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Learning to Trust

Page 22

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  I felt obligated to speak, though I had to admit it was nice to have someone to commiserate with. “The doctor told me I could have a sip here and there; as long as I had a good, protein-laden meal to go along with it, I should be fine.”

  Garrett was about to interject when the Master of Ceremonies announced the beginning of the presentations and called for him to come up on stage.

  I watched as he climbed the steps and went over to the microphone.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of Mr. Waters and Waters Medical Industries, I welcome you to this wonderful event. Mr. Waters would like to express his gratitude in helping to raise funds for one of the organizations close to his heart. Unfortunately, business calls and he has asked me to represent him here tonight.”

  He was magnificent in front of a crowd, as poised and confident as ever, and I couldn’t help admiring him.

  “The emcee for the evening has given me word that between the silent auction and a multitude of donations, we have managed to raise a total of $425,000. Mr. Waters has consented to match that amount and will be donating another $425,000 to tonight’s cause, bringing the grand total to $850,000 to be donated to the Diabetes Foundation.”

  The applause was thunderous.

  The room slowly began to quiet down as Garrett continued. “Diabetes is a silent disease. Many of you in this room may already be exhibiting symptoms and not know it. Nearly two million people are diagnosed every year and those numbers keep rising. The Waters Group is working hard to develop equipment to aide in early detection of the disease, to avoid misdiagnosis, and hopefully gain more control and insight to those currently suffering with this malady.

  “If everyone would please give a round of applause to the Waters’ staff that planned the event tonight, along with appreciation to the Belmount Plaza Hotel and staff for the wonderful meal we just enjoyed.”

  More thunderous applause and whistles rang through the room.

  The curtain began to rise behind Garret, revealing an orchestral band. “Please feel free to stick around, dance the night away, and enjoy some of the scrumptious dessert and champagne. Don’t forget that the drawing for an all-inclusive weekend getaway will occur at precisely 10:00 p.m. and you must be present to win. Thank you and enjoy your evening.”

  The music began to play and Harris asked Olivia to dance. Garrett made his way back to the table and stopped in front of me, holding out his hand. “Laurel, would you care to dance?”

  I shook my head. “I’m afraid I don’t know how.”

  He grabbed hold of my hand, pulling me up out of my seat. “You don’t have to, if you have a good leader on the dance floor.”

  I noticed both Sandra and Jonathan with open mouths as he led me out onto the dance floor. Harris and Olivia were dancing cheek to cheek and smiling our direction. You could feel the affection they still had for one another. I could only hope to one day find a love like that.

  To my surprise, Garrett was right. He danced perfectly and all I had to do was let him guide me around the floor.

  After several turns around the dance floor, I was feeling a little lightheaded, so we went back to the table to rest. My thirst was excessive as I downed an entire glass of water and wanted more. He held my hand tightly in his and I felt a prick against my finger.

  “Ouch!” I protested, causing everyone at the table to look our way.

  “I want to know your sugar level,” he hissed. “Your thirst is excessive and you didn’t eat all of your food tonight.”

  I didn’t recognize the meter, since it was compact and easily slipped into his pants pocket. Where did he get that fancy thing? Why don’t I have one? Sure enough, within seconds the reading came back as 60.

  Garrett motioned towards one of the servers and asked him to bring our table’s dessert, along with a bowl of nuts and a sugar free dessert for Sandra. The server nodded and returned within minutes with his requests.

  I wasn’t really hungry, but he wouldn’t leave my side or enjoy his own dessert until I started in on mine. The Waters family exchanged odd glances towards one another before smiling huge, genuinely happy smiles in our direction.

  The dessert was better than promised, though a tad on the sweet side. The nuts helped to cut the sweetness and I had to admit that the combination made me feel better.

  Garrett excused himself from the table, citing the need to talk with a couple of doctors in attendance about some projects the company was working on. I watched as he greeted them with a warm smile and handshakes.

