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Learning to Trust

Page 10

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  Soon I realized I should’ve listened to him and my body more, as I found myself swaying and headed back towards the bed. He reached out in an attempt to catch me, but we both fell back on the bed together, with him on top of me.

  I was totally embarrassed and afraid to look him in the face, knowing he would be his authoritative self. I felt like a complete idiot. I couldn’t even walk to the bathroom.

  His hand came up and gently caressed the side of my face. “Are you okay?” His tone was apprehensive.

  I felt my face heat with my blush of embarrassment. “I guess the orange juice hasn’t kicked in yet.”

  He raised his arms up, lifting the pressure of his weight off of me. “While I rather enjoy laying here like this with you, we should probably get up.”

  Garrett rose from the bed and then scooped me up in his arms, carrying me the entire way to the bathroom. He flipped on the light and I gasped at the vast expanse of the bathroom. There was a sunken tub with whirlpool jets and enough room for two people, along with a large walk-in shower and a vanity with two sinks.

  My eyes must have been bugging out over the opulence of the room, because I heard him laugh. “I guess you approve of the bathroom?”

  “Sorry, I’ve never seen one this lovely before. The tub looks inviting. I’ve only had the luxury of a small shower in the dorms for the past four years,” I answered honestly, totally drooling over the thought of being able to take a bath. “And three years of locker room showers with the swim team.”

  He walked me over to the toilet and sat me on my feet, making sure I was steady before he let go. I was thankful that it was separate from the rest of the room, with a door for privacy.

  “I’ll be right outside the door,” he said. “Call for me when you’re done. I don’t want you to fall, especially on the tile.”

  I flushed with embarrassment that this man would be right outside as I used the facilities, but understood his trepidation about leaving me to myself, since I had to lean on the walls to guide me toward the toilet.

  I made quick work of relieving myself and then following the walls back to the door. He was quick to come behind me, placing his hands around my waist and steadying my gait as I meandered over to one of the sinks at the vanity. I washed my hands thoroughly and then splashed some water on my face to get some of the sleepiness out of my eyes.

  Garrett pulled my hair to the side and began planting gentle kisses up and down my neck. “I could get used to you being around like this.”

  I was about to object when he swooped down and lifted me into his arms. I threw my arms around his neck for fear of being dropped. He laughed at my panic. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t even think of dropping you.”

  I relaxed and laid my head on his shoulder as he carried me through the bedroom and into a huge living area. I was surprised there was another room to the suite. In the center of the room there was a plush black sofa, loveseat and chair, along with end tables, a coffee table and an immense flat screen television and radio system. To one side of the room was a mini-bar area complete with a sink and a dorm-sized refrigerator. To the other side there was a dining table large enough to seat six people.

  He told me to hold on as he pulled out a seat at the dining table with one hand and gently placed me in the seat. “Would you care for some water, soda or juice?”

  I smiled at how chivalrous he was being. “Some water would be nice, thank you.”

  Just then, there was a knock at the door. “Room service!” the muffled voice called from the other side of the door.

  Garrett walked over, letting them inside. The young waiter quickly dressed the table with placemats, silverware, napkins, and crystal salt and pepper shakers before placing covered plates at each place setting. He placed a basket of rolls and butter to the side, along with a butter knife, a bowl of fresh fruit, and two side salads.

  The waiter turned to Garrett. “Would you like me to leave the cart in here, sir, or would you like to ring me when you’re ready for the items to be removed?”

  He shook his hand with what looked to be a fifty dollar bill inside of it. “Feel free to leave the cart. I’ll leave it outside within the next hour or two for you to pick up at your convenience. Thank you.”

  The waiter smiled graciously at him, then turned to give me a bow and was out the door.

  Garrett went over to the radio and turned on some soft piano music, before returning to the small refrigerator. He pulled out two bottles of water and sat down beside me at the head of the table.

