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Broken & Damaged Love

Page 17

by T. L. Clark

  “I think you’re doing a pretty good job of demon slaying yourself.”

  “Yes. Maybe I am,” she smiled as she felt her hand yanked to draw her back onto the dancefloor.

  Pete was in full swing, and wanted to enjoy this evening with his girlfriend.

  Everyone had a great time, drinking and dancing the night away, all in celebration of the happy couple.

  Chapter 18 – Tribulation and Revelation

  But just as they were all feeling jubilant Tina received some news. She was informed a few weeks after the wedding that her father had taken his own life in prison.

  His own torment had apparently shown him what he had put his daughter through, and he couldn’t deal with the guilt and shame. Nor could he continue his ordeal of life behind bars.

  Tina supposed she should feel sad, but her initial feeling was one of relief. She felt guilty about that, but she was just grateful she’d never have to face him again.

  She never had to fear him seeking her out. She realised he probably wouldn’t have been that stupid again, knowing the threat of repeated incarceration was real, but she would have had that fear. He had clearly become mentally unstable. She felt sad about that. And in time she was able to grieve in her own way.

  Apparently her parents had got divorced when her father had been imprisoned. She wasn’t surprised, but she was hurt her mum hadn’t told her. She hadn’t spoken to her since she’d left home. She supposed maybe one day they would find each other again, but for now she was happy to keep her distance.

  As a result of the divorce, she was the sole beneficiary. It turned out her father did have a savings account, and her mother had known nothing about it.

  She also received a small life insurance pay out. It wasn’t massive, but it was enough to help her get set up in life.

  Unlike her friend, she wasn’t ready to settle down yet though. But inspired by Frank’s father, she put a deposit down on a small house to let it out. The tenants effectively paid the mortgage. She’d heard a lot about ‘investing in bricks and mortar’ and it seemed to make sound financial sense.

  Tina was too quiet and reflective as she tried to get her head around her father’s passing. Pete was getting worried about her. He suggested taking her away on holiday to escape from it all. It was summer, and he could take time out of his volunteer duties, and she took some time off work. She left all the arrangements to him, but insisted on paying her way.

  Pete and Tina arrived at Heraklion airport in the dead of night. It was pitch black and midnight when their flight touched down. Beyond exhausted they allowed themselves to be herded towards the correct coach which was awaiting them in the car park. Just a few more passengers later and the coach set off with the full moon lighting their path.

  The moon somehow looked bigger and brighter from Crete, and Tina was mesmerised by it as the coach wound its way around the twisting turning roads of the island.

  Tina’s heart sank a little as they made their first stop. Where had Pete brought her? This area was so built up, and felt more akin to an Ibiza clubbing zone than the romantic hideaway she’d been promised.

  She started shifting in her seat as she feared he had not been true to his word. Could she really trust Pete? Doubts started to creep in. Her confidence had been so totally shattered in her childhood, that it was easily shaken, even now.

  Tina found a large hand encompassing hers and she looked up into smiling blue eyes. It was as if he’d sensed her rising panic, and was now reassuring her with his calm presence. His eyes said ‘trust me’, but it did little to ease her fraught nerves.

  She’d never been to a foreign country before, and had only seen the horror story TV shows about ‘Brits abroad’, and this location seemed to cry out like a warning siren.

  She bit her lip and tried her best to keep her composure. It was a struggle indeed, as her very nature dictated she yelled first and asked questions later. But she wanted to trust Pete. Surely she could by now? Had he not proved himself?

  There were a few more stops, and things looked a little better. But it still felt a bit ‘run down’. She’d been promised a quiet luxury resort. This still fell shy of her overly romantic ideal.

  An hour and a half after leaving the airport the coach finally came to a stop with their tour rep calling across the tannoy, “Aquila Elounda Village!”

  Tina had fallen asleep despite her fears. They had been travelling all day, and the soft lull of the coach had soothed her into sleep. She opened her eyes to a prettily lit white building.

  As she climbed down from the coach, hand luggage in hand, she could just about make out the curves of the surrounding mountains.

  The bay was lit up with the twinkling lights of nearby hotels. She could hear the soft lapping of the sea.

  Pete went to the side of the coach where the courteous driver unloaded their luggage. He took both cases and hauled them into reception.

  A smiling female receptionist greeted them, and handed the newly arrived guests their check-in forms. Tina patiently waited in one of the wooden chairs in reception, taking in her surroundings, and was handed a welcome glass of Champagne.

