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Harts of Arizona Series

Page 77

by Yahrah St. John

  “I don’t want that,” her father rushed out. “When you left four years ago, it broke my heart. If I was honest, I know it was partly Caleb, but partly because of me. You wanted to spread your wings and used your breakup as an excuse.”

  Addison’s eyes widened. She’d never known he knew.

  “Yeah, you think your old man is pretty slow, huh? But I’m not. Having you back in the States has been such a joy, and I wouldn’t want you to go, so ... I’ll keep my opinions to myself.”

  Addison smiled. “I appreciate that. I do.”

  Chapter 21

  “It’s so good to see you, sis,” Caleb said when Rylee dropped by in a surprise visit to Uncle Duke’s mansion.

  “If I don’t come to you, I’d never see ya,” Rylee replied. “So here I am.”

  “Don’t act like I’m the only reason. I bet you’re here because old man Brewster is looking for a good vet to take care of his prize horse, Hercules.”

  Rylee smiled. “How’d you know?”

  Caleb laughed. “Because I’m the one who recommended you. I mean, I know that you’re over Amar’s prized Arabians, but c’mon, you’re the hottest vet in the States.”

  “Oh, stop.” Rylee smiled. When he did, she hit his arm. “Do, and go on.”

  Caleb pulled her into a hug and gave her a friendly tickle.

  “Hey, hey, easy, easy.” Rylee tried pulling away. “You wouldn’t want to injure a pregnant woman.”

  Caleb paused midtickle and righted Rylee onto her feet. “What did you just say?”

  Rylee beamed with pride. “You heard me, right.”

  “Oh, Rylee.” He pulled her into a hug and spun her around. “Omigod, that’s great news.” Then realizing he could hurt her, he put her down on her feet. “How far along?”

  “I’m a few weeks into my second trimester,” Rylee said, patting her small baby bump.

  “And everything’s okay?”

  Rylee’s eyes misted slightly, and he knew she must have been thinking about the miscarriage she’d suffered last year. “Yes. Thankfully, this time, yes.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “Amar took the miscarriage pretty hard, and it’s why we waited before trying again, but I’m nearly five months so we thought it was safe to start telling the family.”

  Caleb squeezed his sister’s hand. “That’s wonderful, Rylee. I’m truly happy for you both.”

  “Thanks, baby brother. So what’s new with you?”

  He could hear the expectancy in her voice, and he wished he had more news to share, but he didn’t. He’d just found Addison again, but he couldn’t expect her to fall into his arms. Not to mention, he had Raphael to deal with. The man clearly loved Addison and planned on fighting for her, which wasn’t going to make it easy convincing her that they were meant to be, but Caleb was determined to try. He wasn’t going to let fear rule him this time.

  “Not much,” he finally answered Rylee’s question.

  Rylee frowned. “No progress with Addison?”

  “Some.” That’s when Caleb filled his sister in on last night’s conversation with Raphael. “Wow!” Rylee said, taking a seat on the couch. “Sounds intense.”

  “It was.”

  “Did you guys come to blows?”

  “We almost did, but what good would it have done? It’s Addison’s decision who she wants to be with.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” a feminine voice said from the doorway.

  Rylee and Caleb glanced up. It was Addison. She was wearing a white cardigan and tank top over leggings and pumps.

  Rylee was the first to make a move and rose from the couch to greet Addison with a warm, friendly hug. “It’s good to see you.”

  Addison returned the hug while Caleb was rooted to the couch. He couldn’t believe Addison had come to him, not after she’d run off the other day from the roof. He’d phoned her, but she hadn’t returned any of his calls. And when he’d called the office, he’d learned she hadn’t returned yesterday afternoon or this morning. He hadn’t known what to make of it.

  They stared at one another. An awkward silence filled the room. Rylee coughed. “Well, I’m just going to go make myself scarce. I’ll see you soon.” Seconds later, she was gone.

  Now, Caleb watched Addison remove her jacket and place it over a nearby chair as she approached him.

  “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  Addison chuckled derisively. “Really? I highly doubt it. You should be happy now because you succeeded in running Raphael away.”

  Caleb sat straight up. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Did I? Or did you give him his walking papers, because you know deep down that you and I aren’t over yet?” He peered into her eyes.

  She didn’t look at him when she answered, “Does it matter?”

  Caleb scooted toward her and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Yes, it does, because I’m not walking away this time, Addison, and I need you to know that. I’m here to show you that I’m worthy of you. And not just by being a stud in the bedroom, even though I’m good at that too.”

  His response brought a curve of a smile to her lips.

  “Ah, there’s the smile I love. But I mean what I said. I’m in it for the long haul, Addison. Marriage, babies, the whole bit.”

  Addison’s smile broadened. “You don’t have to sell me, Caleb.”

  “I don’t?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Does that mean Raphael is out of the picture?”

  Addison nodded.

  “Thank God.” Caleb’s long arm reached behind her head and brought her mouth closer to his. He was about to kiss her, but Addison placed her finger on his lips.


  “There’s rules, here, Caleb,” Addison began.

  “Like what?”

