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Tarnished Persuasion (Justified Treason, Book 2): Endless Horizon Pirate Stories

Page 14

by Cristi Taijeron

  Willard Smith merely nodded at my presence, but I felt the need to vomit as Paul Redding winked at me with his good eye. The one I had gouged out was patched over. Good.

  “No I am not all right, Derouex. I hate that man.” I looked away like a pouting child.

  Sitting next to me, Derouex wrapped his strong arm around my shoulder. He nodded at the men to sit down but took a moment to whisper to me. “It will be quite all right, mon ange. How is it that you know these men?”

  “I sailed with them once. How do you know them?” I questioned with an accusatory tone.

  “We have a matter of business to attend to. I will be right next to you while I deal with it, and I promise no one will hurt you while you are near me.”

  Feeling terribly sick over the matter, I wondered what the hell kind of business he could possibly be doing with them. Derouex served me a bowl of rice pudding as the men carried on in small talk, but I had no mind to eat in Paul Redding’s presence. Rather, I continued to drink my wine as they spoke.

  Apparently everything was going smooth in their plan, and though I listened in for a clue about my place in the arrangement, the entire discussion was drab and completely useless to me.

  Eventually, I managed the nerve to look across the table at Paul. I was thoroughly amused by the eyepatch he wore from my finger gouge. I was also pleased to see that the damage was still very apparent from Sterling bashing his face on the table. My pleasure quickly turned to pain when I remembered the silly way Sterling informed me of that beating. Even on the face of my worst enemy, there was a reminder of the man who broke my heart. Damning the power of his memory, I drank more wine with the hopes of washing it away.

  The men carried on with their terribly boring business, but once there was a solid pause in their discussion, I decided to have a word with Paul Redding. With Derouex there to keep me safe, I snickered from behind my wine glass. “Oh Paul, I do adore the way that gnashing bruise glorifies your ugly face.”

  Derouex almost spit his wine as he laughed.

  Paul slapped his hand on the table. “I see the navigator’s slut is just as foul as ever.”

  Derouex shot a cold glare at Paul. “I will not allow you to speak to Mademoiselle Charlotte so harshly, Monsieur Redding. Have some manners for heaven’s sake.”

  Captain Smith interjected, “Ah, is she keeping your bed warm now, Captain?”

  “Where she beds is no concern of yours, Monsieur Smith. Now, you two will be respectful to my guest, and this is the last time I will be kind with my insistence.” Derouex then redirected the subject. “Come now gentlemen. Let us finish up our work. Is there anything else you might like to know?”

  Keeping quiet while I shaped my pudding with the spoon I was trusted with, I finally took a bite. It was so tasty I would have eaten it even if the devil himself was in the room. As they carried on I heard a tremendous crash of thunder rumble across the sky. While they wrapped things up, the ship began to sway in the wake. Derouex got up to close the stern window so the rain wouldn’t dampen his drapes. Heading back to the table, he commented, “It would cause quite a delay to face a storm on this mission.”

  Since the sea was too rough to return to their ship, Derouex extended a gracious overnight invitation to the terrible men. I hoped they would be struck by lightning as they walked out.

  Once Derouex returned, he took my hand and lifted me from my seat. Running his fingers through my hair he smiled at me, then tickled down the back of my neck. The motion sent a tingling chill down my spine. I liked it.

  “So tell me, cherie, what harbors your terrible detest for Monsieur Redding?”

  The enjoyment of his touch escaped me. Crossing my arms over my chest, I pouted, “Last time we sailed together he attacked me, but I gouged his eye out.”

  He laughed.

  Taking a step back, I scowled at him. “Why in the world are you laughing?”

  Getting his wits about him, he cleared his throat and apologized, “I am terribly sorry. It is mortifying that he tried to hurt you, but you are relentlessly fierce, mon cher. Graceful as a snow leopard and just as deadly as its fearsome fangs.”

  “I have to be. I would be dead or raped by now if I weren’t.”

  Nodding to show respect for my statement, he then took my hand. “Let me apologize for their insinuation about you warming my bed. When doing business with such filthy pirates, there is always a matter of crudeness to resolve.”

