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10 FEISTY FILLIES - Romance Collection Short Stories Bundle: (TABOO EROTICA) (Candy Girl Series)

Page 27

by Lucy Lixx

  “Worship me.”

  “Yes, master,” I gasped. “You are my god. You are my everything. All of me belongs to you.”

  My master groaned as he continued to stroke my soaked petals, his fingers diving deep inside my garden and wiggling around to feel the sore muscles where he had plowed. Gripping my thigh, he pushed further while sliding upwards to reach the soft skin that caused the muscles to tighten. It inspired my entire pelvis to flex as he repeatedly dove in and out, fingers sliding faster as a result of my delicious nectar gushing all over his hand. My lungs struggled to take full breaths and a powerful bay rang through the office, causing my master to wrap his fingers about my throat and pull me up. Spasms of pure unadulterated pleasure quaked through my body as I gasped for air, the sensitive skin shuddering while his fingers continued to dance inside me.

  “Master, I've cum already...” I choked.

  After Colin released my neck, I fell forward into a fit of convulsions that scattered papers all over the floor. Wet hands stroked the surface of my bottom and smoothed over my back, comforting me as I came back to the shore of reality. Like the first time, he smoothed lotion over my bottom and then laid kissed on the back of my neck that caused me to moan with delight.

  “Sir,” I whispered.

  “Yes, little miss?” he asked.

  “What am I to you?”

  The question went unanswered in the peaceful quiet of the office, hands shuffling about behind me as I turned to look at my master. He set down the lotion, cupped my face and pressed his nose to mine while responding, “You are my treasure.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said before kissing him.

  Colin accepted my lips, pressing his tongue between them to explore the hidden secrets of my mouth. When he pulled away, he asked if I would like to see his home which surprised me. I didn't think he'd want me to stick around for very long, but it made me happy to keep his company. We walked down the main hall to the living room and he showed me his collection of records, many of them reminding me of my father who had played them when I was younger.

  “My dad used to love collecting records,” I said while tracing the vinyl covers. “It made me happy to hear them whenever he was alive.”

  “I'm sorry to hear he's not in your life anymore. Would you like to listen to one now?” asked Colin.

  An uncontrollable smile crossed my lips and I shrugged, pulling out one of the jazz records I was familiar with. I handed it to him and said, “This one always helped me sleep.”

  With great care, Colin carried the vinyl to the player and set it up, his fingers moving swiftly over the equipment to get it working. The soft sound of smooth jazz filled the room as I admired the pictures of him on his mantel, each one chronicling an accomplishment in his life. There was one of him proudly holding a fish, another of him getting his degree, and then one of him standing on a hiking trail.

  “I didn't know you did all these things,” I commented.

  “I like to be outdoors. Do you have any hobbies, Miss Hall?” he asked.

  I could feel his breath hitting my neck, a hand wrapping around my waist and pulling me into him. It was one of our most intimate moments and I relished the feeling of him keeping me so close. I wanted to stay like this forever.

  “I like to dance sometimes,” I responded with a chuckle. “I don't really do anything else.”

  “Well, maybe I'll take you on a hike someday. For now, you should get home and rest,” said my sweet professor.

  Our bodies swayed for a moment with the music, my mind still buzzing from the painful encounter in his office. We swayed all the way to the door in a fit of giggles and kisses, his lips sending me off into the night feeling higher than ever.

  Chapter Five

  Back in my dorm room, a pleasant surprise awaited me on my closet door. The rich black fabric appeared to be high quality cotton and the emblems on the breast were similar to the ones worn by my master. Reverently, I ran my fingers down the length of the robe and pulled the material up to my face to inhale. It smelled like fresh pine and incense, reminding me of the time I wandered into the fields of my grandmother's farm to explore the cottages nearby. Each inhale brought on a new wave of memories of that beautiful day, the sun shining upon my face and earthly scents greeting me with the breeze.

  It also brought on the striking reality of my life. I didn't have any family in the area seeing as my parents were lost just two years ago. Part of me had wanted to mention this to my master, but I wasn't sure if he would be open to listening. It wasn't like me to burden anyone else with my woes, and even now I felt myself seeking a distraction in order to keep the tears from coming. I wasn't broken or lost. I had still made something better of my life since their death, but I knew I was still searching for something amazing. It's why this robe meant so much to me. It meant the potential for a family, something I had been missing this whole time.

  I pulled the robe over my head and went over to the mirror, admiring the way it hung from my shoulders. It fit loosely and comfortably over my thin body and I pulled up the hood to see my completed look. I presumed I would wear this to the next extra credit event and wondered where it might be held. My master never indicated the location, but perhaps that was for privacy. It wasn't like I had told anyone about us or about the orgies. I didn't quite have anyone to tell. As I looked in the mirror, something winked at me from the dresser. I turned to find a beautiful porcelain horse posed on its hind legs and kicking at the air. It shined as I walked over to lift it, my face lighting up as bright as the white porcelain. A little note beneath the horse's hooves read, To the precious princess who makes the most lovely and obedient pet.