  He took the lids off to reveal the intoxicating smell of coq au vin, complete with little pearl onions and baby carrots swimming in the sauce and a steaming serving of what looked like upscale macaroni and cheese.

  I placed my napkin in my lap, lifted my fork, and dug into the chicken. The taste was even more heavenly than the smell. I looked up at Garrett and began to feel self conscious as I chewed my food. “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing, it is just good to see you eating. Hannah had told me that you missed breakfast and discovered you had hardly eaten anything for lunch. All this could have been avoided today had you allowed your body the nutrition it needed.”

  I dropped my fork and felt embarrassed, finding myself looking down into my lap. He was right; all of this could’ve been avoided.

  His fingers swept under my chin and lifted it so I could see his face. “Please don’t stop eating, Laurel. While I’m not happy this happened to you today, I am glad that I was able to be here for you and that you’re with me right now.” His mouth transformed into a radiating, infectious smile. I soon found my own lips mirroring his.

  We ate, with him occasionally looking over to make sure I continued. To be honest, I was ravenous from the lack of food. Every morsel of the meal was delightful, even the salad.

  I had finished everything on my plate, and was about to push away from the table when Garrett spoke up authoritatively. “You aren’t done yet. You still need to eat some fruit for dessert.”

  “I’m not sure I can handle another bite to eat right now,” I pleaded.

  He wasn’t happy with my response and he pursed his lips at me, looking adorably demanding. “I won’t be happy until you at least eat a few pieces.”

  In exasperation, I relented and forked a piece of pineapple, a couple of strawberries, and a small piece of cantaloupe onto my plate. “Happy?” I replied curtly.

  He smiled. “Yes, very!”

  I got up from the table and found that my bearings were a little stronger, though still wobbly. I managed the few feet to the sofa, where I took a seat and leaned back into the deep cushions to relax.

  He cleared everything off the table and placed the cart outside the door in the hallway before returning and taking a seat next to me. He stretched his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close so my head was leaning on his chest.

  I breathed in deeply and sighed, taking in his intoxicating manly scent. He smelled like vanilla and musk.

  “What’s wrong, Laurel?”

  “Nothing really, I just feel like I’m an imposition to you.” I hated feeling weak and hated being waited on even more.

  “Don’t ever think that. I’m enjoying looking after you. It means I get to spend more time with you.” His emerald eyes darkened as a salacious smile spread across his face, making my blood flame.

  I was feeling tired from the excitement of the day and wanted to get some more sleep, but at the same time wanted a chance to wash. I knew I wasn’t stable enough on my feet to manage taking a shower, but there was that amazing tub in there…“Would you mind if I use your bathtub to wash up before going to bed?”

  His eyes perked up. “Not at all; I can go ahead and get the water going for you and pour in some foaming scented oils.”

  “That would be lovely. I need to get my purse out of my duffle bag to check my phone for messages and take some medicine. Also, did Hannah pack me something to sleep in, and my vanity items?” I had no idea what I had available to me or wher
e anything was.

  “Stay here and don’t move,” he said, more of an order than a suggestion.

  Several minutes passed before Garrett finally returned. He offered his hand to help me up from the couch and checked to see if I was steady enough to walk myself. My balance was still wavering, but not nearly as badly as it had been earlier.

  He motioned for me to precede him to the bathroom, and he followed behind me with both hands holding tight to my waist.

  When I reached the bathtub, I found it already filling with water and the air permeated with the scent of lavender. There was a towel and washcloth placed to the side of the tub on a chair. A bottle of my favorite vanilla scented body wash and shampoo were sitting alongside the tub’s edge, while my small vanity case and purse were sitting aside one of the sinks at the counter. The main lights were dimmed and several candles were lit, illuminating the bathroom in a soft and gentle glow.

  I glanced back in awe of the serene setting and how this wonderfully handsome man had gone to such extremes just for me. I turned in his arms and reached my hand towards his face. He leaned into my embrace, cherishing the touch. “You didn’t have to do all this for me,” I said, my forehead meeting his. “But thank you.”

