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Dracula's Lost Treasure Map

Page 7

by V Bertolaccini

  Kurt stood steady, while the others about him looked bewildered and glanced about them, observing everything, and Eisenberg just thanked them for the discovery, and for locating a hidden chamber he spotted below.

  When the dust cleared a large black hole remained, which they were unable to penetrate with their eyes, and they stood trying to see what they could, and what they had smashed the floor away to reveal, and Eisenberg searched for a torch, and a scientist eventually walked over with one, and Eisenberg took it and bent over the hole and searched below, and wondered why it was so deep, and at the bottom all he saw was dust and rubble, with whatever was there buried below.

  Chapter 26

  The Lost Chamber

  Eisenberg measured the floor with amazement and realized that he had not considered there really being anything there, and realized how the place had affected him, and realized there were places all over the building where there were places like it, and where the walls were far thicker than they should be, where there could be secret chambers and tunnels, and he wondered what they were for and why the builders had created them.

  He realized that in historic times they could have thought differently and have been for ventilation and entrance points to somewhere where people might have hidden if attacked in wars, and he realized there must also be a ventilation or tunnel there going below, for the ghostly formation sounds to get below.

  It was phenomenal how thick the region had been there and he had not fully noticed it, and it now looked large enough to conceal something significant away, and he wondered why someone had gone to such lengths to conceal it.

  Eisenberg tied a rope around himself and got ready to follow Kurt down and started lowering himself down, and again he wondered what the hell Kurt was talking about, as he now seemed to be carrying out an alternative plan, and he watched him fiercely rush down, over the edge of the hole, and start shifting downwards to what was buried below, and Eisenberg followed him downwards, watching him go down, while watching the startled faces of the psychic researchers and scientists nearby.

  When he hit the bottom, near Kurt, he was so absorbed in what was there and wondering what they thought was there that he hit the ground with a thud and fell over sideways, and over into the dust and rubble, and rushed onto his feet, and started cleaning the dirt from his clothes, and looked up and saw their startled faces looking down at him, and gasped and started to search about him.

  It was hard to figure out why it was so beneficial to him to do such things, and even find the treasure, as he never entirely needed it, and he started looking for proof that it was more than just part of the structure of the building and suddenly spotted Kurt in the darkness doing something, and he suddenly saw things about him as his eyes adapted to the dimness there, and he tried to see what was there but his vision and mind could not grasp what was there.

  When he removed his torch and it lit up the region across Kurt’s front all he saw was what looked like a strange wall going all the way round them, and saw something uniformly covering all the walls, accept what looked like a doorway, and he watched Kurt remove something and saw it looked like a white blanket over the wall in front of him, and he revealed shelves of books, and Eisenberg swiftly removed other sheets of material from the other walls, and shelves surrounding them, and realized it had to be a form of library, and that the door was now hidden away behind a wall, and he wondered why someone had hidden it away and gone to such lengths to build a wall over the front of the room and hide it away, and he opened the door and examined the brick wall and the bricks and realized it was really old and definitely from the original building.

  Eisenberg wondered if they were making a mistake and if the place was in fact something else that they never realized existed.

  Kurt examined the book in the shelves at a distance and moved gradually around them, checking everything he could, scarcely grasping the concept of why such a place had been built, and tried to recall something, and Eisenberg started removing books from the shelves randomly, trying to grasp what they were about, and what the people that lived there had been like and were doing there, but he barely grasped anything as they were all in another strange language, which he could not grasp.

  Kurt started talking to the others up above, and told them what he had found, and they discussed the doorway, and they went down from above to the lower floor, to where the door was, and started examining the wall behind it.

  Eisenberg spotted something and he moved in closer and realized that someone at some point had made an opening at the bottom of the wall, and a hole large enough to let someone in, and had entered there, and had filled it in afterwards, and by the materials it was made of he realized it could have been done recently, and he watched Kurt get a pick down from above and start smashing the bricks away, and he eventually left through a hole he made in it.

  When Eisenberg got out he wondered why the haunting had come from there, and wondered if there was something hidden away there, or beneath the rubble, or behind one of the shelves, and he realized it might be small, and he wondered what the hell it could be.

  Chapter 27

  The Hideous Sounds

  As Eisenberg awoke out a strange dream he considered how tired he was and what they were doing, and thought of other similar situations that he had done, and thought of other times he had awakened in the middle of the night, and as he recalled everything, and current state of the haunting, he gasped and suddenly realized that he could hear sounds emerging from further along the corridor and he jumped out of bed, and rushed over to the door, and gasped when he heard the sounds, and they seemed magnified, and at the door he heard them blaring out through the corridor.

