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Tarnished Persuasion (Justified Treason, Book 2): Endless Horizon Pirate Stories

Page 15

by Cristi Taijeron

  Quickly cuffing Paul’s hands, Derouex demanded, “You will stand still and you will not say another word. And you, Lynden, get you wits about you and escort this filthy dog to his kennel.”

  Lynden dragged Paul away.

  Throwing my arms around Derouex’s neck, I gushed, “That was wonderful, Derouex. You are even more handsome when you are fierce.”

  Squeezing my waist tightly, he laughed, “I cannot believe the trouble you get yourself into, Charlotte.”

  Letting me loose, he then attempted to straighten my tousled hair. I took note of the way the golden colors of late afternoon sun highlighted his golden locks as he fixed mine. He kissed my softly on the lips when he was done. I loved the way this handsome man adored me before his crew. I was not just his bedroom secret.

  Once again our passionate moment was interrupted when Willard Smith came storming over. “Captain Baudin, why is Paul being sent to the brig?”

  Derouex casually responded, “Would you like to join him, Monsieur Smith?”

  “Well, no. I just wondered.” Willard shook his head.

  While dusting the sleeves of my white dress, Derouex indirectly spoke to Willard, “You know, I honestly see no further need for your presence. You granted me protection but now that your ship has sunk, your usefulness to me has expired. It was more than generous for me to keep you around as long as I have.”

  Derouex called Gordy over, “Gordy, hold this man at gunpoint. Dirty Jim Flint, you, yes I am speaking to your ugly face, come here and tie this man up.”

  With his back still welted from the whipping, Dirty Jim Flint struggled to tie the man, but he did so without rebuttal.

  After commanding his crew to sail towards the island I had not noticed was in the distance, Derouex said to Gordy, “If you would be so kind as to fetch me his companion and prepare a boat for them. They will be marooned.”

  Though the punishment was awful, Derouex gracefully expressed his commands as if he was composing a symphony.

  While Persuasion sailed towards the island, Derouex led me over to the portside rail where I could better admire the view. The sun was low in the western horizon and golden rays of light were bursting through the clouds like glowing beams of heaven. Fiery colors reflected on the glassy shades of the sea, surrounding the majestic piece of land protruding from the ocean. The scene before me was a stunning replica of the picture Sterling had drawn of Una Palma. Taking in the magnificent sight, that he had drawn so accurately, I fully understood why people fought over his maps like they did. He was one hell of an artist.

  Looking at the single palm tree accenting the cliff side, I remembered Sterling telling me how he thought about me when he was up there. Why couldn’t I stop thinking about him? I wanted to move on, but the power of his memory wrapped around my heart and slowed my attempted momentum like a weighted chain. No matter how I tried I could not escape my thoughts of him. The fire he set in my heart the night I met him still burned strong. Yet, with all he was to me, I was just another woman he left in his wake.

  Suddenly I understood Holly’s passionate screams of hatred for him. I could see myself acting the same way if I ever saw him again—but I thought better of it. Knowing damn well I was not the only woman who ached for that notorious artist of the sea, I decided then and there that I did not want to ache at all. I wanted to be fine without him, and I would be.

  Shaking myself loose of the memory, I looked towards Derouex. He flashed me an adoring grin. The beam of his smile had such a tempting allure, and the dimple in his cheek only amplified the intensity of it. He certainly made it easier for me to carry on without Sterling Bentley.

  Pointing towards the men lowering the longboat, Derouex said, “I shall allow this detour on your behalf.”

  “I am not quite sure how I feel about you granting a murder in my honor,” I said with a squint.

  “Oh, I would hardly call it a murder, mon cher. The uncertainty of a marooning makes it more of an adventure. Of course there are those who choose to use that sole bullet to end their miseries, but some men are found, and others find ways to survive on the land.” He winked at me before turning me to face the men who were loading Paul and Willard into the longboat. The crewmen granted them two pistols since there were two of them, and while laughing about the generosity they bestowed upon the prisoners, they rowed the victims toward the desolate shoreline of Una Palma.

