of her femininity. God! He was so damn excited, he hoped he didn't embarrass himself and cum before he could pleasure his woman. His woman! Lord, that sounded so right. She was so damn tight! He pushed in about an inch and the feel of her hot, slick flesh enveloping him like a glove was the closest thing to heaven that he had ever felt. There was an overwhelming need for him to plunge inside of her – jackhammer, piston – push his way to nirvana. But the idea of hurting her was out of the question. Gritting his teeth, he fought for control. "Oh, baby. You are the sweetest thing in the world!" he moaned. In another inch. "Lord God! I had no idea it would this good!" He stopped to just feel – to just appreciate – to revel in the miracle of two becoming one.

  She didn't know what to do with her hands – he was too far away! "Bobby?" she held her arms open wide. "Could you lie on top of me – I want to feel you – I need to hold you."

  When she opened and shut her hands as if touching him was the most important thing to her, his heart almost burst. Adjusting his angle, Bobby lowered himself on top of her, careful not to put too much weight directly on her body. But she wouldn't have it. "More," she demanded. "I want to feel you. Press on me,"

  "I don't want to squish you, baby. And I can't move much this way," he pressed a little more into her – another inch – another step into paradise.

  "I'll move for you," she thought she knew how. Many times she had pleasured herself by doing Keigel exercise while reading erotica – tighten and release – tighten and release. t wasn't full-blown masturbation, but it sure felt good. Now, she could put all that practice to good use. "Push in some more, baby. I want it all."

  Bobby laughed, "Demanding little heifer, aren't you?" But if she wanted it – she was going to get it. Gently, but firmly he pushed in to the hilt and she let out the sweetest, sexiest sigh of satisfaction he had ever heard. "You like that?"

  "Oh, yes. I love it, Bobby."

  And then she proceeded to blow his mind.

  Bobby had slept with herds of women – he wasn't necessarily proud of it – that was just the way it was. He had pleasured women that considered sex to be an extreme sport and they were out to earn a gold medal. But never in his whole life had he felt like this . . . Ceelee was hungry for him, not a warm body – not a star football player – not a bullrider – him. She worked the little muscles of her canal; drawing him, luring him, massaging his cock with luscious contractions of her sex that had him gasping with ecstasy. She was right – he didn't have to move! It was too soon, it was too fast, but his orgasm rushed upon him like a dam bursting. "Oh, baby. God, baby. I can't stop it – Lord, it feels so good. I'm sorry."

  The sheer excitement of watching Bobby fly apart in her arms, hearing his exclamations of excitement catapulted over the edge. When the hot jets of his cum flooded her pussy, Cecile began to shake and jerk in an earthquake of electric pulses that set her whole body aflame. Her vagina clutched his cock and she swore that she could feel every vein, every inch of throbbing heat that was redefining ecstasy for her. Cecile held on to him for dear life – he had become so important to her in the short time that she had known him. She never hoped, never dreamed that a man like him would come into her life.

  Being on top of Ceelee had its advantages – he was too satiated to move, but he didn’t have to move far – he kissed her tenderly and then rolled over, taking her with him. “No, don’t move – I don’t want to pull out. Let me stay in you. Please?” He wrapped both arms around her and then lifted his hips, making sure that he was still lodged, securely, deep within her sweet little pleasure palace. Lord, nothing had ever been better.

  “I love him there – he can move in and stay,” Ceelee sighed sleepily.

  His baby was tired. “I’ve worn you out, precious. Go to sleep – I’ve got you – I’ll keep you safe.” And he did – all night long.


  Oh, it felt so good! This was the best dream she had ever had! Her pussy was full of cock and her clit was rubbing up against the hard, thick shaft that was giving her Whbest ride of her life! She pushed up as her dream lover pushed down and she licked her lips. Good. It was so good. “Oh, yes – I love this – I love this,” she moaned.

  Bobby loved it too. He had awakened with a huge piece of morning wood – and his sweet Ceelee had been too tempting to resist. Sometime during the night, he had slipped out of her – but he couldn’t stay away. All it had taken was a couple of kisses to her neck and a caress to her soft pussy and she had been wet and ready for him. “I love it too, baby. I’d rather be in your sweet pussy than anywhere on earth.”

  Her heart jumped at his voice – it wasn’t a dream – it was better. “More – more – more,” she chanted as he plunged into her in a hypnotizing rhythm – her clit pulsed with the pounding. Oh, the boy was good – he captured a nipple and began sucking – he was driving her mindless with pleasure – she couldn’t think, only feel. Ceelee moved with him, accommodating him – giving Bobby all that she was. She mewled with pleasure, her whole body growing tight with the oncoming peak that threatened to toss her off the edge of the world.

