oil export routes and, 103–4
oil prices and production in, 98–100, 148
unconventional boom in, 98–99
U.S. and, 293
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, 99
Cantarell field, Mexico, 95–96
cap-and-trade system, 153, 223, 224
car sharing, 53
carbon emissions, 51, 137, 147–53, 155, 180, 223, 224, 243, 244, 290, 293, 302
carbon tax, 153, 162
Carnegie Moscow Center, 183
cartels, formation of, 9
Carter, Jimmy
on energy independence, 84
State of the Union address by, 253–54
Caruso, Guy, 44
Carville, James, 87
Caspian Sea, 4, 10, 167
Caucasus, x, 7, 193–94, 196
Center for Sustainable Shale Development, 160, 161
Chávez, Hugo, 86, 230, 267, 284
chemical weapons, 273
Cheniere Energy, 72, 88
Chenobyl nuclear reactor, 157–58
Chesapeake, 140
Chevron, 22, 98, 171
China, 16, 27, 30, 59, 98, 118, 212–48
agriculture in, 217
Angola and, 231, 233
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIB) and, 134
automobiles in, 216–17
carbon emissions and, 156
climate change and, 136–37, 216, 243, 294
coal use in, 138, 150, 222, 223, 294, 302
corruption probes in, 233–34
Daqing project and, 212–13
dependence on Middle Eastern oil, 119, 138
economic growth in, 49, 51, 134, 139, 213, 214, 216–19, 224, 258, 302, 304
energy boom and, 132
energy demand in, 49, 51, 202, 213–14, 217, 219, 236, 298
energy shortages in, 225
environmental issues in, 214, 221–22, 302
foreign investment by, 228–33, 237
foreign policy of, x, 6, 214–15, 225–40
GDP of, 216, 218
going out strategy of, 229–36, 238
Great Famine in, 217
Iran and, 122–25, 138, 245–46
Iraq and, 246, 247
Japan and, 68
Middle East and, 244–46
natural gas imports of, 202–7, 210, 227, 241
natural gas production in, 69, 70, 71, 73, 222–24, 227, 294, 302, 303
oil prices in, 5–7, 219–21, 225–27
oil production and imports and, 213, 214, 220, 258
One Belt, One Road initiative of, 235–36
pollution in, 214, 222
relationship to world order, 131
renewable energy in, 224, 294
Russia and, 80, 198–205, 202–8, 212, 287, 289, 296, 298–99
shale gas resources in, 47, 139, 203, 226
shale oil resources in, 226
Sudan and, 228–30, 233, 235
transportation in, 53
U.S. and, 119, 136–39, 155, 215–16, 238–44, 246–47, 294–95, 298
Venezuela and, 230, 234, 235
China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, 245
China Development Bank, 235
China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), 239
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), 201, 233
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 234
Chinese Communist Party, 212, 217, 222, 224, 225, 227, 239, 243, 302
Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, 222
Churchill, Winston, 283
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 253
Citigroup, 53
Clean Power Plan, 155
climate change, xi, 8, 10, 68, 71, 101–2, 135–38, 146–48, 150, 152, 153, 155, 173, 180, 216, 243, 244, 294, 305
Clinton, Hillary, 138
Clinton, William J., 123
coal, x, 27, 51, 69–71, 86, 93, 138, 150, 151, 156, 222, 293, 294
coal bed methane, 73, 75
Coal to Liquid Fuel Energy Act of 2007, 150
Cold War, 128, 181
Coll, Steve, 301
Colombia, 16, 32, 48
Color Revolutions, 189
Colorado, 158
Commerce, U.S. Department of, 140
commercial vs. strategic interests in oil, 116–17, 118
Commission on Foreign Economic Policy, 91–92
ConocoPhillips, 171
consumption effect, 152
Cooper, Andrew Scott, 38
Corpus Christi, Texas, 111
Council on Foreign Relations, The, 51
