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Sex Sessions: Uncut (Camera Tales #1)

Page 12

by Charisse Spiers

  "Neither bothers me. Why?"

  "Don't lie to me, Kambry. I can see it all over your face. Your cheeks look like you've just come in from running in the hot sun. Tell me. Which one?"

  "This is stupid. You're making me uncomfortable. Why bring out my insecurities?"

  "Because that's how you overcome them. We haven't even established why you are purchasing one of his films anyway, so I'm just going to assume there is a logical reason and we move on from there until you tell me the details." She shakes them in her hand. "Which one?"

  "The twins," I say defeated. "It's hard for me to imagine having to compete with an older woman. Everyone knows they are more experienced, and if it were real life it'd probably be less common, statistically speaking. All the girls we knew wanted older guys."

  "Okay, so tell me, why are you purchasing one of his movies? I can't help you if I don't know."

  I exhale loudly. I liked this better when I was the only person that knew. "He told me to compare the way he is with a woman in one of his movies to the way he was with me on both occasions. He said if I could tell a difference to at least read the stipulations of the contract before I say no to the offer."

  "Wait one damn minute. You've been offered a contract? It's that serious?"

  "Yeah...but I haven't read it. The producer came by the club. That's how I found out...what kind of film it was. I freaked out and left. My curiosity got the best of me and I searched him on the web."

  I think back to what I was doing less than twenty-four hours ago. "Let's just say he showed up, uninvited, and at the worst possible time. His parting words were to come to a sex shop and buy a DVD, so like a pathetic idiot here I am."

  Her mouth is gaping. She stares at me. "You lucky bitch. I'm so jealous right now." She places one film back and tucks the other under her arm as she grabs my hand and pulls me out. "Twins it is."

  "Where are we going?"

  "We are having a girls' night. Nothing sounds better than wine, porn, and reading contracts. I have just the blanket and pillows for a rooftop kind of night...if it's vacant. If not, it's a pallet party with smelly candles as makeshift starlight."

  How bad is it that I kind of wanted to do it alone....

  Betsy is standing behind the counter when we exit. In front of her sitting on the glass is a gift bag just like the one I saw earlier. “Will there be anything else or is that all?”

  "All," I ask confused.

  "Just this," Meredith says as she lays the DVD on the counter, ignoring my confusion completely.

  She looks down at it and picks it up. "He's one of my favorites," Betsy says as she unlocks the box with a strange looking key on the elastic band she wears around her wrist, and then allows the DVD package to fall into her hand. "You girls picked a good one... Pretty close to your age too I would imagine."

  I stand here, feeling slightly awkward while she talks about a porn star as if he's the boy next door. I'm officially ready to bail, glad at least that I know no one around here for the most part.

  If this embarrasses me is there really any point in looking into this whole situation any further?

  "He's definitely a hottie," Meredith retorts. "Someone that's met him personally recommended him."

  I swallow at the wrong time, allowing my spit to go into my windpipe, causing me to choke…for the second time today.

  She places the DVD into the bag, nestling it beneath the paper so that everything is kept private, and then her expression changes. "Oh really," she asks, as she leans forward over the counter, resting on her forearms. "Do tell me more. I've always wondered what they were like in real life, given the nature of their careers."

  "Kambry, what did she say he was like," Meredith asks with a witty tone. My palms start to sweat when they both look at me, eyes wide as if they're ready for the latest gossip.

  My breathing begins heightening in sound. I hate being the center of attention. I stumble on my words and say stupid things. Why does she do this kind of shit to me? What am I supposed to say so that it doesn't sound like I'm her?

  I look between them both, straighten my posture, and clear my throat. "Well...she said that he controls his tongue like a singer, uses his fingers like a guitarist, and has rhythm like a drummer. He's sexy, mysterious, and a little bit cocky, so I guess overall he's kind of a rock star... Oh, and he feels bigger than you would imagine seeing him on screen, but that's hearsay. I really have no idea."

  Drops imaginary mic and walks away.

