by Steven Stoll
Dawes Act (1887)
Declaration of Independence
degeneracy; as racial or ethnic aspersion
Delaware Indians
Delaware River Valley
Democratic Party
De Schutter, Olivier
Deserted Village, The (Goldsmith)
Desolation (Cole)
Destruction (Cole)
development; industrial; social; stages of; see also economic development
Devyr, Thomas Ainge
Dickens, Cody
Dickerson, William
Dillon’s Rule
division of labor; Hamilton on; political economists on; social
Division of Subsistence Homesteads, U.S.
Doddridge, Joseph
Donahue, Brian
Dore, Elizabeth
Dorie: Woman of the Mountains (Bush)
Douglass, Frederick
Dove, Michael
Draper, Hal
Drucker, Peter F.
Dugdale, Robert L.
Dunaway, Wilma
Dunmore, Lord
Duplin County (North Carolina) Agricultural Society
Durand, Asher B.
Eastman Chemical Company
economic development; agricultural; critiques of; importance of markets in; international aid organizations and agencies for (see also World Bank); U.S. domestic projects for; see also division of labor
Edwards, William H.
Egypt; ancient
Ehrlich, Paul
ejectment; court cases on; of Indians
Eliot, Jared
Elizabethan English
Elkhorn Creek
Elkins, Stephen
Elk River
Elk River Coal and Lumber Company
Eller, Ronald
El Niño oscillations
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
enclosure; in Africa; capitalism and; in England; of Indian hunting lands; logging as method of; poverty resulting from; during Reconstruction; refugees from; taxation and
End of the Day, Montclair (Inness)
Engels, Friedrich
England; Appalachian coal field investors in; Black Death in; captured gardens in; commons in; enclosure in; excise riots in; famines in; indentures from; industrialization in; peasants in; poor laws in; Reformation in; settlers from; tenancy in; travelers from; see also Britain; London
English Civil War
English language
environmental determinism
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Erie Canal
Ethan Frome (Wharton)
extractive industries, see coal industry, iron mining, lumber companies, oil industry
Fairmont Coal Company
Familiar Words (Urquhart)
Farland, Maria
Farmer and His Son at Harvesting, The (Anshutz)
Farmers’ Alliance
“Farming” (Emerson)
Faulkner, Charles
Fawcett, Henry
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federalist, The
Federal Reserve, U.S.
Fels, Samuel
Ferguson, Adam
Ferguson, Patrick
Fernow, Bernard
Fickey, Amanda L.
Filburn, Roscoe
Finnish immigrants
First World War, see World War I
Five Acres and Independence (Kains)
Flagg, Wilson
Flat Top Coal Company/Flat Top Land Trust
Flat Top Mountain
Flight from the City (Borsodi)
folk traditions
Ford, Henry
Ford Foundation
Fordham University
Foreign Affairs
Forest Farm
Forest Service, U.S.
Forrest, Cliff
Fort Sanders, Battle of
Fox, James
Fox, John, Jr.
France; colonization by
Frank, André Gunder
Fredericksburg, Battle of
Freedmen’s Bureau Act (1865)
Freedom Industries
Free Press
French and Indian War
French and Iroquois War
Frost, Robert
Frost, William Goodell
Fuerstenau, Douglass W.
Fulmer, William
Gaddafi, Muammar
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gallatin, Albert
Gandhi, Mohandas K.
Garland, Hamlin
Gaventa, John
General Allotment Act (1887), see Dawes Act
General Electric (GE)
George, Henry
George III, King of England
Georgia; African-Americans in; enclosure in; Indians in
Gettysburg, Battle of
Giants in the Earth (Rölvaag)
Global Shea Alliance
Global Slum
Glover, Uriah
Goddard, Henry
Gold Rush, California
Goldsmith, Oliver
Good Life, The (Nearings)
Gordon, Robert Winslow
Gospel of Matthew
Gossip (Inness)
Grace, William R.
Graeber, David
Grant, James P.
Grant, Ulysses S.
