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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 17

by Lucy Lixx

  Her face went dark.

  “But his room...” she whispered.

  “Is off limits,” I finished. “We'll avoid it. I promise.”

  She hesitated when I tugged her hand, but gave in as I reassured her that everything would be fine. I was mildly worried about us getting caught, as it could potentially lead to punishment. However, my curiosity was taking over and we had nothing else to do except lie in bed. Boredom trumped any of the consequences. As we made our way up the familiar staircase, Bettie mentioned what Claus had said the first time we were shown to our rooms.

  “Sammy, he warned us not to explore the other rooms. I remember him distinctly saying so,” she whispered when we got to the top.

  “I don't remember that,” I responded, trying to recall the first day.

  My memory was a haze of rope, dresses, and camera flashes. I did recall him saying something of that sort on the first day, but I wasn't sure if I had been hearing things. We were kidnapped, ravished, and dined. When I tried to recall anything, it came in bits and pieces strung together like dreams. I couldn't tell what was fantasy or reality and I blamed that on our constantly working bodies.

  “Please, let's just go back downstairs and play a game. I'm sure that's fine. We can play cards,” she begged.

  “Bettie, I want to know what's up here. Don't you?” I asked, turning to peer into her dark eyes.

  They were filled with fright. I didn't want her to be upset, yet I couldn't reconcile my desire to know more about the man we were staying with.

  “Aren't you curious about who this man really is?” I asked.

  “Why are you so adamant to learn?” she asked in response.

  I sighed.

  “Because we have to be here, so we might as well get to know him,” I replied while turning to continue our journey.

  “Well, then ask questions instead of rummaging through his private things. I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you about anything,” said Bettie, following close and peering around.

  “What if he's not telling the truth?” I asked as I opened the door closest to our room. “We'll never know unless we look for ourselves.”

  Bettie let out an elongated sigh and I squeezed her hand, pulling her into the room and then closing the door behind us. Shelves lined the wall on the left and a television was set up on the right with a couch in front of it. It appeared to be where all the editing took place, but there was no computer in the area. Maybe it was just a viewing room.

  I touched the videos, noticing that many of them were covered in dust. Why was Claus still using tapes? It seemed counterproductive to supplying their audience with fresh material as transferring taped footage was archaic compared to the new technology that offered better editing options and faster uploads. Why were these tapes here? I squinted at the unlabeled plastic and then plucked one off the shelf, walking to the television to pop it in. The digital numbers on the bottom dated the tape to April 7, 1999. Much of the footage was rather fuzzy and I tried to make out the finer details while Bettie came to my side.

  “We shouldn't be doing this,” she whispered.

  “Shhh. It's fine,” I snapped.

  While shifting from one foot to the other, she watched the tape with me and pulled at my hand a couple of times in order to get my attention.

  “Bettie, chill,” I said sharply. “Seriously.”



  “Are you girls enjoying your little viewing party?” asked a voice from the doorway.

  I turned to find Claus taking up the entirety of the frame, his shoulders stretching and nearly touching the wood. His arms were crossed over his chest as if he had found two defiant little girls making a mess of food in the kitchen sink and his face brimmed with discontent. As I attempted to explain what we were doing, Claus raised a hand to silence me, causing me to inhale sharply and tense up.

  “Was I not clear when I said not to enter the other rooms on this floor?” he asked, folding his arms back over his chest.

  “Yes, sir,” replied Bettie. “But Samantha insisted that we--”

  “Hush,” he said sternly. “And bend over the couch.”

  Bettie and I exchanged terrified glances before Claus frightened us into action, shouting for us to lift our dresses and remain perfectly still. What was he going to do? Up until this point, we had given our bodies readily to whatever he demanded of them, but I couldn't help feeling deja vu while lying over the edge of the couch. I looked over at Bettie. The fear on her face alerted me that something was definitely amiss, that we were likely about to face a world of pain. It felt like I had when I stumbled into Theo's office.

  And it made me excited, though anxiety and terror raked through me.