  “Bobby!’ she screamed so loud that Bobby knew they were in for it. It was after eight and the family would be within hearing range. Of al
l the bedrooms, his back wall had to butt up to the dining room wall. To hell with it, he wasn't ashamed – in fact, he was damn proud that he could make his woman scream the roof off. They'd deal with the questions when they came. "That's it precious, take your pleasure. You are so wonderful – so beautiful." The friction of his cock against her silken walls was euphoric – he wanted to share. Keeping his connection to her secure, he held on to her hips and rose to loom over her, pulling her lower body up on his thighs. She didn't resist, but stared at him in complete and utter trust. "I'm on a mission, angel. I'm going to wake up your little G-spot"

  Her eyes never left his; she was with him every step of the way. "Bobby, you fill me so tight there’s no way you’re missing anything.” Cecile didn't think there was a possibility that he could give her more pleasure than he already had. The thrust of his cock inside of her grateful body was already mind-boggling in its intensity. She gave in to the desire to stroke him, milk him – so she concentrated on giving him caresses of the most intimate kind.

  "Holy Hell, baby!" He had never been with a woman that could squeeze him so good. To be almost untried, Ceelee had incredible sexual instincts. More than anything, he wanted to repay all of that sexy sweetness. "No, you'll know it when I hit it just right." This was one time when Bobby was glad of his sexual expertise. If he could give his woman joy, it would all be worth it. Most men didn't take the time to learn the anatomy of their woman's body well enough to find the elusive erogenous zone located at the front of the vaginal canal. "There that should be it." He ground down, giving short hard thrusts that rubbed his dick right over the spongy area that should make her head spin. If he washt – he ought to know in a moment.

  Ah! There it was. He watched her back arch and she almost stood on her head, thrusting her hips up harder into his groin, seeking the most contact that she could get. "God! Bobby! Fuck me! Harder! Harder!" He felt her start to quake, her whole body jerking in the throes of climax. Watching her, feeling her – the spasms of her lush body, the jiggle and sway of her full breasts – all of it coalesced into a fireball of power that rushed from deep within his belly, driving ecstasy throughout his body. A long, harsh groan erupted from his throat and he emptied himself inside of her – giving her his essence, his passion – his all.


  “Did I hear what I thought I heard this morning?” Annalise cornered Cecile by the coffeepot. “Either you were having an incredible dream or you were boinking the youngest Stewart.”

  Cecile couldn’t help but smile. “Do you mind?” She had thought about trying to hide it, but why should she? Sleeping with Bobby might be the smartest thing she had ever done.

  “Are you kidding?” ‘Lise laughed, glancing over her shoulder at the three brothers who were pouring over a sports article in the newspaper. “I’m thrilled to death for you. If Bobby is anything like his brother, he’s an incredible lover.” She smiled at the blush that rushed up Cecile’s face. “You needed this – and I’m glad you’re getting some. And from a younger man – all I can say is ‘Go Girl!’”

  Uh-oh. “Younger?” Cecile wondered what Annalise meant by younger. Bobby looked as manly and mature as the other Stewarts. They were all in tip-top masculine form, one didn’t look any older than the other – they each were perfect in their own way. How young could he be? She had thought that he was probably near to her own age. All of a sudden she had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “Yeah . .” Annalise didn’t get to finish her sentence. Scarlet walked up, a little out of breath, but with a smile on her face. "If anyone goes into town, I could use some more thread." She held up a spool with a little bit of light pink thread still attached.

  "Are you still sewing? I thought you were about through."

  "I'm finishing up my gown," Scarlet looked a bit sheepish. Alex moved in close to her and pulled her back against him.

  "She's working too hard," he kissed the side of her face and Scarlet leaned back against him. Their obvious affection tugged at Cecile's heart.

  "Bobby and Cecile are going into Austin to pick up my gifts – they'll be glad to get it for you, won't you Cecile?" Bobby, hearing his name, joined them – his eyes automatically seeking hers out. Immediately she felt a heat growing in her pussy; it was amazing the amount of power this man had over her. It had only been a couple of hours since he had given her three orgasms, for God's sake. She, who had been on a sexual starvation diet, was fast becoming a nympho. But, how young was he? The question plagued her.

  "We'll be glad to do it." Bobby answered before she could, taking the thread from Scarlet with a smile. His eyes raked over Cecile's body, appreciatively. "You look good enough to eat. Are you ready to go?"

  "I was just about to get coffee," Cecile motioned toward the pot. Not that she needed it; he had already given her everything she needed to wake up.

  Taking her by the hand, he pulled her toward the door. "We'll get you some on the road. I've got a lot of errands to run." Getting her alone was his main objective, but he'd take care of the other things as well.

