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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 26

by Lucy Lixx

  Studying my surroundings while listening to the cries of pleasure put me under an intoxicating spell. I had been curious from the start, but his voice had enticed me the rest of the way into the sweet bliss of darkness. It seemed he was guiding me towards my decision with words alone and I felt utterly comforted by the intimate tones. He beckoned me with his eyes as his arms stretched out to the writhing bodies, a chorus of moans following the movements of his hands.

  “I want it,” I whispered underneath the symphony of gratification. “I do.”

  “Good girl,” said the man while taking off his mask. “Welcome to the underground.”

  Chapter Three

  As the man dropped his robes, shock took over my features and I gasped at the sight of Colin standing nude in front of me. His chiseled body glistened with oil, the fire from the torches reflecting all over his chest and glittering down to his delectable manhood that, while not erect, was enormous. I groaned at the sight, my eyes fluttering as my body threatened to faint. Colin caught me before my head hit the table and propped me up against his chest as he untied my ankles. He gripped my hips and pulled me into him, cradling my head in his hands.

  “What is this?” I asked weakly.

  “Your extra credit,” Colin replied with a mischievous grin. “And your agreement to this means everything even though I'm going to take you whether you like it or not.”

  “I want it,” I whispered through drunken lips. “I want all of you.”

  After I agreed, Colin strapped my wrists down to the table and kept my legs free to grip, positioning himself between my aching thighs as he lifted my gown. While ripping off my thong, he announced to the dancing bodies around us that he was initiating me into their circle of pleasure, that my flower would soon be met with the fruition of their great leader. The energy in the room shifted as the participants gathered to watch, eyes and mouths open to seeing him take me. Colin ran curious fingers up the length of my torso, pushing the fabric of my dress away to reveal two supple breasts waiting to be licked. His mouth devoured each of my nipples and his hand caressed the small of my back, forcing it to arch as he penetrated my delicate rose petals.

  A bay escaped my lips as I accepted his girth, the wonderful pressure it caused tickling my insides and sending goose bumps up to my breasts. Colin cupped my breasts and plunged deep, my moans exciting the watchers around us and sending them back into a hectic sexual frenzy. My legs entangled with his as his tool explored my garden, marking the areas deep within where he would hopefully return. His kiss promised fulfillment as his lips greeted mine and I opened my mouth for his tongue to unfurl. Sucking his tongue gently, a series of soft moans echoed between our dueling mouths and I pulled at the rope above me. Another thrust brought on a flurry of emotions all mixed into the desire to be plowed only by him. I wondered if he would share me with the rest of the group and whether I would enjoy it. Hearing them groaning about our grinding bodies was enough to titillate my senses, enticing me to join their romp.

  Even in the haze of sounds, I was focused solely on him and his erect tool, his hips colliding with my thighs as he lifted my legs up into the air. A hand wrapped around my throat and applied pressure while his lips danced near my ear.

  “You're mine,” he whispered as he pumped. “You will be loaned to others temporarily, but you are always going to be mine.”

  My heart fluttered at the sound, a tickling sensation growing in my gut as he plowed ever deeper into my silky flesh. Our bodies molded into one as he mapped my skin with hands that moved in a trance, lips landing wherever they pleased and taking little bites after absorbing the skin. I was absolutely astonished by his presence, his weight rocking my body across the table as he perceived my every desire with his tongue. As I pulled harder on the ropes, the sensation in my pelvis expanded to my chest and rose in a passionate tide over us, cries winding up like smoke into the air and spreading across the room.

  I couldn't contain it any longer and allowed the feeling to explode. Sparks rippled across my torso and down my legs, causing them to shake against Colin. Seeing my eruption inspired his own, his eyes rolling up and his mouth expanding to release the moans trapped in his body. He rapidly pounded into my flower and proceeded to growl, the animal within making a brief appearance as he clawed my flesh. Shivering, I collapsed against the table and Colin fell on top of my spent form, panting from our amazing performance. The crowd around us clapped from their bent positions and echoed encouragements for more, but Colin insisted that he wanted his little princess rested before the next event.

  They untied my wrists from the table and allowed me to walk freely, admiring my dress and smoothing their hands over the silk. I felt like royalty. Between the blissful orgasm and the adulation from the group, I was absolutely beside myself with pleasure. Each hand that caressed my body gave me a zap of energy, their touch inspiring confidence and joy. Colin took my hand as we walked through the crowd, the naked bodies parting to create a path just for us. My ego couldn't have inflated more while watching their heads bow to the two of us and I felt honored to be part of such an occasion.

  In the hall, Colin gathered his clothes and dressed himself before taking my hands in his. He studied my eyes just as he did in the giant room, the greens sparkling in the dim light from the ceiling and appearing to glow. I tried to think of something meaningful to say, perhaps a thanks for the invitation and for exposing me to this new lifestyle, but it seemed so dry and empty in that moment. Nothing could express the gratitude growing in my gut as a result of this wonderful night and his comforting touch. I couldn't quite gather my thoughts from the previous scene as I had been so lost in it that I had forgotten who I was. There was no comparison to that fleeting feeling, the wonderful darkness that had taken me then had offered its wings as shelter. If there was ever another moment like this, I hoped it was with Colin.