  It mildly amused him as he recalled who was in the rooms near the sounds, and he realized that the sounds reminded him of his dream, but he never noticed a connection.

  “What hell!” he moaned, shoving his clothes on, and rushed out into the corridor, and watched Kurt and the two paranormal researchers standing nearby, wide eyed and repetitively whispering to each other.

  As he approached them they moved away towards the stairs and he followed them, and gasped and realized what the haunting had been like, and what they had done there with the scientists, and he realized he wanted to know the outcome of the occurrence, and wondered why the ghost figures had returned, and he realized that if they were the real thing they would be trapped there, haunting there night after night, and he felt sorry for them and realized there could be a way to allow them to leave.

  At the top floor he stood and watched Kurt and the two paranormal researchers moving along the corridor ahead towards them at the center of the mansion and as he moved along he heard the sounds at their loudest that he had heard them, wailing and screaming, and felt the vibrations going through the floor with astonishment, and he tried to grasp if they were screaming in pain or enragement, and further along he realized he could not grasp what most of the sounds were or were coming from, and he wondered what the hell they were, as none of them had given any proper explanations of anything.

  The disturbance or sounds seemed as if it had different states and often altered, and he imagined it as a warp through space and time causing many different things to occur and create sporadic sounds about the place, and he wondered what the hell their supernatural actually was.

  Suddenly he spotted Kurt and the two psychic investigators had stopped and he looked ahead, staring through the blackness and at lights shifting about, and he rushed up to Kurt.

  In the darkness at the end of the corridor the two ghostly figures seemed to be in frenzy and shifting wildly about, and he noticed they kept being stopped leaving a particular zone, and he realized they must be furiously fighting or furiously trying to escape from there, and he wondered who or what they were, and why they were there, and he tried to recall what he seen of them when the scientists had been there.

  “What the hell are those things up to?” he finally muttered, staring, bewildered, and wondering wha
t the outcome would be.

  “This place is a hell of a place!” Kurt mumbled.

  “Have you any history of the place?” he asked, wondering if he or the psychic researchers had uncovered anything, as he was sure it would be recorded by someone somewhere.

  He realized that he really felt like going back to bed, and that it had been a long day and the next day would even be longer, and he watched the ghosts figures furiously shifting about, as though at a hyper speed and he realized that he could not properly see the things and that they were unrecognizable to them, and that their appearance in the mansion had things missing, which he was sure were at where they were, and he realized they were something else and their appearance was entirely different from what was visible, and like seeing someone on an infrared or X-ray screen, and the sounds were absolutely absurd and unrecognizable, and he realized if they could grasp why they were there and where they were they could start solving what was occurring and how to handle the situation.

  The things were shifting about absurdly and he wondered if they were in pain, and if something was torching them, and he realized if they were dead and ghosts that they might very well be in the deepest depths of hell, and he realized that they might be able to exorcise them.

  Chapter 28

  The Ancient Books

  When Eisenberg entered the library with the others in the morning he examined the massive entrance hole in the roof they made, and the pile of rubble across the floor, and wondered if the ghost figures had reacted to it and the other things they had done there, including what the scientists did to them on the previous night with their equipment, and he realized if they were ghosts and had supernatural powers that they make them pay for it.

  He examined under the rubble, looking for anything below, and he examined the stone floor and the rubble, and he sensed something unusual, and that it was in fact the books, and he looked about the room, and where the hole entrance into the library went, and watched the light coming in.

  Something seemed different in the library and he watched the others bring in a table and chairs and put them at the central point where they had cleared, and they sat about the table in the seats, and made themselves familiar with their new surroundings, and Eisenberg went over and grabbed a pile of books and dusted them and piled them on the table.

  It was incredible! All his relatives were searching the mansion everywhere for treasure and had even persuaded the servants, cleaners, and psychic researchers into joining in, and many of them entered the room.

  The books he took amazed him with their age, as they were far more ancient than he had imagined.

  He consistently wondered why the books had been hidden away there, and wondered if there was some law and crackdown on them for some reason, and he kept wondering why they were hidden away, and he realized that the books he got were virtually unreadable, and in another language.

  He suddenly realized that the books were uneven and hanging over in places and that the last time he had seen them he was sure they had been straighter, and wondered if something had caused it.

  There was something about searching for some things that he never liked, which frustrated him, when he could not find anything. There were far too many things that suggested too many things that could be anything. The mind could turn anything into what looked like something or a clue if he wanted something badly enough.