  He leaned forward, his lips brushing gently across mine. “I would do anything for you, Laurel.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I just kissed his cheek.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and get changed out of your clothes and into the tub. You can use the chair to help balance you. I’ll come back in with your pajamas.” He paused a moment before adding with an outrageous grin and an eyebrow wiggle. “I’m more than happy to help you, if you need it. I’m especially good at washing.” He winked and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and then was off to the bedroom, closing the door most of the way behind him.

  The thoughts of him undressing and washing me made my body tingle with a desire I’d never felt before. My subconscious kept telling me to take things slowly, so I tried my best to ignore my baser instincts. I sat on the chair as I unbuttoned my pants and lifted only enough to remove them and my panties, before sitting back down. I was so weak. I lifted my t-shirt over my head and let it, along with my bra, join the rest of the clothing on the floor.

  The water had already reached the three quarters mark of the tub, so I gently lowered myself in and turned off the faucet. The warmth of the water and the aroma of the lavender bubbles made me relax.

  The tub was bigger than what it had originally appeared to be. I knew Garrett would be coming back in with my pajamas, so I opted to cross my arms on the side wall, relax my head on them and allow my body to just float in the water, keeping my most private parts well-hidden.

  I heard footsteps and a rustling noise when he came back into the room.

  “No need to move, Laurel. I’m just putting some fresh clothing over by the sink. I’ll be out of here in a moment.”

  I was so blissed out in the bath that words failed me. “Mmmm…”

  I was startled from my daydreaming state when I felt the water shift behind me and his hands massaging my shoulders rhythmically. I didn’t turn around to face him; instead fear shook my voice as I asked, “W-what are you doing?”

  “You’ve had a stressful day. I thought you might enjoy a shoulder massage.” His words were earnest.

  One of my arms extended out behind me, feeling for his side and then moving further down his rib cage to his thigh. My breath caught. “Y-you aren’t wearing anything.”

  “Neither are you,” he countered.

  “I thought I was going to take a bath by myself, otherwise I would’ve never agreed to this.”

  He moved in, pressing his bare chest up against my back. “I gave you my word, as a gentleman, that I won’t touch you in that way tonight, Laurel. While you do excite me, it will be you who makes that call. Besides, you still aren’t steady on your feet and I don’t want to risk you getting hurt in the tub.”

  His words calmed me and his arms snaked around me to pull me onto his lap. “Just lean back and relax. Let’s just soak for a while and enjoy the pleasurable warmth of the water.”

  He held me gently as his arms stroked up and down mine, letting the warm water cascade over my skin.

  Despite the amount of bubbles in the water, his chest hairs tickled against my back and I often tensed and covered myself when his hands got too close. I was trying my best not to panic.

  “You’re too tense, Laurel,” he said as he continued rubbing my shoulders in an attempt to get me to relax. He swept my hair to one side with his hand and trailed light kisses from my earlobe down to my neck and along my right shoulder. “Apparently you like my lips on you, your body just relaxed. Have you ever taken a bath with someone before?”

  I knew that Garrett was much more experienced in amorous affairs and was afraid to answer his question.

  A few moments passed without a reply. “Are you going to answer me?”

  My voice finally piped up sheepishly. “No, I haven’t, and I’m not really comfortable having you here with me like this.”

  His chest rose, inhaling deeply. “My apologies. I didn’t want you to be alone and thought you might enjoy sharing the bath. I can leave if you’d like.”

  He started to shift me from his lap and I had second thoughts. This was scary and a little exciting all at the same time. Make new memories, Laurel. “No. Please don’t leave.” I quickly grabbed his hands and wrapped them back around my waist. “It’s a long story, one that I’d rather not get into right now, but this is a big step for me. As long as I have your word that you won’t try anything, you can stay.”