  Appreciating the way he referred to Paul and Willard as pirates, because they most certainly were, I felt a satisfied grin rising on my face.

  Derouex flashed a gracious smile. “Let me assure you that I would never assume a woman of your stature would find your fancy in my bed.”

  Though I appreciated his respect, the thought of being in his bed with him sparked a surprisingly enticing interest. While daydreaming of the possibilities, I started to wonder what his body might look like under his lacey layers of fine fabrics. My nerves buzzed with salacious energy as he stroked his fingertips along my arm. Of course, the sensation triggered a barrage of steamy memories of Sterling. My lustful aspirations deflated as I remembered the damage such desires could cause.

  Keeping my expression blank, I asserted, “That is right. Because I am waiting until I am married.”

  “What a chivalrous decision, joli. I would expect nothing less from a woman like you. You are like a fine wine, and your resolve will be nothing but a boast of value.” He patted my hand. “Now, as much as I would love to stay here and talk with you like this well into the night, I have to tend to the storm with my men.”

  Devastated by the news, I pouted as I expressed my disappointment, “But I don’t want you to go.”

  His enchanting blue eyes seemed to light up at the sound of my statement. Squeezing tighter to my hand, he said, “If I falter on my duties they will vote me out and you will be at their mercy. Now, settle your nerves, my sweet. Lynden will watch the door and you will be safe. I promise.”

  Taking a step back, he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles. The moment was quick, but the gesture was powerful. I stood there speechless in the afterglow of his gaze. He smiled at me before he led me to my dressing area behind the divider and then left me a moment to myself to change. As I changed into my nightgown, I attempted to manage the sense of anticipation he left fluttering in my stomach.

  Once I was dressed, he led me to the bed. When he set the glass of water on the bedside table, the liquid swished in the glass like the tumbling tide. He picked a book off of his shelf in case I wanted to read, and then he kissed me on the forehead and walked out the door. All alone in the lovely room, I drank down the water before it spilled. Rather than reading the book, I daydreamed of what would happened when the surprisingly enchanting Derouex Baudin returned.

  Chapter 7

  Pirate Queen

  As Told By Charlotte Wetherby

  I had been dreaming about Sterling, so when I awoke I thought the heavy arm draped over my waist was his. With my eyes still closed, I was certain it was his warm skin my face was pressed against, but then the comfortable bedding led me to believe I was at home. Utterly confused by the mismatched surroundings, I pried my heavy eyes open. Looking around, I remembered I was in Derouex Baudin’s bed. Throughout the days I kept myself full of wine, and had taken so many naps I’d lost track of the passing days, and could not seem to get used to waking up in this beautiful place.

  After rubbing my eyes, I realized Derouex’s arm was wrapped around me and he was softly singing a song in French. He was running his fingertips up and down my back. My arm was sprawled across his bare chest, and my fingers were entangled in the silky curls of his blond locks. The position we were in caused me to gasp with worry. Springing up with concern, I ducked as if I was going to hit my head on a bunk. The colorfully sheeted canopy was high enough that I did not hit my head, but I did jerk away from Derouex.

  He pulled me back towards him. “Stay with me, joli. We have nowhere
to go. Let us just enjoy the beautiful moment.”

  My breath was heavy from my moment of panic, but the melody of his lullaby was soothing to my soul. Lying back down, my accelerated heart rate began to subside. The grey light of the cloud-covered day shone in through the glass veranda doors. A sea-scented breeze softly sauntered through the window. The moment was quite beautiful, and I certainly had nowhere else to be.

  Allowing my arm to fall back across his chest, I found myself stunned by the feel of his well-defined muscles. In contrast to Sterling’s golden skin—smooth and bare, Derouex was a sandy shade of white and his skin was coated with a thin layer of hair. Derouex’s skin seemed thinner, his muscles were harder and though he wasn’t as wide across as Sterling was, he was breathtaking in a whole different way.

