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Cecilia's Secret

Page 20

by Patricia Gallinetti


  Melbourne – 24 September 1974

  T he day Cecilia decided to reveal her secret to Catherine was a beautiful sunny day, she was on her way to visit Catherine and take Louisa and Basil out for the day. She had determined to at last tell Catherine all the circumstances of her life in Italy, why she had gone there in the first place and reveal to her daughter that she had given birth to a son, seven years before Catherine was born. And how he had died in the terrible bombardment of Tavernelle that day. She was standing on the pavement deep in thought, waiting for the traffic lights to change in her favour, her mind was on what she was going to tell Catherine, desperate to have the truth revealed.

  Maybe she should have written it all down, but she knew that wasn’t right, she must face Catherine.

  She put one foot in the gutter ready to walk over when a car rounded the corner, losing control the driver ploughed into Cecilia and the others waiting to cross. The last sound Cecilia heard as she was lying in the road was the Ambulance siren fast approaching.

  Hang on I must hang on, nobody else knows my story, not even Helena knows it all, I must tell Catherine. There was no pain – no sound – she tried to open her eyes. Yet she could hear everything going on around her, every noise every slightest breath.

  She then heard Catherine talking to somebody.

  “When will we know Doctor?” Catherine’s voice sounded as if she was whispering loudly in Cecilia’s ear.

  “Well, she is not young and I think she will not regain consciousness,” A man spoke. “It is your decision alone - to unplug the machine.”

  What am I hearing, is it me they are talking about? No, No, Catherine, Catherine, I must tell you first, it’s important that you know, you deserve to know everything. Please forgive me. Cecilia was shouting at the top of her voice but nobody was listening.

  Silence. Somebody next to her was breathing loudly and then Catherine was talking.

  “Mum I am so sorry. I think this is what you would have wanted. I Love You Mum, I know you loved me,” Catherine stopped talking for a while then Cecilia heard her sob. “Something tragic happened in your life and you couldn’t talk to me about it, but it doesn’t matter now,” Cecilia could hear the tears in Catherine’s voice. “These last few years have been good and the children have enjoyed having you around, I won’t let them forget you,” Cecilia tried desperately to squeeze Catherine’s hand but it was impossible, she heard Catherine sob again and whisper “Goodbye Mum.”

  Cecilia felt a great weight lift from her; suddenly she was floating above her body. She found herself looking down at the scene. Catherine was standing next to the bed and she was crying holding a tissue to her eyes and Paulo was holding her hand. Cecilia was desperate for Catherine to hear her, she touched Catherine, gently on the cheek. Catherine, oh! Catherine please forgive me, I am so sorry.

  Paulo took Catherine by the arm.

  “Come on, let’s go home.” He said.

  As Catherine was walking out the door she glanced back once more.


  Italy – Present Day

  A nnie sighed and sat back in her chair looking around at everybody, with a tremulous smile she said.

  “Well, that’s it, now it’s up to me to unite Nana and Bernard.”

  Nobody uttered a word, Vincenzo stood up and took the CD out of the machine and handed it to Annie. He looked at Annie with compassion and love.

  “Annie,” he said “You must have a good night’s sleep and tomorrow we are going to start looking for Bernard. The Maremma is quite a big area, but I think the first thing to do is look up all the Mosca’s in the white pages.”

  Annie couldn’t sleep, she was lying awake thinking of her great -grandmother and her life. Cecilia had at last managed to tell her story and once Bernard and Catherine were united maybe Cecilia’s soul would be able to continue onto her next life.

  As Annie was getting into bed, she yawned,

  Gosh I am so tired; it feels as if I have been running in a marathon.

  Denise was already snoring faintly. A familiar chill pervaded the bedroom and Annie looked toward the couch, there was nothing there, then she gave a start, Cecilia was sitting on the bed smiling blissfully. The ghost of her great-grandmother leaned forward and Annie felt a soft touch on her cheek almost like a breath of wind. Cecilia smiled and Annie heard a faint whisper.