  As he led her to a brand new Dodge pickup, Cecile's heart was lighter than it had been in months. "You’ve got a new truck; this is not the same one that you were in that night on the highway."

  He didn't take her to the passenger door, but brought her to his side – apparently he wanted her to sit close. When he opened the door, she saw bench seats. Nice. Before she could step up, Bobby had her around the waist and lifted her up with ease. "There you go, baby. Yeah, I bought this a couple of weeks ago. My old truck was falling apart." She watched him hungrily as he settled in beside her, he was so big and he made her feel small, dainty and precious. It was a heady feeling.

  "Sit close." He pulled her next to him, and put her hand on his thigh. "Hold on to me, I need to feel your touch." He leaned over and kissed her on top of the head. "There's so much we need to talk about. I want to know everything about you. And as we go through town, I'm gonna take you on the Bobby Stewart tour. How's that sound?"

  Beneath her hand, his thigh was rock hard and she could only lay her palm across the top of it. Without thinking, she began to massage the firm flesh, enjoying the tactile feel of his rough blue jeans and the knowledge that a man enjoyed spending time with her. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." She leaned her face on his shoulder, her chin resting against his bicep, sighing with happiness. "Where do we start?"

  Bobby turned down a side road and soon they were at a small rodeo arena. "This is where I ride bulls." Cecile sat up straighter in the seat straining to see everythingnbsp; There were a few men in hats and boots walking around, and pens of livestock off to the left. One enclosure held some mammoth bulls and a few of them had horns – Cecile shivered.

  "Bulls! You ride bulls?" She was flabbergasted. "How did I not know this?" Flickers of wonder and fear wiggled up her spine.

  "Doll, I know we had an instant connection, but how could you know? Everything has happened so fast." He parked his truck. "Should I get bull rider tattooed on my dick?"

  As he held his arms out for her, she readily went into them. "No," she whispered. "I don't want some tattoo artist holding you like that." As soon as she voiced her concern, she realized how it sounded. "Sorry, Bobby. I have no say in what you do."

  He squeezed her hard as he let her slide down his body. "You can have all the say you want to have. I love it that you're acting like you care." Putting an arm around her shoulders, he guided her toward one of the men who was running a curry comb over a quarter horse mare. "Hey, Moose! What's going on?"

  The big man turned and broke out in a smile that seemed about to crack the leather of his face. "Why, Bobby Stewart! Long time no see, man! Thought you had forgotten about us little guys. I've heard you're climbing in the ranks this year – one of these days you're gonna be World Champion Bull Rider! Who you got here?"

  Cecile didn't hesitate to place her hand in the big paw that was extended to her. Bobby's hand tightened at her waist, protectively. "Moose,
this is Ceelee Fairchild. Ceelee, this is Tom Lawrence or Moose as we call him. He's one of the best bulldoggers in this part of the state."

  "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Moose." Both men laughed at her. All she could think about was that Bobby was a very successful bull rider – which meant he faced untold danger in the rodeo ring often. Cecile didn't know how she felt about that.

  "Come on; let's go meet some of the bulls. They're not nearly as mean when they're not in the chute. When they get herded into that contraption – they know they're going to work and all their spunk comes out." Bobby walked Ceelee over to the fence, loving the feel of her body bumping up against his." As soon as they approached the bulls, one of the bigger black ones came huffing over, anxious to see if the newcomers were any threat.

  "Have you ever been hurt? Do you get thrown a lot?" She couldn't help the worried words which tumbled from her lips.

  Bobby tapped her on the end of her nose. "I'm a big boy, baby. I've been doing this for years. Don't worry your little head about it."

  Cecile flattened her lips into a straight line of discontent. "So you're telling me that bull riding isn't dangerous?" She knew better; and thinking of him putting his life on the line by crawling up on one of these monsters made her blood run cold. She didn't realize, but she was holding on to his other hand for dear life, wanting to hold him closely to her and keep him safe.

  "It can be," Bobby answered slowly – thinking about Shaun. "But there's risk in everything, Ceelee. “Here, touch his nose.” She slowly put her hand through the fence and touched the big animal’s soft pink nose. He let her have one touch and he sprang back, as if he didn’t want anyone seeing him be nice to the pretty lady.

  “It was like velvet!” she marveled. “They’re beautiful animals. “You're probably right about taking risks, I guess." Let's see how he felt when the shoe was on the other foot. She didn't know why she was teasing him, but it felt good. "Maybe I'll take up some exciting sport," Cecile mused. Actually, she was half-way serious. "I'm tired of living life traveling in the slow lane. How about skydiving?" Her insides jumped at the thought – could she ever do something like that?


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