  The sheet was hardly draped over his waist, and as I glanced over the length of his abdomen, I wondered if he had breeches on. Though I was fully covered in my nightgown, I couldn’t remember going to bed, and I began to fret over the things that might have happened in the night. Knowing I had far too much wine, I tried to sort through the blurry memories. I quickly came across a vague vision of me sitting on Derouex’s lap. Yes, while playing cards with his mates he rubbed on my thigh and claimed me as his good luck charm. I couldn’t remember if we had kissed, but I knew I had kissed on his neck…Oh my! Perhaps I was the hellfire temptress Sterling accused me to be. My cheeks flushed with shame.

  I knew it was so wrong to be so quickly enthralled with another man, yet as I thought of the recent events of my life, I wondered why it mattered. I was in the middle of the ocean, and Sterling was nowhere to be found. If he truly loved me he would have come after me by now. Since he hadn’t, it only made sense to move on, and Derouex’s handsome appeal and luxurious lifestyle offered me a prime opportunity to do so.

  But I still needed to know what happened last night. “Did we…Did you, well, I don’t remember going to bed and…”

  He chuckled as he rolled over to hug me. I was stunned by the strength of his embrace and terrified by the bulge in his breeches, but at least he had some on.

  “No, cherie. You passed out facedown on the table, and then I carried you to bed.”

  I laughed with embarrassment. “Oh my, I must be quite the piece of tarnished silver in your eyes.”

  Squeezing me tight, he kissed my neck. “Nonsense, cherie, you are a gem of rare value and I adore you for all your colorful characteristics.”

  In the warmth of his adoring embrace I whispered, “I do appreciate the way you have treated me so kindly, Derouex.”

  Without opening his eyes, he rumbled, “It is my pleasure, mon cher.”

  The pleasure was all mine. Since the crewmen had learned it best to leave me alone, I had no complaints about my predicament. In fact, I was enjoying it. The bed was commodious and I had been wearing well-fitting clean clothes. I had been eating like a queen and had been doted over like a princess. It was quite surprising to see a pirate living so luxuriously, and I wondered why Sterling made it seem like I had to give up all comforts in order to live such a life of adventure.

  While holding me close, Derouex went back to sleep. My mind was too alert to find rest, so while I laid there I amused myself by admiring the vast collection of scars accenting his chiseled shape. Though I was quite intrigued by the long jagged slash running the length of his right arm, I was rather terrified by the welted whip lashes scarring his back. The awful memory of the sound and sight of ripping flesh came all too clear in my mind. Not wanting my peaceful morning to be ruined by such tormenting thoughts, I chose to instead look at the sprawling locks of blond hair draping over his shoulder. While playing with his glossy curls, I relished his aroma and thought about the new direction of my life.


  Since Derouex had gone out to handle his business, I was once again left alone with Lynden’s grumbling and Vernon’s violin playing. I had learned to make the best of these occasions by joining Vernon’s tune with a melody on Derouex’s harpsichord. The beauty of our collaborated notes swept me away from the strangeness of the situation. The wine soothed me just as well.

  Upon his entrance, Derouex shooed everyone out of the room. While leading me to the sofa he complimented, “Your song is like poetry, mon cher. It is as if your notes express to me the words that you feel.”

  As I draped myself across his chest, I giggled and poked his nose. “Might you be the one to decode my secret message?”

  Chuckling at my slurred wording, Derouex questioned, “Have you already had too much to drink, belle fleur? It is so early still.”

  At his mention I realized I was entirely drunk, but I downplayed my lush behavior by giggling. “Nonsense, my dear. It is well past noon.”

  I liked the way his chest rumbled as he laughed at me. Pressing my face against his lacy collar, I inhaled the scent of the lavender oil he wore and began to play with his hair. The thin fabric of the white muslin dress I was wearing accented my curves in a way that left me feeling saucy, and he looked at me as if he was quite stirred. Entirely enticed by his gaze, my buzzing nerves aspired for his touch. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted his hands on me. His presence lit a warm glow of light in my spirit and I wanted the flame to spread. Just as I began to tickle along the hint of skin showing through his collar, he said, “I have come to enjoy you much more than I had imagined I would, Charlotte.”

  Pleased to hear he felt the same way for me as I felt for him, I sloppily ran my hand over his goatee as I said, “Then why don’t you kiss me, Captain Baudin?”

