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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 16

by Lucy Lixx

  “Oh, hush, darling,” said Claus while stroking my face. “I just need you to struggle and look frightened. Nothing else is going to happen to you. I promise.”

  Wiggling a bit, I pulled against the ropes as Randy walked around us, focusing in on different parts of our bodies as we struggled. I accepted the challenge of trying to get out of the rope and rolled, ending up on the ground with a hard squeak. It hurt my shoulder and I begged for Claus to pick me up for comfort, mumbling through the cloth as he persisted to ignore my pleas. My eyes started to fill with fluid as the camera came down in front of my face for my close up. This wasn't what I had in mind. I thought perhaps he would ravish us in front of the camera which would at least be enjoyable, his body pushing in and out of our delectable bodies.

  But this was different.

  I felt scared that I might twist my arm or hurt myself worse than falling off the couch. My hair tangled up over my face and I started to cry as the ropes dug into my skin, making it difficult to take full breaths. Defeated by the restraints, I remained still on the carpet as the camera moved over our sweating faces that were covered in hair. When was he going to rescue us? Patting Randy's back, he leaned over to look over the footage on the camera and smiled with approval.

  “That looks wonderful. Let's get it ready for the compilation video,” said Claus.

  Another plea was muffled by the cloth and Claus looked over at us still struggling on the couch and floor. He walked over, peered down at me with a grin and said, “You two are going to be my shining stars.”

  Frightened, I stared up into his relentless smile and implored him with my eyes to release us from the ropes that were now beginning to hurt. What happened to the gentle bindings from yesterday? This was my bedroom all over again only now I could feel the sting of betrayal coming from Claus. We had fallen for another deception, another lie presented as a comfort on a plate full of chocolates. The tears were falling even harder now, my vulva raw from scraping against the carpet. I looked over at Bettie and watched her eyes fill with tears as well. I could see the pain.

  Reaching down, Claus patted my face and said I was a good girl, that he would send someone in to help us up. He did the same for Bettie and then stood, waving briefly as he walked backwards.

  “Daddy has some business to attend to,” he said, heading for the door.

  Before shutting it, he blew us each a kiss and then left us alone in the sunny parlor that should have made us happy if we weren't left restrained. The hearth looked like a lovely place to be during winter, my fantasies of having a lover ravish me in front of a fire dancing before my eyes. I wanted to talk to Bettie, so I tried to push the gag out with my tongue but ended up scraping my teeth against the course material. It stung, causing me to reel back and collapse upon the carpet. When was someone coming to our rescue?

  As Bettie wept quietly next to me, I tried to comfort her by humming a song I heard as a kid. My mother used to sing it to me when I was hurt or upset, typically running her thin fingers through my hair as she calmed me down. It seemed to do the trick until someone opened the door. I heard the soft patter of feet across the carpet and Hannah's face came into view, her hair tumbling over me as she sat me up and pulled the gag out of my mouth.

  “Oh, darling,” she whispered. “Are you alright?”

  I gasped for air, my chest heaving as I tried to get a hold of a regular breathing rhythm. All the struggling had left me feeling haggard and thirsty, my lips dry from having the gag shoved in my mouth. It hadn't been long since we were bound – perhaps no more than thirty minutes – but it felt like much longer than that. I wonder if Hannah had heard the entire ordeal or if Claus had fetched for her. That didn't matter now because she was cutting the ropes from my body and smoothing her hands over my sore muscles, rubbing my back as a few errant tears made their way down my face.

  After placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, she turned to undo Bettie's restraints and pulled the weeping woman into her arms while shushing her. I stood to join their hugging session and gently rubbed Bettie's head as she began to calm down, my humming having effectively done the job to comfort her. Hannah tangled her arms into ours and then lead us out of the room. We walked down the hall and headed up the stairs to the bedroom where she had us strip and hop in the tub for a hot bath. Leaning over the ceramic edge, she scrubbed us down and poured bubbles under the running water, lathering our hair with shampoo after that.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked as she ran a bar of soap over my skin. “I don't understand.”

  Hannah paused for a moment, turning off the water and leaning against a wet hand.

  “I suppose because I see you two as valuable people in the house,” she replied.

  “But why would you clean us yourself? Why not have a servant do it?” asked Bettie.

  A flush of red came to her cheeks then, either from embarrassment or because she had accidentally brushed against my breast. She placed the cloth up on the rack and started rubbing Bettie's shoulders.

  “I feel a sort of maternal instinct towards you girls. It's something I haven't really felt about anyone in the past. Then again, there haven't been many other females in the mansion before you two came,” she explained.

  “But there have been women here before?” I asked, swirling some bubbles around my fingers.

  “There have,” she sighed in response. “But they never stay long.”

  Bettie looked at me with a grim expression.

  “What happens to them?” asked Bettie, her eyes focused on mine.

  “They go back to where they came from,” responded Hannah. “And I'm afraid you two will do the same.”

  Feeling empathetic, I reached out and touched her hand, squeezing it in mine. Would we ever return to our homes, or were we doomed to remain here as slaves to the camera?

