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The Immortal Harvest

Page 29

by L. J. Wallace

  “Them agents were here awhile ago. I had a bit of fun with the kid. They went snooping around; I reckon they found themselves a bit of trouble.”

  Baxter lowered his voice again and asked as calmly as he could.

  “Why do you think they are in trouble?”

  The old man smiled again and pointed to the elevator.

  “They went up, and anyone that goes up they aint never coming back down.” The old man stopped smiling and went back to his soup.

  Baxter called out to Thompson and Durning who were just coming out of the kitchen area.

  “We need to check upstairs, let’s go!”

  Baxter had just pushed the elevator button when Durning spoke from behind.

  “Hang on a minute boss, how about we split up; I want to check out the basement.”

  “Why? What’s so special about the basement?”

  “Well, according to NORAD the source of the ionising radiation is underground at this location and they had a large spike only twenty minutes ago.”

  “That’s very interesting Durning,” Thompson said as he was just about to enter the newly arrived elevator. “Just when were you going to let us in on your latest tip?”

  “I just did.” Durning said smugly.

  “I think that the EPA guys should investigate the spike, they have all the special gear,” Thompson said.

  Baxter could see that Thompson was looking at him for support. He was inclined to agree with him, although he remembered the fate of the Antarctic Geologists and the thought of radiation wiping the smile off Durning’s face was appealing. He brushed the image aside; there would be far too much paperwork.

  “Thompson’s right. I want you to brief those EPA guys on the situation and then come upstairs and assist us in locating Lewiston and Roberts, is that understood?”

  “Yes boss, no problem,” Durning said as Baxter and Thompson entered the elevator.

  The elevator door closed and Baxter felt the familiar downward force as it rose. He could hear the ubiquitous strains of elevator music drift from a speaker directly above them.

  Both men remained silent. Baxter found it difficult to talk to Thompson. Although he admired the agent’s professionalism, he always found him to be quite cold and aloof. He was the direct opposite of Durning.

  His thoughts were interrupted by the ding of the elevator reaching the selected floor and as the door opened he felt a chill travel down his spine.

  He looked out at the long dimly lit hallway and he could just make out what looked to be a hospital gurney at the far end and it appeared to be occupied.

  His mind immediately recalled his experience at the Hospital of Horror and alarm bells rang in his head.

  “This place is another harvesting facility,” he whispered as Thompson followed him out of the lift.

  Baxter jumped slightly when the elevator doors closed and was accompanied by another ding. He pulled out the Glock 23 that Thompson had given him in the van and cocked it. Thompson already had his weapon drawn and cocked as the two quickly and quietly moved towards the gurney.

  Baxter could see that the gurney was parked outside of a set of double doors not unlike those found at the entry of a standard hospital operating theatre.

  He felt another chill as he remembered his encounter with the Doctor.

  He motioned for Thompson to stand watch whilst he inspected the gurney and its occupant. He felt a rush of relief as even in the dimly lit hallway he could tell that the person on the gurney was Lewiston.

  He gently shook Lewiston by the shoulder. Unfortunately there was no response. He quickly felt for a pulse and was relived to realise that Lewiston was merely sedated.

  He quietly moved the gurney away from the double doors and peered in through the round window in one of the doors. Just as he suspected there was another gurney inside. He could also see what looked to be two other people, both dressed in theatre gowns. One was bent over the gurney.

  He knew he had to move quickly and motioned for Thompson to follow him as he used his right foot to burst open one of the doors.

  “FBI! Stop what you are doing right now!” he screamed as he levelled his gun at the man nearest the gurney.

  He could see the confusion and uncertainty on the face of the taller of the two. Unlike his companion he was not wearing a surgical mask and turned quickly towards his partner.

  “Doctor what should I do?”

  “It’s okay Günter, I’ll handle this,” the Doctor said as he lowered his hand which held a scalpel and removed his surgical mask as he turned towards Baxter.

  “I don’t know who you are, you say that you are Federal officers but I don’t see a badge.”

  “I don’t need to show you a badge Doctor, now step away from my Agent,” Baxter said as he moved closer towards the pair but kept his gun trained on the Doctor. He could see that Thompson had the other guy lined up as well.

  “Oh so you know the recently deceased? You are too late I’m afraid. But don’t worry her organs will be going to a very prominent recipient,” the Doctor said as he smiled again and pointed to a row of glass containers which were sitting on a trolley behind him.

  Baxter scanned the room. He could see the blood on the front of the Doctors apron and the body on the gurney. His heart sank as the realisation that he was too late to save one of his agents, tore through him.

  He thought about his other agent still waiting to be processed by this butcher and his hand shook slightly as he levelled his weapon at the Doctor’s face and slowly began to squeeze the trigger.

  Every fibre in his body desperately wanted to explode this cold blooded murderer’s head and have bits of brain splatter all over the operating theatre just to wipe that arrogant evil smile off his face.

  He felt the rage boil up inside of him and was just about to explode when he felt one of Thompson’s hands on his shoulder. His partner spoke in a low, calm voice.

  “Boss I know how angry you must be feeling right now but you have to contain it and move past it, we need these two to take us to whoever is in charge. You owe it to Lisa to put a stop to this and shut this place down.”