Crimea, annexation of, 125, 165–68, 174, 180, 184, 191, 195, 198, 200, 289, 299
Croatia, 167
Cruz, Ted, 93
Cuba, 290
Czech Republic, 171, 174
Da Yu (Yu the Great), 221
Dakota Access Pipeline, 159
Daqing project, 212–13
Darfur, 228
Davis, Morgan, 44
de Pous, Jan Willem, 78
decline rates of oil fields, 42
deep water oil fields, 42
Defense, U.S. Department of, 121
Operational Energy Strategy, 120
Defense Science Board, 120
Deffeyes, Kenneth, 44
Delucchi, Mark, 257
demand, uncertainty of, 48–53
Deng Xiaoping, 212, 214, 217
Denmark, 173
Denver, Colorado, 158
destination clauses, 79
Deutch, John, 158, 160
Devon Energy, 21, 22, 140
diesel fuel, 150, 160
Dimmit County, Texas, 158
Diwan, Roger, 58
Djibouti, 269
Donilon, Tom, 124, 288
Dow Chemical, 111
Dubai, 267, 270
Dutch East Indies, 117, 283
Eagle Ford, South Texas, 22, 24, 46
East China Sea, 68
Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline, 205
Economic Sanctions Reconsidered (Hufbauer, Schott, Elliott, Oegg), 126
Economist, 27–28, 41
Egypt, 74, 96, 251, 261, 265, 269, 277
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 91–92
electric cars, 10, 42, 52, 53, 304
electricity, 10, 17
in China, 223, 224, 302
European prices of, 180
generation of, 151, 152
in Mexico, 97
Elliott, Kim, 126
Energy, U.S. Department of, 76, 241
energy conservation programs, 86
energy demand growth, 48–53
Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative, 141
energy independence, 86, 90–91, 95, 255, 286
differing scenarios of, 90–95
North American, 97, 98, 100–107
U.S. presidents on, 84–85
Energy Outlook 2035 (BP), 304
Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, 86
Energy Security Leadership Council, 87
Eni, 171
Environmental Defense Fund, 162
environmental issues, 146, 155, 159–62, 305
in Canada, 103
in China, 214, 221–22, 302
in Mexico, 104
standards, 47–48, 70
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 155
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 276
Estonia, 167, 174
Eurasian Economic Union, 209
Europe, 5, 8, 165–81, 287, 289, 299
European Commission, 135, 167, 168, 171, 172
European Union, 124, 135, 168, 172, 178, 195
energy demand in, 49
natural gas imports and, 77, 78
extraction techniques, 18, 20, 21, 40, 72, 98 (see also fracking)
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 143
ExxonMobil, 22, 35, 50, 52, 96, 98, 104, 105, 111, 161, 171, 301
al-Faisal, Saud, 279
al-Falih, Khalid, 54
p; Faraday, Michael, 73
Fayetteville shale, 111
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, 170
federal lands, 155
Ferguson, Niall, 193–94
financial crisis (2008), 5, 6, 30, 109, 112, 129, 255
Finland, 174
First Law of Petropolitics, The, 263–64
First Nation communities, 103
fiscal breakeven price, 266–68
Fitzsimons, Hugh, 158
flaring, 149
floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), 74
Forbes magazine, 23, 189
Ford, Gerald, 84, 183
Fordo uranium enrichment facility, Iran, 124
Foreign Affairs, 188
Foreign Policy magazine, 38
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (2015), 237
fossil fuels, 10, 17, 44, 71, 146, 147, 153–54, 159, 222, 305
Frac Tech, 23
Frackers, The (Zuckerman), 130
fracking, 18, 22, 23, 47–48, 61, 72, 98, 110, 148, 150, 156–60, 171–73, 292, 305
France, 27, 48, 118, 171
Iran and, 123
Suez Crisis and, 258
Freeport LNG, 241
Friedman, Tom, 86, 246, 263–64
Friendship (Islamic) Pipeline, 197
fuel economy standards, 86
fuel supply convoys, 121
Fukushima, Japan, 6, 68, 76, 125, 158, 177, 289
