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Roomies: A Hotwife Novel

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  What had she offered? And was she really offering it up so easily that he wasn’t even asking her?

  “Fine, if you’re going to be like that,” she said.

  If he was going to be like what? He wasn’t doing anything. He wasn’t poking or prodding her. He wasn’t trying to convince her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  Of course that was the rub, wasn’t it? He didn’t have to convince her to do anything she didn’t want to do, because it was pretty damn obvious from the way she was carrying herself, from the way her breath was coming in deep gasps, that she definitely wanted to do something more.

  “Are you going to ask me?” she asked, a twinkle in her eye. “Because I have a boyfriend. If you don’t ask I’d just be a slut.”

  “Fine, you know what I want Reese,” Aiden said. “I dare you to show me.”

  That seemed to break the momentary mental barrier that had popped up in my girlfriend’s head. On the one hand I was glad that she felt a little bad about the fact that she was about to flash a guy when she had a boyfriend presumably waiting in his dorm room with no idea that she was being so promiscuous, but at the same time it’s not like it mattered considering she was throwing a loophole at him with practically the same breath that she was telling him she wasn’t that kind of girl.

  That made it pretty damn obvious that she was that kind of girl. In the moment as I stared at them, willed her to drop the games and just go ahead and do it already, I was very much enjoying that my girlfriend was apparently suddenly that kind of girl.

  He’d dared her, but she’d practically begged him to dare her.

  Her hands moved down to her shirt again. She pulled up. Her gorgeous flat stomach came into few, rising and falling as her breathing picked up. Her shirt moved up and then she was at her bra, but her fingers hooked under her bra this time and she was pulling it up right along with her shirt. Her tits fell out, did that delicious bounce that happened every time they fell out of her bra, and then my girlfriend was standing there with her hands up over her tits which were shown off in all their glory.

  I stared, my mouth open. Damn she was beautiful, and it appeared that Aiden felt the same way considering how he was staring as well. Reese was staring up at him and there was pure lust in her eyes that was obvious even from where I was standing. It made me wonder exactly what the hell was going on with her and the delivery driver, but I didn’t have much time to think about that considering how hot this was. Considering how distracted I was by my own hard on.

  I thought that might be the end of it, but apparently Aiden had other plans. Before Reese could react his hands were shooting out and then he was feeling her tits! Fuck! That jealous part of me roared to life and once more I had to resist the urge to jump out from my hiding spot and beat the shit out of him. And I wasn’t resisting the urge because I was worried about an assault charge or anything like that. No, I just didn’t want to ruin this moment considering how fucking sexy it was!

  From the surprise on Reese’s face it seemed that this wasn’t part of what they’d done last week. I also noted that she didn’t stop him from feeling her up, though. No, after that momentary surprise registered she squeezed her eyes shut and her chest was rising and falling under his hands.

  Aiden started exploring. He started kneading her tits. Started running his hands around, playing with her nipples causing her to open her mouth and start to moan. And through it all I was staring unable to do anything but think about how fucking hot this was that another man was feeling up my girlfriend and instead of doing something about it I was trying to decide whether or not it was worth risking a public exposure charge to whip my dick out and really enjoy the show.

  Reese licked her lips and it was pretty damn obvious from the way her breath was coming in gasps that she was really getting into this. Aiden was really getting into it too, and why not? He was the one who was getting to run his grubby paws all over my girlfriend’s gorgeous tits. Tits that I thought were all mine, but it sounded like she was sharing them with the guys at her work, flashing them at least, and that was assuming she wasn’t pulling the whole sweet and innocent routine behind the pizza place with other guys as well.

  Only it looked like Aiden wasn’t going to be happy with just getting a feel of my girl’s tits. No, one of his hands broke free from her breasts and started moving down. My breath caught as he moved down and traced a finger along her stomach which caused Reese to shiver and let out a quiet gasp that was music to my ears.

  His finger moved down, down, until it was tracing along the top of her khaki pants. My cock lurched as I saw another man’s finger tracing along territory that I thought I’d be exploring tonight when she came over to my dorm. Yeah, didn’t look like I was going to be doing any sort of exploring tonight, and I loved it.

  One of his fingers moved inside her pants and her stomach twitched at the touch even as my cock jumped in my hand and I had to concentrate very hard not to blow my load right there. Already I could feel that this was going to be one of the most intense orgasms of my life, but at the same time it seemed like there was so much more yet to happen and I didn’t want to be in that weird spot where I didn’t give a fuck about anything remotely sexual for a good ten to fifteen minutes if this progressed farther than him feeling up my girlfriend.

  I held my breath, wondering what was going to happen even as I had trouble believing this was actually happening. Even as I fought the urge to just go over that edge and blow my load against the wall of a dingy campus pizza place in a dark alley which would’ve been one of the most shameful loads I’d ever blown, never mind that I was blowing my load to another man feeling up my girl. I was on the edge of running out and trying to break them up before the inevitable happened, never mind that I would’ve been charging at them with my pants around my ankles and my cock swinging in the breeze which would put me at a distinct disadvantage when it came to a fight.

