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Reasonable Insanity

Page 17

by Cynthia Freeman Gibbs

  Suddenly, she didn’t see or hear from him anymore. She heard through the grapevine, he got busted for the sale and use of anabolic steroids. Criminal activity had been taking place in the smoothie shop. Evidently, he and the guys he trained were doping for a while. He received a two-year jail sentence for his crime.

  His smoothie shop next to the gym closed permanently. An athletic maternity clothing store called Dahling’s Closet now filled the space in the building. She wondered if Dahlia could be responsible for what happened to Ross. If so, she had achieved her sweet revenge on him.

  Thankfully, Olivia had her work to dive into and she focused on the stressful lives of her clients. Her patients had many crazy things going on, which allowed her to get outside of her own world.

  Olivia tuned back in to Heather’s situation. She spent the next hour talking and listening to her until she calmed down. She wrote out her treatment plan and embraced her in a hug, despite the odor. After reassuring her she would be fine, she sent her on her way.

  Olivia sighed from brain exhaustion and decided to call Savvy about meeting with Da Crew later that evening. “Hey, girl. Whatchu been up to lately? We need to get together. I could use a drink right about now.”

  “Hey, Olivia. Work has been crazy busy. I think they want me to live on a plane. Also, I transferred my membership for Delta to the San Antonio Alumnae Chapter. The life of a public servant is never done. I’ve met amazing sorority sisters who you have to meet. Some of them mentioned they know you. On top of that, I joined three ministries at church. Whew. I’m wearing myself out just thinking about it.” Savvy laughed.

  “You haven’t changed a bit. I’m glad you’ve adjusted so well to living here.” Olivia said. “I was calling to see if you want to hang with Da Crew tonight.”

  “Oh man. I would love to but, I’m finishing a few things here at work. I’m about to head out of town to visit my folks,” Savvy responded. “I can’t wait to get home to Mama’s cooking.”

  “Oh, I totally forgot you’re leaving tonight. I guess we’ll have to wait until you get back.”

  “Let’s definitely plan to get together when I return. Sorry to rush off the phone. I need to talk to my boss before I leave to go home. I still need to get my clothes together for the trip. I hate when I wait until the last minute to pack,” Savvy laughed.

  “Girl, one of these days, you’ll learn to pack ahead of time. Have a great trip and call me when you get back,” Olivia chuckled.

  She ended the call and started packing her briefcase. The more she thought about it, the more she felt like a quiet night at home was just what she needed. Heather wore her out, so Olivia decided to just run by the store and pick up something to cook.

  Maneuvering through the crowded store parking lot seemed to be difficult due to the after-work shoppers. After parking in a spot right near the door, she grabbed a grocery cart in the store and started making her way through the aisles.

  She decided on wild salmon fillets from the seafood deli. After selecting ingredients for a salad in the produce section, she headed to the wine aisles for a bottle of Pinot Noir.

  While taking her time to peruse the bottles of wine, her skin prickled like someone had their eyes on her. She glanced upward and became mesmerized by a handsome man with golden skin and wavy, ebony hair. He had eyes like Tupac and was wearing a Philadelphia Eagles t-shirt with jeans fitting his body perfectly. His lips parted into an ivory smile, and Olivia dropped her gaze.

  She nonchalantly continued to search for the wine. The last thing she needed to do was get involved with another man.

  “Excuse me, I must apologize for staring at you. I’m hoping you could help me pick out a bottle of wine,” he said and approached her.

  “You should ask someone who works here to help you,” Olivia snapped and side-stepped further away from him. She quickly diverted her eyes back to the racks.

  “Whoa. I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful, my sister. I haven’t seen anyone in this section available to help. You appear to know what to search for. I didn’t mean to offend you at all.” He held his hands in front of him in surrender.

  Olivia raised her head and glanced at him. He seemed sincere. I guess I did sound a little bit rude. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. I thought you were using a pick-up line to try to hit on me or something.”

  She couldn’t help notice his long, thick eyelashes. His eyes were hypnotizing to the point she had to make herself look away again.

