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Dracula's Lost Treasure Map

Page 6

by V Bertolaccini

  The incredible thing was no matter how closely he looked at where their facial figures should be he could not see any features and started to believe they were something else and his mind raced through all the phenomena and he realized the two psychic researchers were doing the same, and were whispering to each other about it, and he was surprised that the figures started to react when they started getting to them and they stopped and took photos and recorded information in whispers about what they saw.

  What was surprising was the photos Kurt took and what they came out as and looking like old fake ghost photos he use to see, and he realized how easy it now was making ghost figures in photos, and realized the situation, and that no matter what they came up as now nobody would probably believe it, and he wondered why anyone would want to.

  If anything properly came out it would probably be ludicrous, and he realized that the two ghost investigators were gradually edging their way closer.

  “This place is a hell of a place!” one mumbled, watching the other consider doing something, and Eisenberg wondered what the hell the things could do, and he wondered if he should be thinking of a way of getting rid of the spirit manifestations.

  “This is incredible!” the other psychic researcher announced, fascinated by what they had.

  “If you need some history, I have some stuff …” Eisenberg whispered.

  As they approached them, the psychic researcher gasped, “I’ve never seen anything like this place …”

  They gradually approached the ghostly figures and stood near them surprised and studied their deadly features and started to wonder what the hell they were.

  Eisenberg was astonished again as they were at the exact location Kurt had been examining and where the cross mark was that he had been found marked on the treasure map, and was located at the direct center of the mansion’s structure, and they watched the figures vanish and as they did he spotted them staring straight at them, reacting to them.

  Chapter 22

  The Treasure Quest

  Eisenberg’s relatives arrived early the next morning and at breakfast he just told them to search where they thought it would be and gave them a copy of the treasure map and the mansion plans, and told them all to choose the rooms they wanted, and they chose the rooms near him and Kurt.

  Later the servants and cleaners arrived and started cleaning the place up, and Eisenberg finally left to continue his search of the top floor with Kurt, and when they arrived there he could barely recognize the place during the day, and they looked about with the treasure map, and their reactions had changed to treating there as though something of unknown origins existed there.

  Even during the day none of the others seemed to want to go into the unexplored regions, and went to the edges of them and worked their way in.

  The paranormal investigations left and soon arrived back at the mansion with more equipment and a professor who was an expert on the phenomena and they arrived at the top floor and Eisenberg watched them approach the central region where the occurrence took place.

  The professor kept trying to explain their reactions and was surprised at their claims that they had photographed the ghosts, and in the end left it, and went along with it, and decided to stay the night and continue their investigations.

  Later when they all had a meal in the dining room near the front door he was amazed that some of relatives told the professor and the paranormal researchers of tales they had once been told of the mansion and it being haunted with mischievous demons and unearthly elementals and they were left confused, as much of it was clearly made up and unbelievable.

  One claimed that when Howard Eisenberg had stayed there when they were younger the servants had told them of the place being haunted, and said the servants refused to stay anywhere near the place at night.

  There was also an incident when Howard Eisenberg decided to seize the opportunity of investigating it and had people investigate what was there and they had left after encountering phenomena, and had never returned.

  Eisenberg was surprised that the haunting had different forms and had actually been deadly, and that nightmare sounds viciously emerged all over the mansion and estate, and he started to realize how determined the psychic researchers and the professor were and that they phoned people to bring in extensive equipment to begin a decisive investigation.

  Chapter 23

  Howard Eisenberg’s Room

  When Eisenberg entered a top floor room it felt strange and he tried to place it, and it was as though he had been in the room when he was younger, and he knew it was Howard Eisenberg’s room, but he had never been near the building before.

  He moved slowly deeper into it, and it was as though Howard Eisenberg was still alive, and he realized that he now thought of him differently, and it felt like it was a form of sacred domain.

  The outer corridor had to be the darkest place there for some reason, and strange dark and gloomy glows were there.

  He wandered about wondering who the hell he had really been, and recalled all the things his relatives had said about him at the dinner table, and he had started wondering if they were up to something to try to get the treasure.

  The place had only a few cobwebs and a little dust about it and had clearly been lived in by him.

  Kurt walked in the door, with an astounded expression, and moaned, “So this is Howard’s room …”

  By his face Eisenberg realized that something was happening somewhere, and he knew it had to be occurring where the psychic researchers were, and he finally asked, “What are they up to?”

  “They’re positioning massive amounts of equipment all about the central region away up the corridor …”

  “That’s what we wanted … It is also a good way to get rid of the problem! People will be staying in this place in the future …”

  Kurt nodded and looked about, and replied, “But I believe they intend to do something … I think they are either trying to capture our visitations there or make contact with them tonight …”

  Eisenberg looked up in surprise and realized that something could occur, and he wondered if the place could turn out like it was originally like, when all hauntings took place about the building and surrounding estate.

