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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 11

by Charisse Spiers

  The vision clears, leaving the two of us standing here kissing in my room, as if years haven’t passed between that night and today. My hand slides up her shirt and beneath her bra, stopping on her breast. They aren’t as big as mine, but they aren’t small either, only coming in at a cup size smaller than me, and they’re round and firm.

  She moans against my lips as my finger rubs across her nipple. I'm getting more turned on, and bolder with going further when the memories of last night begin to surface, reminding me that what I want is a guy, reminding me that what I Saxton.

  I break the kiss. "I need you to take me to a sex store."

  She looks at me like I've grown a third eye. "Why? We could keep going. I won't tell if you don't. Toys are great, but overrated."

  We're both breathing hard, and both quite possibly insane. I'm not even sure how to explain him anymore, not even to myself, let alone her. "I'm not going for a toy. I'm going for a DVD."

  I take back my hand and adjust my shirt as she puts some distance between us. "Mmmmkay. Can't you just buy that stuff online now days. Why do you need a sex store? You still have not explained this porn thing. Are you really just curious, because most guys aren't like those guys? You may be disappointed if you're teaching yourself from that. Just a little word of advice."

  Rip it off like a Band-Aid, Kambry.

  I push past her, heading for my closet to find a change of clothes. "Because the guy in those photos you found was the guy from the club, the guy that came back here, and also the guy I hooked up with...twice."

  I grab a change of clothes without looking at her, in fear of what her face looks like right now. "I need it for research purposes, like I tried to explain earlier. The rest I'll have to tell you when the initial shock wears off or you may think I'm insane and have me committed."

  "You hooked up with a porn star! What the fuck?"

  And so it begins...

  She kills the engine to her car as we pull into the parking lot of a building with the label, SINcerely Yours. I stare at the large curly font that hangs on the front of the building, not far above the tinted glass doors, wondering what I'm about to walk into. What would one expect from a sex store? I mean...I'm not stupid, but maybe naive when it comes to this sort of thing. Surely there isn't that much involved; yet the building is much larger than I would have imagined.

  The silence in the car has my thoughts running wild, unsure of what to think, and just as I reach for the door handle the locks sound. She's locking me in. A group of friends exit the building with a frosted plastic bag stuffed with pink and black tissue paper, laughing and carrying on, as they walk toward a silver Mercedes. I grab the lock and pull it up with my free hand, not removing my eyes from the young, carefree girls as they get in the car and pull out.

  I pull the handle and lean into the door, only for it to do nothing. It's locked...again. She clears her throat.

  My head dramatically rolls toward her. "It's not like I can't open the door. We can have a war, but it’s just a matter of timing. Child lock doesn't work on the front passenger door. No need to be melodramatic."

  "When are you going to talk to me? You don't just throw out some crazy shit like you hooked up with a porn star and then keep me in the dark. That's rude and wrong on so many levels. I'm dying here."

  "I'm really not sure you would believe me if I told you... I'm not sure I believe it myself."

  "You'd be surprised at the things I would believe..."

  "This may be the cake topper."

  She raises her brow. "Who's the melodramatic one now?"

  I grab a section of my blonde hair and begin twisting it around my finger, lost in thought. A certain pair of masculine eyes flash through my mind, swaying my thoughts. My eyes close, remembering the look on his face when he admitted to slipping the tip inside. I've never seen a guy look like that before... So, I don't know, raw, bare, uninhibited sexual tension; though, that's not saying much, but it made me

  My thighs inch together on the seat, already wanting to go back to last night. My bottom lip slips between my teeth and my arms cross over my chest, grasping each upper arm as if I'm cold.

  Suddenly I feel a backhanded slap across my upper arm, leaving a sting in its wake. "You're totally mind fucking him. Kambry!" My eyes open. I look over at her, looking at me as if she's seriously considering driving me to an asylum.

  My thoughts quickly gather. "You want to be an actress right?"