  “Thank you, my darling child, I will see you once more after this, and then I will not worry you ever again Unless……” she held up her finger playfully and continued to whisper “Unless - you need me - just ask.”

  Annie fell asleep, smiling.

  The next morning, Vincenzo arrived early and called Annie and Denise up to his office, he was going to help them look up all the registered Mosca’s on the Internet white pages, after hours of searching and numerous eliminations he found a B. Mosca in a remote village about four or five kilometres from the ocean, in The Maremma. Annie wanted to dial the number - then and there. Vincenzo hesitated, looking for more likely contacts, eventually the three of them agreed this must be the Mosca they were looking for.

  Annie was trembling as she watched Vincenzo dial the number given. He waited a minute and Annie heard a deep voice answer


  Vincenzo asked if he could speak with Bernardo Mosca “Si, parla” was the reply (Yes, talking).

  Vincenzo introduced himself and stated that they had not met but he had some very important information for Bernardo, if he could make an appointment to visit him at about eleven am. the next day, Bernardo told Vincenzo “Si” he would be available the next day. Could Vincenzo tell him anything about the matter he wanted to discuss? However, Vincenzo said it was too important to tell him over the phone although it wasn’t bad news. Bernardo agreed and gave Vincenzo directions to his house.

  Annie was too excited to sleep, she was tossing and turning.

  Denise once again was sleeping like a baby, not a care in the world. Annie felt like giving Denny a punch. Which she knew was unreasonable, she had been a rock through all this, it most probably ruined her holiday in Italy, they had planned to travel all over the country, but Denny stayed with Annie, helping in any way she could. Annie decided to get a drink and sit on the patio. She threw a light shawl over her shoulders and padded down to the kitchen, taking a bottle of water from the fridge she went to sit outside. She was relaxing, thinking about the next day and the eventual meeting with her Uncle, if it was him. She shook her head and thought It has to be him, this is too much of a coincidence.

  Annie saw a figure rounding the corner. She realized it was Vincenzo

  ‘OMG”, She thought. ‘I’m hardly dressed, whenever he is around, I am practically naked.’

  Vincenzo sat in the chair next to her, whispering softly “Caio Bella,” the two sat companionably for a second, in silence, Leo had as usual accompanied Vincenzo and he threw his bulk down between them. Vincenzo didn’t seem to notice how she was dressed or undressed. He was obviously thinking about something else.

  “Vincenzo?” Asked Annie looking at him, “Are you Okay?”

  “Yes Annie,” He looked t her with a sheepish grin and said, “I suppose you can’t sleep either, I was looking out my bedroom window and saw your light come on and decided I wanted to talk.” He grinned “Thank goodness it was you and not Denise”

  “Go on,” said Annie, “what is it?”

  “Annie.” he said hesitantly “I know we have known each other only a month or two, but I want to tell you.” Once again, he was silent and Annie was alarmed

  “For heck sake Vincenzo, out with it.”

  He grinned once more and said.

  “Okay, here goes. Annie, I have fallen in love with you, I wanted to speak to you, before we go and see Bernardo.” He hesitated again “I don’t want you to leave; I want you to stay here with me.”

  Annie caught her breath, she couldn’t believe it.

  “Vincenzo, I love you,
I have waited to hear you say those words, afraid to say anything, but believe me, I would have asked you before I eventually had to leave to go back to Oz.

  Vincenzo jumped up and pulled Annie into his arms, chuckling softly.

  “Annie, my love, I have loved you from the first moment you dropped your pants for me.”

  She blushed and he let out a bark of laughter quickly suppressed as not to awake the others. He was placing light feathery kisses on her ear. down to her mouth. She was shivering with passion fanned by the feel of his hard body pressed against her, he kissed her deeply, his tongue darting into her mouth, she returned his kiss, tongues intertwining, her knees trembling, shivers of delight running down her spine, his warm hands roving over her body, caressing her breasts.