  She gratefully sipped the refreshing liquid, trying to get her bearings. She felt completely dazed after travelling so long. With forms completed, key cards and instructions issued the pair were greeted by a happy porter with a golf buggy. He drove them and their luggage to a magnificent hotel room.

  Tina was too tired to do anything but open her case to get her night things out. Having changed she collapsed into the large inviting bed and fell fast asleep with Pete following shortly behind.

  He was wearing a massive grin. He felt relieved he’d made the right choice. He would have died before confessing it to Tina, but he had begun to feel a little nervous when they drove through the first district.

  In the morning they both awoke to the sound of birds singing outside and rays of sunlight creeping into their room. Pete opened the curtains and they both oohed and aahed at the view.

  They were on the top of the two storey cottage style ‘bungalow rooms’. They could clearly see the sea. The bay was stunning. There were tufts of green on the rustic mountains, and hotels nestled within their protective arms. This was idyllic tranquillity indeed.

  Tina had padded across the tiled floor to stand by Pete’s side, and he drew her to him and kissed the top of her head.

  “Will this do, m’lady?” he enquired.

  “It will do very nicely,” she beamed, wrapping her arms around his torso and planting a kiss on his chest.

  Pete gently led Tina by the hand back to their bed. He sat on the edge looking up at her.

  “Only if you want to,” he whispered gently.

  She knelt with her knees straddling his hips and kissed him passionately.

  “Just try to stop me!”

  She nudged his shoulders so he collapsed back onto the bed, and shifted her weight so he could remove his boxer shorts. Thankful he’d had the foresight to stash his toiletry bag, condoms included on his nightstand when they’d arrived, he now grappled for one and put it on before lying back down.

  Tina’s excitement was self-evident as she greedily took him inside her as her hips began their up and down motion. It wasn’t enough, she wanted more, and she rode him faster. His breath hissed through his teeth as she bounced excitedly on him. Her fingers scrunched the pillow behind his head as the tension tore through her body, and her first orgasm shot through her, making her cry out.

  Not until after the moment had passed did she remember where she was, and became painfully aware people in the next room may have heard her. She blushed wildly as she bent her head down and buried it in her lover’s neck.

  He shifted her cheek with his so she moved her face to meet his. His mouth captured hers, and her arousal started to regrow.

  His hips rocked, encouraging hers to do the same. They met thrust for thrust as his tongue darted around her mouth and his cock filled her. Her muscles tightened delicio
usly around it and they were both gasping and crying out as they climaxed together. Tina bit her lip and giggled as she blushed again.

  “It’s a hotel, sweetie,” Pete reassure her. “The room wants us to have sex.”

  “Yeah, but what about the neighbours?”

  “They’re probably doing the same thing.”

  Tina did feel a little reassured, and hoped he was right. She sped off to get in the shower. Her morning exertions and the day of travelling before had left her feeling groggy. It was bliss to have the hot water cascading down her body. Pete came in and gazed appreciatively at the wondrous sight.

  “Do you mind?” she gasped in mock horror, but still covered up her privates with her hands.

  “Not at all. Do you?”


  It was in that moment that she realised she didn’t mind. Her father had looked at her lasciviously, like a piece of meat for his consumption. But she only saw loving awe in Pete’s eyes. Being looked at by him felt a lot nicer. She felt almost honoured. As if he were looking at a goddess. Only, she was aware it was just little old her.

  She was learning it was OK though. This man loved her. It was different from lust. That was there too of course, but it was alright. It wasn’t threatening. It was supposed to be there. He’d never treated her in anything but a tender, gentle, loving way.

  They got dressed and headed down to breakfast.

  “Kalimera,” met their ears along the way, as each of the hotel workers wished them good day.

  The happiest greeting came from the mâitre d’ in the restaurant.

  “Kalimera, good morning,” he chimed as he outstretched his hand to them.

  “You want to sit inside or outside?” he asked with a heavy Greek accent.

  Having received their response he led them through the restaurant, pointing out the different sections, “Here we have hham and cheeese.”

  There was everything anyone could want from a continental selection from fresh fruit to cooked meats and cereal. There was even a really cool gizmo with turning wheels that you put whole oranges into and it dispensed fresh orange juice.

  They sat on the veranda and ordered coffee, and Tina practically skipped back into the restaurant to make her breakfast choice. It felt so decadent, having all this food in luxurious surroundings, with the sun shining hotly down upon them.

  Having eaten their fill, they nipped back to their room to get changed. Tina donned her tankini and sarong. She may have been alright with Pete looking at her body, but complete strangers? No thanks!