  “I can’t say I didn’t notice how attractive you are before I asked the question. I’m sincere in wanting a suggestion on a wine. My apologies.”

  “No, no. It’s okay. I had a rough day. It doesn’t excuse me for talking to you impolitely. I’m ready to finish shopping in here, so I can get home and relax,” Olivia said and faked a smile to try and be friendly. “Do you want a red wine or white? Sweet or dry?”

  “I’d like to try a dry, white wine. Something different from a Chardonnay,” he replied. “I’m trying to expand my horizons when it comes to wine. It hasn’t been long since I stopped drinking White Zinfandel.”

  “Oh good. Too many people start with White Zinfandel and never try anything else. You are bold for stepping out,” Olivia applauded him. She reached for a bottle of wine on the rack. “Here, try this South African Chenin Blanc. It’s one of my favorites. I know you won’t be disappointed.” His fingers lightly grazed hers when she handed the bottle to him. Her body tingled from the soft touch.

  “Chenin Blanc, huh? All right. I’ll try it.” He studied the label. “Tell you what. Let me buy a bottle of it for you to show my appreciation for helping me out. No strings attached, of course.”

  “Well, I won’t turn away a free bottle of wine. I thank you. Definitely, no strings attached.” Olivia’s face warmed from blushing.

  They both laughed and headed to the checkout line. After paying for their items, he handed her the bottle and stuck his hand out to shake hers. “Malcolm. My name is Malcolm. Is it possible I can at least know the name of the lovely lady for whom I bought a bottle of wine?”

  Olivia laughed and shook his hand. His gentle yet strong grip held hers a second longer than it should’ve lasted. “My name is Olivia and thank you for your generosity. I will definitely enjoy this treat.”

  “You do that, my sister. I hope I will see you in the wine aisle again. Have a good night.” And with that, he strolled out of the store.

  Olivia stood for a moment, wishing he had asked for her number. But then she quickly shook away that thought and headed home to have dinner – alone.


  “Savvy, I’m telling you. I can’t get this man out of my head.” Olivia whined. She and Savvy wandered around tasting food and wine at a festival after Savvy returned from visiting her family.

  “I can’t believe he bought you a bottle of wine and didn’t even ask for your phone number. Who does that?” Savvy questioned.

  “What if I never see him again? He was cute. I have to admit, I could see myself dating a guy like him.”

  “Hey. Slow it down. You just got Ross out of your life. Don’t you need some time to recover from that craziness?” Savvy warned.

  “I know. But, over this last week, thoughts about Malcolm are keeping me up at night.” Olivia sighed.

  “I’m just saying, be careful,” Savvy said.

  “I know. I probably won’t ever see him again.” Olivia sulked.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll cross paths again, I bet.”

  Olivia stopped and grabbed her friend’s arm. “Savvy. I know this sounds crazy. Maybe I’m imagining things. But, see the guy at the next booth with the Frederick Douglas t-shirt on?” Olivia nodded in his direction.

  “Where? Which booth?” Savvy looked around and didn’t see who Olivia referred to.

  “Stop looking so obvious,” Olivia said through clenched teeth. “Over to the left. He has on the jeans which fit just right. Looks like Tupac.”

  Savvy cautiously peered to h
er left. Her eyes widened when she spotted the guy. “Yes, I see him. He’s a cutie. What about him?”

  “That’s Malcolm. I can’t believe he’s here,” Olivia squealed. She almost spilled her wine from her glass.

  Malcolm looked in their direction and showed pearly white teeth when he smiled. He walked through the crowd toward them while swirling a glass of wine.

  Olivia exhaled. His appearance took her breath away. He was as fine as the night they met.

  “Olivia, right?” He stopped in front of her with his gorgeous smile still on his face.

  She swooned with warmth when she saw his hypnotizing eyes and stuttered. “Y-yes. I’m Olivia. Hi, Malcolm.”

  “Funny seeing you here. I heard someone say my name. And here you are.” Malcolm said. “How are you?”

  An electrical current seemed to flow from his body to Olivia’s. “I’m good. How was that wine I suggested?”