  I didn’t need to worry about any of that, though. It seemed that Aiden going for her pants, going for the treasure that was contained within, was enough to finally bring Reese back to reality. Or partially back to reality, at least. Her breath was still coming in ragged gasps, her eyes were still lidded and clouded by obvious lust, but she reached down and put a hand on his wrist. Pulled away until he was no longer threatening to violate the territory in and around her pants, though he still had one hand feeling her tit which was probably more than he thought he’d ever get from Reese.

  “You can’t have that Aiden,” she said. She reached up and pulled his hand away from her tit as well, and both of us let out a sigh of disappointment in time with one another. Which was probably a good thing since I didn’t want them to overhear me standing here in my hiding place.

  “God you’re such a tease, Reese. First the dare in the shop and now this…”

  That could’ve sounded irritated, but the way he said it made it sound anything but. No, his voice was quiet. Reverent. That was the voice of a man who didn’t think he’d ever get the opportunity he just had to feel up an insanely fucking hot girl. Not that I could blame him for feeling that way. I wondered what would happen if one of the insanely hot girls from my work-study at the library suddenly decided she wanted to take me back in the stacks so we could re-enact a few of our favorite sexy librarian pornos.

  Not that anything like that would ever happen, because unlike my straying girlfriend I liked to think that I’d have enough self control to stop something like that from happening before it even got started. True I hadn’t actually found myself in that situation, nothing beyond a little casual flirting in the library with the sexy-librarian-stereotype-defying older ladies always staring down at you over their pointed bifocals that looked like they went out of style when Eisenhower was still in office, but I liked to think I’d have more self control than what my girlfriend was exhibiting in the moment.

  “Well a tease is all you’re going to get tonight mister,” Reese said, though there was a hint of something in her voice
as well. Disappointment? Could she actually be disappointed that she wasn’t taking things farther?

  Fuck, I was disappointed that they weren’t taking things farther. For the first time that evening I had the urge to run out there and reveal myself to them for something other than trying to take a swing at this asshole who I’d never particularly trusted in the first place. I wanted to run out there and tell them that it was okay. That they could go ahead and have their fun, and hey, while they were at it wouldn’t it be fun if I stood and watched while they did what came naturally to hot young college students who were still high off of post-puberty hormones that hadn’t quite worn off yet?

  I didn’t do that, of course. I had all the evidence that I needed to confront Reese. Well, almost all the evidence that I needed to confront her. I was kicking myself for not thinking of getting some actual proof earlier, but I figured now was as good a time as any.

  I pulled up my pants and then fished out my phone. Why hadn’t I taken a picture before when this asshole was actually feeling Reese up? Her shirt was still bunched up over her tits, though. She was still standing there topless with her breasts straining out for him, nipples hard, and I figured that would be as good as anything else as far as getting proof of her misdeeds this evening went. All she really needed to know was that I’d been in the alley and I’d seen everything.

  So I put my phone into night mode and snapped a picture. A picture that caused the shutter sound on my camera to go off because of course I wasn’t thinking straight and I hadn’t bothered to mute the camera like a fucking idiot. The sound echoed through a sudden lull in their conversation and of course for the first time that evening the shutter sound was loud enough for them to finally hear me.

  “Shit!” Reese said, finally realizing that she was standing out in the open in a very public place with her gorgeous breasts on display for the world to see. She scrambled to pull it down and get herself back in order even as Aiden started looking around for the source of the sound.

  “What the fuck? Where are you asshole? I’m going to kick the shit out of you if I find you!”

  I stood in my hiding spot for another half a second and weighed my options. I could go ahead and go for a confrontation now. I could step out and hope that the fact that I was about the same size as Aiden and I was good and pissed off in addition to being good and turned on would be enough to turn the potential fight in my favor.

  Only I didn’t want to have that fight now. No, if I was going to have this fight then I wanted it to be in private with just Reese. I didn’t want this asshole to have anything to do with it.

  More than anything I didn’t want to run the risk of either of them noticing that I had a throbbing hard on in my pants. I didn’t want them to make the connection between them having their forbidden tryst behind the pizza place and me being more fucking turned on than I’d ever been in my life. Talk about embarrassing.

  So I did the only thing that seemed practical in the moment. I turned and ran down the alley, not giving a fuck if I was making enough noise to draw their attention. I figured by the time Aiden got to the his end of the alley I’d be good and gone anyways.

  I rounded the corner and luckily there was a crowd of people coming out of a bar on the other side of the alley from the pizza place at the same time I was making my escape. I dove in the middle of them and tried my best to seem like just another drunk.

  Not a moment too soon. Aiden appeared at the end of the alley, his eyes darting in every direction as he stood there breathing heavily from what I imagined was a combination of the exertion from sprinting down the alley at a breakneck speed and from how turned on he no doubt still was from what he’d been doing with Reese moments ago.