  There was no name, but I knew who it was from and it filled me with ardor. I held both the note and the horse to my beating heart for a moment prior to setting them down to get ready for bed. While moving about, I heard my phone ring from my bag and went to retrieve it, wondering if that was my master calling me with an afterthought about tonight. I stared at the unknown number on my screen, the numbers totally foreign to me. Shrugging, I answered.

  “Hello?” I asked.

  “Hello...Rosemary?” asked a young man's voice.

  “This is she. Who is this?” I asked, my curiosity peaking upon hearing his voice.

  “My name is Dan. I...uh...I saw you in the library today,” explained the young man. “And I got your number from a classmate of yours. I hope that's okay.”

  I blushed, flattered that someone had gone through the trouble just to speak to me. I recalled how he had eyed me between the books, how he had tried to hide, and how I'd been particularly curious about this creature.

  “That's okay with me. I'm a bit surprised. No one usually calls me,” I replied.

  “Oh, I'm glad to be the first,” said Dan with a nervous chuckle. “I was just wondering if you'd like to go out tomorrow night and get a beer with me?”

  I pursed my lips at the question and shifted my gaze about the room, paranoid that someone might be watching me. Was this a set up? I knew if I accepted this offer, my master would be utterly furious with me and drop me like a precious vase, my body shattering upon losing the only thing that has been encouraging me to succeed.

  “Well, I'm not sure about tomorrow night,” I said.

  I didn't quite want to say no.

  “What about the next night?” asked the hopeful young man. “My treat. I promise it's just to get to know you.”

  Looking in the mirror across the room, I swished my robe around while humming, indecision racking my mind with anxiety and excitement. I hadn't been asked out in a few months and it was nice to have gained some attention. How would my master ever find out? It would be on a night when I wouldn't be seeing him and I didn't ever have to mention it.

  “As long we keep it between the two of us, I'd be happy to have a beer with you,” I responded.

  “Yes!” he cried on the other side of the phone. “Oh…I mean, that's cool. I dig it. I'll probably run into you tomorrow
at some point. Maybe we could study in the library.”

  A soft smile crossed my lips and I chuckled.

  “I think that's cool, too,” I said.

  “Well, goodnight, Rosemary. Sweet dreams,” said Dan.

  “Goodnight, Dan. Nice to meet you,” I replied.

  A strange sensation filled me after getting off the phone. It was a rotten mixture of guilt, fear, and morbid curiosity. I knew it was bad news accepting an invitation to get a beer, but I also needed to get more social. It wasn't a date and it wasn't like I was going to have sex with him. Maybe I would gain a nice friendship out of the meeting and we would become study pals. It would increase my knowledge, encourage me to study harder, and maybe that would make my master proud. The thought alleviated me of any worry that it might turn into something else and I undressed to climb into bed, watching the porcelain horse wink at me in the gentle darkness.

  The next morning was filled with my other classes, most of the time spent gazing into space while doodling in my notebook. I had texted Dan around noon about meeting in the library and headed over as soon as I was finished with lunch. We sat near the reference section at a round table with plenty of space to spread out, our books taking up the majority of the space even though it was just the two of us. It almost made me feel bad to discover that Dan was in two of my other classes and I blushed from embarrassment. He assured me it was fine.

  “I hardly ever speak and I really don't have any friends,” he explained when my face flushed. “I don't know how to socialize, to be totally honest.”

  “I don't really know how to do that either,” I said. “So, it's cool. I'm glad we got to study.”

  “What did you get for number four?” he asked while looking over a calculus worksheet.

  “Let me show you the equation I used,” I replied.

  As I explained some of the main points from that lesson, he leaned into my shoulder to look at my sheet even though it was perfectly poised between our hands. The warmth emanating from his arm caused my stomach to flutter, something only my master had caused recently. It caused a brief bout of confusion that sent me sprinting to the bathroom where I proceeded to throw up lunch. I couldn't do this. Being in the presence of another male made me incredibly nervous seeing as the professor might catch us sitting so close. And what would come of that? A spanking, a whipping, a beating? Maybe none of that would come my way.

  I studied my appearance in the mirror, my cheeks slightly reddened from bending over the porcelain toilet. The polished white reminded me of the horse and I felt even worse, trying to reconcile all of these feelings coming to me at once. Splashing some water on my face cooled my demeanor a bit and I dried myself before returning to the table. Dan looked perplexed.

  “Are you alright, Rosemary?” he asked as he set aside another sheet of math problems.

  “Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been feeling too well today,” I replied.

  “Maybe you should get back to your dorm and get some rest,” he suggested.

  “Actually, that might not be a bad idea,” I said.