  I listened to Claus walk over to the closet and rummage through a few things to procure what he needed. My bottom was taut with anticipation, cool air hitting the skin as the air conditioner clicked on and blew in our direction. Bettie took my hand. Part of me tried to formulate an argument that would let Bettie off the hook seeing as I could take it better than she, but in reality a sick part of me craved the pain which was sure to ensure. In my own twisted way, I just wanted Claus to myself for a little bit. But I knew that there was no way he’d exonerate either one of us from whatever game of pain he was soon to brandish upon us, his so-called ‘lesson in obedience’. I reconciled myself to the ‘Group Play’ that would ensue and the painful pleasure that was sure to follow. It would take a lot to divide my attention between Claus and Bettie even though it can be intensely rewarding. I miss the days when I could have one man to myself.

  “It was my idea,” I said from the other side of the cushions. “Bettie resisted.”

  “As she should have,” replied Claus while sauntering over to our exposed bottoms.

  He ran his hand over my skin, my thighs twitching beneath his touch.

  “But both of you must be punished,” he said.

  “Please, just let her off this time with a warning. She doesn't deserve to be punished for what I did,” I pleaded.

  Clicking his tongue, Claus rubbed his fingers down my panties and circled around my opening before sliding his hand up my spine to my hair. He grabbed a chunk and pulled my head back, pressing his lips close to my ear so Bettie couldn't hear what he was saying.

  “I didn't expect this behavior out of you. I'm heavily disappointed, little maus. You shall take more lashes than your sister, but it will not save her from being spanked,” he said.

  Upon hearing his words, I gripped the cushions under me. It had been a while since my bottom had been laid into. The pleasure hadn't been offered since we arrived, but then again there wasn't much we needed to be corrected about until now. Most of our activities consisted of pleasing the camera or pleasing Claus and we seemed to be doing a fantastic job at keeping him happy. As his fingers danced across my skin, I ached with anticipation. I love the way the torture feels. Every particle of my body braced for the blow against my bottom and every minute spent in hot anticipation only caused my thighs to twitch and shudder beneath his touch.

  Let me feel it, I begged silently. I want your fury show.

  Defying him made me feel powerful. Even though he was delivering punishment, I was still getting what I wanted out of the ordeal. The rush of the sting was intensely pleasurable and I uttered a bay as his instrument came down on my vulnerable bottom. He took turns patting us intermittently, only pausing to rub the irritated flesh. Bettie whimpered while gripping my hand and turned with tears in her eyes to beg me to make him stop. I wished hard that she might find some pleasure in his authoritative hand, that perhaps she would use this as a tool for her own bliss, because pain could be a wonderful inspiration for satisfaction. Brushing her hair aside, I whispered that she would be alright. Claus slapped my hand away from her head.

  “You can comfort your sister later. Endure the pain, little girl,” he said sternly as he struck us once more. “It won't be long now.”

  After a few more wh
acks that inspired a slew of moans to erupt from my throat, Claus put away whatever he had been using to torture us and then rubbed our bottoms while shushing Bettie. Her tears were freely falling now, silently hitting the cushions of the couch. I wiped them away and pulled her in for a hug.

  “Go to your room and don't come out until dinner,” instructed Claus while pulling us up from our positions. “I don't want to hear a sound.”

  We lowered our heads and walked to the door quietly, the only sound filling the room that of the door squeaking open. As soon as we reached our room, Bettie collapsed into my arms as the tears silently traced the ridges of her face. She looked worn. I soothed her for a moment before having her lie on the bed, retrieving some lotion from the dresser to place upon her braised bottom. There was nothing I could think of that might bring a smile to her face, so I remained silent as I comforted her skin, only speaking to ask if she could return the favor.

  What else was there to say?

  Chapter Six

  A few days after our insubordinate behavior, Claus wrapped us in a hug and said he forgave us for the incident. I wanted to ask about the tapes, but didn't want to push my luck. It made me wonder how long he had been running this strange trade and whether his entire wealth was based on the women being tortured in those videos. A market certainly existed for the quality videos he provided. I didn't doubt it was incredibly lucrative.