  Chapter Four

  Days went by all blending together, Bettie and I getting used to being in struggling scenes during the week while Claus took us out on the weekends. I found it exciting to be able to finally explore downtown London even if I was under some restriction about where I could go. We were expressly forbidden not to talk to anyone about our lives, going as far as creating fantasy worlds for us to use if anyone asked about our occupations. The night life was exhilarating for Bettie who had never been out very often whenever she was working for Theo. She seemed much happier being out amidst people, a natural social butterfly who could liven up any party at any given time.

  For Claus, it boosted his ego to have us at his side, often dressing us up in sultry outfits that showed off our curves while remaining utterly elegant. The parties we attended were typically held in someone's mansion and we would end up playing in one of their rooms, dirtying their sheets to be found in the morning. It was such an exhilarating time and we drank up every minute of it to recall fondly during the week while we slept undisturbed. While we had been sure we would only be used as play things at the beginning, a relationship developed between the three of us as Claus displayed more affection during our scenes as well as during our aftercare. Hannah would take care of us some nights and Claus would care for us on others. It became a lovely balance that encouraged us to do our best.

  I never felt indebted to them for anything. Every achievement was met with a treat and our mistakes weren't punished, at least not without the proper guidance. We had everything we could ever need as well as all the pleasure we could handle and our caretakers were nothing but generous with the wealth we generated as a result of all the compilation videos. After another few weeks, Claus gave us a week off and we weren't even sure what to do with ourselves. Much of our time was spent out in the garden or by the pool, soaking up some of the sun when England wasn't being particularly dreary. The countryside was as I had expected, full of luscious trees and flowers that went on for many miles in every direction. It made me feel peaceful to see the scenery unfold and I would take Bettie's hand while pulling her towards the maze.

  Around Thursday, we were sleep
ing peacefully in our bed when I heard a creak come from across the room. I'm not sure why it roused me or what had alerted me of the presence, but I found myself reliving the incident at Theo's where him and Norman had taken me in my bed. Hands grabbed at my shoulders, pulling me towards the door. It couldn't have been earlier than 5:00 AM, the digital clock on the mantel shining its red numbers through the darkness and watching the scene unfold. I heard Bettie cry out from the other side of the room and kicked as hard as I could, realizing this wasn't a dream.

  We were being taken.

  I flailed my arms in an effort to get loose from whoever was holding me, but their strength was immense. A hood flew over my head as I screeched for Claus, wondering where he was while this was happening just down the hall from his bedroom. It was like a maze in this huge mansion. He could be anywhere at this time of the night, like in his study or in the parlor smoking. Where were we about to end up? Were we going to disappear into the night, never to be seen again? The anxiety of not knowing was alarming and I kept kicking as we were dragged down the hall.

  The movement stopped and I couldn't tell if we were in a room, but I ended up kicking something hard while I was being sat down. My arms were now effectively tied behind me and the hood came up to reveal the sweet Bettie kneeling before me, her body bound up in rope and her eyes conveying fright. Claus was standing behind Randy who was holding up the camera.

  “Action,” he whispered.

  What were we supposed to do? Up until now, we had simply been making struggle porn without anyone else involved, and we never played with each other in front of the camera. Was this a new compilation with different elements? Claus walked around Randy and stood behind Bettie, leaning her head forward to wrap her mouth around one of my delicious nipples. As she did this, Claus dropped his pants and stood next to me while encouraging me to swallow his wand that was already standing erect. I wrapped my lips around his succulent rod and hummed, delighted to have him in my mouth again.

  This was certainly new for us. We had never been recorded while we made love and we weren't always bound when we did so. I moaned as I swallowed his shaft, tracing the length of him with a plush pink tongue. Between her teeth were my nipples that had become erect as a result of the stimulation, a moan signaling that she was enjoying the process. A hand came down to grip the hair on the back of her head, forcing her lips further down to my vulva that was beginning to grow wet. Her lips pursed to kiss my clit, digging her tongue between the lips that welcomed her warm mouth.

  Groaning, I continued to swallow my darling Claus until he pulled away, pecking my lips prior to crouching down behind our beloved Bettie to prod her insides. A moan caused my flower to vibrate in her mouth and I bayed softly as she continued to lick around the folds of skin to find my climax. Ripples of pleasure echoed through the bathroom as Randy continued to record our encounter, even commenting a few times to get Bettie's face turned or for me to open my mouth wider. I was elated to be wrapped up this way, my body fixed to the seat as Bettie dug her tongue deeper into my opening. Try as I might to roll my hips forward, the rope wouldn't allow for it and I felt my thighs tense as the lapping quickened. I could feel her shivering against my legs as Claus took her from behind, her moans ricocheting off the tile.

  They looked beautiful grinding in front of me, this pose never usually the one we end up in as I was the one who typically took the pounding. But this was amazing. I could see Bettie's face much better and could study how each penetration inspired a different expression. Some made her eyes squeeze shut and others caused her muscles to relax, a grin spreading across her face as her tongue unfurled to lick me again. I admired the way she traced every bit of my skin and wished her hands weren't occupied so she could penetrate me as well. I wanted very much to be penetrated.

