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Shifting Darkness

Page 17

by Kate Wendley

  He quietly chuckled as he forced himself out of bed, even though there was nothing he’d rather do more than go back to sleep. The door to the room was closed and he didn’t see any of his clothes laying around… Great. He’d have to go out there naked. Not that he should be embarrassed after what they did last night. A rush of warmth shot through him remembering all the licking, biting, and mind blowing sex they’d had. He couldn’t even begin to guess how many times both of them came in their marathon session.

  But then a terrible thought filled his mind. He hadn’t used protection. Not even once. Shit. What if she got pregnant? And if she had, what if the child… he couldn’t even think about it without feeling sick. He’d hate himself for the rest of his life if he passed on his illness to an innocent little baby.

  He tried to put that out of mind. After all, maybe he couldn’t even have kids. Maybe being handicapped also left him sterile. That thought left a lump in his gut. He’d have to ask the doctor what he thought the next time he saw him.

  He slowly opened the door, his jeans strewn haphazardly on the floor just outside. He grabbed them up with shaky hands and slid them on, turning towards the kitchen as he did.

  Penny was at the stove, watching over a couple pans with sizzling contents. She turned to look at him and he couldn’t help laughing at the oversized Johnny Cash t-shirt she wore where he was giving anyone and everyone the middle finger.

  “Good morning. Nice shirt.”

  She looked down at herself as if she wasn’t sure what she was wearing, then lazily said, “I’m a WYSIWYG.”

  “A what?”

  “A WYSIWYG. It’s a computer geek term. It stands for, what you see is what you get. That’s me.”

  “Well I like what I see.” He also liked that she was eyeing his body with more than a little interest. “Is that a bite? Crap. Did I do that?”

  She touched her neck where the red and purple mark was. “You mean your mark?”

  “You say that like it’s normal.”

  “It is. I marked you, too. Shifters mark their significant other so people know they’re taken.” Her face turned red as soon as the words were out of her mouth, and she immediately gave him her back again, stirring the eggs as if her life depended on it.

  He stepped closer and nuzzled into her from behind. “Significant other sounds nice. I like to be taken. Especially by someone as sexy as you.” A deep purr started in his chest as he slid one hand down her stomach, and when she didn’t stop him, he slowly slid under the waist band of her loose shorts.

  She let out a heavy breath and huskily said, “Be careful or I’ll feed you garlic noodles again.”

  “And I’d gladly eat them. Off your belly if you’ll let me.”

  A rush went through him when he slid a hand up her shirt and found out she had no bra on. The feel of her naked flesh brought back a rush of memories of last night as she quietly whimpered at his touch.

  She asked, “Do you have to work today?”

  “No. I have a few days off now that the holiday rush is over.”

  “I have to be in at nine.”

  He lightly kissed her neck, not sure how far he could push things with her this morning.

  She murmured, “That’s in less than an hour.”

  “That’s plenty of time.” He pressed his growing erection against her.

  She let out another whimper and he chuckled. “Maybe you should turn those burners off.”

  “What, you think I’m yours anytime you want me?” He liked that she pretended to argue even though she was already turning off the stove, so he played along.

  He growled out, “Yes,” then held her more snuggly against himself with one hand, teasing her warm, slick center with the other. There was no need to convince her of anything else because she immediately reached down to help him pleasure her, which only made him that much harder for her.

  He rocked his aching cock against her and quietly asked, “How do you want me this morning?”

  “I want to see you.”

  He pulled her away from the kitchen and into the living room. Mindful of the time since she seemed to be watching the clock, he quickly stripped her, then slid out of his jeans as she intently eyed him. He firmly turned her around, then bent her over the armrest of her couch, but this time he positioned them so she could fully see him as he buried himself deep inside her warm, creamy body. Thrust after thrust she watched him, her expression hungry with need as she pushed against him, her body begging for more.

  They fell into an increasingly frantic rhythm, the smooth, slick friction like a mantra of overwhelming pleasure. A low growl started deep in his chest and her attention darted to his face.

  “Growl for me, Penny.”

  Her eyes glowed and her lips drew back into a quick snarl. She looked as if she was testing him with her lack of noise.

  He gripped her hips tighter and thrust inside her, then didn’t move. “I said growl.”

  She kept quiet as she tried to thrust against him, but he was stronger than her and kept her right where she was. He opened his senses wide to be sure he wasn’t actually making her mad, then groaned out loud at the charged feel of her eager anticipation.

  She reached around and tried to push his hips back, but he grabbed her arms so she couldn’t move. “You don’t want to growl? I like to hear it.”

  She gruffed at him but still didn’t growl, so he leaned over and bit the back of her neck. That got a response. She cried out and instantly went supple in his arms. He didn’t bite hard, not hard enough to give her another mark, but definitely hard enough to probably sting a little. And she liked it. God he swore he got even harder for her. He’d never been able to be this rough with a human. Not with their delicate skin and weak bodies.

  He thrust against her while he kept his teeth on the nape of her neck, and she cried out in anxiousness as she arched her back and tried to meet his thrusts. He growled at her as he kept ahold of her arms, letting her knew she could only do what he allowed her to do, which seemed to make her all the more eager for him.