  I turn and walk toward the door, mouthing all kinds of things to myself... Like what the fuck was that? Was it corny or stupid? Probably. Actually I'm pretty sure of it. I found an opening to get me out of this extremely awkward situation and took it. At this point we may be leaving without the purchases, because I am not going back in there. I, Kambry Rivers, am going to the car. I have had enough of this sex store for one day.

  My head is tilted back against the passenger door of the car, sun beaming down on my creamy skin, when someone grabs my hand and hangs a bag from my palm. I straighten, looking down at the bag that was sitting on that counter only moments ago, and then glance at Meredith standing before me with a massive smirk spread across her face. "Well played, sugar. Well played. I got fifty percent off and she threw in an extra DVD. She said if you can bring it back signed by him then she will give you a piece of lingerie with matching heels on the house. I'm proud of you."

  "What? Why?"

  "Girl, don't ask me. Maybe it's good promo for her store or something. She said he was a favorite. Maybe her guilty pleasure is watching porn. How the hell should I know? What I do know is that slowly he's pulling you out of that rock hard shell you've lived in all your life. The Kambry Rivers I grew up with would have never said things like that, even if she were the only one left on the planet with no one else to hear it. Get in the car. We're going to figure this out..."

  She rounds the car, unlocking it by the remote along the way. I turn and grab the handle, before opening the door and getting inside. She starts the engine and looks behind her as she backs out. "Bryant, the guy I've been playing with, just so happens to work at his family-owned wine and liquor store not far away. He said he's working right now since he doesn't have class today. Perks for me. Wine it'll be. Just don't judge me if I disappear for a quickie in the back. Know that I'm perfectly fine."

  I look at her, waiting for her to look back at me as I buckle my seatbelt. "You're such a hornball," I say at just the right moment.

  "That may be, but it's always on my terms. Being in control is a beautiful thing, doll. You'll see... Besides, he's the first person in months. You weren't the only celibate one for a while, but I must admit that it sucks. I'm pickier than you think," she says with a wink as she pulls forward.

  "So...I can't stand it anymore. What's in the bag?"

  "There's only one way to find out. Open it."

  I look down at the bag in my lap and remove the tissue paper, hesitantly. I take out the two largest items first and look at them, biting my lip as the blushing consumes my cheeks once again. "Why two?"

  "Well, it's good that you asked, doll-face. Do you see anything different between the two?"

  "Uh..." I bite my tongue trying not to laugh. "Size?"

  "Look at you! A+ for cooperation. Neither is quite the size of the image I saw, but I figured you could climb that ladder one step at a time. The first dildo is fairly small, according to Betsy, when it comes to magical pleasure-enforcing toys, but I figured it would be better than starting out with that man's dick. The second is a middle ground between the two in the size category. I just figured that by the time you got yourself used to those two, you'd be more prepared for the big moment, because that boy has quite possibly the biggest dick I've ever seen."

  "And what if I don't do this? Have you really even considered what this is?"

  She smiles, but continues looking ahead at the road, avoiding an accident in the heavy traffic. "There is always that possibility, but I think we both know
you probably will, and yes, I have. It's an ethical decision most definitely, especially coming from a small, southern town. Your reputation will likely never be the same if you do it, but honestly, who cares? The people that judge shouldn’t be in your life anyway. We're young, we're learning who we are, and no one says you have to do this more than once. If the contract is too good to turn down, then I don't think you should. It's not like you're going to do it for free. There are women all over the place that do porn, stripping, or escort services to pay their way through school. If you’re making it, it’s honorable, no matter how you do it."

  "Well since you put it that way...prostitution sounds so much better," I say sarcastically.

  "Kambry, you want to go to college right?"

  "I don't know."

  "I'm not stupid. I know that acting isn't your dream; it's mine. You only came with me to get away from your parents, but we both know unless you go back you'll remain stuck with me, carless and short on money after necessities. You'll be merely surviving. You don't want that life and I don't want it for you. I love us being roomies, I'll drive you anywhere, and you'll always be my best friend, but I know you well. Right now we're both in the same predicament, but what if I make it? What if I start getting roles for major motion pictures? What then? You'll move back home for them to give you back your future before you mooch off my parents or me footing the bill. Tell me I'm wrong..."