  Claus seemed particularly excited on this day, binding us in our usual restraints and setting us up in the room next to the dining hall. Our harnesses were fixed around our bodies and then our hands were bound to the front, leaving our legs free to kick around if we wanted. Eyes lit up with delight as he fixed our hair and instructed us that we were doing another struggling scene.

  “This one will be different,” said Claus while pulling my hair back. “Expect a surprise.”

  Humming, he stepped out of view and waved his hands while saying, “Action!”

  Bettie and I went about our typical routine of moving about on the floor, trying to appear frightened and struggling against our ropes. As the minutes passed, I listened around the room for any unusual movement, preparing for us to be kidnapped at any given point during the scene. The door flew open on the opposite side of the room and light flooded the dim room, causing me a brief moment of blindness. A man stood in the doorway wearing a ski mask. His shoulders took up most of the light, his chest broad and muscular beneath the tight black shirt. Claus rushed him into the scene without saying a word, Bettie squealing through her gag as the stranger approached and took her hips.

  It was erotic watching her get penetrated, the man taking his time to be gentle with her skin that was still sore from our punishment the other day. Watching caused me to pause my struggling and I became encapsulated by the scene, hoping that this gargantuan man might take me next. As if hearing my thoughts, he scooted Bettie next to me and reached over to stroke my vulva which inspired me to pull against my binds. His touch was wonderful. An array of amorous emotions washed over my body as he caressed my skin, dipping down beneath my folds to push into my secret passage where I harbored my love for someone else. Could he feel that?

  Eyes trailed over my body as he did this, the mask hiding the expressions on his face. I wondered where he came from until he pushed two fingers inside of me and rubbed my clit with his thumb, causing me to buck forward and drop my barriers. It was such a familiar and loving hand that breached every defense. I held no desire to push him away and allowed him every passionate response that came naturally. Withdrawing from Bettie, he beguiled me with his tool that he used to tease my shivering skin, laying my leg over my sister who turned to look at me. Her eyes spoke thousands of words and yet the space between us was muted. A world of emotions emanated from her gaze that appeared drunk, eyes fluttering as the man continued to please her with his fingers.

  Seeing her satisfied made me happy because I knew that she deserved every bit of pleasure given to her. I held her gaze while the stranger penetrated my warm chasm, a small grin forming beneath the gag occupying her mouth as he picked up a rhythm that inspired waves of heat to ripple across my body. I arched my back to better accept his girth and accepted each ardent roll of his hips into my thighs. Dazed, I found myself slipping into a fantasy where my back was pressed against moist soil and my ears were filled with the sound of rushing water. When I opened my eyes, I looked around at the delectable green leaves above my head and listened to the rustling of branches in the wind. It was a gorgeous place to be ravished, my body grinding against the stranger to the beat of a silent drum that matched the rhythm of my heart. Bettie was still beside me in wondrous bliss, eyes half-mast and teeth biting the gag.

  A hand circled my neck and applied pressure in intervals with every penetration. Bettie hummed through her gag as he coaxed her abandon, her head shaking side to side as a tide of convulsions took over her body. The stranger chuckled at this display, his hand stroking in a frenzy against her delicious skin. From my neck, he trailed down to my breast, taking the soft hill of skin in his hand as he dove deeper inside my hidden fields. His delectable wand explored the texture within and inspired a brief bout of purring while Bettie continued to shake beside me. As her shoulder bumped into mine, I alerted them both of my incoming glory with a fit of panting and eye rolling. The engulfing emotion sent me reeling forward and my thighs tensed while he permeated my feminine portal, each thrust sending molten waves of satisfaction throughout my body.

  It made me lose all sense of time, watching as the extravagant green fantasy scene dissipated into the background. No one could make me lose reality in that way. No one except--

  “Hello, sweet girl,” said the stranger.

