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Roomies: A Hotwife Novel

Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  I suppose I could call her, but she was usually the one who called me. A simple call might have cleared things up rather quickly, but at the same time I was so suspicious in the moment that I also worried a simple call would tip her off that I was suspicious and then she’d go so deep underground with whatever it was she was doing that I’d never find out. No, I still wanted to be able to take advantage of having suspicions while she didn’t know I had those suspicions.

  I stared at the businesses on the other side of the street from a vantage point where I couldn’t be seen easily from inside the pizza place. There was the pizza place, the alley that ran behind it, and then a bar where there was loud music pumping out into the street as drunk college students moved in and out.

  My eyes went back to the alley. I knew it was crazy to think there was a chance of anything going on there, but maybe I could see something if I went out behind the pizza place. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I needed to do something. I felt like I needed to exhaust all avenues before I called her or went over to her dorm to try and figure out what the hell was going on.

  And wouldn’t you know it, as soon as I got to the alley my phone started ringing. Damn it!

  I quickly moved down to silence it and then looked around the alley with my heart pounding, wondering if anyone had heard it. Damn it. Why hadn’t I thought to mute the damn phone before I went out if I knew I was going to be sneaking around?

  Probably because I didn’t think I was going to be sneaking around in an alley next to the restaurant where my girlfriend worked when I first left my dorm twenty minutes back.

  I looked at the screen. Reese was calling. Damn it. I wondered where she was. In a moment of panic I had a vision of her standing in front of my dorm room banging on the door wondering where the hell I’d disappeared to, though that was ridiculous. She didn’t like walking around campus on her own after dark, and she’d never surprised me like that before. I didn’t see any reason why she would start doing that sort of thing now.

  I tried to make my voice sound casual. Cool. Collected. I swiped and held up the phone.

  “Hey babe,” I said. Damn it. There was a quaver to my voice. Hopefully she would chalk that up to a bad connection. Phone service got pretty bad on campus after dark Thursdays through Saturday because there were so many people using the damn things to schedule parties and hookups.

  “Hi honey, bad news again,” she said.

  I cocked an eyebrow at that. Bad news again? Now that was interesting. Very interesting.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “We’re slammed at work again and I’m going to be late,” she said.

  I couldn’t help myself. I turned to stare back the way I’d came. Back towards the street entrance to the alley where people were partying and having a good time. Nope. No crowd had spontaneously developed in the minute or so that I’d been slinking through the dark alley with no idea of what the hell I was actually doing in there.

  For that matter I was willing to bet good money that I didn’t have since I was a poor college student that if I was to go back around to the front of the pizza joint and look in the mirror Reese wouldn’t even be standing there at the counter. I wasn’t going to do it, but something told me it was still going to be her coworker sitting there looking bored staring at her phone.

  Which begged the question: where the hell was Reese?

  It was even more frustrating because I wasn’t going to just come out and ask her. No, I didn’t want to spook her. Not yet. I had pretty damning confirmation that something was going on here, but I didn’t have enough information to try and nail her on it yet.

  “Sorry to hear that,” I said. “Do you want me to swing by your dorm? I could wait for you there and then you could come over.”

  “That’s sweet of you honey, but I think I’m going to just go back to my room and crash after I get done with work,” she said.

  I decided to twist the knife a little more. “Bummer. I was really looking forward to seeing you tonight. I know you don’t like walking through campus on your own after dark. What if I came over there and waited around until you get off? I could at least walk you back to your place.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line and I wondered if I’d taken it too far. I could hear the wheels turning in her head on the other side of the line as she tried to think of a plausible excuse to not have me come out and meet her. She knew I knew how much she hated going out on her own after dark, and refusing the offer would seem really weird.

  How was she going to get out of this one?

  “That’s okay honey,” she said. “You enjoy your games. I’ll get a ride home with Amy or something.”

  Amy! That was the name of the girl working the front counter. I had to hand it to Reese, she was interweaving a little bit of truth with her lies. Clever girl. And I still had no way of knowing where she really was, because I knew for a fact that she wasn’t with Amy and Amy sure as hell wasn’t leaving work any time soon from the way she’d been staring dejectedly into her phone idly swiping back and forth.

  Where were you, Reese, and what were you up to?

  I started moving down the alley towards the back of the pizza place again. I didn’t really expect to find anything back there. It was more something to do than anything else.

  “That’s fine babe. See you tomorrow?”

  “Sure thing. Love ya!”

  Yeah, I bet she did love me. I was starting to question that. Of course that wasn’t what was at the forefront of my mind as she said that. No, I was far more interested in her voice suddenly doubling up. For a moment I thought there was something wrong with the phone that had caused the interference, but then I realized that I’d heard her “love ya” coming from two directions.

  It hit me exactly what I was doing right before I stepped out of the alley and revealed myself. I pulled up short and pushed myself against a wall as I heard voices.

