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The Immortal Harvest

Page 28

by L. J. Wallace

  “Have you received any word from Lewiston and Roberts? Baxter asked Thompson who was scanning his phone.

  “No Boss, not a word. I find that strange. I have tried both of their phones and both have not responded. I think they might be in a spot of bother.”

  “Well I’m not sure if they are in a ‘spot of bother’ as you say Arnold, but I definitely know where they are,” Durning said as he proceeded to lean on the car near Baxter’s window.

  “Cut the theatrics Durning and just tell us where they are and how you know what you know,” Baxter said, keeping his voice low so that his passengers couldn’t hear how angry he was becoming.

  “It’s really quite simple boss, I have managed to talk the HQ nerds into seeding the Quantico building with Quantum Dots.

  “I have an App on my phone that tracks them via satellite. I can tell you where everyone on our team is right now, see,” Durning said as he shoved his smartphone in Baxter’s face.

  Baxter had to lean away from the device to see the screen. He could see different coloured lights on a city map background and could clearly see the five blips representing him and the other four agents.

  He had to admit to himself that Agent Durning was undoubtedly quite brilliant – although he would never tell him. Still he wasn’t totally convinced.

  “Are you sure that those two blips are Lewiston and Roberts? Supposedly those three blips are us and yet I have been nowhere near my office to receive any of these Quantum Dots since my abduction.

  “How can you be sure that this device even works?” Baxter asked as he pushed the smartphone with Durning’s hand back out of the van’s window.

  “Absolutely boss, I understand your concerns. This thing only has a range of about ten city blocks, for example I couldn’t tell you where Alicia and Drew are at the moment, and of course if they had done Quantico sooner, we would have located you a lot sooner,” Durning said as he wiped away a large droplet of rain from his forehead. “However, the clothes you are wearing now, my clothes, are laced with Quantum Dots.”

  Baxter had to concede that the Agent had done his research. He begrudgingly nodded his head and subconsciously rubbed his hand down his suit jacket, imagining swarms of electronic bugs pouring through each fibre of his suit.

  “Yes, well, as for my disappearance, that was unfortunate, but as far as Agents Webster and Cambridge are concerned, they are on an important errand, I wouldn’t worry about them. I asked them to join us back here once their tasks had been completed.

  “At the moment, however, we need to investigate that radiation source and work out what happened to the Paradise Apartments,” Baxter said as he pointed to the vacant block.

  “Yes Mr Baxter, can you please find Crystal and Leroy,” Justen said quietly from the back of the van.

  Baxter turned to him, and despite the searing pain in his skull, managed a smile. “Don’t worry son, we’ll find Ms Meth and your friend. What I need you to do – is when the Agents and I go and investigate that building at the end of the street, you need to stay here in the van and protect your mummy; do you think you can do that?”

  He could see Justen smile and then snuggle into his Mother. “I can do that Mr Baxter. My daddy taught me how to be brave.”

  Baxter raised an eyebrow at Justen’s statement and shot an enquiring glance at Sylvan who then shook her head slightly as if to indicate that she had no idea what Justen meant.

  He decided to let it go and turned back in his seat. He nodded at Durning.

  “Ok thankyou Agent Durning we need to go and find Lewiston and Roberts. Keep trying their phones.

  Agent Thompson can you please move us closer to that building.”

  “No worries boss. You just follow me Arnold,” Durning said as he left Baxter’s window and made his way back to his van.

  Baxter quickly wound his window up as the rain had changed direction slightly and was now starting to enter the van.

  He sighed as he watched Durning enter his van and pull away up the street towards the burning rubbish bins. He could see the hesitancy in Thompson’s eyes.

  “Just do as he says Arnold, we are going to have to trust him on this.”

  Another flash of lightning sailed across the sky and caused an eerie illumination of the derelict edifices which lined the block. Baxter closed his eyes against the flash of light and continued to massage his temples. The pain was growing worse.

  “Are you ok Mr Baxter?” He heard Justen enquire. “You don’t have to worry about the lightning – I won’t let it get us.”

  Baxter smiled at the rather cryptic comment. “Thanks Justen that makes me feel a lot better,” he said as he looked at the reflection of the boy in the rear view mirror.

  Maybe he was imagining things, or maybe it was the tumour, but he swore that the boy had a slight glow around him. He blinked his eyes and then noticed that the glow was no longer there.

  Get a grip Baxter, you’re starting to hallucinate, he thought as the van moved slowly up the street towards homeless shelter and the source of the mysterious radiation.

  Forty Five

  “What is it about the people on this world?

  Ever since I started this endeavour I have found that everyone here are defective in some way.

  “Agents Lewiston and Roberts, your curiosity is your defect and now you will pay the ultimate price for that defect.” Susan said as she leant over the gurney and pulled hard on the securing strap. She knew of course that neither agent would hear her as they were heavily sedated.

  She moved to the other gurney and made sure that the straps were secure. She smiled as she ran her hand along the sheet which covered the young agent’s body.

  She was very happy to have snagged two youthful and perfect specimens. She was certain that they would have a much higher quality of organs than the usual catch of homeless.