  Careful Annie, she thought this is not the time.

  Vincenzo prepared to pull away, but she held tightly onto him and he whispered

  “Annie, Annie, we must stop now.”

  She dropped her arms, looking him up at him.

  “Oh” She whispered, “I love you so much.”

  He grinned down at Annie and said

  “Thank you, Cecilia,” Annie chuckled and nodded her head in agreement.

  She reached up and draped her arms around his neck caressing his hair and kissing him lightly she said.

  “Good night, My Darling. See you in the morning?” He nodded and they parted, but as he reached the corner, he turned around and walked towards her and taking her into his arms he kissed her again. With a loud sigh and shaking his head in wonder he walked away. Annie stayed unmoving, holding her fingers to her lips.

  ‘Who would have thought I would come all this way and find the love of my life?’ She went inside and turning off the lights she went up to bed, falling asleep quickly and dreaming wonderful dreams.

  The three friends met the next morning early and as they were preparing to leave Riccardo came towards them.

  “Good Morning everyone” He was looking very pleased with himself. “I have made a decision,” and turning to Annie he said, “I am going to renovate the room where Cecilia nearly died, it’s been standing like that long enough, it is time I did something about it.” he grinned.

  Annie turned towards him and gave him a hug.

  “I am sure Cecilia would have loved that,” she smiled “Or maybe I should say - She will love that.”

  She was amazed to see Riccardo blush and he said.

  “Bene, Bene. Now you had better get going - you have an important appointment to keep.”

  Two hours later, Vincenzo turned the car up the sweeping driveway of a beautiful old rustic farmhouse. There were arches running the length of a wide veranda, with a big double front door standing open invitingly. Purple and red bougainvillea was cascading in and around the arches, hanging down almost touching the ground. The house was nestled into the side of a hill which protected the old building from the elements; the hill was covered in green foliage and red poppies dotted around peeping through the grass. Next to the house was a large paddock, with numerous trees. They saw beautiful horses grazing contentedly. As the car drew up, the horses lifted their heads enquiringly, two large white dogs stood up and with tails wagging started loping towards the car.

  But Annie had eyes for one thing - the elderly man who walked out the door and came towards them. She was trembling like a leaf and couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Vincenzo introduced himself and the two girls, shaking hands.

  “Piacere” the distinguished looking gentleman said with a faint smile. (Pleased to meet you.) Bernardo Mosca.” He introduced himself. Vincenzo asked Bernardo if he could speak English whereupon the older man replied.

  “Of course, I can speak English,” although he had an Italian accent. Turning to the girls and Vincenzo he said, “Please come inside.”

  Annie bent down to pat the two dogs, crooning to them.

  “You are so beautiful,” she said to the dogs and looking up at Bernardo she said, “They are magnificent creatures.” he nodded in agreement and smiled, as Annie looked up and noticed his sparkling eyes, she knew it was their Bernard, his eyes were an unusual green. As Cecilia had revealed.

  They all entered the house into a reception area, there were tapestries hanging on the walls, a flower arrangement adorned a table under a framed mirror. A beautiful aroma of Lavender wafted towards the guests. Bernard directed them to the left and into a room obviously a study, the view from the window was breathtaking. The tall man gestured for them to take a seat and then looked enquiringly around at the three of them his gaze lighting on Annie, he frowned slightly. He then turned to Vincenzo and said

  “You say you have something very important to tell me Signore?”

  Vincenzo hesitated, not really knowing where to begin, Annie decided to rescue him, after all it was her family.

  “Signore Mosca, I have got rather a strange story to tell you and I have also brought a disc with me. I am hoping we have the right person here. So, I am first going to ask you a question.”

  Bernardo nodded and waved his hand to indicate she must continue.

  She drew a deep breath. Here goes, she thought

  “Was your Mother’s name Francesca and do you have a brother Giorgio?’ she asked

  “Yes.” Bernard nodded.