  Okay then, it seemed that I’d definitely found Reese. And if the voices I was hearing were any indication then it seemed that Reese was with another man.

  Okay. I needed to keep cool. I needed to keep things under control. Only it was really fucking hard to try and keep things under control considering what was going on just around the corner. What the hell was going on?

  No, it couldn’t be what it seemed like. There had to be a perfectly rational explanation for why she just called and told me she was busy at work and didn’t have time to spend with me this evening and meanwhile she was back behind her work with some strange guy I didn’t know.

  I had to know which one it was. I was sure it was one of the guys she worked with. I carefully slinked down the alley and peered around the edge, careful to move slow so there wasn’t a chance one of them might spot me out of the corner of their eye and look over. Catch me.

  It turns out there wasn’t any worry of me being spotted though. No, I didn’t have to worry about that at all because when I peered around the corner I saw Reese standing there paying no attention to her surroundings because she was busy paying far too much attention to Aiden, a delivery driver.

  What the hell was going on here?

  4: Spying

  I shifted in my position and my heart pounded as my sneakers scraped against the asphalt. The noise felt like it was amplified and echoing through the alley. I was certain they could hear me where they were chatting in front of his car.

  Only they didn’t react. They didn’t make any indication they’d heard me. They were just standing there chatting with one another and standing way too close for a girl who supposedly had a boyfriend.

  I ran the whole situation through my head again. Was I mistaken about this? Had I imagined that whole conversation where she said she didn’t want to come over tonight? Surely me hallucinating that whole conversation made more sense than the idea that Reese was cheating on me. Reese couldn’t possibly be cheating on me. She didn’t have a cheating bone in her body!

  Well, she m
ight’ve had a cheating bone in her body last weekend. I hated myself for thinking of that pun even as it flitted through my head. More than anything I hated myself for getting turned on by that pun.

  I really wished I wasn’t getting turned on by this idea. I really wished I didn’t have a throbbing cock as I listened to them chatting with each other. As I watched the expressions on their face as they talked.

  Reese had a smile on her face. The sort of flirtatious smile she usually only had on her face when she was talking to me. I should’ve felt jealous that she was using that face with him, but instead I was just even more turned on about the possibilities that opened up. I hated myself for getting turned on by it, but there it was.

  I really needed to get over being upset about getting turned on like this. It seemed like the sort of obsession that I was going to be stuck with.

  Still, I couldn’t help but feel conflicted.

  And the look on his face. Even when I was getting turned on by the scene playing out before me that look made me want to punch him in his smarmy face. The asshole, looking all smug and confident in his pizza delivery boy uniform as he stood there obviously looking Reese up and down in her own tight polo shirt that wasn’t exactly sexy, but Reese was the kind of girl who could wear a burlap bag with holes cut in the top and the sides and she would still look like a model getting ready for her shoot in the swimsuit issue.

  She looked even more inviting, even more sexy now since she was standing there presumably flirting with another man. I didn’t know all the details yet, though. This could still be innocent. I still needed to gather more information and figure out what the hell was going on even though it was looking less and less innocent with each passing moment.

  “I told you I’m not doing that again Aiden,” she said.

  Not doing that again? What wasn’t she doing again? A world of possibilities was flashing through my head.

  She couldn’t give him a handjob again. Visions of her petite hand wrapped around his cock in the back of the pizza joint ran through my head. Him grunting and her staring with concentration as she ran her hands up and down his cock slick with his precum and her spit as lubrication. Him grunting as he blew against her shirt and hand which is why she had to take a shower.

  Or what if it was a blowjob? What if he’d been leaning against the back of the pizza place last weekend with his eyes shut in pleasure as my girlfriend got down on her knees in front of him, her mouth bobbing up and down on his cock. His hands running through her hair and guiding her up and down. Holding her in place as he finally buried his cock down her throat and started blowing his load. Or maybe he pulled out and jerked his cock all over her face, her hair, her clothes. Because she had taken that shower, after all.

  Then again there was the nuclear option. What if she couldn’t fuck him again? What if the reason she was so late the night before was because they hopped into his car or something? What if the car was rocking back and forth behind the pizza joint while I was in my dorm fantasizing about just that sort of thing happening but not texting her because I didn’t want her to think I was jealous or anything?

  Aiden reached out and ran his hand along her arm. If anything that simple gesture was even more of a turn on than thinking about what they might have done together last weekend. He was touching her and rather than slapping her and telling her to fuck off she was letting him. She was looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face.

  “Are you sure about that? Because you didn’t seem to mind last weekend, or tonight for that matter.”

  Reese looked down. It was hard to tell in the darkness but that seemed like the sort of look she got when she was blushing about something. I could imagine the heat coming to her face and I just wanted one of them to come out and say whatever the hell it was that was causing her to blush, damn it!

  “It was just a stupid dare, Aiden,” she said.

  “Yeah? And after back here? Was that a dare?”

  “That’s not fair,” she said.