  Kasey observed the marooning with anguish in his eyes. The hurt in his glare reminded me that Willard was his father. It was easy for me to forget, for Kasey was nothing like him. Willard was a bloody rotten pirate in every sense of the term. He lied, cheated, absconded, and worst of all, he abandoned his own family. Though to many his punishment might seem just, it was plain for me to see that Kasey was troubled by the heinous act. I made note to hug him as soon as I got the chance.

  Before the crewmen reached the shore, Derouex called for Lynden and asked him to take me back to the room. Lynden swooshed his hand to welcome me on my way. As Derouex kissed me on the cheek, he apologized for cutting short my observance of the marooning. I hardly felt deprived.

  On my way to the cabin, I spied out the ship following behind us. Upon further inspection, I recognized it as Endless Horizon. I knew Derouex had a couple of consort ships, but I did not like the thought of those dirty rotten dogs being a part of his group. No longer wanting to think about these crazy pirates and their unruly ways, I decided to get drunk again.


  Another day had passed, and with the heat of high noon engulfing the room, I explored the chest of clothing to find the lightest fabric available. Finding a thin and shimmery copper color dress—just as comfortable as it was beautiful—I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror. The waist was seamed just below my breasts, the base of the long flowing skirt was covered with a golden fabric swirling with paisleys, and the length was trimmed with decorative tassels that nearly touched the floor. The short puffy sleeves and low neckline were accented with gold ribbons, colorful beads, and dazzling jewels that made me think it was from a foreign land. I couldn’t wait to ask Derouex about the precious find.

  With Lynden overseeing me, I spent the afternoon writing a new song on the harpsichord. Perfecting the notes, I slowly sipped from a glass of Italian wine while Lynden switched between cleaning his weapons and picking at his teeth. There were even a few times that I caught him nodding his head along with my tune.

  When Derouex entered later, Lynden went on his way. Shoving past his quartermaster, Derouex instantly tore off his velvet coat. “This beautiful piece is covered in blood.”

  I couldn’t help but snicker. There was hardly a splash on the sleeve, but then I saw a much bigger stain on the lacy cuff sleeve of his shirt. Setting sight on that stain, he ripped the shirt off like it was on fire.

  After washing the blood off of his hands, he brashly sorted through his chest with an irritated scowl on his face. Finding a suitable shirt, he stood up and dressed himself in the frilly white lace. As he buttoned up his eccentric waistcoat, his aggravated demeanor seemed to ease. Once fully dressed, he perfected the collar of the blue and gold floral coat and winked at himself in the mirror.

  Smiling at him through my reflection, I said, “You look stunning, my dear.”

  Returning the grin, he walked over to kiss me on the cheek. “You are a soothing breeze for a tempered soul.”

  Looking over the dress I had chosen, he said, “Good choice, Mademoiselle. The golden trim highlights the gleam in your eyes.”

  “Where did you get this dress, Derouex?”

  Though I was hoping for a fanciful tale, he merely answered, “It is from India.”

  Heading for his desk, he said, “Why don’t you get yourself ready for diner. I have a surprise for you tonight.”

  “Oh? Are you going to keelhaul Gordy? Because that would be quite delightful.”

  He laughed but insisted that I hurry along.

  While I washed my face and brushed my hair behind t
he divider I could hear the servants bustling about. Standing before the mirror to style my hair, I could see Derouex in the reflection. He was sitting at his desk working on his maps. So it seemed even the mention of a map would remind me of Sterling Bentley. Most likely it would for the rest of my life. Though I knew it was ridiculous to be bothered by such a necessary chore, I struggled to dampen my aggravation.

  My irritation deepened when I heard Derouex exhale an awestricken breath. “This map is honestly one of the finest I have ever seen.”

  His comment lured my attention towards the work I was attempting to avoid. Looking at his map I saw Sterling’s compass rose. My mind spiraled in a whirlpool of panic. Dropping the brush in my hand, I stormed to his desk. “Why do you have that?”

  He winced like I was being overly dramatic. “Why would I not?”