  I was so mesmerized by his ability to talk so freely with others that I didn’t notice Sandra had moved over and occupied his seat. I jumped when she first touched my arm.

  “I’m sorry, Laurel. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I noticed Garrett has been sticking to your side all night and wanted to take the opportunity to talk with you.”

  I nodded and tried to anticipate what we were going to talk about.

  “Garrett has been around our family for quite a while now,” Sandra began. “We often consider him to be like our brother. He means a great deal to us and to see him happy and smiling tonight is priceless; I feel we have you to thank for that.”

  I started to open my mouth when she motioned me to wait.

  “I don’t know the full story behind the two of you,” she continued, “but whatever you’re doing, please keep it up. He’s had a lot of hurt in his life, to the point where we thought his heart was completely closed off; however, you seem to be bringing life back into him. So thank you.” She reached over and hugged me gently.

  “You have me at a loss for words,” I admitted. “I’m not sure what we are to one another, but I know I care about him and hate to hear that he’s had heartache in his life. He’s been extremely kind and giving towards me and I promise to do the same for him, Sandra.” I reached over, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

  Jonathan interrupted us and grabbed hold of my hand. “Come dance with me, lovely.”

  I shook my head. “Why not ask your date?”

  “She doesn’t like to dance and I’m feeling pent up just sitting here. Besides, it will give us a chance to talk.” Not taking no for an answer, he quickly pulled me to my feet and ushered me to the dance floor with one hand pressed firmly on my lower back.

  Jonathan was as suave and carefree as Garrett, taking the lead and having me follow; I was almost having fun.

  He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, “You seem to know Garrett quite well. Enlighten me on how you two met?”

  What’s with the third degree with these people? I smiled. “He was touring my college, scoping out potential engineers for Bio-Medical, and found my project appealing. My professor asked if I would be interested in applying and interviewing for a position. I received a phone call from Garrett, asking about my schedule and wanting to set up an interview.” I paused for a moment, glancing round the room to see where he was, only to discover him still talking with a couple gentlemen in the far corner.

  “Do continue, please,” Jonathan encouraged.

  “I had run into him off campus, not knowing who he was, only to learn at the interview he was Mr. Andrews, the interviewer. We talked about my desire to help medical technology advance and the next thing I knew, I was hired.”

  His face looked worried. “So you haven’t known each other long?”

  I allowed my shoulders to shrug. “Only a few weeks; why?”

  He shook his head as if trying to understand something. “I agree with Sandra; whatever you are doing, don’t stop. Garrett has come to life with you.”

  I wanted to question him further, when I felt familiar hands circle round my waist, “Stealing my date for the evening?” So now I went from hired employee to date? Which is it? My head was spinning from the continual back and forth on our status.

  Jonathan quickly released me. “Just having a little chat.” He grabbed my hand and quickly kissed it. “It has been a pleasure, Laurel,” he said before strolling back towards our table. />
  Garrett pulled me close to his chest and began to dance us around the room. During the course of the next two songs, he rubbed up against me, ever so gently, and gave me chaste kisses against the cheek, neck and lips, slowly igniting a fire deep within me. He leaned in, whispering, “You’re driving me wild, Laurel. All I can think about is having you clenched around my cock. I have one more announcement to make and then we’re out of here.”

  My breath hitched on his admission as his eyes searched mine for an answer. I nodded and that was all he needed before pulling us back to the table. He had me gather my purse and say our goodbyes to the Waters family and wait for him by the exit.

  The music stopped as he approached the microphone. “If I could please have everyone’s attention; it’s time for the raffle drawing. If I could have Dr. Waters come up on stage to draw the winning ticket.”

  Everyone clapped as Harris walked up on the stage.

  “The winning ticket will get a three day, all-inclusive weekend at a luxury resort in Jamaica. Dr. Waters, if you will do the honors.” Garrett held the bowl with all the tickets as Harris moved the tickets around and pulled one out. “The lucky ticket number is 459200534.”