  “It is too late …” Eisenberg gasped. “How can you stop them?”

  “Correct! That’s another reason why I’m worried about it, and have even been considering getting out this place before something occurs …”

  Chapter 24

  The Manifestation

  That night Eisenberg edged his way up the stairs to the top floor, and when he reached the top of floor he waited there, searching the darkness in the corridor and he saw nothing, and was surprised to see lights in the corridor go on and he immediately wondered what the ghost formations would do if they turned the lights on with them there.

  He could not grasp what was happening, and what they would discover with all their equipment they had fitted there, and stood with his mouth wide open, and he went over what they had told him all the equipment was for, and he accepted it being there if it solved the haunting problem and even explained what was occurring, but not if it made it turn into a new state of hauntings, and deadly, and he gasped at the amount of problems there now were and wondered if things were moving in the opposite direction of solving everything.

  The paranormal scientists and technicians had been rushing back and forward setting up their new equipment all around the corridor where the manifestations emerged, while testing and checking everything.

  He realized their great interest in investigating the paranormal and realized that most had not actually believed in it until now, and had only vague fantasies of things, and no real thoughts of it being a real problem.

  At the spot, at the center of the mansion, Eisenberg examined all the equipment about the region, with the places they would monitor everything hidden away from the manifestations spotting anything, and he wondered why they were so positive in things like them b
eing at the same spot, and he wondered if they were about to make another mistake, and he watched all the scientists and technicians with surprise as he was sure he had seen them on the television, and that they were relatively notorious.

  He was becoming sure that they had found far more than they indicated, and were keeping secrets.

  He wanted to grasp what they knew and what he should know, and he strolled from place to place examining the equipment and everything else for clues, and recalled something that he had forgotten, which he had once read about some of the work that the paranormal scientists had done a few years back.

  He recalled their stuff had been fairly surprising, and even alarming, which had drawn his attention at the time, and he recalled that he had dismissed it later as them using it to advertise their work.

  At times he thought they were deliberately putting the psychic research there to cover their real work and discoveries! Whatever that was!

  The scientists informed him that they were checking all known forms of disturbance, and energy and matter disturbances, in and around the emergence region, and they were sure that they would find something.

  There was something strange, and he felt something was going to happen, but he could not grasp what, and he was sure they might not encounter it if they avoided doing certain things, and he regularly listened to them all at work and even their low level conversations.

  Suddenly, in the darkness, in the outer corridor of the room he was in, where they were all hidden away from, they detected a reaction and that something was making an appearance, and the others in other place shifted positions and altered things and they all went silent and waited, and he checked his watch and realized it was late and around the same time as the last visitations, and he realized how late it was, and he watched the scientists at work, silently checking stuff on their equipment about the zone, and one whispered something desperately in another scientist’s ear, making the scientist look slightly surprised.

  The scientist’s face then turned dramatic, after he considered it, making Eisenberg gasp and wonder what the hell was going to happen, and if they had put their foot in it again, and he waited for something to happen, and for a moment even regretted bringing them there, and he saw the scientists desperately do something.

  He slowly started to sense something was there, and it sent a chill through him, and when he thought of what could occur, and his eyes for no reason fell upon something in the outer corridor through a gap in the door and he realized that they had not fully shut the door, and his heart leapt, and he saw its bright ghostly figure shifting about outside the room, and he watched the scientists activate stuff as they monitored the equipment.

  Even though it was faint it looked like something familiar, and he watched the two strange ghostly figures on a screen silently doing something he could not see, as though they were somewhere else, and had different surroundings that were not visible to them, and they were something, and he suddenly thought he saw one had bright red eyes, and I tried to grasp what it was and was doing.

  There was something strange there that he just could not grasp, and they moved and did things far differently than anyone or anything he had seen, and at times it shocked him and all the scientists and the things took a lethal appearance.

  Suddenly he heard one of the women servants scream at the end of the corridor, as she must have entered the corridor from the stairs, and he was sure she had been bringing food up for some of the scientists late, and he heard her running away.

  For a moment he saw a change in the ghost figures and saw two of the scientists activating something, and he tried to recall all the things that they had said they were going to do, and he sat back astounded as the ghost figures seemed to scream, and looked as though they were in great pain and unsuccessfully try to escape, and he wondered what it was, and if he had actually seen it before, and he watched all the scientists and others start to leave the rooms, and he followed them out into the corridor, and he realized that they had used a form of energy field to trap the ghost formations there, for them to study.