  My head was spinning. A dare? What was he talking about? I knew Reese wasn’t the kind of person to back down from a dare or a game when we were at a party, but how would a dare be brought up at her work of all places?

  “I have a boyfriend Aiden,” she said. “I shouldn’t do that again. I don’t care how hot it was!”

  “Come on Reese. All I asking is just one more time, then I won’t bother you about it ever again,” he said.

  Yeah right. I didn’t know what the hell they were talking about, but I could tell that tone of voice. It was obvious that this wasn’t going to be the last time even if she did give in and do whatever it was he wanted her to do. No, that would just encourage him even more. Surely she could see that. She wasn’t an idiot when it came to men. She knew the sorts of games the guys at her work played when they were interested in a girl, and Reese had always been at the top of that list even if she never did anything to encourage them.

  At least she’d always said she never did anything to encourage them. She always said that she told the guys to fuck off whenever they got too perverted with her, but if they were standing there talking about dares and what she did for him last weekend it was pretty damn obvious she’d been bending the truth just a little when it came to how she responded to those guys.

  “Just one more time Reese,” he said. “One more time and I’ll never bother you again, unless we do another round of dares when things get slow of course.”

  Reese sighed. She glanced around checking to see if there was anyone watching and I resisted the urge to pull around the corner and back into the safety of the alley. Moving like that would just run the risk of them spotting me, and I figured it was dark enough in my hiding spot that she wasn’t going to see me anyways.

  Besides, this was too interesting to turn away from. I felt like I was on the verge of discovering whatever the hell it was they’d done.

  “Just one more time,” Reese said. “Any more and I’m never doing this again.”

  “Implying that you are going to do it again if I don’t ask?” Aiden asked.

  “Shut up,” she said.

  I held my breath. The anticipation was killing me. What kind of show was I about to witness. Was I going to see her giving him a blowjob? Was she going to fish out his cock and jerk him off right here where I could see? Was he going to press her up against the brick wall behind the pizza place and take her from behind while I watched with a rock hard cock jerking myself off because there was no way I was going to be able to keep it in my pants if that happened?

  I licked my lips and stared intently at Reese. At Aiden who was standing so close to her. I wondered if he was going to lean down and kiss her. I wondered how I was going to react if it was just a kiss. Would I watch and rub my cock or would I run out there and punch him in the face like he deserved?

  Reese reached down and pulled on the bottom of her shirt where it was tucked into her khaki pants. Pulled it out entirely. Her arms crossed and then she was pulling up. Revealing her stomach, revealing just below her bra, then her bra came into sight and I let out a sigh even as Aiden seemed like he was trying to burn the bra away with his vision with the intensity of his stare.

  Reese pulled up over her bra, a bright pink number that covered her tits but still showed off quite a bit. It was lacy. I knew that one from experience. It was more showy than what she usually wore which made me wonder why she decided to wear something like that to work.

  It certainly wasn’t because she was expecting to show it off to me. No, she’d go home to change into a sexy bra before I came to walk her over to my place if she had plans to come over and see me. The only reason she could possibly be wearing a bit of sexy underwear like that was if she was expecting to show it off to someone at work.

  Someone like Aiden who was staring, transfixed, at my girlfriend’s chest. Then she was pulling the shirt back down and the view was gone. She was staring up at him and her breath was coming in deep gasps as he licked his
lips and stared at her.

  “That wasn’t like what you did last weekend,” Aiden said finally.

  Reese might have been breathing heavily, she might’ve been acting like she was turned on, but apparently she wasn’t so turned on that she didn’t get a little annoyed.

  “Seriously? I just flash you and that’s all you can say?”

  Aiden shrugged. “What can I say? When I’ve seen you in all your glory just getting half of that isn’t enough.”

  “Flatterer,” she said. “I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work.”

  “What I’m trying to do? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Aiden said.

  Incredible. Reese had just flashed a guy from her work. She’d just flashed a guy from her work! She pulled up her shirt and showed off her bra and her tits to him! And from the sound of things it seemed like she’d done a hell of a lot more than flash him with a bra last weekend. He’d seen her in all her glory. Did she show off her tits last weekend? How many people at this pizza place had seen my girlfriend’s gorgeous chest?

  Earlier this evening I thought that was my unique domain. I’d fantasized about other guys seeing her naked, but I’d never thought it would become reality. I thought that was firmly in the realm of fantasy. Now that I knew it was more reality than fantasy I really wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I know I should’ve been jealous. I should’ve been angry.

  But more than anything I was turned on. Damn it.

  “You’re not going to give up, are you?” Reese asked.

  “I didn’t say anything,” Aiden replied.

  Now this was interesting. He really wasn’t pushing her or anything. If anything it seemed like he was just sitting back and letting her talk herself into doing something more. That he seemed so confident something would happen had me very interested. Almost as though this had happened before and he knew all he had to do was sit back and enjoy what Reese was offering.


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