  “I loved it. Because of you, I’m hooked on Chenin Blanc. It’s my favorite now. It makes me think of you.” He kept his eyes still focused on her.

  “Um, hello. Excuse me you two.” Savvy broke the moment. “Let me introduce myself since my friend has turned into a zombie. My name is Savvy and I already know, you are Malcolm. So nice to meet you.”

  Olivia and Malcolm laughed. Malcolm shook her hand. “It is nice to meet you, Savvy. I got lost in the moment after seeing Olivia again. I met her a week ago at the grocery store. I’ve been kicking myself all week because I didn’t ask her for her phone number. Wow. Here she is and as beautiful as she was that night.”

  Olivia’s cheeks became warm with a blush. “You wanted my number? Why didn’t you ask me for it?”

  “I don’t know what I was thinking. But, look at God. He brought us together again.” Malcolm said.

  “Yes, look at God.” Savvy chimed in. “You know what? While you two get reacquainted, I’m heading to another booth for more wine.” She nodded at Olivia. “I’ll see you in a little bit, missy. Nice to meet you, Malcolm.” She strutted off to let the two of them talk.

  Malcolm and Olivia were paralyzed while looking at each other. Olivia laughed and dropped her head. “I’m sorry for staring. I was just talking about you to Savvy right before I spotted you.”

  “No need to apologize. I’ve been talking about you to my boys so much, they are tired of hearing about the beautiful woman in the wine aisle,” Malcolm said.

  “No way,” Olivia said.

  “Well, before I miss this opportunity again, may I please get your phone number?” Malcolm whipped out a pen and a napkin. “There’s no way I’ll make the same mistake again.”

  Olivia chuckled. “There’s no way I will let you leave without it.” She wrote her number on his napkin. She noticed her hand shaking with excitement.

  “I don’t want to keep you from your friend. I’m actually out here with some of my clients who I need to locate. Can I call you tonight?” Malcolm asked.

  “I was hoping that you would. You certainly can,” Olivia responded.

  “I look forward to talking again. Perhaps, we can plan some time to crack open a bottle of Chenin Blanc together,” Malcolm suggested.

  “I would like that very much,” Olivia said.

  “Okay, I’ll talk to you later then.” Malcolm’s eyes lingered on Olivia. He took her hand and gently placed his lips on it in a kiss. Olivia’s body weakened from his touch.

  “Talk to you later.” Olivia sighed.

  He walked away, glancing back to smile at her, before disappearing into the crowd.

  Olivia didn’t notice the people around her as she soaked in all she could about this encounter. She wished later was already here, so she could hear his voice again.


  Malcolm and Olivia never lost touch again and started a fiery love affair. They couldn’t stand to be away from each other and spent every day together.

  Olivia made a point to spoil Malcolm every chance she could. He was a sports fanatic and she made sure he had front row tickets on the fifty-yard line when the Philadelphia Eagles played the Dallas Cowboys. Nothing but the best for Malcolm was Olivia’s motto.

  They both had adventurous spirits and took numerous vacations where they could enjoy being active. During their short dating period, they hiked mountains in Phoenix, skied in Vail, and surfed in Hawaii.

  Olivia spared no expense to make sure they had the best vacations. Since Malcolm worked in network marketing, she understood he didn’t always have a steady amount of money coming in. She made the decision to handle everything to ensure they would have a high-quality life together. She figured eventually, his financial situation would change, and he would be able to spoil her one day.

  Olivia sent postcards to Savvy from every place they traveled. She expressed her excitement on her trips by writing about all they were doing. Sometimes, Olivia mailed two postcards at a time to be a continuation of the first one. She always ran out of space from capturing every moment in their adventures.

  There was no question they were in love. Anyone around them could feel the magic and electricity that flowed between them. Malcolm accepted her for who she was and made her feel like a queen. The only time she didn’t get his full attention was when he watched sports.

  Except for one time. Malcolm asked Olivia to marry him at a Super Bowl party with all of their

  friends. Of course, she said yes.

