When It Rains (The Potter's House Book 2

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When It Rains (The Potter's House Book 2 Page 9

by T. K. Chapin

  “Wow. That’s incredibly insightful. You’re a good advice giver.”

  He raised a hand and shook his head. “No good is within me. It’s all Jesus.”

  I smiled.

  I was upset about having to fly out a day early for this meeting, but I realized right then that God knew I’d sit by Griff by leaving a day earlier. Orchestrated with flawlessness, God was piecing together His will in my life. He knew I’d pass by that street vendor and smell that same dish she had made me. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with His affection for me as I caught glimpses of His hand painting a brush stroke in my life. Immediately, I praised Him and thanked Him for my life.

  Chapter 34-Hannah

  ARRIVING INSIDE FROM A COLD morning walk on the ranch, Kayla approached me as I removed my gloves.

  “Mom, this heartburn is horrible and I’m out of Tums and Zantac. Please go get me more, or I fear I’ll die.”

  “That bad, eh?”

  “Yes! I’m so ready to get this little guy out of me.” Glancing to the ceiling, she continued. “Any day now, Lord!”

  Smiling, I came closer to my daughter and smoothed my hand over her hair. “I think we’re all ready. Did you settle on a name yet?”

  “Yep. It’s Kip.”

  “That’s cute, and I guess I can run to town quickly and get you some medicine. I need to pick up a few things for dinner anyway.”

  Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed my purse from the counter. “Are you sure you’ll be okay alone? What if you go into labor?”

  “Geez, paranoid much? You really think a baby would come that fast while you run to a store? First time mom here, and even I know first labors go slow. I’ll probably be pregnant for another two weeks at this rate.”

  Waddling to the recliner, she worked herself into the seat and closed her eyes. Opening them quickly, she turned her head toward me. “Has Mac gotten back yet?”

  Mac’s other son, Victor, had taken him on a car trip over to Ocean Shores, Washington, to see the ocean. Mac had convinced him of the trip after he had healed fully from his leg wound months ago. Mac’s reasoning for the trip? Kayla told me it was because he wanted to hear the ocean once more before he finally died. He was convinced he was on his way out even if the doctors said otherwise.

  I shook my head. “No, they should be back tonight though.”

  She appeared displeased and let out a sigh. “Okay.”

  My daughter and Mac had grown close over the months we had been on the ranch. After his leg healed up in early September, they started taking walks together in the fields and continued their evening talks down by the creek. Once it started getting into the colder months, they moved their conversations to the living room by the fireplace in his house. He had become the father she never had, and for that, I was appreciative. Kayla needed a dad in her life, and though her biological father would’ve been ideal, he wasn’t what she got. In the end, it wasn’t important who was the father, but that she had someone who could step up to the role. That man had been Mac.

  Before leaving, I went into the kitchen and pulled out a freezer bag with a mixed bag of frozen veggies from fall’s harvest of the garden. Yelling into the living room where Kayla was still sitting, I asked, “You good with soup tonight?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine.” Her voice sounded a little funny, so I went into the living room and she had her hand on her belly and a grimace on her face.

  “Kayla? You okay?”

  “Mom, I’m fine. It was just some gas, I think. I’ll be a lot better once you get back with that medicine.”

  Laughing, I kissed her cheek and then proceeded out the door.

  On my way to the car, I saw the patch of ground where I knew the garden was, and I thought of Luke. I thought of him every time I passed it. I’d ponder the brief relationship we had for a couple of days last summer. Luke was the first man I had developed feelings for after Jonathan and held a special place in my heart. Though we hadn’t spoken more than a few sentences when required since last summer, I still thought of him often and wondered if things would’ve worked out if I would’ve given us a try.

  Getting to my car, I turned the key over and it wouldn’t start. Sighing, I turned the key back to the off position and waited a second. The car had started acting up in October and was in need of a mechanic. Getting it to start the second time, I headed into Newport.

  Walking into Fran’s Market, I caught the gaze of Bethany, the daughter of the associate pastor Ed, who had passed away, and the sibling to James, whom I had met at the church last summer.

  “How are you?” I asked as we embraced. We had become friends through church events and had talked several times about James.

  “We’re good. Just picking up some groceries. Kayla about to pop?”

  “Should be any day now. The heartburn is getting worse and that’s actually why I’m here.”

  “Heartburn is always worse at the end! Little guy is almost here!”

  There was a lingering pain in Bethany that I couldn’t see, but I could feel it behind every conversation, sense it in the moments of quiet. I knew she had lost her mother just a couple of years ago, and now her dad was gone too. I couldn’t imagine the pain that was associated with losing both parents in such a small window of time. Touching her arm, I said, “How’s the family? Any progress on your brother?”

  “James is in rehab, again.” She tightened her lip and suddenly, I saw her eyes moisten, the pain of her heart poking out. “I have a blessed life, Hannah. I really do, but sometimes . . . it’s just hard.”

  I nodded. “I couldn’t imagine.”