  My eyes were wide as I stared up at his face, the mask having been peeled away during my orgasmic fit. It was Norman! Those beautiful pools of color were staring down at my relaxed body that had slumped against the carpet. Hands reached out to stroke my hair and lips came to kiss me, removing the gag from my mouth as a sob racked my body. Nothing else in the world existed. Not time, not Claus, not Bettie. Nothing. I was teeming with utter rapture as he untied me from my binds, arms begging for him to hurry so I could wrap them around him. Where had he been this entire time? Why hadn't he called? All of these questions filled my mind as I embraced his brazen body that shuddered as he lifted me from the ground.

  My true master is here, I thought as I cried. I can't believe he's actually here.

  Sobs continued to rattle my body as he carried me away from the scene and up the stairs to my room where he laid me in a warm tub of water. He rubbed a cloth over my sore muscles, another pair of hands appearing to massage my shoulders. I looked up to find Courtney smiling with red lips, blonde locks falling down into her face and tickling my cheeks.

  “I missed you so much!” I cried as they bathed me. “Why did you leave me here?”

  I felt droplets land on my neck and face, noticing that Courtney was beginning to cry as well. The reason for their appearance didn't faze me because all I wanted was to be wrapped between them just like we had done before. I begged for them to take me back to Chicago with them to which Norman responded that he couldn't.

  “I'll take my old job back. I'll do everything you ask and more. Just please take me with you,” I urged while the tears mixed with the bath water.

  “I can't do that, darling. You have to stay here. Who will watch over Bettie?” asked Norman.

  “Can't Bettie come along, too?” I asked in response.

  Norman looked at Courtney who didn't respond, knowing ultimately that the decision was his. Did they even have room for me? Did they meet someone else? I couldn't understand this game. It made me exhausted trying to piece everything together after all this time. So many nights I had spent dreaming of their beautiful bodies intertwined with mine and I wanted to take back every bratty thing I had ever done to him.

  “We'll have to discuss that with Claus. He's your new owner and you've been good to him,” said Norman.
/>   “But I want you back,” I blubbered.

  His arms flexed as he scrubbed my feet. I could tell the entire conversation was agitating him, but what did he expect? Out of nowhere, he visits with his wife and just expects me to accept it without question. Was this another test of my obedience? As soon as I thought that, I dropped the conversation entirely and apologized, my head hanging low as Courtney massaged my scalp. They whispered soothing phrases and then helped me from the tub to dry off, Courtney pulling me to the closet and telling me to pick out something extra nice.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as I rummaged through the expensive designer dresses.

  “To a restaurant and maybe somewhere for drinks,” responded Norman.

  “We want to treat you to a night without any expectations,” said Courtney.

  I smiled warmly and took her hand in mine.

  “That sounds wonderful,” I whispered.

  As I pulled on a dress, Norman updated me on their life and what they were doing. Courtney had started modeling with a wonderful company in Chicago and it made me happy to hear that. Her beauty surpassed my own and I had always pictured her posing on the cover of designer magazines. A new client had started a contract with the company and Norman was making an incredible amount of money on that contract alone. I missed typing up his memos and taking phone calls. I had once dreamed of a fantastic life of luxury outside of that dreadful office, but now it beckoned me to return.

  I didn't need all these designer dresses and feasts to fill my time. I would take all the horrible clients, all the overtime hours, all the papers and files and squeaking computer chairs. It would take me a lifetime to gain the kind of wealth that they had, but I would trade all of this opulent living I had just to be with them for the remainder of my years. Everything would go to them. All of me would be in their possession.

  When I had finished applying make-up, they each took an arm on either side of me and we walked out to a black car that drove us into town. We spent the majority of the evening eating our fill of wonderful food, drinking champagne, and dancing in a decadent club. It was just like any other evening spent together. Courtney and I playfully fooled around in the restroom where she whispered sweet nothings and Norman fondled me beneath the table next to the dance floor. Everything was perfect. Stars danced above us and bodies writhed on the marble floor. Time stopped and allowed for us to laugh and kiss, our eyes glittering with hope that the night wouldn't end.


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