  While gazing upon Sterling’s drawing of Una Palma and his overview of The Barren Shore, I snapped, “Because Sterling drew those maps! Why the hell do you have them?” The sickness swirling in my gut intensified. Backing away from his desk, I began choking on the onslaught of tears rising in my throat.

  “Honestly, Charlotte, do you think I am the only man on this sea who has one of his precious maps?” His voice was calm and rational. Standing up, he slowly walked towards me. “Je suis désolé to upset you, joli. Please understand. Sterling Bentley has been drawing maps of this ocean since he was a boy. His hand is one of the best and men have been fighting for his work for years. And this one, ah, Willard Smith had it on him when my men cleaned his pockets. I was only taking some time to review the accuracy.” He placed his hands on my shoulders. “All right?”

  It made sense. Governor Morgan had hired Willard to pursue the search for The Lovers’ Treasure, so of course Willard had Sterling’s maps. I also understood the mastery of Sterling’s work, so all the fawning over his skill made for a corrupt but reasonable explanation. Feeling like a fool for letting my mind run so wild, I took a deep breath before I nodded at Derouex. “Yes. It is all right. I am sorry.”

  He gave me a comforting hug. Once my nerves were good and soothed he softly inquired, “Have you seen these maps, Charlotte?”

  “I have.”

  “So you now know that we are on our way to Ile De Amoureux.”

  “You know the way there?” I questioned with doubt.

  “Indeed I do. I have hardly the skill to dead reckon the course as Monsieur Bentley intended to do, but with my prior experience combined with the help of these beautiful maps, we should find our way just as well. I am curious…being as close as you were to Sterling, might he have shared an of the detail concerning the location of this treasure?”

  “No. He never told me anything important.” I exhaled with dismay. “And I have about had it with that cursed rotten treasure, anyhow.”

  Derouex’s eyes lit up with wonder. “Ahh, many men claim there is indeed a curse over Le Trésor Des Amoureux.”

  The silky cadence of his accent easily soothed my agony over the matter—luring me into the depths of the tale. “What do you know about this treasure?”

  “It is not just a trésor, but a dashing tale of romance and heartbreak. I will be sure to tell you after dîner, but for now as you recall, I have made arrangements to treat you well tonight.”

  For the first time since I lost my temper, I looked around to notice my surroundings. There was an elaborate feast set at the table. The stern doors were open allowing the sweet breeze of the sea to waft through the room. Golden rays of fading sunlight danced across the wooden floor—the glass pieces of the chandelier reflected the glow. Derouex nodded at the servants. Jonet began to play the harpsichord as Vernon took to his violin.

  “I am terribly sorry for throwing such a fit when you had all these nice things prepared for me.” I lowered my head and pouted.

  “It is quite all right, mon cher. Let us have a seat and carry on.”

  Pierre pulled out my chair. The moment I sat down, Derouex took the seat across from me and said, “You only deserve the finest things in life, and it will be my pleasure to provide them for you.”

  Dinner was just as fanciful as ever and the Italian wine was exceptional. Vernon and Jonet played music while we ate, but once we finished they cleared the table and left us alone. Carrying on in pleasant conversation, we drank our wine from the ornate chalices. Derouex even took some time to teach me his language.

  After a while, rain began to fall, and as Derouex arose to close the stern doors, I asked if he would have to leave me. Leaving the curtains open, he gazed through the glass at the night sky. “Oh, the sea is smooth enough. Those children will get along fine without me for a night.”

  Walking towards me, he reached in his pocket. “I have a gift for you.” Standing behind me, he placed a beautiful necklace of gold across my chest.

  Slowly moving my hair to connect the clasp, he sniffed a whiff of the perfume on my neck and asked, “How do you like it?”

  The feel of his warm breath enchanted me into a dumbfounded state of wordlessness.

  He hummed to awaken me from my sensual stupor. After snapping out of it, I took a moment to investigate the piece. The chain was simple but the pendant was quite extravagant. The gold swirled into a flowerlike shape that had different sized rubies accenting the pattern. Holding on to the charm, I turned to thank him, but I was shocked to find my lips right up against the smooth skin of his cheek. My body heated with a wildfire of desire. Rubbing my hand along his jaw, I pressed my lips against his dimple and expressed my gratitude. “Thank you, Derouex. It is lovely.”

