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Seduced by the Dandy Lion

Page 19

by Suzanne Quill

  “Well, that is the very point, Marianne. At sea, the ocean moves constantly, but laying in a hammock the ship moves while the occupant stays still. Here, on land, the opposite is true. The hammock moves, if we want it to, while the cottage stays still.” He gently pried one of her hands free and placed a kiss in her palm. “Let me show you.”

  Drew urged her to free her other hand, then coached her to lie down. He remained sitting on the side while she settled into the hammock. Once settled, he gently rocked her.

  Marianne grabbed onto both sides of the swing. “Wait!” Alarm lit her voice.

  “You’re safe. I won’t let you fall. Now watch.” Drew stood. The sides of the hammock tightened up on each side of her. “Now imagine yourself at sea. Even if there isn’t a storm, the waves in some parts of the oceans can be quite rough. But the sides of your hammock come up around you, making it almost impossible for you to fall out. On some ships, there are three tiers of hammocks. Falling out of the topmost hammocks would damage the hardiest of sailors.” Drew gently pushed the hammock.

  Marianne shrieked. “Stop!”

  “Marianne, think of it as being in a big swing similar to Andrea’s.”

  She took a few deep breaths. “All right. I can do this.” She laid back, released the sides of the hammock, and closed her eyes.

  “Good,” Drew said.

  Moments later the fabric shifted. She felt the full length of Drew next to her. She opened her eyes to find him smiling down. “Are you comfortable?”

  She took a moment to think about it. “Surprisingly, I am.”

  He entwined his fingers with hers. “This cottage was my favorite place when I was young. I considered it my private playhouse. After Mother died, I would come here to hide, to think . . . and to cry. My life changed dramatically after she passed on. Father never seemed to have a use for me before we lost her. But afterward, he really never wanted to see me. Mrs. Stokes would tell me it was because I looked so much like her. I guess I’ll never know the truth.”

  Marianne placed her free hand on his cheek. “I’m so sorry, Drew. No child should have to go through such loss and then such rejection.”

  “As I told you before, it’s probably the reason I was so misguided in my appearance and deportment.”

  “Well, you’ve certainly made up for it.” She leaned forward to kiss his cheek. The hammock swayed. She lurched and grabbed for the sides, accidentally scratching his cheek with her fingernails as she searched for purchase.

  Drew put a foot down and the swaying stopped.

  “Oh, look what I’ve done. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scratch you.” Marianne felt terrible about her silly fear of the swing and what she had done to his face.

  Drew’s fingertips probed the damage. “Nothing serious. I’m afraid you’ll have to kiss it to make it better, though.” His eyes alight with mischief, he presented his cheek for her inspection.

  “Very well. If you insist.” She flashed a coy smile of her own.

  She leaned toward him to buss his barely damaged cheek, but at the last moment Drew turned his head and took her mouth. Instead of a playful kiss, she descended into a conflagration as his tongue enticed her lips to open then entered to explore and demand. She relaxed against the firmness of his chest only to be unsettled as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and slid her over the length of his body, chest to chest.

  While sharing kisses deep and heated, Drew skimmed his hands down her sides as he rucked her skirt and petticoats up to her hips. She felt the warmth of his palms through the sheer fabric of her pantalettes as his fingers squeezed and kneaded her derrière. She sighed deeply.

  He released her mouth. “You like that, do you?”

  His gruff whisper in her ear made goose flesh on her arms.

  “Mmmm, yes, I do.”

  His hands moved to her back, pulling and tugging. She felt the release of the tapes that held her gown.

  Air cooled her skin right through the sheer batiste of her chemise as the fabric fell away.

  “I am so glad you have relinquished your corset. It would definitely inhibit my enjoyment of this moment.” His warm, strong hands slid up the length of her back.

  She scattered gentle kisses along his jaw, then took to nibbling his ear.

  “We could get into quite a bit of trouble if you continue doing that.”

  “I hardly think so, considering this precarious perch we are on.” She blew gently on the dampness she had spread along his earlobe, then nudged her fingers into the thick hair on his nape.

  He growled softly. “Watch me.”

  With unexpected swiftness, Drew set a foot on the floor to cease the gentle rocking of the hammock, leaned her back to an upright position, and swept her petticoats and gown over her head, heaving them off in total disregard to land negligently on the floor.


  He pulled her back down. “Where were we? Oh, yes.” His mouth consumed hers once again.

  After many heated moments, Marianne pressed against his chest. Reluctantly, he released her.

  “Just what do you expect to go on here, my lord?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  Drew placed a hand on each leg and folded one on each side of his hips. The split in her pantalettes widened. His right hand moved to stroke the inside of her thighs and the burnished fur of her nether regions. “My dear, you are wet.”