  “I’m not about to jump back into the relationship with you. We have to date and find out who we are, because I’m not the same woman you met four years ago. I’ve changed, and I’m sure your paralysis and recovery have changed you. We have to be sure we like the people we’ve become now, and that will take time. So, in the meantime, there’s a moratorium on sex.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. In order for this relationship to work, there will be no sex. It confuses things, emotions. You need to woo me.”

  Caleb was surprised but intrigued. Clearly she’d given this a great deal of thought during her twenty-four-hour hiatus. “Why on earth would I agree to that? You know as well as I do that the chemistry we share is off the charts.” How am I supposed to be able to keep my hands off her?

  “Because in our previous incarnation, the relationship was primarily about sex.”

  “And what’s wrong that?” He smiled.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Because there’s more to a relationship than sex. So those are my terms. Take it or leave it.”

  “As disappointed as I am by your sex moratorium,” Caleb responded, “I agree.” He held out his hand for a handshake. “But let it be known that I’ll do things your way—that is until you ask me to make love to you.”

  “I’m not going to do that.”

  “You wanna bet?”

  Addison and Caleb were still talking when Rylee peeked her head into the room. “Is it safe to enter?” She held up a small American flag and waved it back and forth.

  Caleb and Addison laughed. “Yes, it is, sis,” Caleb said, and Rylee entered.

  “So ...,” Rylee’s voice trailed off as she looked at Caleb and then at Addison.

  Addison glanced at Caleb and smiled. “So what?”

  “Are you guys back together again or what?”

  Caleb nodded. “We’re going to give it another shot, yes.”

my goodness.” Rylee rushed toward Addison. “I’m so happy. I always knew you were meant to be a part of our family.”

  “Hold up, big sis, no one’s mentioned marriage yet,” Caleb replied, “though I foresee it in the horizon for us.”

  “That remains to be seen,” Addison stated.

  “I’m just happy you’re back in the fold.” Rylee squeezed Addison into a big hug.

  When Addison pulled away, she said, “It looks like we’re not the only ones with news.”

  Rylee blushed and rubbed her stomach. “Yes, Amar and I are expecting.”

  “Congratulations, Rylee. That’s wonderful!”

  “Thank you.” Rylee beamed. “So now that you two are back together, I mean, giving it another try, that means you can come to Chynna’s concert with Amar and I.”

  “I dunno, Rylee. That depends on Addison’s schedule. When is it?” Caleb asked.

  “This weekend. You guys can hitch a ride with us on the jet, and then we’ll drop you back.”

  Caleb turned to Addison. “Sounds like fun. What do you say?”

  “I say let’s do it!”

  “I can’t believe you’re going away with Caleb this weekend,” Collette said as she watched Addison pack for her getaway. She was sitting Indian style on Addison’s bed and eating popcorn.

  “Neither can I.” One minute she was with Raphael considering a future with him, and the next minute, she was hopping a jet with Caleb and his family and going to a concert.

  “You’re the one who agreed to this date.”

  “Thank you for the reminder,” said Addison. “And I did. It’s just happening so fast.”

  “Well, I for one am not surprised.”

  Addison paused from packing her bag to look at Collette. “What do you mean by that?”

  Collette put aside the bowl on the bed and uncrossed her legs. “How long have I known you?”

  “Fourteen years.”

  “Then you know that I know you. And once Caleb reappeared there was no contest as to who you would ultimately choose, it was just a matter of when.”

  “You make it sound so inevitable.”

  Collette shrugged. “It was.”

  “How can you say that with such authority when I’m struggling to understand all of this myself?”

  “Because Caleb was and is the love of your life, your first love, and you’ve never truly gotten over him. I don’t think you would have ever fallen for Raphael if you’d known Caleb was free.”

  “I’m not that much of a hopeless romantic, am I?” Addison sure hoped not, because she was going to be a lot more careful with her heart this time around. She wasn’t just going to give Caleb all of herself like she’d done before and have that love cast aside.

  “It’s your nature, Addison. Don’t fight it!”

  “Is that your advice for this weekend?”

  “Sorta.” Collette gave her a cocky smile before reaching into her pocket and tossing Addison something.

  When Addison opened her hands, she saw a three-pack of flavored condoms.

  “And always be safe.”

  Addison laughed as she shook her head. “Only you, Collette. Only you. But you don’t need to worry because I have no intention of needing these.”

  Colleen snorted. “We are talking about Caleb with whom you burned up the sheets or should I say a utility closet with?”

  Addison blushed several shades of red at Collette’s reminder of how brazenly she’d behaved with Caleb years ago and how he’d had the power to make her do just about anything. “I’m older now, and there will be no utility closets in my future.”

  Collette frowned. “Now you’re ruining all my fun.” She reached for the bowl of popcorn and tossed a few kernels into her mouth. “I always did enjoy your sexcapades.”

  Caleb was so excited he couldn’t think straight as he drove to pick up Addison from her home. A few weeks ago, he had no idea that his life would suddenly change for the better. He hadn’t known that a life with Addison was still a possibility, but now it was.