  Most of their organs were sub standard and required a lot of gene therapy to bring them up to standard.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of two orderlies.

  “Excuse me Ms Smythe, would you like us to prep these two for the extraction process?” The tallest orderly, who was also her personal assistant, asked as they each made their way to the gurneys.

  “Yes Günter, take them away and run the scans on them. I want every healthy part taken.

  “I want the girl’s organs for my next rejuvenation and the young male’s organs will be perfect for my Father and please tell the Doctor to be extra careful extracting them or he will be having a visit from Mr Stringer.” Susan said as she turned to leave the room.

  “Oh and also let him know that I expect more specimens like this one. It won’t be long before these two are missed by their handlers.”

  “Yes Ma’am, I will let him know.”

  * * *

  The gale force wind which accompanied the storm was now starting to drive small pellets of hail across the city.

  Justen stared out of the van at the fire barrels that had been set by the homeless people and watched as the plumes of steam billowed from the top of the barrels and were whisked away by the wind.

  Justen imagined that the barrels were dragons that had been slain and were now gasping their last breaths as they were defeated by the storm.

  He leant back against the fake leather seat and shivered as the coldness touched his skin. He snuggled up closer to his Mother who was sleeping soundly. He was very happy to be finally reunited with his Mother, but at the same time he felt sad for his friends.

  He knew that Joe had been hurt really badly and hoped that he would get better. He did not know where Crystal and Leroy were. He was puzzled that his home had disappeared and hoped that Mr Baxter would find them so he could see them again.

  He thought about the nice FBI man who had helped him and Joe to escape from the horrible hospital. He liked Mr Baxter; he sensed that he was a good man.

  He could not wait to tell his daddy all about his adventures and all the new friends he had made. He
was also going to tell him about the bad man that he had seen.

  He snuggled up closer to his Mother and closed his eyes as he listened to the rhythmic thrum of the hail pelting the roof of the van. He felt the familiar tug start to drag him towards the land of sleep and was just about to succumb to it when he was suddenly jolted awake by the jarring sound of metal on glass and the scream of his Mother.

  He opened his eyes in time to see the window nearest his Mother shatter, accompanied by a shower of glass and then the door was slid open exposing him and his Mother to the ferocity of the storm and the terror of the intruder.

  He grabbed hold of his Mother’s arm as the intruder tried to drag them from the van. It was then that he saw the horribly scarred face and a cold chill ran down his spine. It was the face of the bad man, the man that Mr Baxter had called ‘Stringer’ his was the face that had haunted his nightmares.

  Justen screamed and grabbed his Mother’s arm harder as he struggled to maintain his grip. It was then that he saw the flash of a distant lightning bolt illuminate the blade that Stringer was holding against his Mother’s neck and he knew that his Mother would be hurt if he didn’t stop fighting.

  “Come on Justen, you and your Mother are going to take a little walk with me. You don’t want me to hurt your Mother now do you?” he heard Stringer ask gruffly as he manhandled his Mother out of the van.

  Justen knew he had no other choice than to follow his Mother. He got out of the van and stood and faced her, glaring at the man who threatened to hurt his Mother.

  “You let my Mother go you monster!” Justen yelled. He could feel a tremendous surge of adrenalin pour through his body and tiny, almost imperceptible sparks of electricity ran along his arms.

  “Tell him it’s all ok Sylvan,” Justen heard Stringer growl as he pushed the blade harder against his Mother’s neck.

  He saw his Mother nod her head nervously and held out her hand.

  “Justen, I’m ok sweetie, here hold my hand, this man just wants us to take a walk with him.”

  Justen was confused by how calm his Mother appeared to be even though she had a huge blade pressed against her neck.

  It was then that he noticed that as she held out her hand to him she seemed to be pointing towards the pocket of her coat. He glanced at the pocket and saw his Mother smile slightly.

  Justen moved closer to his Mother and just before he took her hand he quickly reached into her pocket.

  After the experience he had with searching Mr Baxter’s pocket, he knew to be very careful. He felt the body of the syringe and curled his fingers around it and then quickly drew his hand out and placed the syringe into his Mother’s hand as his fingers intertwined with hers.

  “That’s a good boy. You just stay quiet and come along with us Justen and your Mother won’t get hurt,” he heard Stringer say in a quiet yet menacing voice as he started dragging them towards the homeless shelter building.

  “Where the fuck are you taking us – you monster?”

  He heard his Mother ask. He knew that she was upset because he rarely heard her say bad words.

  “Relax sweetheart I’m just taking you and your brat to be with your FBI friends, you all have an appointment to see the Doctor,” Stringer snarled as he tugged hard on his Mother’s shoulder causing the blade to cut slightly into his Mother’s neck.

  “Justen, run!”

  He heard his Mother scream as he felt his Mother’s grip on his hand release and with one swift movement his Mother swung the syringe across her body and stabbed the needle into the monster’s arm which held the knife.

  Justen stepped back away from his Mother as he heard Stringer roar with rage.

  He could see that the anesthetising effect of the syringe had caused the monster’s arm to go numb almost immediately. He watched as the knife dropped with a clatter onto the concrete path.