  She let Pete rub in sun lotion over her back and shoulders, but insisted on doing the rest herself (much to his disappointment).

  She grabbed a bag and towel and headed down to the cove, with Pete following. They found a sunbed each and Tina kicked off her flipflops before lying down to soak up some sun, with a good book in hand.

  Forty-five minutes later she rolled over onto her front, grunting as she turned. Once comfy again she let out a relaxed sigh, “Ahhh, this is the life!”

  Pete looked over the top of his own book and smiled his acknowledgement.

  Not long after that Pete started to get restless.

  “You coming into the sea?”

  “You can.”

  “Come on!” he pleaded, holding her hand and gently tugging.

  She rolled her eyes, “But someone will see.”

  “Oh no, someone else is going into the sea. Alert the media,” he mocked.

  She nudged him, “I’m serious.”

  He made her sit up. “Look around you.”

  She scanned her parameter.

  “Did you see anyone fully dressed?”

  “No. It’s a beach.”

  “Right. So, everyone else is wearing skimpy cozzies? Even the ones who shouldn’t,” he added with a smirk.

  “Yeah, but….”

  “No buts. Just butts,” he grinned. “Nobody will even notice. Trust me.”

  Reluctantly, she let herself be led to the water. It was quite rocky getting in, and at first she was preoccupied with just not falling over and making a complete tit of herself. But as she got in deeper she squealed as the cold water reached her belly button.

  “It’s so cold,” she yelped.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Pete reassured her, his own voice squeaky with the contrast between the hot sun and cold water.

  He plunged into a breaststroke, immersing himself. Tina followed suit, her breath catching as she did so. But soon they were swimming quite happily. Pete held out his goggles to her.

  “Here, put these on and dunk your head under. There’s loads of fish here!”

  This time Tina’s squeals were ones of delight as she brought her head back up out of the sea.

  “That’s amazing,” she gasped.

  After lunch they popped into the hotel shop and bought a snorkel mask and some water shoes, so they could look at the fish better.

  They had a wonderful time together on holiday. They went on excursions, and saw local sights, and ate local food. It was just nice to relax and be with each other. Tina still wasn’t completely sure if she’d be with Pete forever. Marriage simply wasn’t on her agenda yet.

  But whatever happened he’d always hold a special place in her heart. He had helped her start to recover from her past. More importantly, he had shown her she could have a happy future. He had given her hope and happiness.

  Places of Help

  Thank you and well done for reading Broken and Damaged Love.

  I am very aware that this book may have struck a chord with you, and you may be looking for someone to turn to.

  There are lots of places to turn to these days, and a quick internet search will come up with some places.

  I wanted to include some here. I have concentrated on the child sex abuse organisations, as this is the focal point of this book.

  However, if you have any issues relating to any of the topics in this book (e.g. if you need support coming out as gay) there are places of help for you too. Please do reach out and get the help you need.

  Nobody is going to judge you when you make that call. People work at organisations like this because they want to help. They have heard so many stories they will not be shocked at anything you have to say. What they will do is listen. So I say again, please just reach out.

  I have asked these organisation if it’s OK to include their names, and they have said yes.

  So, without showing bias, here is a small selection:


  Help for Adult Victims Of Child Abuse

  HAVOCA is an international resource run by survivors for adult survivors of child abuse. They provide support, friendship and advice for any adult who’s life has been affected by childhood abuse.

  The ethos at HAVOCA is ‘Every Survivor has the right to become a Thriver.’

  Mind –

  There can be a side effect/impact on our mental health when we go through trauma.

  Mind are there to help you with this aspect. They help people with many kinds of mental health issues, such as depression, self harm, eating problems, anxiety and panic attacks.

  Tel. 020 8519 2122


  Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

  Based in the USA, and has been voted one of “America’s 100 Best Charities”

  Theycreated and operate the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and partnership with more than 1,100 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense.

  In 2015, the Online Hotline expanded to offer services in Spanish at RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.


  Survivors of Sexual Abuse Anon

  They run 12 step meetings, using a modified version of Alcholics Anonymou
s. It is free, ongoing, non-faith, but spiritual group for both males and females age 18+.

  Thanks again for reading this book.

  This is where I’d normally plead with you to leave reviews and to look at my other books.

  But you know what? It feels wrong to do that here this time.

  So, I will leave you with my final wishes for a positive future for you, dear reader.

  I sincerely hope I have offered you some insight and offered a consoling shoulder.

  Love & light to you all,





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