  She stopped and looked at me, tilting her head. “You’ve been through a lot too, from what you’ve told me. I always tell myself every person is going through a battle. Sometimes we see it, and sometimes we don’t. Thank God we have God through the difficulties!”

  “Praise God for that!”


  After parting ways with Bethany, I felt encouraged to have seen her at the store. It was people like her, who had been through the worst life had to offer and yet stayed strong in their faith, who made me realize that with God, all things were not only possible, but working together for good.

  Chapter 35-Luke

  INSTEAD OF STAYING THE NIGHT in Colorado, I decided to fly back that same evening. Griff’s conversation with me stuck in my mind throughout my meeting and even prompted me to fly back the same day just so I could go out to the ranch and speak with Hannah. I felt I owed it not only to myself, but to her.

  Exiting the airport, I hurried my steps into the parking garage and got into my car.

  Loosening my tie, I pulled it off my neck and tossed it into the back seat with my briefcase. Backing out of my parking spot, I put the car into drive and headed out to the ranch.

  My phone rang as I was making my way out to the ranch.

  It was Victor.

  “Brother. I know you’re in Colorado tonight, but I had to call you.”

  “I’m actually on my way out to the ranch. Are you still there?”

  “Oh. No, I just left. Why you going out there? What happened to staying in Colorado?”

  “I came back early to talk to Hannah.”

  A long sigh streamed through his end of the call. My brother had coached me after I learned about Hannah finding out about Pamela to leave her alone and let it go. I was turning my back on my brother’s advice.

  “I know you don’t like it.”

  “Why are you doing it? I thought you were over this gal, Luke.”

  Smiling, I said, “I’m not over her. Since the day I met her, I’ve felt this connection with her and it hasn’t ever left me. I met a guy on the plane who made me realize I need to talk to her.”

  “So you take a stranger’s advice over your brother’s? Hmm . . . guess I understand where I line up.”

  There was a long silence, then I asked, “What prompted the call?”

  Thankfully, he was able to set the situation aside and redirect hi
s attention to the reason he called. “Oh, yeah. So I was talking to Dad over in Ocean Shores when we were walking the beach.”


  “We were talking about death and that kind of thing, and then I asked him if he had any regrets. He said he regretted how he was with us boys growing up. Wished he could’ve done better.”

  My heart flinched. He had always been a difficult man who would never admit he was wrong, but he seemed to have changed.

  After a few seconds of silent disbelief, my eyes widened as it sank into the depths of my soul. “Dad said that?”

  “Yeah! I was blown away. I’ve never heard him talk that way before.”

  “Me either.” I wasn’t planning on stopping over and speaking with him while I was out there at the ranch, but now I planned on it.

  After hanging up with my brother, I arrived at the ranch.

  Pulling into the driveway, I saw Hannah’s car wasn’t there, so I parked in front of my dad’s house.

  I let myself in through the front door and began speaking loud enough for him to hear me as I went down the hall.

  “Dad. I want to talk to you about something serious.”

  He didn’t reply.

  Getting to the door, I paused as it was open and grabbed onto the handle.

  “I understand the silent treatment. You’ve never been big on these kinds of conversations, but I want to say something I haven’t said in a long time. I love you, Dad.”

  A girl’s scream came from outside in the backyard, startling me.

  Flinging open the bedroom door, I saw he wasn’t there.

  Turning, I ran.

  Chapter 36-Hannah

  IN THE AISLE WITH THE heartburn medications for Kayla, I was just placing my hand on the package when my phone rang.

  It was Luke.

  I answered.

  “You have to get back to the ranch now, Hannah!”

  His voice trembled, sending worry soaring through me as I dropped the Tums in the aisle.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Betsy was charging to attack Kayla and my dad jumped in the way. The ambulance is on its way, but they only had one available. Kayla is a mess in tears and blood, and her contractions are only minutes apart. I think she’s going into labor.”

  Hurrying out of the aisle, I said, “On my way.”

  Hanging up, I ran outside and to my car. Turning the key over, the engine wouldn’t start.

  Slamming the steering wheel, I looked up at the ceiling of the car. “Come on, God! A little help! Please?”

  I turned the key over again.


  I started to cry.

  I called Luke back, and he answered.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My car won’t start!” I pressed my hand against my forehead. “I don’t know what to do. My car won’t start and she’s going into labor, Luke!”

  “I’ll come get you.”

  “How far apart are the contractions?”

  She said in the background, “Four minutes.”

  “You can’t come get me. She needs to go now!”

  “I’ll take her.”

  “But your dad, Luke! You have to go with him. Oh, my goodness, I don’t know what to do. I’m freaking out!”

  “My dad will ride in an ambulance. I can take Kayla. What hospital?”

  “Deaconess. And Luke?”

  “Yeah, Hannah?”

  “Thank you so much. I’ll try to figure something out and meet you at the hospital.”

  Hanging up with Luke, I got out of my car and ran back into the store. Seeing Paul, the store manager, I hurried my steps over to him as I wiped my eyes of the tears and tried to compose myself.