  A staff member had the gift envelope in hand on the floor to deliver it to the lucky winner, a middle-aged woman in purple who suddenly jumped out of her seat, waving her ticket like a madwoman.

  Garrett smiled. “Congratulations to Mrs. Kensworth.” As soon as the applause died down, he spoke again. “We have come to the conclusion of events this evening, but would like to welcome everyone to stay and dance a little longer. Mr. Waters has booked the room until midnight, so enjoy!”

  He looked over my direction, his eyes hooded and a smile on his face. He walked to the hotel’s manager, shook his hand, and pulled out an envelope. They spoke a few words and Garrett typed something into his phone before strolling towards me. His hair tickled my shoulder as he leaned in to whisper, “I need you now!” with a low growl.

  The outside scene was still chaotic to say the least, with photographers calling out to nearly everyone exiting the event. Thankfully, the limo was waiting for us with Thompson holding the door open to the back seat. I got in first and Garrett scooted up right next to me. No sooner had the door closed when his lips and hands were on me, pressing me firmly into the seat.

  The next thing I knew, we were in front of our building. He quickly rushed us to the elevator, where he backed me into the corner and continued to kiss me relentlessly until we hit my floor.

  Inside the apartment, he tore off his clothes and pawed at my dress to get the zipper undone. I could feel his need for me; mine was just as severe. His eyelids were hooded, the normal emerald shine dark and clouded with desire.

  He slipped the dress down far enough where I could step out of it, but as soon as the dress was gone, he reached over to my thong and ripped it completely off before tipping me back on the bed and impaling me so suddenly I cried out in surprise at his animalistic desire.

  “You feel so fucking good, Laurel,” Garrett growled, before plundering my mouth with his tongue.

  Garrett had started off sweet when I was first with him, and he still could be at times, but lately he seemed to want to own my body completely during our times together. It made me wonder who he really was and which side of him that I liked more.

  The fact that this gorgeous Adonis wanted me made me melt, but I feared this was nothing more than a quick fling for him and that I’d end up getting burned or heartbroken in the long run. I still couldn’t fathom why he introduced himself as my boyfriend to some people and only called me his “coworker friend” to others, particularly the Waters family. And he still wouldn’t date, though he’d have sex with me? And wasn’t whatever we were doing, lunches and dinners and galas considered dating? It didn’t make sense, but I didn’t want to dwell on it tonight. I only wanted to enjoy the time we had together and how amazing he made my body feel.

  His pace was punishing as he plunged in and out, bringing me higher and higher. “Don’t hold back, baby. Let me hear you scream.” One of his hands dislodged my breasts from the cups of the corset, his mouth latching hard onto one of my nipples. His tongue teased me, rolling it back and forth, before his teeth grazed and then bit down lightly, causing me to scream out, “Garrett!” as my walls clenched tightly around his cock. He rocked into me hard a couple of times before releasing himself deep within my womb.

  He didn’t pull out immediately, instead wrapping my legs tightly around his waist as he lifted me close to his chest and began to unlace and unhook the corset. He made quick work of getting me out of the remainder of my clothes and shoes. He stood with me wrapped around him, still connected, as he pulled back the sheets and placed us both into bed.

  “I’m sorry about that, darling. I don’t know what came over me. I just had to have you.” His lips began to nibble on my ear, down past my jaw and over to my lips, where they pressed down in one of the most tender and passionate kisses he’d ever given me.

  “I wanted you just as badly,” I admitted. “You did surprise me by your aggression, but you didn’t scare me, because I knew it was you.”

  “Thank goodness. I was worried I might’ve frightened you off.” He continued kissing slowly down my neck until he hit the juncture of my neck and shoulder, where he bit down lightly with some pressure, causing my back to arch and another wave of desire to course through me. That spot.

