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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 18

by Lucy Lixx

  I never wanted this to end.

  Chapter Seven

  The night Norman and Courtney had come was still fresh in my mind as I got off the phone. Norman had called. Having the opportunity to speak with my first family surprised me as I didn't think Claus would allow it, but he insisted.

  “Call your family whenever you aren't working. I think it would be good for you,” he said while patting my head. “But understand that you still belong to me.”

  “Yes, sir,” I responded while cradling the phone in my hand.

  It was like gold. The most treasured thing in my world had become a telephone, something I didn't think I would ever like to be without. Whenever it rang, my heart would pound madly well into the conversation and I would cry after hanging up. I didn't want to be without them. What was I going to do? As I sobbed to Bettie about my inner dilemma, she massaged my back and then started playing with my hair.

  “If you miss him that much, why don't you leave and go back?” she asked.

  “Bettie, we can't do that,” I replied.

  “What is keeping us here other than Claus? We're not under contract. I don't think he can legally keep us here forever,” she explained.

  “You're right. How would we even pull that off? I can't imagine we could pack our bags and walk out the front door,” I said.

  “Well, we could always sneak out at night,” she suggested.

  “I would expect that sort of plan to come from me,” I teased.

  Bettie giggled.

  “I think you're rubbing off on me,” she said while stroking my neck. “Which I don't mind.”

  While chuckling, I turned to embrace her body and she met me with a kiss as her fingers trailed down my torso. The sensation inspired a flew of goosebumps to ripple across my stomach, causing me to hum while our lips danced. It had been a while since we had the chance to play alone. It made me elated. While we had a performance later, I could feel the tension building between my thighs as sneaky hands lifted the hem of my skirt to fondle my delicate petals.

  As her fingers penetrated my folds, I reached down into her jeans to slide over the soaked panties, pulling them aside to allow her juices to flow freely. She moaned into my ear and leaned forward to get a better view of my darling rose that she was rubbing, humming while she admired the view. Low, sultry and incoherent mews came from my lips as she stroked my insides, exploring the place Norman had been many days prior. I was warm and wet, fingers pushing into my special button that made me squeak and writhe on the sheets. In a matter of moments, our clothes were tossed from the bed and lips sought the dark corners of each other that solicited all manner of moans and twitches.

  My tongue unfurled to greet her bud as her mouth pressed between my legs. I could feel her pulsing beneath my touch, every feathery stroke an absolute delight as we carefully traced the skin of the other. I pressed two fingers into her beautiful chasm, watching with joy as her breasts rose and fell in a gasping rhythm. We were poised on opposite sides with mouths full of delicious honey, lips sucking and pulling delicate skin that ached for release. Spreading her petals aside allowed my tongue to dive deeper where squeaks erupted from the folds beneath. I continued to probe in a slow, repetitive motion that made her thighs shudder, inspiring her fingers to dive deeper while her mouth devoured my bud.

  Quiet sensuality brewed between us as we drank our fill of each other, our mews rising high over our bodies and filling the room. My climax was just over the horizon, just beyond her fingers pulsing inside my body that caused me to shake violently. I could hardly keep up with her flower that was teeming with fluid, each stroke eliciting more to gush from her delectable opening. I savored every drop, licking my fill of it until she began to convulse. The two fingers occupying my opening slid faster as my hips rolled forward until we both were shaking across the bed.

  Spent from our passionate kissing session, we collapsed upon the pillows as our lips continued to trace shivering skin, my body throbbing with the delightful energy of my orgasm. Bettie was gorgeous when she was happy. I could tell the encounter had left her brimming with satisfaction and joy.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “That really helped me to relax.”

  Bettie smiled while kissing my hand.

  “You're welcome,” she whispered.

  “Should we even bother cleaning up?” I joked as I stood from the bed.

  “Well, maybe a little bit,” she replied. “But we are just going to get dirty again.”

  I laughed.

  Perhaps a quick shower would be fine to meet with Claus. We knew we had to meet in one of the themed rooms for a recording session, another with Claus involved in front of the camera. I didn't want us to smell like sweat, but I also didn't want to take two showers in the same day. It was exhausting struggling in front of a camera and adding sex to the mix always made it much dirtier than usual. I threw my hair into a bun and turned the nob for the shower, waiting as the water warmed up. Bettie came up behind me and hugged my shoulders.

  “Are you ready for today?” I asked as I stepped into the warm stream of water.

  “I don't think I'm ever ready,” she responded, following close behind. “Sometimes it sucks the fun out of having sex.”

  “I find it hot that we're being recorded,” I commented.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Of course. I always had fantasies about being watched while I masturbated. It was mostly about Norman, but I think it's the same idea,” I explained.

  “That's interesting. I didn't think I liked women until Theo started introducing them to me. It was thrilling whenever I went down on them,” she whispered. “I didn't know it could be that rewarding.”

  A sly smile crossed my lips and I pecked her cheek, rubbing her thigh.

  “You're beautiful when you cum. Do you know that?” I said.

  Bettie blushed.

  “Sammy, you're too kind,” she said shyly.