  Her face scrunches. "Is that supposed to be a trick question? We are in the movie capital of the country, are we not? I certainly didn't leave the south, westbound for a dead-end job in the middle of an unknown place hoping to become a trophy wife. We're better than that."

  "Would you do anything to get there? Like work your way up of sorts? Even if you knew it was immoral, going against everything we've ever been taught?"

  She turns and leans her back against the driver's side door, staring at me, before combing her fingers through the top of her hair to give it a tousle. "Well, I've never really been one to go with the grain of what we were taught, hence me losing my V-card long ago, but it's go big or go home right? I'd like to think all the ones that made it had to make sacrifices that they aren't proud of to get where they are, but that's really one of those things where you have to step in those shoes and walk in them before you really know if they fit. Why?"

  "Even if they asked you to star in a porn reality television show with the guy in those photos?" I pause. "And that same guy is trying to sway you to say yes by giving you a taste of what you could have if you did?"

  My hands take residence steepled at the center of my face, waiting for her response. She stares at me, no emotion registering on her face. "Are you shittin' me?"

  There is her deep southern drawl that she masks so well, unlike the rest of us. Usually it gets worse when she is speaking with lack of thought or when she is emotional. I guess there is no truer statement than, you can take the girl out of the south but you can't take the south out of the girl. "I kind of wish I were."

  I'm half expecting her to laugh as well as yell, but to my surprise she does neither. Instead, she removes her keys from the ignition and grabs her purse, before exiting the car altogether, leaving me thoroughly confused.

  She walks to the front of her car and halts, before turning toward me and waving me on. I grab my purse off the floorboard and pull it over my arm, leaving it at my shoulder. Getting out I meet her. Her mouth lines as if trying to find her words, only the right ones. "Now is not the moment to question. The time for a rational conversation would be stargazing rooftop over wine; about the only place you'll see stars around here."

  She pauses. "I would say trespassing at the Hollywood sign, but I have yet to find someone that is willing to break that law and risk getting caught. I thought that was a for sure bucket list item for most people."

  As if just now realizing she is veering off subject she shrugs her shoulders and carries on. "That will come later tonight. I guess it's a good thing you're off. It was meant for us to have this conversation. If it were anyone else I would hardly find this a serious conversation, but given that it is you...I'm going to introduce you to a sex store, as well as your first toy."

  "A toy? Why a toy?"

  She breathes and a nervous laugh escapes. Her cheeks have a rosy shade appearing. That never happens with Meredith. "I saw those photos pulled up on your computer. It was kind of hard to look away once I saw them. He's hot, he's young, and if he's after you to do it then there's a reason. It may make me a shitty friend not freaking out and trying to steer you clear, but it's worth giving a thought to. Celebrities have famous sex tapes emerge often. I'm still convinced it's a ploy for publicity, but what do I know? Maybe this is your arrow."

  She looks at the building only a brief walk away. "But Kambry..."


  "If you plan on losing your V-card to him, then you need to practice with a toy. I've seen some peen in my day, probably more
than I care to admit aloud at my age, but regardless I know the difference in big dicks and small ones. They come in all shapes and sizes, but that boy... is fucking hung."

  Her eyes scan my body, making me more nervous with every second that passes. "If there is even an ounce of you that wants this, then you need to prep your vagina. That shit is going to hurt. I'm nervous for you."

  I feel like I'm going to throw up. I never said I was going to do this. Something tells me that I don't really have a choice. My hand immediately finds my mouth, my fingertips slipping through my lips between my teeth. Reflexively I start to gnaw on my nails; a nervous habit I started to tune my parents' lengthy lectures out over the years. There isn't much to bite; yet when I'm done my nails will be below the quick.

  She wraps her arm around mine, leading me toward the building. It's a quick walk, quicker than I probably would have preferred. Meredith grabs the handle of the door and opens it, letting me enter first.