G20, 133
Gaidar, Yegor, 182–83, 186, 196
Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, 193
Game Changers: Energy on the Move, 10
García Conejo, Antonio, 97
gas-on-gas pricing, 78
GasFrac, 160
Gaza Strip, 276
Gazprom, 168, 169, 174, 179, 191–93, 195, 200–201, 203, 206–10, 223, 277
GDP (gross domestic product)
China, 216, 218
Russia, 185
U.S., 110, 111, 126
General Electric, 160
George, Anita, 67
Georges-Picot, François, 249
Georgia (Caucasus), 193–94
Germany, 167, 171–72, 180
Gettysburg Address, ix
Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia, 96
Ghouri, Salman, 52–53
Giffin, Gordon, 103
Global Shale Gas Initiative, 140
Global Trends, 15–17
going out strategy (China), 229–36, 238
Golden Rules report (IEA), 160
Goldwyn, David, 138–41
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 192
Great Britain, xii, 16, 27
economy in, 109
shale development and, 171–72
Suez Crisis and, 258
Great Depression, 5–6, 55, 109
Great Famine, 217
Greece, 66, 167
greenhouse gas emissions, 136, 151, 152, 155, 243
Greenspan, Alan, 59
grid-scale storage, 10
Grybauskaité, Dalia, 174
Guangdong Province, China, 225
Gulf Coast, 88
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 185, 270
Gulf of Mexico, 25, 33, 74, 97, 101
Gulf War (1991), 59, 143, 254, 256, 284
Guyana, 141
Haass, Richard N., 290
Halliburton, 141, 160
Han Dynasty, 244
Harper, Stephen, 103
Harvard Business School, 161
/Boston Consulting Group, 110, 111, 113
Hawrami, Ashti, 272–74
Hefner, Robert, 68
Henry Hub, Louisiana, 66–67, 76, 79, 151, 161, 175
Herberg, Mikkal, 239
Heritage Foundation, 93
Hess, John B., 58, 93
Hess Corporation, 58
Hezbollah, 276
Hill, Fiona, 211
Hitler, Adolf, x, 117
Hogg, James “Big Jim,” 55
Homs, Syria, 278
horizontal drilling, 21, 22
Horn of Africa, 246
Hoth, Andre, 90
House, Edward, 249–50
House, Karen, 270
Houthi insurgents, 2
Hu, Emperor, 244
Hu Jintao, 207, 225
Hubbert, Marion King, 43–44
Hubbert curve, 44
Hufbauer, Gary, 126
Humble Oil, 44
Hungary, 140, 166, 167, 174
Hurricane Katrina, 25, 143
Hussein, Saddam, 118, 254, 272–74, 284
hydraulic fracturing, 20, 21
Ibn Saud, King Abdulaziz Al-Saud, 252–53, 270
Iceland, 119
IEA (see International Energy Agency)
Ilves, Toomas, 165
Ilyin, Ivan, 194
India, 16, 27, 49, 59, 69, 122, 124, 125, 136, 205, 258
carbon emissions and, 156
shale gas resources in, 139
Indonesia, 16, 206
Industrial Revolution, x, 109
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), 104
International Energy Agency (IEA), 3, 16, 19, 46, 47, 50, 69–71, 73, 75, 105, 133, 134, 142, 143, 149, 151, 153, 160, 170, 173, 214, 217, 224, 256, 262
International Gas Union, 75, 77
International Institute for Strategic Studies, 207
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 113, 128, 134, 230, 231, 267, 268, 304
International Panel on Climate Change, 150
Iran, 2, 34, 37, 86, 92, 94, 133, 256
arms sale embargo and, 126
China and, 122–25, 138, 245–46
India and, 122
Iraq and, 258
military budget of, 279
natural gas exports from, 197, 281
nuclear program in, 38, 121–24, 138, 246, 251, 280, 290
Obama administration and, 59
oil exports from, 122, 123–24, 280
oil production in, 57, 95, 197, 280, 305
sanctions against, 95, 121–25, 197, 251, 280, 290
Saudi Arabia and, 38, 56, 279
Strait of Hormuz and, 245–46
Syria and, 278–79
Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, 139
Iranian Revolution of 1979, 26, 167
Iraq, 2, 22, 34, 36, 87, 92, 249, 251, 265, 298