  Another moan filled the air as Claus began to tense, his arm muscles bulging as he held on to Bettie's waist in order to plow deeper. Every motion became frenzied and inspired Bettie to lick faster, her head moving side to side in order to engulf my entire vulva. Bucking forward, I felt my climax build in my pelvis, rising up into my chest to appear as a loud cry. Electricity racked my limbs and inspired me to shake, giving Bettie permission to begin tensing as well. When I was finished, she buried her face into my thigh and squealed while Claus slammed into her bottom, grunting hard as he unleashed his seed all over her back.

  Panting together, Claus stood and began running the shower behind him while instructing Randy we were finished for the day. It had been frightening to be taken again, but the reward at the end was intensely fulfilling. The orgasm was completely worth being temporarily disturbed, hoping that perhaps we could all return to bed once we were done cleaning up. Claus untied Bettie and then instructed her to untie me, smiling as she dropped the rope to the ground. I rubbed my wrists. They felt raw from being burned by the rope, swearing that every time seemed to get worse as far as pain.

  Claus held out his hand to pull us into the shower and instructed us to wash him, something we weren't typically used to doing. I took his lower body as Bettie scrubbed his upper body and we each took turns standing in the stream from the shower head. An array of smells filled the air with sage and chamomile, the soaps cleansing us of the filthy scene we had just done.

  “You girls would never think of leaving me, would you?” asked Claus while running a cloth over my shoulders.

  My eyes went wide. Had he heard us talking the other day? I did have a brief discussion with Bettie about potentially returning, but that was only because Hannah had mentioned previous girls leaving the mansion to go home. It made my heart flutter to think I might return to Norman and Courtney, their touch certainly missed in this new context. A few months had passed and I hadn't heard a word from them. Was Claus keeping them from contacting me?

  “Never,” I said without hesitation even though my eyes might have betrayed me. “Why do you ask?”

  “No reason,” he whispered under the spray of water. “I'm just making sure you two are happy.”

  As he wrapped us in a sweet embrace, Bettie squeezed my arm and I could feel her shaking from across the shower. She was scared. I was feeling much the same because of how he had asked, indicating that we had potentially considered leaving without him knowing. In some ways, we had, but it wasn't in any deliberate sense. There was no way I could tell him that I missed Norman and Courtney or he might assume that I was formulating a plan to do just that. I was, for the most part, happy in this situation. I got everything I wanted. Bettie was with me.

  I didn't need anything else, right?

  After our community shower, we were walked back to our room and tucked neatly into the bed, the tightness of the sheets around my shoulders causing me a brief panic. Claus kissed us and said to rest for a few hours before getting up for breakfast, saying he wanted to treat us. He left and I rolled over to embrace sweet Bettie who was sniffling across the bed.

  “Don't cry,” I whispered. “There's no reason to cry, sweetheart.”

  “There's every reason to cry. We might not ever be able to leave,” she whispered.

  “No, but it's not so bad here,” I responded.

  “It's okay,” she said.

  I rubbed her back as consolation. Part of me was worried that she was right, that we would never leave, but why would we need to? I grappled with my inner desire to remain spoiled in lavish company and my need to have Norman back in my life. If there was a potential to go back, I wanted to take it, even if it meant leaving Bettie behind. But I couldn't do that. She meant the world to me.

  Could I do that?

  Chapter Five

  The next afternoon was relatively boring as we didn't have much to do, so Bettie and I took to exploring the rooms of the mansion. We started on the first floor next to the dining hall and were surprised to find stunning collections of furniture. There was a great deal of art decorating one of the front rooms of which we admired for some time before moving on. Each room had been artistically rendered to represent
a season, largely covered in wallpaper and different items pertinent to that particular theme. Fall was comprised of bronze leaves and dead oak trees, the walls crawling with all sorts of branches and an appealing path that seemed to lead into a fantasy land. I wished that we could crawl into the picture and walk hand-in-hand into oblivion. It was a strange thought that caught me off guard as I was sure I'd be happy here if I tried. But why would I need to try?

  We were assured paradise and, in some ways, we had it. Claus provided all of our needs and more than that, giving us new clothes every week as the older ones went out of style. Most women would do more than we have done to be in this position and I should feel thankful to be where I am without much harm. Our situation could have been much worse, I muttered, trying to convincing myself. I assumed my spoiled nature was likely a result of the situation and dumped the thought deep into my memory bank while pushing “delete” in order to rid myself of the feeling. I shouldn't be so ungrateful, yet how could I deceive myself into being ‘okay’ with the fact that I am here against my will, though the accommodations are far beyond my wildest dreams.

  As we entered the winter room, we were met by an array of blues and whites that sparkled bright in the sun-filled room. I traced snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, admiring how the light filtered through the glass and caused rainbows to dance across the floor. Bettie was giggling.

  “It's beautiful, Sammy,” she whispered while touching a few glass figures of skates in the snow. “I wonder who did these designs. They're impeccable.”

  I nodded at the comment and smiled, taking her hand in mine.

  “Let's keep exploring. We still have the entire second floor,” I said.


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