  He could be following false clues that never existed there, and making major mistakes there for years! He decided to check the main books and anything that looked like a clue, and decided he would call it a day after a certain amount of time, if nothing was discovered by them.

  They searched through books for anything and kept finding they were empty and in another language, which they suspected was a really early language.

  As far as he was concerned successful treasure hunting normally had proper information of treasures, and not strange riddles. They found treasures and lost artifacts with knowledge and traced them with advanced technology.

  If they could only properly trace the original owners and builders of the original building, which the psychic researchers and scientists had achieved the greatest results with, after using all the means available to them, but they still could not grasp who the hell the mansion owners had been, and what they had been up to, and he realized that they had to bring people in that could read the language in the books, and the others agreed, and he decided to wait for them to get them and bring them in, and they decided to look through the books for anything of interest they could find.

  Chapter 29

  The Second Map

  Eisenberg sat with his mouth open when he opened a book that looked somehow different from the rest of the books and he tried to grasp why it was.

  He saw that it was made different, and had a different shape, and was clearly from a later time, but what was the most curious was the fact that the dust on it was far less, for some reason, and he was sure that someone else had put it there, at a different time, and he curiously examined it and played with it and realized that it looked as if someone had put it there at an even later time than he thought, and even looked like the person added some of the dust artificially, and he sat wondering why the hell they would do it.

  He started studying the contents, going through it, and started to realize that though it was the same language it was different, and had different paper, and he was amazed that there was a bump on the cover, where he felt something concealed, and he used a blade to cut it open, and pulled out a small piece of folded paper.

  He sensed something and sat staring at it, while the voices of the others altered to mumbles and background sounds.

  He unfolded and stretched it out, perhaps done for the first time in hundreds of years, and held it up to the light and saw its details clearer, and some of the others gathered around him, and they examined it.

  “It’s an old drawing of the mansion!” Kurt replied, standing behind him, seeing something that confirmed his beliefs.

  Eisenberg realized it was and proved it and wondered why someone had made it, and of part of it, and after studying he was sure that it was more than that and that it could be from an ancient plan of the top floor, from a large map, which he was sure was showing where something was, and he knew it because it was important and that the person that put it there had it hidden in the book. It had some detail to it that he studied and tried to recognize, and he proved it was accurate, and he realized the original building was basically the same in places.

  His thoughts were wild and he wondered what the person had been up to. The other original mansion, moved there, had to be the most haunted hideous place in existence. And he wondered why there were so many secrets buried away about the place, and he had consistently sensed it since he had arrived at the place.

  Kurt looked at it strongly for a moment and took it off the table and held it over his light, and he considered faint lines on it for a moment, and looked baffled about something.

  “Could this be connected with the treasure?” he moaned, desperate for clues.

  Eisenberg eventually took it and wondered what he meant, and examined it for clues to its identity, and why it was there.

  It could be more valuable as assumed but on the other hand it could be anything. They both studied it from different angles, until they started losing interest.

  “Doesn’t that look like your treasure map?” Kurt moaned, when he realized it, and Eisenberg looked at it and was surprised it did, and that he had not noticed it, and he removed the treasure map, which he had found in the grave in the cemetery, and thought it was a rough copy of it but after close examinations he saw it was not and he realized there were two treasure maps.

  Chapter 30

  The Quest

  Eisenberg strolled about the building amazed at how far the others were going to search the place, and even saw the cleaners trying to remove a cupboard to search behind it, and he decided to talk them into it as he just wanted to complete
the task, even though he discovered strangers frantically yanking up floorboards at a region on the bottom floor, and realized they were locals, and builders or something, and in the end decided to leave it as if they found anything he was sure he would hear of it.

  While wandering up the stairs he heard to a repetitive forceful hammer that appeared away in the distance somewhere and he occasionally stopped to listen and wondered why someone was so determined to break through something, and where the hell was it coming from, and he eventually realized it was coming from outside of the building.

  He realized how much he liked the adventure and even the strange mind-boggling paranormal occurrences and trying to find out what it was and solutions to it.

  At one point he was sure there was stuff all over the place, after seeing the reactions to things by others, and the locals seemed to think there was far more.

  While he considered the interior from different perspectives, and climbed higher up the stairs, the sounds in the background escalated into a fury of rummaging and thuds, which made everyone he saw look alert and listen, and wondering what was happening and what they had they missed.

  It sounded as if they had found something and were trying breakthrough to something to get it.

  In the end he marched down a corridor to where it was coming from, confused and wondering what was there, and met someone, and he was surprised to find out someone was on the roof and he realized that there could very well be an attic on the building, going over the center zone of the top floor.


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