  I walk inside as the entry chimes, signaling our arrival. Meredith follows behind and stops beside me. I look around, my nerves dwindling as I take in all of the lingerie hanging from the racks. The walls are decorated with stilettos of every color and design. Scattered in the corner I even see themed costume wear, but I don't see any sort of toys in here.

  A female wearing a short but classy dress walks toward us. Her makeup is perfect and her hair teased to no end. I have no idea how she is walking in those shoes. Those shoes put any of mine to shame. She is most likely pushing forty, but doesn't look it. "Welcome to SINcerely Yours. Is there something in particular I can help you find today?"

  I suddenly start to get embarrassed. I'm not sure what I expected for this to be like, but voicing it aloud wasn't one of them. My cheeks are heating, most likely starting to resemble a cartoon character. "We're here to shop in the back," Meredith says.

  "I see. I'm going to need to see IDs please."

  My eyes blink repeatedly. Why do I feel like I'm in the middle of a drug exchange? This is awkward. Regardless of how I feel at the moment I'm here, so I pry open my purse and fish out my wallet. I open my wallet and show my license to her tucked inside. "You're going to have to take it out, love. I have to hold it until you leave."

  Of course she's going to need me to dig it out from behind that damn clear holder that was not invented to be user friendly. Once you slide it in your wallet all is lost, because you near about break your finger trying to get it back out.

  I reel in my arm, before starting the inevitable. Mysteriously it comes right out on the first attempt. It has to be rigged. She's already holding Meredith's when I hand her mine, looking them both over once in her hand. "My name is Betsy. Follow me."

  She turns on her heels and begins walking, slow but precise, never allowing her weight to become offset from the skinny heel she's walking on. We follow closely behind, navigating through the storefront toward the back. A spiral staircase comes into view. My eyes follow it up, halting on a loft overhead. Nothing is immediately visible to the eye that resides up there, but I almost barrel into Meredith from not paying attention when they stop at the bottom of the stairs.

  Betsy grabs the hook end of the velvet rope that is blocking the entry to the staircase. It reminds me of something on the red carpet or a movie premier, just a different color. She attaches the hook on the opposite end, opening up the narrow winding staircase for visitors. "If you need any help getting something removed from the display just press the button on the wall and I'll come right up to unlock it. Go ahead. Look around."

  Her arm branches out in the direction of the stairs, her hand outstretched, kind of like the girl on Wheel of Fortune. That seems a little too proper for a sex store, but that's just me. I shouldn't be so judgmental when I have no idea what I'm in for.

  Meredith begins to ascend first, wasting no time. I place my hand on the railing and follow. The frilly curtain at the top, the makeshift door, hangs loosely in the frame. Her hands feel around until she finds the two separate hems and pulls them apart, allowing us to walk through.

  My eyes become overwhelmed as I stop on the other side, releasing the fabric from my fingers behind me. "What the hell?"

  A hand becomes laced with mine. I look down and then up at Meredith. "It may be a little scary now, but I promise in no time you'll be up to par. A lot of people never try most of this stuff. Some dabble a little. Then there are those select few that discover a different side of themselves altogether; a guilty pleasure I guess. It's all about learning you and the things you like. If it makes you feel better, we're almost neck and neck in this category. Come. I'll do this with you."

  My heart is pounding in my chest. My brain is screaming at the images my eyes are relaying to it. A glass display stretches the entire length of the room, then turns to form a rectangular version of a U, completely full of boxes and pretty packaging with names I haven't even read yet. The wall behind it serves as a support for things I've never even heard of before, let alone seen.

  I work to even my breathing before I go into a panic. She steps forward, pulling me toward the display case. My nervous energy is slowly changing to curiosity the closer I get. Pulling my hand out of Meredith's, I place my fingertips on the top of the case and skim them as I walk down the length of it, taking in everything inside, and repeating the names to myself. Pocket pussy - some made to resemble those of girls I don't know, Dildo, Bullet, Butterfly, Rabbit, Chinese shrinking cream... Really? People use that?