  “I'm serious. You make the most amazing expressions, and the way you shake just makes me want to explode,” I said.

  An uncontrollable giggle erupted from her gut and she covered her mouth, unsure how to accept the compliment.

  “Well, thank you,” she whispered after her snickering fit.

  “You're welcome, darling,” I said in response.

  As I rinsed my face, Bettie scrubbed her body, the shower large enough to fit the two of us comfortably. The shower head was rather hefty, spraying enough water to cover the both of us without having to take turns stepping in its stream. When we were finished, we got ready to go downstairs, a silence falling over us as we pulled on pretty dresses. I wasn't sure which room we were supposed to be in as Claus hadn't informed us. I figured we would just wander around until we found where we needed to be.

  Downstairs, Claus met us in the hallway which was a relief. The last time we had wandered, we had gotten into trouble. I didn't want to repeat that incident even though the spanking had been intensely arousing. Hugging us close, Claus asked if we were having a good day.

  “Yes, we are,” said Bettie.

  “Are you ready to get to work?” he asked.

  “Of course,” I responded.

  “Good. We're doing our usual routine. Go inside and get undressed. I'll be there shortly,” he said while heading down the hall.

  I watched him walk away and wondered about whether he would notice if I left right now. Bettie was right. There wasn't much keeping us here except Claus who didn't have anything to hold over us. We had been given unsuspectingly to this man who had ended up being genuinely sweet, but also relatively secret and mysterious. I found it attractive that he was filled with such adventure even as it frightened me that his intentions were not entirely clear. Were we merely his porn stars? His toys? Did he care about us more than that? At least with Norman I could tell that he cared.

  But did he really care if he easily gave me to someone else?

  My cyclical thinking was giving me a headache, so I pushed all of those thought
s out of my mind in order to focus on the task in front of me. I readied the harnesses on our bodies, making some small chat with Randy as he set up his camera.

  “How long have you been working for Claus?” I asked, fixing the rope around Bettie's waist.

  “The past five years. I make him videos of most anything and we run our own website,” responded Randy.

  “How much do you make?” I asked.

  “Maybe five grand a month,” he replied.

  My eyes went wide.

  “Seriously?” I asked.

  Randy laughed.

  “Absolutely. Sex sells,” he commented.

  Bettie and I giggled as Claus entered the room, looking between the three of us with confusion. I was about to explain the joke until he walked over to tie our hands together, looping my harness with hers. We were fastened at the wrists which made it difficult to move around. I hope we're about to sit somewhere. As I looked around the winter room, Claus directed us to the hearth where a small fire was lit. It made the room glow with orange light, the flames warming our naked bodies and comforting our cool skin as we got comfortable.

  This particular scene was pretty generic save for the fact that Bettie and I were tied together. After it was over, Hannah came to collect us. Her beautiful face was such a relief to see as I hadn't seen her in a number of days, her presence made apparent only by the perfume that wafted across the hall from her bedroom.

  “Where have you been?” I asked as she helped us up the steps.

  “I was reflecting,” she responded, holding my hand tightly.

  “About what?” asked Bettie.

  Hannah turned to see if Claus had followed us.

  “Something secret,” she whispered while pulling us into the room.

  As she ran our bath, she told us about her love affair with the camera man.

  “Randy? You're in love with Randy?” asked Bettie from the tub.

  “Yes. You must promise me not to say a word to Claus of this,” she warned, raising a red nail in the air to point. “You are hereby sworn to secrecy.”

  We both nodded, bubbles sliding off our shoulders and landing into the warm water. I wrapped my legs around Bettie.

  “I need you to help me. We're planning on leaving tonight, but I need Claus to be distracted. Can you do this for me, my darlings?” she asked, peering deep into our eyes.

  “But how?” I asked. “And why are you leaving?”

  “Claus is a wonderful man with a great mind, but he has no room for me in his life. Work and play consume him. He's not who he used to be,” she explained. “I'm not who I used to be. I was his shining star back in the day and now I'm nothing but a barely sparkling moon.”

  “No,” Bettie piped up. “You're gorgeous.”

  Hannah smiled warmly.

  “You're sweet, but it's not the same. He prefers girls like you and I need more attention than he can give,” she said.

  “Can you take us with you?” I asked, taking her hand in mine. “Please. I want to be with my previous owner. It aches to miss him so badly.”

  A sorrowful look crossed her face and she lowered her gaze, squeezing my hand hard.

  “I'm afraid we can't,” she replied. “But I might be able to help in the future. You must help me first so I can help you.”

  I sighed. It was our best bet and I was willing to take the chance. If it would lead me to my dearest Norman, then I would take it and I would make sure to take Bettie with me. I swore to myself not to leave her behind and asked how we would distract Claus, our whispers taking up the rest of our bath time.

  Chapter Eight

  After our bath with Hannah, she excused herself to secretly pack as Bettie and I got ready for dinner. It made me nervous to think we had to face Claus alone, that our plan might be sniffed out if Claus shoved his nose too close. Perhaps this was all a test. Had Claus put Hannah up to this task? I trusted that she wasn't lying because I knew that our lives were incredibly complicated and emotions can lead to paths never before taken. Attraction was such a fleeting thing sometimes and I found myself understanding this as time went on. For example, I felt attracted to Claus, but I didn't love him like I did Norman. My bond with Norman was still strong enough to make my chest swell with anticipation. Claus couldn't make me do that.