  “Well” said Annie “I really think you are my Great Uncle,”

  Bernard was about to say something and Annie held up her hand apologetically. “Please, let me finish and then we can play the disc.”

  Once again Bernard nodded patiently, although by now he must have been eaten up with curiosity.

  “Signore” started Annie “Do you remember anything from the war years at all? How you got here and were you adopted by Marco Mosca?”

  Bernardo nodded, by now he was looking at her with a puzzled frown.

  “I remember bombs, and being afraid and I remember arriving in this house in the dead of night, of course I also remember the village of Tavarnelle, it had been bombarded with shells and my brother Giorgio had a cut on his forehead.” He hesitated, obviously he did not want to say too much as he was slightly suspicious.

  Annie looked at him, she had a lump in her throat, thinking of Nana.

  All these years Nan never knew she had a brother. No wonder Cecilia couldn’t rest, she had done Nana a great injustice.

  Another thought entered her head Cecilia didn’t know Bernard had survived, until she had passed away. Annie hesitated; she realized she didn’t know how to continue.

  “Signore,” she said tentatively, not wanting to annoy him. “Do you know that Francesca was not your birth Mother?”

  “Si,” he nodded. “Francesca revealed everything to me when I was old enough to understand. She told me my mother Cecilia (He pronounced it the beautiful Italian way, Chechilia) was killed that day and Francesca’s husband Piero too with an Aunt of Cecilia’s.”

  “Well” said Annie “Cecilia didn’t die that day, as you will hear; Piero threw himself on top of her and saved her life. But she thought you had all been killed by the bombardment that hit down by the river.”

  Bernard sat dazed for a moment

  “Dio,” he said. He couldn’t believe it. “What happened to her?”

  Annie replied. “She was quite badly injured, and Piero died later in hospital, but she recovered and she only left Italy when the war ended, she married in Florence and my Nan, your sister, was born in August 1946 in South Africa.” She smiled “On the same date as your birthday.”

  Bernard sat silently and Annie looked at the others. She had almost decided to leave the room to give Bernard a chance to recover, when he turned to them and held up his hand

  “Aspetta.” (wait) he said, and left the room, he was gone about fifteen minutes and eventually returned, a woman following behind. Bernard introduced her, his wife, Pia, she seemed to be bewildered, he obviously hadn’t had the chance to explain the amazing story to her. Bernard was carrying what looked like an old shoebox, he indicated for Pia to sit
and then he handed the box to Annie. As she slowly lifted the lid and peered inside she gasped.

  “Oh Pete,” she said tears gathering in her eyes “Oh you still have Pete.”

  That was the final verification, Bernard now realized Annie was genuine; he looked at her with wonder and said.

  “You know, I thought maybe I was imagining it but you looked very familiar - you are very like Chechilia,” He smiled and said. “From the little I do remember of her.”

  Annie smiled tremulously. “I have been told that before now and my name is actually Anne Cecilia Brennan,”

  He hesitantly put his arms around Annie and gave her a big bear hug and she returned it sobbing.

  “Zio Bernard, Can I call you that?”

  He smiled and said. “And I am going to call you Chechilia, it suits you better.”

  He was smiling, his eyes happy/sad. “Now you are all staying for lunch, and then we must make plans to meet my sister.”

  Annie then told him Catherine was coming to Tuscany.


  Italy – Present Day

  A nnie phoned Louisa and told her that they had at last located Bernard and he wanted to meet Nana. Annie also said.

  “Mum, please tell Nana to bring Pete with her.”

  Louisa gasped, “Pete. That old pink bunny Cecilia knitted for Nan. Has Mother kept it all these years?” she laughed “Okay, I will tell her. I am going to send you the flight details and we will all see you in a day or two.” She continued. “We have listened to the story, it is the most amazing thing, Nan was a bit emotional, she remembered that day at the hospital and when she had to take Cecilia off the machine.”


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