  Baxter knew that Thompson was right and he also knew that as the boss, he had to follow the rules.

  He took a deep breath and released the pressure on the trigger. He could feel the pounding in his head start up again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  He nodded towards Thompson, “Yes, you’re right Thompson. Tempting as it would be to fill up the rest of these containers with bits of these two, they are more valuable alive.

  Once we are finished here, however, these two and whoever else is involved will be given a fair trial.

  But understand this Doctor, even if it’s the last thing I do, I will live to make sure that you get a lethal injection.

  Agent Thompson please read them their rights, oh and by the way, do you have any zip ties on you?”

  He watched as Thompson pulled two large zip ties from inside his jacket.

  “Sure do Boss,” he said as he pushed the Doctor to turn him around and securely tied his hands together behind his back.

  Baxter waved his gun at the taller one, “Okay stretch, it’s your turn.”

  Once the two were restrained and had been given the Miranda, Baxter placed his gun against the temple of the Doctor and pressed it hard; he was very tempted to pull the trigger until he saw the disapproving look on Thompson’s face. He eased back a little on the pressure as he spoke quietly into the Doctor’s ear.

  “You and your friend are going to take us to see your boss. Do you understand? Don’t speak; just nod your head very slowly.”

  Baxter waited for the Doctor to nod his head and then pushed him in the back and steered him towards the Operating theatre doors where Thompson was waiting with the orderly.

  As they exited, Baxter was surprised to see Durning standing beside the gurney which had Lewiston on it and even more surprising was Durning’s genuine look of concern towards his fellow

  “I got here as soon as I could Boss, what did I miss?” Durning asked as he gestured towards Baxter’s prisoners.

  “These two are taking us to see their Boss. Durning I’m glad you are here; I want you to get Lewiston out of here and get back to us as soon as you can, we are going to shut this place down.”

  “No problem Boss. Have you found Lisa yet?”

  Baxter was just about to reply when Thompson stepped forward.

  “I’m afraid we were too late Jason, Lisa is dead.”

  “Dead, what do you mean? How did she die? Where is she?”

  Baxter was surprised by the flurry of questions that Durning was shooting at Thompson; he saw that Thompson was visibly upset and about to respond so he stepped forward.

  “Never mind the interrogation Agent Durning, just do what I ordered you to do, we don’t have a lot of time before someone realises that something’s wrong and sounds the alarm.”

  He could tell that his firm voice had the desired effect as Durning said nothing and just nodded his head. He watched as Durning turned and grabbed the handle of the gurney and started wheeling it down the hallway towards the elevator.

  Baxter shoved the Doctor in the back again.

  “Come on move along, take us to this Boss of yours Doctor, I really want to see him.”

  Forty Seven

  Sylvan was still shaking when she entered the homeless shelter. They had just moved passed the dining tables which were now unoccupied. They stopped in front of the elevator and were looking around the dining hall.

  As she looked around, deciding which would be the best way to go, she held firmly onto Justen’s hand. She felt that she never wanted to let him go, especially after losing him when she was in the hospital, and then almost losing him again to Stringer.

  The sight of that man being burnt alive by a lightning bolt directed by her son was etched forever in her mind.

  She had always understood that her little boy had extraordinary abilities but never in her wildest dreams would she have suspected that he had grown so strong.

  She had mixed feelings. On the one hand she felt comfort in knowing that Justen could protect her, but on the other hand she felt a little bit afraid of her son’s power.

  “Don’t worry Mother I’m sure that Mister Baxter is fine and Daddy and I will look after you,” Justen said as he smiled up at his Mother.

  Sylvan was a bit shocked at Justen’s statement and wondered whether Justen now had the power to read her mind.

  The fact that, for the second time today, Justen had mentioned his Father was also troubling her. She decided to gently question her son in a bid to fully understand his statement.

  “Thank you sweetie, you know I can’t believe how much you have grown up in the past few days you are quickly becoming a young man and I do believe that you are also a bit taller.

  I’ve noticed that you are also talking about your Father a lot as well; I want you to help me understand how you know about your Father.

  You were too little to remember him; he left us a long time ago Justen,” Sylvan said as she looked down at her son into his crystal blue eyes which seemed to be turning a deeper shade of blue and had little gold flecks in them.

  Just like Michael’s eyes, she thought.

  “Yes they are like my eyes Sylvan.”

  Sylvan froze when she heard the voice from behind her. It was Justen who shook himself loose from her grip and turned and jumped into Michael’s arms.

  “Father, I knew you would be here, I sorta felt a tingle in my head,” Justen said as he nuzzled his face into his Father’s neck.

  Sylvan turned in disbelief. Sure enough Michael was standing just outside of the elevator doors. He was smiling at her. She studied his face carefully and realised that the man that she had fallen in love with and conceived her beautiful son had not changed a bit.

  But as she stood there watching the Father of her son standing there and hugging her child, the images of the past few days and the ordeal she had endured conspired against her.

  She suddenly felt a wave of emotion surge up from within and then erupt as she burst out crying.