Abu Ghraib prison abuses in, 129
British mandate and, 253
China and, 246, 247
Gulf War (1991), 59, 143, 254, 256, 284
Iranian influence on, 258
Kurdish region of, 272–75
natural gas exports from, 197
oil prices in, 7
oil production in, 57, 117–18, 197
U.N. sanctions against, 118
Iraq War (2003), 59, 116–18, 120, 121, 129, 239, 284
Iraqi Governing Council, 117–18
Ireland, 119
Islamic State for Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), 2, 7, 246, 247, 250–51, 256, 274, 275, 278
isolationism, 109
Israel, 26, 66, 69, 119, 196, 251, 256, 261, 262, 275–77, 281
Egypt and, 277
natural gas production in, 275–77
Suez Crisis and, 258
Turkey and, 276–77
Yom Kippur War and, 26, 284
Italy, 167, 175
Janjaweed, 228
Japan, x, 27, 67–68, 74, 117, 124, 125, 198, 199, 227, 303
automobile industry in, 52, 88, 284
China and, 68
Fukushima nuclear disaster in, 6, 68, 76, 125, 158, 177, 289
Iran and, 125–26
natural gas imports and, 76, 77, 125, 177
oil imports and, 125
oil prices in, 5
Russia and, 125, 126, 199
in World War II, 283
Jervis, Robert, xi
Jiang Jiemin, 233
Johnson, Lyndon B., 91
Jordan, 74, 140, 269, 277
Julander, Fred, 67
Jumblatt, Walid, 250
Justice, U.S. Department of, 54
Kangxi, Emperor, 243
Kashagan oil field, Kazakhstan, 32
Kazakhstan, 24, 32, 199, 203, 208, 210
“Keep It in the Ground” environmental groups, 158
Kelley, P. X., 87
Kerry, John, 174
Keystone XL pipeline, 101–4
King, Angus, 241
King’s Messenger, The (Ottaway), 261–62
Kissinger, Henry, 130, 133, 196, 242
Klaipeda, Lithuania, 173–74
Kobolyer, Andriy, 169
Kosovo, 194
Kotkin, Stephen, 190
Kudrin, Alexei, 193
Kuhn, Maximilian, 68
Kupriyanov, Sergei, 201
Kurdistan, x, 272–75
Kuril Islands, 125
Kuwait, 34, 117, 118, 254, 256, 259, 265–69, 284
Kyoto Protocol, 135, 136, 151, 244
Kyrgyzstan, 209
Lance, Ryan, 59
Latvia, 174
Lavrov, Sergei, 279
Lebanon, 250, 276
LED lighting, 10
Lehman Brothers, 109
Levey, Stuart, 121–22, 124
Leviathan natural gas field, Israel, 275–77
Li Junru, 225
Li Keqiang, 219–20
Li Yuanchao, 199–200
liberal international order, 130–34, 184, 296
Liberia, 141
Libya, 31, 57, 143, 197, 251, 265, 305
Lincoln, Abraham, ix
liquefied natural gas (LNG) (see natural gas)
lithium, 9
Lithuania, 167
natural gas imports and, 173–74, 179
Livingstone, Ken, 116
LNG (see natural gas)
López Obrador, Andrés Manuel, 104, 105
Louisiana, 42, 66–67, 76–77, 79, 114, 241
low-carbon technologies, 146
Low Price Scenario, 46, 262
Lozinski, Mike, 158
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 144
Luxembourg, 171
Lynn, Bill, 120
Macedonia, 66
Mad Max movies, 45
Maduro, Nicolás, 289
Malacca Dilemma, 207
Malaysia, 245
Malta, 175
Manning, Preston, 103
Mao Zedong, 212
Marcellus shale formation, 112, 157, 171
Margelov, Mikhail, 204
Marshall Plan, 284
Marxist-Leninist ideology, 217
Maryland, 157
Mattis, James, 121
Maugeri, Leonardo, 3, 256
McCarthy, Gina, 136
Medvedev, Dimitry, 208
Melgar, Lourdes, 105
Melua, Katie, 216
methane, 153, 160
Mexico, 7, 27, 34, 48, 73, 84, 95, 118, 257
electricity prices in, 115–16
foreign investment in, 97, 301
labor costs in, 115
nationalization of oil industry in, 96
natural gas demand in, 105
natural gas imports from U.S., 115, 116
natural gas production in, 96, 98, 100
oil production in, 95–96, 98
reform of energy sector in, 96–98, 104–5
U.S. and, 114–15, 293
Middle East, 249–82, 297, 298, 300–302 (see also specific countries)
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