  “Let me walk you there just in case you fall over. You're looking pretty pale,” he said.

  “Oh, no. That's alright. I'll be fine,” I said, teetering on my own two feet.

  Dan braced me with his arm, propping me up as my head lolled. This was beyond pitiful and I desperately wanted to get out of the situation even though I knew I couldn't do it on my own. Maybe I could just leave my body and forget about the entire ordeal. Perhaps my brief studies of meditation could help me. Though I wished it, I couldn't catapult myself from the body I occupied and I accepted the fact that Dan was setting me into the chair so we could gather our books. I slowly dumped books into my backpack and allowed Dan to help me from the chair, limping across the library as people watched us leave.

  Can they stare any harder? I thought as we pushed through the double doors. Some people are so damn rude.

  The walk to my dorm was brief and Dan helped me up the steps to my room. I unlocked the door and tossed my bag down, plopping on to my bed as he closed the door. I hadn't intended for him to come in, but at this point I was more worried about fainting.

  “Do you have any soda or juice?” he asked, leaning down to look into my eyes. “Your pupils look fine. I bet you just need a sugar boost.”

  “I have some orange juice in the mini fridge over there,” I said while pointing across the room.

  Dan turned and grabbed the little bottle from the fridge and I gulped it down, not realizing how thirsty I had been. If my master had been the one to find me this way, he would scold me for not taking care of my body. This boy didn't make any side comments. He simply sat next to me and made sure I was alright. It was sweet and I almost felt bad about wanting to kick him out of the room.

  “I think you're cute,” he said as I continued to drink the juice.

  It caused me to choke for a moment and I coughed, his hand resting on my back as I lurched forward.

  “I'm so sorry!” he said while chuckling. “I hadn't meant to surprise you like that.”

  “It's fine,” I said between coughs. “I just haven't heard that in a while.”

  “That's a shame,” said Dan.

  “I mean, it's no big deal. I don't really spend that much time around people,” I responded.

  “Well, I'd be happy to take you out for that drink tomorrow,” said Dan while smiling.

  Again, red decorated my cheeks and I turned away, my hair falling into my face. Gently, Dan stroked a lock of hair behind my ear and took my chin between his fingers, his touch making my skin tingle. It made my stomach flip to have my face caressed in such a way and I found my defenses dropping in the wake of his lips. Hesitantly, I pushed my tongue into his mouth to explore the hidden desire within and found that his pushed back. He wasn't overly aggressive and his hands never went anywhere that I didn't place them, my curiosity of how his body might feel beginning to overwhelm me. Loving fingers ran through my hair and he took my lower lip between his teeth to tug gently. A hand traced the vein of my neck down to my breast where he cupped it delicately.

  The commands I was accustomed to hearing filled my ears even though he wasn't speaking, knowing that what he wanted was particularly clear. I dropped to my knees in front of the young man, prying his knees apart and undoing his belt. Hands met mine and squeezed for me to stop.

  “No, that's okay,” he said.

  “What?” I asked, confusion filling my mind.

  “I don't want you to do that yet,” he said.

  “I don't understand. I thought that's what you wanted,” I said as he helped me back up to the bed.

  “I'd like to take you out first and get to know you,” said Dan while pushing my hair aside. “Because I think you have a nice mind. You're sweet. You're smart. I just want to know you.”

  The compliments were a little strange, but they were also incredibly comforting.

  “I'd like that,” I said.

  “Good girl,” said Dan.

  Standing from the bed, he took my hands and kissed my forehead before leaving my dorm, the room suddenly falling into heavy silence. I looked over at my mirror and stared at my eyes that were sparkling with wonder. My curiosity had grown in that moment. I wanted to see every bit of his body, to feel him grinding into me, and to watch his face as he erupted. The obedient side of me was willing to please and even ached for it. What was happening to me? I only did this for my master. Why did I want to do it for anyone else? The confused thought sent me backwards on the bed, my sighs filling the air. What was I to do?

  Chapter Six

  Dan had called me a good girl.

  It felt amazing to be complimented by someone else, to have someone new admiring my body and mind. While lost in my thoughts about the next night, my phone rang from my bag and I reached over to answer it. It was my master.

  “Hello, sir,” I said sweetly.

  “What is my precious little princess doing?” asked the professor in a deep v

  “I'm just lying down. I wasn't feeling well,” I replied.

  “Should I see to your health?” he asked.

  “I'm not sure that's appropriate, sir,” I said, thinking about the ramifications of him visiting my dorm room. “What if someone sees you?”

  “You wouldn't have to worry about that. I have my ways,” he said.

  I imagined he was smirking on the other end of the phone, his green eyes lighting up playfully while thinking about all the wonderful things he might do to me. I twitched with excitement at the idea of him in my dorm room and I hopped from the bed to begin tidying up.

  “When will you be here?” I asked as I tossed clothes into a basket.


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