Gray, Lewis Cecil
Great Appalachian Forest
Great Depression
Great Kanawha Petroleum Coal and Lumber Company
Great Kanawha Valley, Title Map of Coal Field of
Great Meadow (Concord, Massachusetts)
Great Plains; Indian nations of
Great Smoky Mountains; National Park
Green Mountains
Green Revolution
Greenwald, Emily
Gross, Robert
gross dometic product (GDP)
Gudeman, Stephen
Guyandotte River
Hahn, Steven
Hamilton, Alexander; economics of; Federalist articles by; rebellions against tax policies of; views on governmental power of
Hanunóo people
Hardin, Garrett
Harman v. Stearns (1897)
Harpers Ferry; Battle of
Harper’s Magazine
Harriman, Henry I.
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, William Henry
Hartford Oil and Mining Company
Harvard University
Harvey, David
Hatch Act (1887)
Heart of the Hills, The (Fox)
Hell-fer-Sartain and Other Stores (Fox)
Henderson, Richard
Henson, Josiah
Herskovitz, Melville
Highlander Research and Education Center
Hill, George Canning
Hillbilly Elegy (Vance)
Hillbilly Highway
Hill Folk, The (Davenport)
Hills Bank & Trust Company
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
Hitler, Adolf
Hoard family
Hobbes, Thomas
Hollow Folk (Mandel and Henry)
Holmberg, Allan
Holocene era
Home, Henry, see Kames, Lord
Homer, Winslow
Homestead Act (1862)
homesteads; government subsidized; on Great Plains
Homeward (Inness)
Hoover, Herbert
Horseshoe Bend, Battle of
Horton, Bill
Hotchkiss, Jedediah
House of Representatives, U.S.; see also Congress, U.S.
Houston, Sam
Hovenden, Thomas
Howells, William Dean
Hsiung, David
Hudson River
Huffington Post
Humphrey, Caroline
Hungary; immigrants from
Hume, David
Hunter family
Huntington, Ellsworth
Huntington and Big Sandy Railroad
Hyneman, Charles Shang
Idleman, David
I’ll Take My Stand (Twelve Southerners)
Immerwahr, Daniel
Independence (play)
Indian Appropriation Act (1871)
Indian Citizen Act (1924)
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Indian Reorganization Act (1934)
Indians, American; attitudes of whites toward; dispossession of; New Deal programs for; South American; wars against; Washington’s treaties with; see also individual nations
Indian Territory
Industrial Abandonment Tax
industrialization, see coal industry; iron mining; lumber companies; oil industry
Industrial Revolution
Inness, George
In the Orchard, Milton (Inness)
Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy (Steuart)
Interior Department, U.S.
International Monetary Fund
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Interstate Anti-Trust Conference
Iowa; Supreme Court of
Ireland; immigrants from (see also Scots-Irish)
iron mining
Iroquois Confederacy
Irving, Washington
Isaac, Barry
Ise, John
Islamic Development Bank
Italian immigrants
Italian language
Ivory Coast
I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Skidmore)
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Robert H.
Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall”
James I, King of England
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Evan
Jersey Land Riots
Jewish immigrants
John Fries’ Rebellion
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Josephine
Johnson, Samuel
joint-stock companies
Jones, Jacqueline
Jones, Mary Harris “Mother”
Jordan, Terry
Judd, Richard
Jukes, The (Dugdale)
Julian, George Washington
Kalimantan (Borneo)
Kallikak Family, The (Goddard)
Kames, Lord
Kanawha River
Kanawha Valley
Kane, Robert
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Kaups, Matti
Keith, James
Kekchi Maya
Kellie, Luna
Kennedy, Roger
Kentuckians, The (Fox)
Kentucky; Bluegrass region of; in Civil War; coal industry in; commerce in; Fox’s novels about; land ownership in; map of; settlement of; during Whiskey Rebellion
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King Philip’s War
Kings Mountain, Battle of
Kingston Fossil Plant
Knight of the Cumberland, A (Fox)
Korea Eximbank
Kroeber, Alfred
Kulikoff, Allan
Lackawanna Valley, The (Inness)
La Follette, Philip
Lakota nation
Lambert, Samuel
Land Rush (film)
Land of Saddle Bags, The (Raine)
Lanman, Charles
“Last Camp Fire, The” (McNeill)
Last Forest, The (McNeill)
Lear, Tobias
Lectures on Jurisprudence (Smith)
Lee, Robert E.
Leland, John
Lenape nation
Lessee of Ewing v. Burnet (1837)
Letters from an American Farmer (Crèvecoeur)
Lewat, Osvalde
Lewis, Andrew
Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Ronald L.