  He released her from his bite and held her tight against his body, his cock aching with the need to release inside her. He leaned closer to her ear and slowly whispered, “Growl or I won’t let you come.”

  She cried out in anguish, and he immediately started nipping her neck and shoulders, letting the rumble in his chest vibrate against her skin, but not letting her thrust against him. Her panting became frantic with every nip and bite until she finally started growling.

  A fire tore through her as she did, and her willing, supple body became taut and alive. She bucked against his hold on her, demanding he pleasure her.

  The power in her body was incredible compared to human women he’d been with, and he actually had to use a little muscle to keep up their game. The more she bucked against him, the more he held her tight and pressed her down against the armrest. He’d forgotten about the mirror, quickly turning to see her intently watching his reflection. Her eyes glowed as she struggled against him, her hips and smooth, round ass pushing back, then arching quickly forward, over and over again.

  He let go of her arms and grabbed hold of her hips again, and this time he didn’t hold back. His eyes travelled the lines of her curvy, naked body bent over in front of him before locking eyes with her in the mirror. He let out a heavy grunt, his cock aching and desperate for release as he pressed harder, over and again, her body urging him on…

  Penny reached down between her thighs, and just the thought of her playing with herself sent him over the edge. He leaned down and bit the back of her shoulder, then came hot and heavy inside her. Her body jerked and she cried out against him, her jaw slack with desire as she kept her eyes on him. She trembled in his grasp before finally, desperately crying out as she orgasmed.


  Vince waited in the kitchen for Penny as she took a quick shower. Now that the morning sex high was wearing off, his shakes were back and so was his mind, and his first clear though
t was that he kept forgetting to use protection with her. He seriously needed to find out from the doctor if there was any possibility he could get her pregnant.

  So many things about last night were a crazy blur, and he had more than a sinking feeling that whatever part of him was supernatural took the reins from his rational mind whenever he was excited by Penny. But he couldn’t find it in him to care that he let himself go as much as he did with her. It felt too good to not have to hold back for fear of hurting a woman.

  And Penny’s eagerness to be with him told him all he needed to know about where he stood in her world now. No more guessing. Finally.


  Penny didn’t take long to get ready, but by the time she rejoined him, he was almost too exhausted to move. Luckily, she seemed happy to warm up the food and serve both of them some breakfast. The coffee was dark and helped his brain stay focused, but his hands were trembling, and judging by her fast look away, she’d noticed.

  He said a little sharply, “It happens a lot.”


  “My shakes.”

  By the look on her face, that’s exactly what she’d had on her mind.

  “Whenever I exert myself too much, I get shaky.”

  She slid into the chair across from him while he picked at the bacon on his plate.

  She cautiously said, “How long has it been that way?”

  He studied her carefully as he said, “Years. The doctor’s trying to figure it out.”

  She casually nodded and took a bite of her eggs.

  After a short time, she said, “Some people here drink blood to get stronger.”

  “Zach made me try that. It didn’t work.”

  She didn’t say anything else, and they both must have been pretty hungry because for a time, all they did was eat.

  He sat back and finished the rest of his coffee, then looked her over. She smiled a natural, no pity smile that made him want to grab her up and exert himself until he couldn’t move. “Can you be late for work?”

  She smirked and got a little spark in her eye. “I’m already late.”

  “Can you be even later?”

  She hesitated before saying, “I can’t, but what are you doing tonight?”

  “Hanging out with my significant other.”

  She put her hand up for a high five. “Good answer.”

  Chapter 19

  Vince dreaded the end of this week. It would be full moon and Penny still had no idea he was wasn’t a real shifter.

  “Let’s go out for sushi.”

  He gave her a sideways glance. “Sushi? I thought you said fish was all either radioactive or over-farmed and disgusting.”

  “Yeah, but I researched a place that swears they only serve free range fish caught in the Atlantic Ocean, which should be healthier for you.”

  His purr started before he even realized it. He coughed to cover it, but Penny was already laughing and pulling him along. “Let’s go!”

  He draped his arm around her shoulder and walked downstairs with her, tensing when he saw that asshole door guard, Quinn, in the foyer. He gave Vince a snide look after eyeing Penny when she wasn’t looking. Vince pulled her closer and kept her as far away from the creep as possible.

  Penny drove and Vince was like a kid in a candy store as soon as they walked into the restaurant. The entire place smelled like fish and he had a hard time sitting still. He wanted to pounce on every piece of meat he saw. If he had a tail, it’d be twitching right now.


  Penny thought Vince would struggle with using chopsticks since he’d never apparently used them before, and because he was so shaky all the time, but for some reason he was totally in control of himself tonight. He watched her so carefully as she explained what wasabi and ginger slices were, and how she liked to use them to spice up her food, then sat next to him to help him with his chopsticks. She thought he’d grab the fish as soon as it was set down in front of them, but instead he waited, carefully watching it as if it would get up and walk away.

  When she finally took the first bite of her own food, he did exactly what she did and dipped the fish into a little soy sauce, then took a bite.

  His eyes went wide and at first she thought he hated it, until his face went slack as if he’d just had amazing sex.