  He whispered in my ear, “I am glad you like it. It looks far more valuable with such a beautiful woman wearing it.”

  With my head so light I hardly kept my balance as he gracefully lifted me from my seat. He held me steady as I caught my breath, then twisted me around and laid me over his arm as he announced, “And now, L’histoire de Le Trésor Des Amoureux.”

  Smoothly pulling me up, he backed me against his chest and lowered his face to my shoulder. “Their love was forbidden, their romance a precious secret that only the two of them knew existed…”

  I closed my eyes. He gently feathered his fingers down the inside of my forearms. The sensation tingled throughout my body, causing me to shudder in his arms.

  “Once their secret love was uncovered, they were forced to face the gallows…” Spinning me around to face him, he moved his hand down my back. “But alas, they escaped and agreed to run off together; for a life without each other would be no life at all. They found their fleeting chance of survival by stowing away on a merchant ship. Just as it seemed they were clear of the worst, the ship was raided…” He pulled me close and whispered in my ear, “And attacked by pirates.”

  The threat in his tone combined with the sound of the thunder rolling outside the window sent a terrifying chill down my spine.

  “Only the lovers survived.” He slowly kissed down my forearms. “The woman could not swim, but the man, strong and determined, was able to swim her to shore.” He squeezed my hands. “The water was dark, and the wind was wicked, but their love was strong and warm. Oui, the shelter of his love kept her safe from the storm and her worries washed away with the dark clouds that left them alone on the white sand of the beach.”

  While painting the picture of the island’s natural beauty, Derouex made his way up my arm with meandering kisses. Soon enough his mouth reached my shoulder. Slowly kissing along my collarbone, he conveyed the benevolence of the lovers’ serenity. His description was so vivid that I could imagine myself as the woman on the island. I could feel the warmth of the sun, I could smell the salt of the sea, and I was surrounded by the security of my lover.

  Behind my closed eyes, I was completely at peace, but once he mentioned the arrival of the pirate ship, my eyes shot open with fear. Explaining the murder of the man, his eyes flashed in the candlelight, and when describing the capture of the woman, his face twisted with pain. My heart shattered with helpless despair and t
ears filled my eyes.

  Comforting me with a passionate embrace, Derouex reminded me that the woman escaped with the key to the cave door. “And she insisted, the cruel world stole the wealth of my true love from me, so I will steal the secret of this wealth from the cruel world.”

  After pausing for a moment, he slowly bowed and whispered, “La Fin.”

  This poetic rendition of the tale had me feeling as if I had endured the heartbreak myself. My eyes were brimming with tears, and as I told him how beautiful his story was, those tears ran down my cheeks.

  Wiping my cheeks with the back of his hand, he said, “You are an exceptional trésor, Charlotte. And once I acquire this prize I do intend to dote over you with my newfound wealth.” He took my hands in his. “I believe it is time for me to inform you that I intend to retire in France…” I swallowed my heart. “And I wish for you to accompany me to my château.”

  Completely stunned by his invitation, I held my hand over my heart and gasped. Though I was pleased to finally know where we were headed, it was so terribly far from home and everyone I loved. My emotions were conflicted, but the unpleasant blur was interrupted by his gentle persuasion. “It is a beautiful place, mon cher. I know you will love it there and your ravishing charm will only glorify the majesty.”

  He waited for my response as if asking a question, but there truly was no other choice for me. My father didn’t want me home anymore, I had more than abused Lawrence’s generosity, and Sterling no longer loved me. Then I thought about Mary. So it seemed my fate would be the same as hers. My only chance at survival was to be the pirate captain’s mistress.

  While eyeing him over, I summed up the circumstance of my predicament. Though I was helpless in the decision, I could not deny the dazzling allure of my inevitable fate. Not only was this pirate captain ever so handsome and adoring, he was also strong and powerful. This life he was offering me would be the perfect mix of luxury and adventure. I suddenly realized that Derouex Baudin was an impeccable blend of Lawrence Braddock’s dashing courtesies and Sterling Bentley’s rugged charm.


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