  He could see his Mother struggling to be released from the grip of the monster as she used her elbow to hit him in the stomach and stomped on his foot at the same time.

  “You fucking bitch! Your feeble drugs won’t work on me – you can’t hurt me, but you’re gonna die,” the monster screamed as it thrashed its other arm across and punched his Mother in the face and knocked her to the ground.

  Justen could see the look of pure evil in his eyes as he moved to pick up the knife with his other arm.

  He watched in horror as Stringer licked the blade of the knife and sneered at his Mother who was groaning in agony on the ground.

  “This is the same blade that I used to snuff out your Mother and your other friends. Now it’s your turn you bitch!”

  Justen could see the terrified look of fear and pain on his Mother’s face which was covered in blood and he watched in terror as Stringer held the blade above his head.

  He saw the look of murderous rage on the hideously scarred face of the monster. He could tell that he intended to kill his Mother.

  He knew that his Mother also saw the danger as she had started scrambling away from her attacker, her hands struggling to find traction in the deluge.

  It was at that moment that Justen felt something snap inside his mind. After hearing that this monster had killed his nanna and his friends, and now wanted to hurt his Mother, a pure white hot rage ignited within him.

  Streams of adrenalin fuelled an intense unstoppable feeling inside which translated into a surge of incredible power.

  The dark storm clouds above them crackled and hissed as the bulbous masses piled up on one another. The wind gusts gathered in intensity as the hail stones grew larger. Justen was oblivious to the pain caused by the pelting ice. He screamed at the monster as loud as he could.


  And with those words Justen directed a massive lightning bolt from the black mass above them. The bolt struck Stringer’s blade and made a direct path to ground, straight through Stringers heart.

  Subsidiary bolts branched off the main bolt and exited Stringer’s body via his arms and legs.

  Justen watched with a sense of awe as the massive jolt of electrical power caused the monster to perform a macabre form of dance accompanied by a blood curdling scream of pain.

  His body rigid and his head thrown back as his whole body glowed for an instant before collapsing in a smouldering pile of burnt flesh on the ground. The screaming ended as abruptly as it had started.

  Justen felt no remorse. All evil dragons have to be slain.

  When he was satisfied that Stringer was not going to get up, he rushed to his Mother and helped her to stand. He sensed that his Mother was in shock; in fact he knew that somehow his senses were now stronger, as if a door in his mind had been opened. His child mind was developing and he began to have a greater sense of understanding.

  By the way that his Mother was looking at him Justen could tell that his Mother also sensed that her child had changed, as if his sweetness and innocence had disappeared in an instant. He realised that he needed to let his Mother know that he was still her little boy.

  “It’s all ok now Mother, the bad man won’t hurt you anymore,” he said quietly as he put his arms around his Mother and cuddled her. He could feel that she was trembling.

  “Let me help you get back into the van and out of the storm,” he said as he grabbed his Mother’s hand and started leading her away from the monster and back to the warmth of the FBI van.

  He felt his Mother resist his attempts to move her. He turned to look at her and he could tell that his Mother was crying.

  “No Justen, that monster said something about meeting the doctor. We have to go and warn Mr Baxter and his team, I think they might be heading into a trap. We have to stop them, we have to…”

  Justen could see how upset his Mother was, he knew that she was right, he did not want to see his new friends hurt.

  “It’s ok Mother lets go and find them,” he said as he started walking towards the shelter, leaving the body of their attacker still sizzling on the pavement.


  Baxter was pleased that the EPA agents had been able to convince most of the homeless to evacuate the shelter, however there were a few stragglers who were reluctant to leave their soup.

  There was also a couple of EPA Agents mulling about with Ionising Radiation Detectors and taking air samples. Baxter nodded to them as a gesture of professional courtesy.

  As his team proceeded further into the dining hall Baxter noticed one of the homeless men had put down his soup bowl and was trying to draw his attention.

  He moved over towards the man whilst he directed Thompson and Durning towards the kitchen.

  The pain in his head had subsided slightly as well as the blurred vision, although he suspected that his brain was gearing up for an onslaught of epic proportions.

  He did his best to smile as he approached the elderly gentleman who, with his fuzzy appearance, resembled a Muppet.

  “Hello there, my name is Senior Special Agent Baxter, but you can call me Derek. How can I help you?”

  Baxter tried not to stare at the old man’s face. Pieces of unknown food stuffs clung to his facial hair and a drop of soup was suspended from his beard. The old man had a wry look on his face which made him unsure of the man’s sanity.

  “I suspect you fellas are probably lookin’ for someone, I thinks I might know who,” the old man said as he slurped another spoonful of soup.

  “Well sir you are very perceptive we are looking for a couple of my agents. Did you see them?”

  “Well that depends, mister Senior Special Agent Derek. What’s in it for me?” The old man said as he flashed Baxter a smile full of black and broken teeth.

  Baxter had to control his anger. “Listen here I’m in no mood for games and I don’t happen to be carrying any cash on me so either you help me or not it’s your choice,” Baxter said as he began to turn on his heels and walk away.

  He stopped when he heard the old man’s reply.


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