  I sat in his lap for the longest time, leaning my head back against his chest and allowing the tension of the day to roll off me. I could feel his arousal stir beneath my backside in the water, which filled my head with delicious thoughts of him, but knew I would never act on those feelings; at least not right now.

  When the water started to cool a little, he reached for the washcloth and body wash. Garrett began to wash my neck, shoulders, arms and back, without any resistance on my part. He paused momentarily, just above my breast line. “Should I continue or would you like to take over?”

  His hands were gentle and wonderfully talented; part of me never wanted him to stop. I leaned back against him and moved my hand over his, squeezing it in silent approval. He sighed as I allowed his hands to continue washing me, guiding the cloth gently over one breast and then the other.

  “You have the most amazing breasts,” he breathed. “They feel wonderful in my hands.”

  I felt myself blush under his comment. He started nuzzling my neck as his hands traveled down my abdomen, down to my lower legs and back up against my inner thighs. I moaned in gratitude of his tender caresses.

  He placed the washcloth in my hands. “I think you should probably take care of your most private area,” he said hoarsely. “I want you so badly right now that I’m not sure I could stop with just washing you down there.”

  My skin heated, my breath hitched and I think my heart skipped a beat at his rather emblazoned admission. I’d never had a man be so forward with his thoughts before. The mere suggestion of his words made my nipples harden and my soul burn for his affection. But, in the back of my mind, I was left wondering…would he want me if he knew the truth? Would I even be able to do what he suggested?

  I took the cloth from his hands and quickly handled the rest of my needs. I suddenly felt bold. “Would you like me to return the favor and wash your back?”

  “I would love that, Laurel,” he said, dropping a kiss on my nose. He took the same washcloth, rinsing it and placing more body wash for a richer lather, before turning around and letting me wash him.

  I hadn’t realized just how muscular Garrett was until I felt him contract beneath my touch. He was solid, no doubt from exercising regularly. He continued to move, allowing me new areas to wash, though I stopped short of his privates, allowing him to fill those needs on his own.r />
  He grabbed hold of some shampoo and began to lather his hair, before squirting some more in his hands and lathering mine. He turned the faucet on, waiting for the water temperature to warm up, before turning on a nozzle and picking up a handheld sprayer. “Lean back and let me rinse your hair.” I nodded and he rinsed slowly and methodically, making sure all the soap was out before rinsing his own hair and pulling the plug on the tub.

  I quickly covered my privates with my hands as the tub drained. He stepped out of the tub, showing off his entire sculpted-to-perfection body. He wasn’t ashamed of his nudity and seemed rather pleased that his erection was prominently showing. My eyes nearly jumped out of my head at the sheer size of it. None of Michelangelo’s statues or visions of Greek gods could hold a candle to the magnificent specimen of manliness that was right in front of me.

  Garrett quickly dried most of his shoulders and legs before wrapping the small towel around his center. He held a larger towel up to me and offered his hand to help me out of the tub.

  Knowing I needed his assistance getting out, I offered the hand covering my breasts, quickly looking down at the floor as I climbed out. He wrapped the towel around me, circling his arms around my waist to provide extra body warmth. “There’s no shame in the human body,” he whispered, “You have the most breathtaking body I’ve ever seen, Laurel.” He turned me to lay a gentle kiss on my mouth. He took another towel and began to dry my hair, before turning the towel on his own hair. “You’ll find a hair dryer in one of the vanity drawers.”

  I walked over to the vanity to put on my pajamas and realized that these clothes were not my own. “Where are my sleep shorts and t-shirt?”

  He smiled as he tugged on a pair of pajama pants, commando style. “You’re too beautiful to sleep in those things. I had Thompson pick you up some new things, at my request.”

  I was mesmerized by the way Garrett looked in his pants; hanging low on his hips. His chest was broad and firm with a light smattering of hair, leading down into a perfectly sculpted six pack of abdominal wonder and ending with a lovely sculpted V that lead down to his manhood.


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