  The list goes on of things that look strange to accompany their odd names, locked away in the glass box. I glance up at the back wall. That area only gets stranger. Swings, things that look like horse whips, smaller whip type things with long tassels of sorts - not really sure what that is. Handcuffs in feathers and fuzz… Is that a stripper pole?

  My eyes continue to pass over, noting each and every thing. Anal beads? What is that used for?

  My derriere suddenly becomes tense at the thoughts plaguing my mind. If I get really out there, I can imagine some things, but I have to run out in left field to get there. My nose scrunches. "No thank you," I mumble to myself. "Nothing is going in there."

  I continue to pass. I don't think I'm going to find anything there. In the corner of the room there is a doorway. I walk to it, wondering what could possibly be over there. I'm not one hundred percent sure I really want to know. Just before entering I take a deep breath, then peek my head through as if something is going to jump out at me. Aha! There they are...

  I walk inside the movie section, glancing at the front covers. I swallow, and then veer over my shoulder in embarrassment, forgetting that Meredith and I are alone and no one can see me, or what I'm looking at. My breathing starts to become heavy as I glance at each cover. Some of them have titles alone that are blush worthy, let alone the couple or person that graces the front to accompany it. I really should stop looking, but I can't...

  Naughty schoolgirls part II? That seems a little more worthy of an eye roll than sexy. Even the girl on the front has the whole pigtails and short plaid skirt getup going on, with a midriff baring white button-down, sitting in a W on the floor with knee high socks and Mary Jane shoes... And she's sucking on a red blow pop. Even I've heard the whole Catholic schoolgirl fantasy, but I thought it was more for means of Halloween dress up.

  I continue to walk, skimming the various covers, nothing catching my eye. I halt when that DVD case smacks me in the face, metaphorically speaking. MILF: Spring break edition.

  The only reason I know that stands for Mom I'd like to fuck, is because I've actually heard some of the guys joking around about that at school; usually towards the few guys whose mothers were the hot versions of what typical mothers dress or look like. Friends or not it always pissed them off to hear MILF comments about their own mothers.

  My heart starts to race when I see the name across the top. Starring Saxton Maverick.

  I look behind me, confirming I'm still alone, before snatching the clear, plastic DVD box off the wall that holds
the DVD case locked inside so it can't be stolen. That's when I notice another right beside it, Twins Gone Wild, taking it as well. I look between the two, comparing.

  The first female is older, but you can barely tell. She's dark-complected with long, silky black hair; her skin smooth instead of what you would see with someone that lives in a tanning bed. Her boobs look enhanced, her makeup overdone in a precise manner. He's standing behind her, his arms wrapped around, one covering her nipples and the other holding her between the legs covering all her goods. His lips are barely touching her neck, but even with part of his face tilted toward her you can still tell it's him. Her hands are threaded in his hair as if she's enjoying what he's doing to her.

  For some reason that bothers me...

  Then there is the other one. Twins...with platinum blonde hair just like me, only they have chocolate brown eyes, big and round, but if they're older than me you really can't tell. They look more natural except for the spray tan they clearly have going on, giving them a beachy glow. He looks like he's walking, one girl standing on each side with a seductive smile plastered on her face as they both pull at his button-down shirt, clearly trying to remove it. They are gorgeous...and they're identical. So he's had a threesome? That's not intimidating or anything...

  "I'd go with the twins."

  I jump at the sound of Meredith's voice, almost throwing the movies in the air. "Sorry. I didn't expect you to freak out."

  "Shit," I whisper. I go to put the movies back on the shelf, but she grabs them. I turn to reach for them, more embarrassed than I originally thought I would be, but she raises them above her head as she stares at the front. "Are you ready? Maybe this was a bad idea."

  "Why are you being all weird? I want to see who you've deemed worthy enough to let in your panties."

  "You've already seen him. Remember?"

  "Not putting the two together."

  She turns the boxes around and holds them in front of her, chest high. "Which one bothers you more to see, knowing you've had a taste of him yourself?"


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