  Only there was no way for him to know who’d just been in the alley. His eyes ran over the drunken horde I was hiding in, from the sounds of things I’d just worked my way into a pub crawl of some sort, but I looked away quickly. He’d recognize me immediately and it would be too damn suspicious that I happened to be standing there outside the pizza place right after they realized someone was spying on them.

  If Aiden didn’t make the connection then Reese sure as hell would when he inevitably told her he saw me.

  I was in the clear for now though. I slipped out of the crowd once they started pouring into the next bar and made my way back to the dorms to think over everything that had just happened. I wasn’t too worried about Reese getting up to anything more naughty than what had already happened with Aiden considering they probably thought they’d been caught and it wasn’t like Angela was going to let anything happen in Reese’s dorm room.

  No, I needed time to think this over. To decide how I was going to react, because as I walked through campus in my hoodie with one hell of a hard on I was having trouble deciding whether I was more pissed off or turned on.

  I really needed to figure that out before I decided how I was going to break this to Reese.

  5: Hints

  I didn’t bother to call Reese before I went over to her dorm the next morning. I stopped by a donut shop near where everything happened the night before. The place stayed open twenty-four hours a day and did a brisk business selling to drunk college students who wanted something cheap and filling in the middle of the night and to studious college students who were up with the sun getting ready for a day of studying in the morning.

  Basically it was the perfect business model, and I understood the owner, a former grad, had gotten rich enough to open a couple of other locations around the state and then sell everything and retire early. It had become a bit of campus lore with business majors who wished they could come up with an idea so mind-bogglingly simple in its execution.

  Not that I was thinking about that this morning. No, my thoughts were entirely on what had happened last night. I seemed to have a constant erection as visions of my girlfriend being felt up by another man danced through my head. We’re talking about the kind of erection that would require me to go seek medical help if I’d taken any sort of artificial enhancement to create the thing in the first place, but of course I hadn’t.

  No, the only thing that was keeping me hard was the thought of my girlfriend being decidedly naughty with another man.

  I knocked on the door a couple of times and I suddenly felt nervous. More nervous than I had the first time I stopped by her dorm to meet her for our first date last year. Sure I wasn’t technically supposed to be able to get up here since the RFID in my campus ID wasn’t keyed for this particular dorm, but security and college students didn’t exactly go hand in hand. It was always ridiculously easy to get someone to let you in, especially if you looked about the right age and were carrying donuts.

  Hell, I was in this dorm often enough that I recognized a lot of faces and they recognized me even if we weren’t exactly on first name basis or anything. A lot of people probably figured I lived here or something.

  An answer wasn’t immediately forthcoming. I frowned and panic welled up inside me. What if last night had been the one night in the history of their roommate agreement when Angela decided to go somewhere else? What if last night was the fabled window of opportunity I’d always dreamed of but never enjoyed and Aiden had taken full advantage of it? What if he was in there with her right now cuddled up next to her in the impossibly small dorm bed basking in the afterglow of all the insane things they’d done with each other the night before?

  I have to admit the thought was more arousing than infuriating, and that jived with what I’d ultimately decided last night. This turned me on. There was no denying it even though it was fucked up. So I wasn’t going to be mad as long as Reese came clean. As long as she ultimately decided to explore this with me rather than going off and having fun on her own.

  If she decided that she’d rather go off and have fun on her own rather than taking the insane opportunity I was dropping in her lap then that meant things were over. At the end of the day we had to be able to trust each other, even if it was a fucked up and convolute
d trust where I was trusting her not to fuck around with other guys unless I knew about it and approved of it ahead of time.

  Yeah, I might have stayed up late into the night sucking on the green caffeinated god and reading everything I could about this sort of thing. It had been an educational evening, to say the least. Probably more educational than most of my college experience so far.

  I frowned and knocked on the door again. Where was she? Why wasn’t she answering the door? What if she’d gone back to his place instead? What if they were cuddling at his apartment or dorm or wherever the hell it was he lived?

  All those thoughts flashed through my head as panic welled up inside me. I was an idiot. I shouldn’t have run last night. I’d panicked in the moment, but now that I was standing here in front of her dorm in the cold light of day with no idea where the hell she was or what the hell she’d done the night before after I left her alone with that snake in the grass I was starting to think it might’ve been better to just stay there in my hiding place rather than bolting and giving myself away.

  Too late to worry too much about that, though.

  I was about to pull out my phone and give her a call when the door flew open and I was greeted with a sight that was probably the single most horrifying thing any man had seen since Perseus looked into his golden shield and got a good look at old snake-for-hair.

  Only it wasn’t really as horrifying as usual, aside from the usual scowl on her face that greeted me every time she opened the door to let me into their room. It looked like she’d actually done something with her hair, and there was something else different about her that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it’s not like I was going to pay too much attention to my girlfriend’s roommate in the moment. No, I had far more pressing concerns, like where the hell Reese was.

  Not that Angela seemed to be in a mood to make my experience any more pleasant than usual even if she did look different from her usual look which could be charitably described as “just rolled out of bed chic.”


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