  It astounded all of them, and most could not quite grasp what was there, and what they were dealing with, and up close, in the darkness of the corridor, and he studied a dull red radiance gleaming about them, illuminating their hideous devilish features, like demons, trying to cover their identities.

  He glared at them, studying them, wondering what was there, and if all the ghost stories he had heard through his life were of real occurrences, and that they were of something else entirely.

  The deep blackness about him was so vivid and things so real and unreal, and deadly, he felt shudders of horror.

  For an instant one altered in form, and turn to a more demon energy formation, and they all stood back from them, wondering what it was, and what it intended to do, and how to handle it.

  What amazed him the most was all of them, including the psychic researchers, could not properly recognize them, and openly admitted that they were something new.

  He moved up close to one and examined its ghostly demon figuration and tried to grasp everything he could, which he could recognize, and he wondered what all the scientists about the world would think of it, and he realized all the scientists and others about him were all staring at him and it, and he realized how close he had gone, and that the others were far further back.

  While he started moving away he examined it up close and saw it was like it was made up of a mass of a strange red energy being generated by something somewhere, and to his amazement it exploded into a frenzy of activity, doing things, and as he watched both of them vanish their facial features became visible and he realized that they were staring straight into his eyes, with horror and vengeance.

  Chapter 25

  The Cavity

  The next morning Eisenberg could not believe the activity the place had, with the others up early searching everywhere, and he quickly had his breakfast and rushed up the stairs to the top floor determined to do something, after all the thoughts he had the night before of what existed there, and he now realized the danger of the place and that it could very well escalate into a full scale haunting.

  At the top floor he got another surprise, and was left amazed as he approached the central region, where the hauntings had occurred, as Kurt and some of the others were frantically yanking up carpets and were trying lift the massive stone slabs of the floor, directly over the spot where the haunting had been, and he stood watching them, wondering what would occur and what could be buried away there, and he listened to Kurt talking of the cross mark he had found there on the treasure map.

  He stood astounded, recalling what was there the night before, and he spotted some of the scientists in the surrounding rooms at work checking their equipment and findings, and wondered why the occurrence never occurred during the day, and only a specific time at night.

  In the end he grabbed a seat and sat watching them removing the large slab, and felt the warm day edging in, and watched the sun blazing in at the end of the corridor.

  “We will soon get this place searched properly if we all carry on like this …” Kurt moaned, and for a few seconds he wondered what he meant, and just nodded in agreement.

  Eisenberg just wandered around nearby rooms that they had not entered and randomly stopped at paintings and antiques, with surprise, wondering what they were worth.

  The things in Howard Eisenberg’s room had been the last things he had considered, but had found nothing of value, but he knew he was immensely wealthy and could easily have left something worth something, and something that could easily have vastly increased in value, and he studied a painting and wondered what it was worth, and he quickly phoned an old friend on his phone and sent photos of it to see if it was of value, and while he waited for a reply call he decided to keep searching everything that looked valuable.

  Later he was surprised, before he hung up, to hear that the mansion and the occurrences were on the news, and it was in some o
f the papers, and he realized there was a danger of others appearing, and perhaps searching for the treasure.

  While he searched, going off along the corridor, going into the distance, repetitive forceful hammering appeared and occasionally interrupted him enough to stop and listen and wonder why they were making so much noise.

  He realized how much he liked treasure hunting and the quest and even the discovery of the paranormal occurrences and trying to figure out what would occur, and the solution to it, and realized he liked quests, the exhilaration, and the thrill of it gave him adrenalin. He was sure he would eventually find stuff all over the place and that he just did not know what he was looking for.

  While he considered the place from different perspectives the sounds in the background escalated into a fury of rummaging and banging, which eventually made him come to a halt, stand alert and listen, and start making his way back.

  Some of the others from below emerged at the top of the stairs, searching about, listening for where the sounds came from.

  While Eisenberg approached Kurt he watched a cloud of dust come up and go everywhere, and listened to an immense bang.

  He rushed up, and entered the dust cloud, coming along the corridor, while searching for what had happened, and he watched the scientists in the rooms either at the doors or shutting the doors.

  “What the hell happened?” Eisenberg moaned loudly, glaring about him, cleaning the dust from his eyes, and saw Kurt and others completely covered in white dust.

  Eisenberg watched them not reply and watched the dust cloud settle, and saw a massive hole in the floor, where rock slabs had gone crashing down, where there was a dense cloud of dust that mysteriously moved around, and he jumped when there was a bang from something below, and at the hole’s edge he felt shudders going through the floor, and heard sounds of boulders shifting about below him.


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