  “So… you like it?”

  He stared at her as he slowly chewed, then finally swallowed. “God yeah. Can I move in here and eat this every day?”

  She chuckled and said, “I’ll ask.”

  They ate in silence for a time, Vince slowly savoring every bite he took.

  “I thought you’d tear into the fish since you said you love it so much.”

  “We never had much, so when something nice came along, we made sure to savor the moment instead of rush through it.”

  She studied him as he ate. “You’ve had a hard life.”

  He shrugged.

  “Full moon’s getting closer. Where do you go to run as your cat?”

  He said with a smirk, “Where do you go?”

  “I usually tag along with Suzanne, my alpha, up to the ranch. It’s land the family owns. I ride up there with her, then find a spot to shift by myself. Sometimes I end up shifting with my sister, but mostly not. After we turn, though, we run with the pack.”

  A family came in the door and the sound of high pitched voices let them know kids were here. Hooray.

  Vince said, “So it’s always a big group of you guys?” He looked towards the family as they got seated across the room from them.

  “Yeah. Hey, is your fur spotted, or is it all black like Zach’s?”

  He took a drink of the tea she’d convinced him to order, though it looked like he was still getting used to the taste of it. She was trying her best to ween him off soda.

  Vince was still watching the family when he said, “Can I ask you something?”


  He looked her straight in the eye and said, “Have you ever thought about having kids?”

  A jolt went through her at his question. She’d had too many failed relationships and didn’t see the point of planning for marriage and kids, especially since it was highly likely that she’d see the end of the world in her lifetime. A warm rush went through her just the same, though.

  “I used to imagine myself getting married and having a couple.”

  He frowned ever so slightly. “Used to?”

  She shrugged and wished she could hide away from his over developed senses. “I don’t know. Too many bad relationships.” She snapped in irritation, “What about you?”


  “Yes what?” She wasn’t sure why she was so mad right now, but she was.

  “Yes I want kids. I want a wife and kids and a place of our own.”

  The way he said that made it seem like he’d already thought about it… with her. Had he? She wanted to know but was too afraid to ask. If he said yes, was she ready to give up her soul to him?

  The air between them was charged with what if’s and unsaid things that were too soon to talk about, so she started eating again. That was her. A big coward.

  He said, “We’ve never used protection.”

  She mumbled, “I have an IUD.”

  “A what?”

  “It’s birth control implanted inside me.”

  He nodded, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d think his mood just dropped.


  Vince knew he should feel happy that the chance of getting Penny pregnant right now was off the table, but it truthfully bothered him. He’d pushed the conversation too far, though. She couldn’t even look at him right now. For as mouthy as she usually was, she was actually pretty frail when it came to her emotions. But his life was weird enough as it was, he didn’t want to wait to talk about things when he knew in his heart she was someone he could really love.

  A heavy emotion settled in him and now it was his turn to feel shocked at the conversation. Did he actually love her? Already?

/>   The waitress came by to check on them and thankfully broke the tension that was building in the air. They shared a smirk as the oblivious woman was again astonished at how much food they’d ordered.

  Vince slid his arm around Penny and pulled her in close to his side. Thankfully she rested her head on his shoulder and let him just hold her. It felt good to have someone in his arms, someone who made him feel calm and warm, and like a person that mattered.

  She gave him a purpose in life. Before, he simply existed, day after day just working to make ends meet and always trying to stay invisible. Now, with Penny, he felt like he had the possibility of an actual future that he’d thought was just a fairy tale. Yeah, Anthony and Zach and everyone helped with giving them a place to live and even some cash, which he was still worried there’d be strings attached to if he spent any of it, but with Penny he could imagine a life he looked forward to.

  A family. A home of their own. Friends and neighbors they could get to know and hang out with and not worry about them knowing who they really were…

  He wasn’t sure how long he’d been quietly purring when Penny shifted in his arms and looked up at him. Yeah, he could love her. He knew the feeling was there and that it was real. She was smart and funny and damn sexy… he just wasn’t quite ready to tell her. He wanted to be a whole man for her. He couldn’t start a new life while he was still dragging around a crippled body.

  So he’d try to heal. He’d do whatever the doctor and Zach thought might help. He’d eat more. He’d exercise. He’d even try blood again. Anything to be able to look Penny in the eye someday and say that he was strong enough to start a family with her. That he could make her a good husband and be a good father to children that would be just as beautiful as their mother.

  His heart hurt even thinking about it. He finally had something he really wanted in life. Please just let him be able to heal and not be deformed anymore. Please let his struggles all these years have been a thing of the past that he now had some help to heal from.

  And in the days that followed, whenever Vince wasn’t at work, he drank more protein shakes, ate more food, he even tried exercising at the gym, but it always ended badly. He either threw everything up within a couple hours, was flat on his back every night from over exerting himself, or was just plain old shaky every day. He even tried blood one more time, the doctor wondering if his first reaction was just because he’d never had any before, or maybe Bobbi’s blood just wasn’t the right person for him to be drinking from. He threw it up just the same. Nothing worked and it gave him a sinking feeling that if Zach couldn’t force him to shift at full moon, he might as well face facts that he was permanently disabled.


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