Lewis, William Arthur
Library of Congress; Archive of American Folk Song
Lincoln, Abraham
Lippincott’s Magazine
List, Friedrich
Little Bighorn, Battle of
Little House series (Wilder)
Little Ice Age
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The (Fox)
Little Turtle’s War
Lively, Kenny
livestock; in coal camps; enclosure and; exchange value of; during Whiskey Rebellion; see also cattle
Lloyd, Henry
Locke, John
Lodge, Henry Cabot
logging, see lumber companies
Lomax, John A.
London School of Economics
Lorain, John
Los Angeles
Los Baños (Philippines)
Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Territory
Louisville Coal and Coke Company
Lowell family
Lugard, Frederick
Luks, George
lumber companies; depletion of forests by; land ownership by; productivity of
Luxemburg, Rosa
MacCorkle, William
Machine Age in the Hills (Ross)
Machine in the Garden (Marx)
Madison, James
makeshift economies; ecological base of; exchange commodities in; land ownership practices damaging to; New England
Malthus, Thomas Robert
Manchin, Joe
Marine Corps, U.S.
Market Garden Initiative
Marrowbone Oil and Mining Company
Marshall, Humphrey
Marshall, John
Martin, Julian
Martinez-Alier, Joan
Marx, Karl; historical assumptions of; labor theory of value of; similarities of Thoreau and
Marx, Leo
Maryland; map
Massachusetts; Agricultural Survey of; rebellion in, see Shays’ Rebellion; witch trials in
Maxwell Land Grant
Mayer, Enrique
McCormick reapers
McDowell County (Virginia, later West Virginia)
McGill, Nettie
McGillivray, Alexander
MCHM (4-methylcyclohexanemethanol)
McNeill, G. D.
Mead, Margaret
Metacom’s War
Medick, Hans
“Mending Wall, The” (Frost)
Merrill, Michael
Merrill v. Monticello (1891)
Merrimack River
Messina (Sicily)
metes and bounds
Mexican-American War
Mexican Session
Mexico City
Miami nation
Miles, Emma Bell
Mill, James
Mill, John Stuart
Milton, John
Mingo nation
Mississippi; Military Division of the
Mississippi River
Mississippi River Valley
Missouri, Department of the
Missouri Compromise
Missouri River
Moby-Dick (Melville)
modernization; agricultural
Monacan nation
Monongahela National Forest
Monongahela River Valley
Monsanto Company
Montgomery, Michael
More, Hannah
More, Thomas
Morgantown (Virginia, later West Virginia)
Morris, Robert
Morris Run Coal Company
Mountain Europa, A (Fox)
Mumford, Lewis
Munsee nation
Murray, John, Earl of Dunmore
Napoleonic Wars
Natchez War
National Folk Festival
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA; 1933)
National Park Service
National Public Radio
National Reform Association (NRA)
National War Garden Commission
Native Americans, see Indians
Navajo nation
Nearing, Helen and Scott
Nedelcovych, Mima
Netting, Robert McC.
Neville, George, archbishop of York
Neville, John
New Deal
New England; see also Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; Vermont
Newfont, Kathryn
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Mexico Territory
New Netherland
New Orleans
New Sweden
Newton, Isaac
New York; Anti-Rent War in; farming in; taxation in
New York City; coal industry and; division of labor in; Irish immigrants in; during Revolutionary War
New York Journal
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times
Nez Percé nation
Nicholas, Wilson Cary
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Niger River
Night Comes to the Cumberlands (Caudill)
Nixon, Richard
Nixon, Rob
Nobel Prize
Nomads of the Longbow (Holmberg)
Norfolk and Western Railway
Norris, Frank
“North Atlantic Universals” (Trouillot)
North Carolina
North Carolina Regulation
Northup, Solomon
Northwest Territory
“Notes on Liberty and Property” (Tate)
Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)
Novak, Barbara
Nova Scotia
Now in November (Johnson)
Obama, Barack
O’Brian, Hugh
Ohio; Indians in; industrialization in; map of; markets in
Ohio River
Ohio State University
Ohio Valley
oil industry
Old Barn, The (Inness)
Old Veteran, The (Inness)
Olmstead, Fredrick Law
Onuf, Peter
“On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life” (Nietzsche)
Ordinance of 1785
Ostrom, Elinor
Ottoman Empire