  Her body felt numb and her legs felt weak and unsteady. She slumped to the floor and hugged her legs as a torrent of tears rolled across her face.

  With her forehead pressed against her legs she did not see her boyfriend and son come to her aid.

  She felt a cool hand on the back of her head and looked up to see the two people that she loved more than anything standing over her.

  I’ve got to pull myself together, she thought as she ran her fingers through her hair which, thanks to the rain, felt like straw. She heard Michael and Justen laugh.

  “I wish you two would stop reading my mind,” she said a little angrily as she rose to her feet with Justen’s help.

  “Yes of course, sorry Sylvan. I can control it but I’m afraid that Justen is only just developing his abilities. I will endeavour to help him. In the meantime we have a much more pressing issue.”

  “We have to help Mr Baxter and his team,” Justen said as he moved toward the elevator.

  “Wait, where are you going? I’m not sure where they are,” Sylvan said as she grabbed Justen’s hand.

  “I do, they are on the lower levels and I think they are in real danger, we have to get there and help them Father,” Justen said excitedly.

  Sylvan felt confused as she looked towards Michael. He nodded his head and smiled.

  “He’s right Sylvan, they are heading towards the room with the Traverser and they are heading into a trap.”

  “Will we use the elevator Daddy?” Justen asked as he pressed the button.

  “No I have a much cooler way to get there,” Sylvan heard Michael say as he held out his hand and showed them the strange apple shaped device which glowed from within. Michael winked at her and grabbed her hand. “Come on let’s go!”

  * * *

  Agent Durning pushed the gurney carrying the young agent, who was slowly awakening from his sedation, out of the elevator which was on the far side of the dining hall. He did not witness the strange glow and the sudden disappearance of three people.

  He did however see Agents Webster and Cambridge enter the shelter and were obviously soaked from the torrential rain which was currently being blasted by the storm and gale force winds.

  He waved at them and was about to push the gurney over to them when he felt a hand on his arm. He looked down into the confused face of Lewiston. He could see that he wanted to say something and was attempting to sit up.

  “Where…is Lisa?”

  Durning tried to reassure Lewiston and had a great deal of difficulty as he tried to smile.

  “Come one Lewiston, you just lie back down, I’m going to get you to a hospital and have you checked out I…”

  “No! I don’t want to get to a hospital; we’ve got to find Lisa.”

  Durning was about to reply but was interrupted by Drew.

  “Agent Durning we need a sitrep, what’s going on?”

  Durning grabbed Drew by the arm and moved her away from Lewiston. Alicia followed them.

  “It’s bad news guys. I’m sorry but Lisa has been killed. Lewiston doesn’t know yet.”

  Durning waited for the news to sink in. It was Alicia who was the first to respond.

  “Oh my God! Where is she? Who killed her? Where are the boss and Thompson? Are they alright?”

  Durning could see that Drew and Alicia were both very upset but he also knew that it was critical that they remain calm and focussed.

  “Look, I know the news is bad but we have to stay focussed and get to the boss as soon as possible. I have a bad feeling about this place.

  Alicia can you organise to get Lewiston to the hospital and have him checked out. Drew and I will track down the boss.”

  He was startled by the voice of Lewiston who had managed to get off the gurney and was standing behind him wrapped in a sheet.

  “No way Durning, I’m
going with you; I don’t need to go to the hospital, just give me a weapon.”

  Durning was about to tell Lewiston to get back on the gurney when he saw Drew shaking her head.

  “Bang Bang, are you sure you are ok?”

  “Yes I’m fine Drew, I just want to help, I’m sick of being treated like a child,” Lewiston said angrily as he stared at Durning.

  “Alright, alright, we don’t have time to stand here and argue, here take my spare Glock,” Durning said as he handed the weapon to Lewiston.

  “Alicia, Drew, I want you to check out the upper floors and Lewiston and I will head to the lower levels. Call my cell if you find anything.”

  “That’s not necessary; I know where they went, because before I went under I overheard the Doctor and Ms Smythe. She told him that she was going down to the control centre to meet her Father. They will be in the basement level.” Lewiston said as he struggled to swipe a strand of hair from his face whilst clutching his sheet.

  “Excellent work Bang Bang. Alicia and I will take the stairs; you and Drew can use the elevator. We need to be as fast as we can. I spoke to the EPA guys, the radiation levels are off the charts. I don’t think the boss and Thompson realise the danger of over exposure.”

  “Shouldn’t we have hazmat suits?” Lewiston said as he pressed the elevator button.

  “Yes, we all should and I don’t understand how the workers in this shelter have remained unaffected,” Durning said just as the elevator doors opened.

  “Well I would say it’s obvious isn’t it Agent Durning,” Lewiston said as he and Drew stepped into the empty compartment and turned to face him.

  Durning raised an eyebrow and shot Lewiston a questioning look. He saw the smile run across Lewiston’s face as he said two words as the doors closed.

  “They’re aliens!”

  Forty Eight

  Susan paced nervously back and forwards outside of the event horizon of the wormhole which had been activated by the Traverser. The control room which housed the Traverser was huge and backed on to the cold storage area which contained the precious cargo of human organs. She had closed down the facility on Montrose Road.


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