  Since his recovery, he had resisted serious relationships with other women. Perhaps he hadn’t dared because no other woman had ever made him feel the way Addison had. She was simply unforgettable.

  When he arrived at the Walker estate, he was greeted by the butler, who escorted him into the living room. He hadn’t been in this room in years, yet he could still remember his first visit here and how he’d felt uncomfortable because he didn’t fit in. He’d been trying to find himself back then, but not anymore. He was comfortable in his own skin and didn’t have to prove to Addison’s father or anyone else that he was worthy of her.

  Her father’s ears must have been burning because he walked into the living room right at the moment Caleb was thinking about him.

  “Good afternoon.”

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Walker.” Caleb was surprised at how cordial he was being. He knew Addison’s father didn’t think he was worthy of his baby girl and only daughter. But Caleb was going to try his best to get along with him for Addison’s sake. He was determined that this time things would be different.

  “Addison tells me you’re going away for the weekend.”

  Caleb nodded. He couldn’t believe her old man was going to make small talk with him. “Yes, we’re going to my sister-in-law Chynna James’s concert in Miami.”

  “Ah, yes, Chynna James is a beautiful woman,” Benjamin Walker acknowledged.

  “Yes, in more ways than one. My brother is a lucky man.”

  “He is. As are you.” Mr. Walker’s tone suddenly changed. He became more serious.

  Oh, great. Here we go, thought Caleb. Let the tongue-lashing begin. “I know that, sir,” Caleb replied. “I’m thankful that Addison is willing to give me a second chance.”

  “Over a great man like Raphael.”

  Caleb snorted. He wasn’t about to sing the other man’s praises, not when he felt he was the man for Addison. “I can only hope that one day I’m worthy of her, but until I am, I’ll keep trying to be the best man I can be.”

  “Noble words,” Mr. Walker replied. “You be sure and stick to them.” He started toward the door just as Addison and Collette entered the room.

  Fear and apprehension registered on Addison’s face at seeing Caleb and her father together.

  “Have fun, sweetheart.” Mr. Walker bent down and kissed Addison’s cheek before leaving the room.

  Collette stepped backward. “Did I just see that right? Did your father just tell you to have fun even though he knows you’re spending the weekend with Caleb? Times have changed.”

  “We had a long talk,” Addison said, “and we’ve come to a meeting of the minds.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Caleb said, coming toward Addison and bending down to sweep his lips across hers in a tender kiss. “Ready?”

  Addison nodded. Caleb picked up her luggage, and they walked out of the mansion together hand in hand.

  Chapter 22

  Fans were screaming and yelling for Chynna backstage as Addison and Caleb entered the American Airlines Arena in Miami. Several of them had received VIP passes and couldn’t wait for their chance to meet the illustrious Lady of Soul who’d just released her fifth album.

  Addison, Caleb, Rylee and Amar were ushered by several beefy bodyguards to Chynna’s dressing room, where they found her getting made up for the night’s event. Noah was seated on a sofa bouncing their son, Zane, on his lap.

  Chynna was seated in a director’s chair facing a well-lit mirror, but when she saw Addison walk into the room, she jumped up, scaring her makeup artist to death. “Omigod!” She stomped her feet. “Addison!” She rushed toward her. “Is it really you?”

  Addison smiled and bunched her shoulders. “Yes, it’s me.”

  “Come here, girl.” Chynna opened up her arms.

  Addison couldn’t believe how receptive Caleb’s entire family was toward her. It was intoxicating. She slowly walked into Chynna’s outstretched arms and when she did, Chynna whispered, “Welcome home.


  Chynna put on an amazing two-and-a-half hour concert, which included a surprise appearance by her twin, Kenya, who joined her onstage so they could belt out their latest duet off Chynna’s new album.

  “This is amazing,” Addison said from their front row seats.

  Caleb smiled at her. “Yeah, it’s the perk of having a family member who’s a celebrity, huh?”


  He squeezed her to his side, and she didn’t mind because a heated sizzle had gone right up her spine. She hadn’t minded the other times he’d touched her throughout the night either. Some of it had been accidental, but she knew some of it hadn’t. He’d wanted her to know that she was here with him. Not that she could have forgotten. Her stomach clenched whenever she heard the throaty sound of his deep masculine voice. There were times she couldn’t help but sneak a glance at him and appreciate everything she saw.

  Tonight was definitely one of those nights. He’d returned to his style of days past, wearing jeans that hugged his firm behind, but instead of a plaid shirt, he wore a burgundy dress shirt. It fit him like a glove, accentuating his expansive shoulders. And he smelled equally delicious. The cologne he wore was warm, yet spicy.

  After the concert was over and Chynna had changed, the entire Hart clan decided to go out and celebrate at a nightclub. Addison didn’t know what they were celebrating until they were toasting much later in the VIP section.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually out,” Chynna said as she sat on Noah’s lap.

  “It has been awhile since you guys have done this,” Chynna’s manager, Deacon, replied. “You usually go straight to the hotel.”

  “Thank God for nannies,” Chynna and Kenya said almost at the same time and gave each other a high-five. As twins, they still were able to read each other’s minds.


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