  PART 4



  The weather on the island of St. Lucia couldn’t have been more perfect for a wedding. The temperature was seventy-four degrees with a cool breeze coming off the North Atlantic Ocean. The sound of waves crashing to shore along with the laughing calls of seagulls filled the air.

  Savvy and Olivia enjoyed early morning massages in cabanas on the beach. They now lazed around the resort pool sipping on Piña Coladas.

  “So, are you relaxed, Bride-to-be?” Savvy asked Olivia and snuck a glance at her friend lounging in the chair next to hers.

  Olivia lifted her Tiffany sunglasses and flashed a big smile at Savvy. The contrast of the bright yellow bikini on her dark skin made her appear ready to model for a magazine. She finally seemed comfortable with her weight and size. “I am relaxed, happy, and jittery all at the same time. Savvy, I can’t believe my wedding day is finally here.”

  “I know. I’m excited for you and Malcolm. You are going to be such an elegant bride,” Savvy exclaimed.

  “Well, thank you for treating me to a fabulous massage on the beach. My therapist had the strongest hands, which is exactly what I needed. I think he found every knot in my body and held on to them until they were worked out.”

  “My massage therapist was sexy. I wish I could put him in my suitcase and bring him to San Antonio. Did you see his amazing dreadlocks? He gave me a glimpse of heaven,” Savvy sighed.

  “Girl, you’re too funny. Sounds like he worked out more than merely a few knots on you,” Olivia joked.

  “Yes, he did. If only I could keep his hands on me for the rest of my time here,” Savvy giggled.

  “Hey, maybe you should slip him your number. Live a little, right?” Olivia winked at Savvy.

  “Just like Terry McMillan’s book, How Stella Got Her Groove Back. Maybe I need excitement in my life.” Savvy drifted away into the thought.

  “Girl, your mind disappeared with whatever is in your head.”

  “It sure did. Anyway, now that my mind is back, you’re quite welcome for the massage. I got what I needed out of it like you did,” Savvy laughed. “Thank you for asking me to be your bridesmaid. I know you could’ve picked anyone. It’s a privilege and an honor to stand beside you to witness you marrying the man of your dreams.”

  “Savvy, you don’t know what it means to me to have you here. There’s no one else I would even have considered. If you couldn’t be my bridesmaid, I would not have had anyone at all. You’re the best friend ever and I’m getting teary-eyed thinking about the fact you’re still in my l
ife after all of those crazy years.” Tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

  “Stop with all of the mushy stuff, will ya?” Savvy laughed. “Let’s finish working on our tans and get you back to your room to get dressed for this evening.”

  Olivia giggled. “I never thought I would purposely lay in the sun to get a tan. Malcolm loves my chocolate skin. He’s going to be happy to see how dark I am after laying out here for hours.”

  “You haven’t seen Malcolm since last night’s dinner, right?”

  “There’s no way I’m going to start off with bad luck in my marriage by having my soon-to-be husband see me before the wedding. We agreed he would stay on the other side of the resort at another pool with his friends and family.”

  “Good. I’m sure he and the family are recuperating after the party the resort staff threw for all of us last night. Five-star service. I can’t believe we’re even awake right now with all of those yummy rum punches we drank,” Savvy said.

  “Don’t remind me. Ugh. I don’t want to see another one ever in life.” Olivia groaned at the thought. “Now, a Piña Colada, I can definitely do.”

  Savvy lifted her glass and they toasted. “Here’s to you, Olivia. The Bride-to-be.”

  “Cheers,” Olivia laughed and they took a sip before lying back in their lounging chairs. Olivia closed her eyes. I can’t believe Malcolm and I are about to become Mr. and Mrs. Who would’ve thought someone wants me to be their wife. I truly don’t deserve him.

  “What are you chuckling about?” Savvy asked.

  “Did I laugh out loud?” Olivia snickered and covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m reminiscing about how Malcolm and I bumped into each other at the food and wine festival. It had to be the best day of my life. We’ve had a lot of fun together.”

  “The two of you are like magnets. My goodness, I couldn’t get your attention anymore after you spotted each other. Talk about serious chemistry.”


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