  His saucy mouth lifted in a salacious grin. He slowly moved his face towards me. Pressing his lips against mine, he wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer. Just as his lips began to part, a brash knocking pummeled his door. The angry roars of his crewmen sounded behind it.

  Next thing I knew I was squinting from the blinding brightness of daylight as he pulled me along behind him. My vision returned once we reached the scene of the fight. Before Derouex intervened, he grabbed the nearest man in sight and demanded, “You will guard her with your life or your miserable life will come to a quick end.”

  The moment he accepted the captain’s orders, Derouex ran off to manage the mayhem.

  My delegated watchman was none other than Kasey Bolin. Of course he was the nearest man. The moment he approached me he whispered his relief, “Oh, thank God you are well, Miss Charlie.”

  The title struck a nerve. It reminded me of the life I once knew and irritated me in the strangest way. Taunted by the memory of Sterling saying my name, my mind flashed over all the emotions he had expressed it with. I never wanted to be Charlie ever again. Crossing my arms over my chest, I huffed, “Of course I am fine. Better than ever in fact.”

  I could tell he wanted to say something else, but I didn’t want to hear it. Still having no idea what the hell he was doing here, I could only imagine Sterling had sent him to keep an eye on me while he gallivanted around the brothels.

  Turning away from Kasey as if he were the one who broke my heart, I ended up laying eyes on a far more annoying sight. Paul Redding. He was looking right at me.

  Without thinking the matter over I snapped, “What the hell are you still doing here?”

  He licked his lips with an awful crudeness. “Waiting for you, sweetheart.”

  My drunken mind spiraled with hatred. Though it seemed Derouex had tamed the fight he was managing, I charged at Paul and started a fight of my own. Shoving him with all my might, I shouted, “Don’t look at me anymore or I’ll gouge your other eye out.”

  He hadn’t seen it coming. Hell, I didn’t see it coming. I think we were both surprised by the way his body flew back from my force. But being as drunk as I was, I had no defense at hand when he ran his counter attack. Grabbing me by the shoulder, he threw me down and kicked me across the side as I hit the deck.

  It hurt like hell but it wasn’t enough to stop me. I pushed myself off of the floor. He went to kick me again as I rose. I grabbed his s
winging foot, and wrapped myself around his leg like a jungle monkey. Not having enough strength to pull him down, I got dragged along as Kasey yanked him away from me. I should have let go, but I didn’t. In my crazed state of savage violence, I hungered to hurt him. I wanted him to have nightmares about me like I had about him.

  While I clawed up his leg to continue my terrorizing attack, Lynden grabbed me by the waist to pull me off. With nothing else to do I bit Paul’s thigh. Screeching about the pain, he slapped me across the head. Amidst the humming buzz engulfing my ears I heard Lynden laughing. Through the throbbing blur of stars clouding my vision, I saw Derouex running towards us. The combined mix of pain and chaos distracted me from my clawing grip. The moment I let go of Paul’s leg, the tension between Kasey and Lynden’s opposing forces snapped. I fell flat on my face.

  So much for inflicting nightmares.

  As Derouex helped me up, Kasey swooped his leg around Paul’s and dropped him to the ground. Ramming his knee into Paul’s back, Kasey shoved his head against the deck and cursed at him as he held him still. All the while Lynden was hunched over laughing like a loon.

  Derouex grabbed Paul by the collar and yanked him up as if he were weightless. While trying to squirm out of Derouex’s grip, Paul looked at me and cursed, “Look at the hell you’ve caused, you mangy slut.”

  Letting loose of Paul’s collar, Derouex cocked his arm back and punched him. As his fist smashed into Paul Redding’s ugly face I thought I heard a choir of angels singing. It was ravishing.

  As Paul’s mouth leaked blood Derouex shouted, “You watch that filthy mouth of yours, you snarly mutt of a man.”

  Imagining Derouex as my knight in shining armor, I held my hand over my heart and sighed. Lynden continued with his laughter. Kasey stood at attention. As Paul tried in vain to wipe the blood from his mouth I think I saw him spit out a tooth.


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