  “Are you alright, little one?” he asked in the hushed silence of the hallway.

  “I'm wonderful,” I said, gripping his hands in mine.

  “Remember what I said and never see anyone else,” he explained while pulling me towards the door. “There is no one except me. I am your god now.”

  “I willingly worship the ground you walk,” I replied.

  Stopping abruptly, Colin flung me to the ground and stood over me, his silhouette blocking most of the light shining from the lamp above. He appeared to be an angry deity in that moment, the halo around his head shining like a fiery aura. I laid my head upon the ground next to his shoes while staring up at him.

  “Would you kiss the ground where I've stepped?” he asked, his form looming over me.

  “I would, sir. Every step,” I responded.

  “Do it,” he commanded.

  Without hesitation, I began to kiss the tile floor that had likely been walked over a thousand times or more. It was probably covered in all manner of filth, but I considered it to be gold beneath his feet, his presence curing it of any disgusting grime. He had the same effect on me. My body was renewed by his touch and his cock had baptized me with a renewed spirit to be better than I ever had been. As my lips hit the tile, I heard him chuckling above my head as his shadow enveloped my weak frame.

  “You are such a good little girl,” he said, breaking me of my kissing rhythm. “You'll make such a lovely pet.”

  Fingers found their way to my chin and his touch alone lifted me from the ground to a standing position, the movement absolutely seamless. He took my hand and led me out to the parking lot where we climbed into his car to head home. I didn't want to leave his side, not for a moment, but the thought of having class with him the next day was a comforting thought. Before leaving the car, Colin took my wrist and pulled me towards him.

  “Be prepared for more extra credit next week,” he said to my smeared red lips. “And wear that shade again. I like it.”

  Smiling, I kissed his lips and then went upstairs to my dorm where I cleaned myself carefully. I felt like I was wearing new skin, like every inch o
f me had been anointed by holy hands. From now on, Colin would be my keeper. He would be my savior in the dismal darkness beneath the museum and I would love every minute with him. I belong to him.

  Chapter Four

  While tapping my pencil against my knee, I worked through a few math problems from my calculus class. The amazing orgasm I had last night was still coursing through my veins and it seemed to give me a boost of energy, my work load quickly receding as I completed everything for the week. I had class with Colin soon, but I wanted to get as much done as possible in case he needed me for anything later. Now that my time belongs to him, I want to be as free as possible for whatever he would want. I'm his which means my time is his. Everything I have belongs to him now.

  I smiled as I wrote a few equations on the page, memories from yesterday returning to my mind and causing my thighs to twitch. It was such a beautiful feeling to be wanted in this way. Every movement flowed from my body with a fresh vigor like I had been reborn. Is that what he had done? My phone rang as I wrote the last of my equations and I answered it without looking at the screen.

  “Hello?” I asked while setting my work aside.

  “Miss Hall, I don't expect you to be late after what I told you last night,” said a familiar voice.

  I looked at the clock and gasped. I'm late! Standing quickly, I apologized profusely into the phone and assured Colin I would be on my way momentarily.

  “You better be,” he said sternly. “Or I won't be offering extra credit next week.”

  Frightened that I would lose his affections, I gathered everything I would need for class and applied make-up before heading out the door, my backpack banging against my bum as I sprinted to the lecture hall. I arrived in time to take a seat up front with a few minutes to spare, trying to control my panting in the quiet classroom. Colin eyed me from his desk with a sly smirk, causing me to flush red as I placed my notebook on the desk. As class commenced, I tried to remain attentive to the material being taught instead of how enticing the pointing device appeared in Colin's hands. Part of me was convinced that he was waving it around purposefully, that he was teasing me with the metal as he made eye contact and continued to speak.

  I could see the fire in his eyes as he pointed to the screen, highlighting all the important points of the slides for us to note. It was strange how I could see what was important and what wasn't simply by his body language. Having him inside me had completely changed my perspective of his behavior, giving me some kind of leverage over what I knew to write down and what I didn't need to worry about. Perhaps that delved into favoritism on his part, but I didn't care. It wasn't like the other students were any more determined than me about succeeding. I watched them pop gum, text, snooze, and even leave abruptly mid-lecture. They were rude. I was being a good little girl. When class was over, I proudly walked over to Colin's desk and set all of my completed work on top of his briefcase. He looked them over and smiled, nodding a few times.

  “You've shown quite an improvement, Miss Hall. I'm glad to see it. Come see me later at 7:00 PM. I'll be in my house,” said Colin while stacking the papers together.

  “Where is that, sir?” I asked, my heart fluttering from such a personal invitation.