  Grabbing his arm, I said, “Can you give me a ride into Spokane? Kayla’s going into labor and my car broke down.”

  “I can’t. My car is with my wife. You know, Mikey is across the street. He’s there late working on books tonight. I’m sure he’d give you a lift.”

  “Okay, thanks!”

  Mikey was the owner of the mechanic shop in Newport and was one of the kindest souls around town. Sprinting outside, I ran across the street to the shop’s door and pounded on the door frantically.

  Lifting my eyes to the evening sky, I prayed. “God, please let him still be here. Please.”

  Just then, the door opened.

  It was Mikey.

  Chapter 37-Luke

  HOLDING MY FATHER’S HAND AS we waited for the ambulance, I tried to fight back the tears. He was covered in blood, his own blood, and I could sense death in his immediate future and I was scared. I didn’t tell Hannah. I didn’t want her to feel bad.

  “Sonny boy.” My father’s words were soft, grizzly with pain as he pushed them out slowly as his back lay firmly pressed against the snow-covered ground.

  “Yeah, Dad?” I said, seeing my breath in the cold wintry air.

  “I love you. Thank you for giving me a second chance to be a dad.”

  Shaking my head, I was confused. “What do you mean?”

  His eyes wandered over to Kayla, who was sitting on the picnic bench crying through a contraction. The sound of the ambulance sirens loudened as they rapidly approached up the driveway of the ranch. He motioned for me to come closer, and I leaned in.

  “I never wanted those two ladies to live with me in the beginning. But through knowing the two of them, I’ve been able to experience what love is again. I’ve been able to be a father in the way I never was to you and your brother.”

  Pausing, he coughed, and a bit of dark blood dripped from the corner of his lip. He moaned and grabbed his torn open flesh wound on his side.

  I swallowed hard and the tears flowed.

  He reached up and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me in close.

  “Love, my son. It’s the glue that holds all this thing called life together. God showed me His love over the last six and a half months through that girl. Take care of her and don’t let Hannah slip through your fingers. I’ll tell Mom ‘hi’ for you.”

  The paramedics arrived moments later, hurrying through the snow at the top of the hill and surrounding him as I backed away.

  My eyes connected with my dad once more and I said, “I love you.”

  He smiled, and my heart broke apart knowing I was losing my father. Wiping my eyes, I journeyed over to Kayla.

  “Is Mac going to be okay?” Her eyes carried the worry I knew to be true in my heart. I peered over my shoulders at the paramedics who were inspecting the gashes across his chest.

  “He’ll be okay. One way or another.”

  She grabbed hold of the frost-covered bench and squeezed. Crying from the pain and unable to speak, she reached out a hand to hold me.

  I held her upright.

  Once it passed, I said, “How far apart?”

  “Three minutes.”

  “Let’s get you to the hospital to have a baby.”

  Helping her to my car, I helped her into the seat and buckled her.

  “Can you grab my tote bag and pull the soup off the stove? The bag is on my bed.”


  “Get me a cup of soup! I heard they starve women giving birth these days!”

  Laughing, I nodded and continued to the guest house.

  Chapter 38-Hannah

  MIKEY WAS SPEEDING on the highway after we dropped off his new wife in Newport. The delay set us back a few minutes, which irritated me, but I stayed calm. I was thankful for the ride. As we made our way to Deaconess, I kept up with Kayla’s progress through texts from Luke.

  Mikey and I didn’t know each other very well, so there was a bit of awkwardness in the truck. In the hopes of breaking up the quietness between us and also as a distraction, I asked, “How’d you and Tina meet?”

  “Oh, great story.” He nodded as he smiled over at me. “You know Luke?”

  I laughed. “Obviously, you know that I do.”

  “He helped Tina this last summer. She had broken down
on the side of the road and he helped her out. Made sure she got the rest of the way into town and to my shop. After that, it was love at first sight. Honestly, if it hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t have met her. No offense to you, but it’s the reason I answered my door tonight. I was about to go on a date with her in town.”

  I couldn’t believe what he was saying to me. “Luke helped her?”

  “Yep. She hadn’t known about Newport being much of a town, let alone having a mechanic. She would’ve just kept on going if it wasn’t for him. I think God had Luke pull over that day and help her, and I’m happy it happened!”

  Chills filled my entire being as I thought of the reality of not having a ride into Spokane if Luke hadn’t helped a stranger. Praising God in prayer, I thanked Him for watching out for me and helping me.

  Not far from Spokane, the truck began to shake violently.

  “What’s happening?”

  Mikey pulled over.

  “What’s wrong with it?” I asked frantically. My eyes widened, more upset about the impending birth than I was about his truck breaking down.

  “I’m a mechanic, not a vehicle whisperer. I’ll have to get out and check under the hood.”

  “Is it going to take long?”

  He looked displeased with my question, his face grimacing.

  “Sorry! I’m just panicking a little bit here.”

  “Sit tight. Let me check it out.”

  Getting out of the truck, he went to the front and opened the hood. The whole time, my mind was racing and tears were welling in my eyes. I texted Luke what was going on.


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