  My fingernails go for my mouth after dropping the items back in the bag. I hate conflict. I hate feeling like I have no backbone, proving her to be right. My parents took that from me by never giving me a choice, never giving me room to make my own mistakes. It was their way or no way. It always has been and always will be. "I can't, because you probably aren't."

  She pulls into the parking lot of a building with the hanging letters spelling out Wine and liquor across the top. It doesn't matter what state you're in they all look the same. I guess those words alone are advertising in themselves.

  She kills the engine and looks over at me. I can feel her staring. I can also see her from my peripheral vision. "Let me clarify what I'm saying. I'm not pushing you to do it. Don't ever do something you don't absolutely one hundred percent want. All I'm suggesting is that if you do want it, then look at the big picture instead of worrying what the general public or people back home may think. No one else will have to live your life or pay your bills but you. We do what we have to do to make something of ourselves."

  Without saying anything more she grabs her purse and exits, yet again, and I follow behind, walking alongside her until we enter the liquor store. It's quiet, a totally different vibe from a bar or club. The room is filled with rows upon rows of bottles, some on shelves and some in wine racks, as well as coolers lining the walls. I have no idea what we're supposed to be getting. I'm a complete amateur when it comes to wine. Mentally I had prepared to get a backup; something that I know I like.

  The only wine I've tasted was at a family wedding that took place on a vineyard, weird I know, and it tasted like rubbing alcohol. Needless to say I refused to try anything else. Come to think of it...that was probably my parents' goal in letting me try some: to find the nastiest one to sway me. I should have known them giving me alcohol as a minor was strange back then.

  I squint my eyes. Assholes.

  "Hey, sexy. You miss me? I brought eye candy."

  "What's up, gorgeous? You come to play?"

  I look over at the oddly familiar voice as Meredith makes her way to the counter. He nods at me. "Bryant. You must be Kambry." His tongue runs out of his mouth over his bottom lip, wetting it, and then his top teeth bite down in its place, before skimming back and forth. "Hey, weren't you with that guy?" His eyes narrow slightly as if he's thinking. Then he smiles at me. I nod, confirming, and hoping like hell I don't blush at the fact that he knows I was watching him screw my friend.

  "Yeah," I agree. "That would be me."

  He's sitting on a barstool behind the high counter, spinning a pair of scissors around his index finger, obviously to occupy himself with the lack of customers at this time of day. It probably hasn't been but a few hours since opening. Now that I get a look of him in daylight...and dressed, I can see his appeal. He's cute, but then again I've never seen Meredith with a guy that I didn't find attractive. I guess we have similar tastes.

  "It's nice to properly meet you, Kambry. Speaking of...have you seen him around lately?" His voice is in a teasing manner, making me paranoid.

  "I can't say that I have." I lie. "I think I'm going to look around."

  He looks out at the store behind me; an unreadable look on his face. "You do that." His attention goes back to Meredith. "So, you come to play?"

  "Mayyyyybe," Meredith interrupts in a singsong voice, clearly playing his little game. "Depends on if you feel like hooking a girl up. We need something..." She looks at me, and then back at him. "Preferably sweet, that is capable of altering mental state for a relaxing girls' night in. Work your drink knowledge magic of the perfect concoction and you might get lucky."

  A smirk begins to grow from his lips. He stands and leans over the counter, bringing himself closer to her. "I'm not invited to the party?"

  The longer he looks at her, the more she smiles, as if she's totally smitten. That's my cue to leave.

  I turn for the first row I come to, placing my fingers along the labels of the bottles as they sit in the wine rack, browsing the different brands, colors, and types, reading each. I reach the end, now facing the coolers. One brand sticks out: Barefoot. The type that catches my attention is the Moscato, but there are two colors: pink and white. Maybe it's the whole Deliciously sweet motto on the label that piques my curiosity. I can't be sure. It just calls to me.