  I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to lift him so I could look into his eyes. “I like when you’re gentle and sweet with me, but I also like when you’re aggressive and take control during sex, so I’m only left to feel.”

  His eyes were alight with sparkle at my words. His arms cradled my head as he whispered, “There’s so much I want to show you, so many things I’d like to explore with you. I can teach you passion like you’ve never felt before; how to let go of any hindrances and allow yourself to relish the moment. But we need to take things slowly for us to achieve total trust.”

  Garrett’s words both soothed and intimidated me. I knew he was experienced and could probably show me things I’d never heard about, but did I want to know? Plus, was the issue of trust just for my sake or for his, too? I could sense there was a reason for his need to control and to “not date.” The way the Waters family discussed Garrett, it became evident that he had endured some form of emotional pain in his past, so he kept people at arm’s length.

  I continued to gaze into his eyes, “I must be out of my mind, but I am beginning to trust you Garrett. I’ll take whatever you are willing to give me and I’ll follow wherever you want to lead me.”

  “Oh, Laurel, you don’t know how deep your words reach.” His words were reverential as his lips claimed mine in a hot and sensual kiss. I could feel him harden again inside me and he started to move his hips in a slower, more tortuous, pace.

  The night seemed unending. The man was insatiable and I was beginning to believe I was, too. We went at it a couple more times before passing out from near exhaustion in each other’s arms.

  I awoke early the following morning to Garrett grabbing me tightly around the waist and mumbling something in his sleep. “Don’t leave me. You promised to be in my life forever. I’ve already lost so much; not you, too.” His voice cracked and soft sobs began to fill the room, though he still was sound asleep.

  My hand stroked over his arm in reassurance as I whispered, “I’m here with you, for as long as you want me.” I didn’t really know what to say, but hoped the words would bring him some comfort where he could rest more peacefully.

  His grip loosened and his head nuzzled my neck. “I want you always.” Then a low snore escaped his lips and I was sure he was still asleep.

  My mind refused to settle enough to allow me to go back to sleep, wondering what had just happened and what kind of dream or nightmare he was having. My heart ached for him, but at the same time, I wanted to know if he truly wanted me “always” as he said. I’d told my mind to take
things one day at a time so I wouldn’t fall for Garrett and allow my heart to get trampled, but I found myself slowly falling for him despite my best intentions.

  I realized sleep was a lost cause, so I slipped gently out of bed and draped one of the silk robes around me before heading off to the kitchen. I felt a bit woozy from all of our sexual escapades, that I grabbed the glucose monitor and took a reading in the kitchen, which showed I needed some orange juice before making breakfast.

  The coffee finished brewing and I had bacon cooking in the microwave, bread toasting in the toaster oven, fresh fruit cut up in a bowl, and crustless Quiche Lorraine almost done in the oven. I opened the oven door and bent over to check the doneness of the quiche when I felt a pair of hands grab hold of my hips and pull me back against an impressive erection. I managed to pull the quiche out of the oven safely despite his attempts at distraction.

  His lips soon found my neck. “I don’t know which smells more intoxicating, the breakfast or the smell of myself on you, Laurel.” Garrett’s hands began to untie the front of my robe and roam over my breasts.

  “While I’m enjoying you feel me up, I really need to get some food into my system, because my sugar is low.” I turned to see his face torn between doing what was right and doing what came natural for us. I leaned my chest into his for skin on skin contact and nipped his lower lip. “There’s always later,” I reminded him, leaving him with that thought as I grabbed some plates.

  “Damn, woman. This food is amazing. I didn’t know you could cook.”

  His praise made me smile. “You’ve never given me opportunity, nor have you asked me about my hobbies, one of which is cooking.” I went on because he was paying attention and I was on a roll. “I didn’t have much ability to cook in the dorms, but given the right items and equipment, I love to whip things up in the kitchen. It brings back memories of my mom teaching me to cook when I was younger and it’s a stress reliever for me because it takes my mind off of any problem I might need to think through.”


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