  In the dining hall, Bettie and I sat across from Claus wearing plastic smiles in between sips of wine. He had pulled out a bottle of Merlot that was absolutely delectable, but left my mouth feeling particularly dry. A light conversation ensued that didn't hold my interest, so I let Bettie carry most of it which wasn't typical of us. I was usually the chatty one and it was nice to have a break from making such elaborate discussions out of thin air. Both Bettie and Claus held different interests and I was blessed to have enough knowledge to carry nearly any conversation from politics to sports. When silence fell over the three of us, I took that moment to ask Claus if he wouldn't mind joining us later in our quarters.

  “For what, my sweet little maus?” he cooed from across the table.

  I flashed him my most flirtatious smile and winked over my wine glass.

  “For some fun,” I replied sweetly after taking a sip.

  Claus raised his glass and encouraged the two of us to join him.

  “A toast,” he declared. “To our wonderful relationship.”

  Bettie and I raised our glasses to his and then we drank our fill. I hoped the wine calmed my nerves enough for me to go through with this because my heart was practically beating out of my chest. I swear he could hear it. Holding his gaze, I took another huge gulp and then smiled politely as I continued to eat my food. The conversation continued for another ten minutes until we were done eating and the servants collected our plates, asking if we would like dessert. Cake sounded like a fantastic way to keep Claus from returning to the second floor, so I said yes.

  A luscious chocolate cake was brought to the table where we each took a slice, commenting on how delicious the confection appeared. It was likely the best cake I had ever tasted in my life as the texture was rich and the taste was perfection. If this was what deception tasted like, I wouldn't be opposed to eating it all the time! Part of me still felt guilty because Claus was about to lose his wife and potentially us. He had been such a kind and generous man, yet his methods of conducting our engagements were strange and I still vied for Norman and Courtney. What else was I supposed to do in this situation?

  Bellies full of food, the three of us left the dining hall and went upstairs with our arms intertwined. It was lovely feeling satisfied, but I knew what we were about to do was treason. Bettie giggled loudly which brought me out of my thoughts and reminded me to be extra vigilant. My head was dizzy. I think I had too much wine. As we stumbled into our bedroom, Claus tossed us to the bed and we rolled around while giving each other kisses before tearing away clothing. Immediately, he took me from behind and pushed his rod into my portal where he dove deep into my flesh, the sensation causing me to gasp as I pulled Bettie towards me.

  Her legs opened to reveal the beautiful vulva I had come to love and I opened my mouth to devour the delectable folds of skin. As I lapped and licked my way into her nectarous release, Claus gripped my hips as he rammed into my porcelain skin, my grunts louder than usual. It seemed being vocal pleased him, so I continued to let the sounds roll off my tongue to vibrate my darling sister's skin. Hands gripped my hair while my tongue flowed over her moist folds, absorbing every bit of energy that I gave her. Our motions synced together and I was licking as fast as Claus was plowing, encouraging a collective release that came rather quickly.

  Fingers came down to caress my clit as he continued to pump into my bottom, every circular motion inspiring elongated moans to escape my lips. Each penetrating dive made me shiver and shake, a rush of endorphins flooding every corner of my body with bliss. As our moment arrived, a chorus of moans filled the air and everybody shook with delight. A cuddle pile ensued where hands reached for sweating skin that shuddered with giggles and gasps
. I was so engulfed with the moment that I had nearly forgotten the plan and had to jump from the bed to prevent Claus from leaving the room.

  “I shall return, maus,” he said while stroking my cheek. “Do not fret.”

  I grabbed his shirt.

  “But sir,” I whispered sweetly while trying to catch my breath. “You hardly cuddled us at all.”

  “Yes, come to bed,” called Bettie from behind.

  Claus looked between the two of us, his smile fading from his lips.

  “I shall return,” he said sternly. “Stay put.”

  As he left, Bettie reached her hand out and called me to the bed, whispering that she was scared Hannah hadn't left in time.

  “Do you think he knows?” I asked as quietly as possible.

  “I pray he doesn't,” she replied while squeezing my hand.

  The anticipation was frightening. Only silence came from the other side of the door as Bettie and I listened with intensity to what might be happening. We hadn't heard any noise during our passionate moment, but then again we were being extra vocal as to mask the sounds of Hannah and Randy escaping. I hoped hard that she had grabbed everything she needed. An abrupt bang caused Bettie and I a start which forced our bodies together, hangs gripping each other hard as we listened to what might come next. It sounded like Claus had discovered his wife missing. Heavy footsteps came quickly up the hall and to the door, panic causing me to tremble against my sweet sister.

  As the door opened, the two of us reeled back on the bed while raising our arms, hoping that Claus would wait for us to turn over in order to strike – but it wasn't Claus. Standing tall in the center of the doorway was my darling Norman, his face sweating and his shirt disheveled. He held out his hand.


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