  “Just around the corner from the university. I'll send you the directions later,” he replied.

  I was tempted to lean over the desk and kiss him, but heard the little bits of chatter higher in the lecture hall where a few straggling students remained. Their eyes were preoccupied with each other, hands flipping between phones and books. While I wanted to sneak a quick one, I didn't want to embarrass my sweet professor and potentially get him into trouble. That would only mean trouble for me. I stifled the desire and waved while winking, my hips swaying a little harder than usual as I left the room. What was I going to do with my time now? I had already finished all of my homework and I didn't really need to do laundry. I could pick out a cute outfit to wear, but that wouldn't take long either.

  Turning left instead of right out of the building, I headed for the library where I could get lost in a few books. The place was mostly empty as all the students had likely gone to dinner, a few dedicated readers lingering around the reference section. I found a quiet place to sit and started looking through the shelves while feeling a presence lingering nearby. Turning, I found a young man around my age holding a periodical up near his face while looking at me. My head turned sideways with curiosity and I wiggled my nose, something I wouldn't typically do considering how socially awkward I tend to be. The man turned swiftly on one foot and walked in the other direction after having been discovered and I giggled silently. It felt good to be checked out, but I belong to Colin. I don't need anyone else.

  Time passed relatively quickly in the library and I grabbed a bite to eat in the dining hall before heading to Colin's home, following the directions he had sent me through text. The front yard seemed a little spooking without any lights, its foreboding darkness warning me of what was to come. And what would come of this? Colin hadn't seemed angry when he told me to come over. I didn't have anything to worry about. The front door opened before I could knock, the professor standing on the other side with a smile and waving me in. He led me to his home office where he sat on the other end of the desk, waiting for me to enter. Closing the door behind me, I stood in front of him while smiling, waiting for my instruction from the pensive looking professor. He pushed my paper across the desk and tapped it. I stared at the marked page.

  “Miss Hall, what do you see here?” Colin asked.

  “Red marks,” I said with a smirk.

  “Don't be daft, dear. These are simple errors that could have been fixed. Did you proofread your work?” asked the irked professor.

  I lowered my gaze to the ground, knowing that the look of disappointment on his face would break me. I didn't want to see it. Why hadn't I proofread that paper like I had all the others? My knees buckled and I hit the ground hard, rocking myself while trying to keep the tears from falling. The chair creaked on the other side of the desk and Colin appeared next to me, lifting me from the ground and laying me over his desk like he had the first time. He pointed to the red marks and instructed me to read while pulling down my leggings to reveal my red bottom, the lines marking where welts had once been. As I started reading the scribbled comments in the margins, Colin brought his hand down against my raw skin. It elicited a squeak and shoved my exposed rose bud against the desk, the hard wood pinching my skin.

  “Read the next one,” instructed my merciless professor. “And don't stop until I tell you to stop.”

  Admittedly, I was feeling sick from the pain. The words blurred in my vision as I read the next two comments, each one bringing on the anticipated sting I knew was to come. It was a totally different head space than the ceremony where I had felt such pleasure and elation. Disappointing him crushed my soul because of how easily these mistakes could have been fixed. What happened to my determination and my attention to detail? What was wrong with me?

  “I'm so sorry, Mister,” I whispered through a broken voice. “I didn't mean to make you upset. Please, forgive me. I'll do anything to appease you.”

  Droplets hit the page under my face, skewing the ink in little puddles that dripped from my wet chin. A sob rattled through my body and shook my hips under the weight of my master's hand that was now gently rubbing the irritated skin. His compassionate hand smoothed over my spine and reached my neck, pulling me up into a standing position as he pressed his lips to my ear.

  “Did you learn your lesson, little girl?” asked my sweet professor.

  “Yes, sir. I did,” I replied through debilitating sniffles.

  “Are you going to check your work?” he asked as he rubbed my bottom.

  I took a deep breath and replied, “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl. Bend over,” he commanded while pushing my shoulder. “I have a reward for you since you completed all of your work for the week.”

  “What?” I asked from my ben
t position. “I don't understand.”

  The professor chuckled above me.

  “You think I would ignore all the hard work you've done only to punish you for one mistake? My dear, there is so much you need to learn,” he replied while patting my thigh. “Lean further.”

  I pressed my face into the desk, the smell of the pages filling me with revived hope and validation. The praise was a pleasant surprise that had me panting already, the thought of being rewarded eliciting my rose petals to flutter as Colin tenderly caressed my thighs. Fingers found their way beneath the folds of my garden and I gasped in response to his loving touch. Clever hands cupped my sweet rose bud, separating it from the harsh wood it had been pressed against and caressing the creases surrounding the protruding hill. He worked diligently to provide a luscious rhythm that my hips soon followed as my eyes rolled up in ecstasy.

  “Oh, sir...”I whispered against the pages.

  “Call me master,” he responded while slipping a finger into my garden.


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