  A weird feeling encompasses me, like someone's watching me. I look from side to side, seeing if anyone is close in proximity, but nothing. I shrug it off, then reach for the cooler door and open it, removing the white Moscato by the neck of the bottle. "You're a little young to be buying that, aren't you?"

  I jump slightly, but not as much as I would have guessed. "What are you doing here," I ask without turning.

  A body presses against my back, causing me to close my eyes. It's hard; his body that is. "I could ask you the same question," he says, placing his lips beneath my ear.

  I shiver.

  He splays his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. I grip the bottle tighter, trying my best not to drop it on the dang floor. He begins inching them down my cotton dress, traveling toward my thighs. "Have you read the contract yet?"

  "No," I say breathlessly.

  "Why not?" His hands reach the bottom hem of my dress and slides to my inner thighs. I cannot stop the uncontrollable shaking as he touches me inappropriately in a public place, yet I can't find the words to tell him to stop.

  "I've been busy. This is kind of stalkerish..." My words get cut off as he slides the fingertips of one hand under the edge of my panties. My breathing hitches. "You know."

  I squeeze my eyes shut tight, trying to calm the raging beating of my heart. I can hear it pounding in my ears. One, two, three, four...

  He slips a finger inside of me and all is lost. "I'm just here seeing a friend, but I must admit I'm glad I came." His voice is huskier than it was initially.

  I release a choppy exhale. My hand wraps around his wrist as he slides his finger upward to my... "Dammit."

  Something starts poking me from behind. He rubs for a moment then stops abruptly, removing his hand altogether. My head falls back against his shoulder. He grabs the bottle from my hand and sets it on the floor, before grabbing my waist and spinning me around.

  Our eyes meet and he walks me backward, until my back is pressed against the cool glass door. He grabs my thigh from behind and pulls my leg up around his waist, positioning himself between my legs - a denim bulge pressing against my panties as my dress gets shoved upward.

  His face inches forward, his lips coming closer to mine. "Fuck, I want you so bad."

p; He presses his lips to mine and kisses me, deeply, sliding his warm tongue inside my mouth. I welcome it, more easily this time. He hardens his body against mine as his kiss becomes more heated, more passionate. I place my hands around his waist and dip them underneath his shirt, allowing myself to feel his bare skin. I moan into his mouth, causing him to nip my lip with his teeth.

  He breaks the kiss, his eyes boring into mine, his chest heaving up and down. "Have you done anything I've asked?"

  My eyes dart left to right, scanning his. I bite the corner of my bottom lip. "Maybe," I admit accidentally.

  His eyes veer down to my lips. "Keep doing that and I'll strip you right here."

  "We're in public."

  "He's not modest." I pull down my leg at the sound of Bryant's voice and clear my throat, trying my best to adjust my dress, and cursing myself inside. I look back and forth between Bryant and Saxton, both wearing smirks across their faces. "I see you found my boy after all. I didn't figure it'd take him long to figure out you were here."

  I shove at Saxton, trying to put some distance between us. "You two knew each other this whole time? Why didn't you say something that night?"

  “Hey, I tried. It seems homeboy here was keeping secrets. So unlike him,” he says teasingly. “I guess some girls have that effect on guys." He winks. "The rest is not my business."

  "That wasn't the time nor the place for that conversation...and obviously Bryant is starting a pattern of being in the wrong place at the worst time," Saxton says aloud still staring at me.

  I release a breath, catching Meredith walking up from the corner of my eye. "What'd I miss? I go to the bathroom for one second and it looks like juicy drama. Could my luck get any worse?"

  Saxton turns toward her and Bryant and she halts. "Hello, hottie..."

  Her eyes rake down his body, dramatically and shamelessly, stopping precisely at his...

  She licks her lips. My eyes widen, then squint at exactly the moment following. No shame. No shame at all I tell you. I also kind of want to slap her right now. She's staring at his junk.


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