  She grabbed his hand to playfully push it away but he was stronger than she. He only rubbed her more adamantly. She gave up, leaned back, and hummed. “Mmm, you’re compromising me, my lord.”

  “There’s more yet to come, my lady.” Drew’s hand went to his trouser fall and released the buttons. In moments, he lifted his hips despite her weight and rucked down his own pants and smalls, revealing the strength of his urgency.

  “My, we are ready. Are we not?” Marianne could feel the heat of her blush rush up her breasts, neck, and face. Even her ears warmed as she studied the engorged length of her husband’s sex. “May I touch it?” She blinked and shied away.

  She caught his sly smile from the corner of her eye. “Of course you may. Any time you wish. Now would be a good time.” He took her hand, wrapped her fingers around his sex. “Stroke me. Like this.” He slid her fingers up and down, caught his breath from the feel of it.

  “Am I hurting you?” She made to pull her fingers away but his hand on hers only tightened.

  “To the contrary. You are arousing me even more.” Drew lifted his foot from the floor to align his legs in the hammock. Their perch swayed. Marianne released him to grab the sides. “You’ll not fall. Don’t stop.” He replaced her hands on his sex and encouraged her to resume the firm but gentle stroking.

  As his breathing deepened, he tugged on the ribbons of her chemise. The frail fabric fell open, letting him skim his hands over her breasts. He gently pinched her nipples, fondled and caressed the fullness. The squeezing and rubbing aroused her further; she leaned toward him for more.

  “I think we need to move on.” Drew released her tender, aching flesh to grasp her hips. With a swift, smooth motion, he pulled her forward and poised her heated core over his sex then sank deep inside of her. She inhaled deeply as the pure ecstasy of the feel of him filling her enveloped all of her senses. “Yes . . .” she purred.

  “I thought you’d like that.” His hands pistoned her hips, sliding his sex in and out. “I know I certainly do.”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders, gloried by the feel of him and fascinated by how the hammock’s swaying and their precarious position seemed only to intensify their mating as they clung to each other. “I wouldn’t have thought this would work in this capricious contrivance.”

  “During my return voyage, I spent many a night in my hammock dreaming about you in just such a state. It exceeds a
ll of my expectations.” He pulled her forward to kiss her passionately. His other hand fondled the sensitive nub between her thighs.

  Her entire body tingled, heated, blushed, and tensed. Her mind both descended and ascended simultaneously. She panted for air as her female parts tightened around Drew and seemed to pull him in even deeper. “Drew!” Her climax rolled over her as she pulsed and clung to him.

  Then she felt him rise to her, push deeper, hold on tighter as he rocked into her, encouraged by her body’s acceptance of his. He roared his completion. “Marianne! My love!”

  The intensity resolved, Marianne collapsed against him, awed by their joining, soothed by the rise and fall of his chest as his breathing and hers slowly returned to normal. Sated to a level she hadn’t known existed, she drifted off to sleep.

  ~ ~ ~

  They returned to the manse later to find Andrea rested and ready for play. After a change of clothes, the threesome escaped to the willow bower once more. Andrea played with her kitten, Fluffy Mittens, or her parents took turns pushing her on the swing.

  Andrea’s papa had somehow found the time to sneak out and weave a basket around the seat. Now she was even happier, if her squeals of delight were any indication, as he sent her higher and higher.

  Marianne sat on the bench stroking the kitten and basking in the happiness she felt as she watched the two people she loved most in the world.

  As the realization hit her she sat back in wonder. She had made her decision. She had told Drew so. But she hadn’t fully admitted to herself why.

  It was more than the way Drew loved and cared for their daughter.

  It was more than the way he cared and looked after her while also respecting her knowledge and advice on the running of his estate.

  It was the happiness she felt inside when they were together.

  It was the tenderness she felt when he touched her.

  It was the passion they shared when they made love.

  She had never expected nor even considered there could be such intensity between a man and a woman. When they made love, she felt wanted, beautiful, cherished.

  She had to admit Sir Robert had never made her feel any of those things over the entirety of their relationship. He had made her feel comfortable, safe even. But there had never been any fire or passion between them.

  Now that she had experienced those extreme emotions of desire, she did not want to give them or the man who instilled them up. She would stay and be more than happy to be Drew’s wife in every way expected of her.

  “Mama, Mama! Your turn.”

  Marianne broke from her thoughts to rise from the bench and relieve Drew from his fatherly duty. As he moved past her, he bussed her cheek and gave her a tender, possessive pat on her derrière. She beamed up into his happy face.

  Chapter 28

  As she and Drew finished dinner in the intimacy of the morning room, a perfunctory knock came on the door and Wellingford walked in. He did not get a word out of his mouth before her brother, Chase, stormed into the room. Without the slightest hesitation, he strode over to her chair and tugged her up out of her seat.

  “Annie, are you all right?” He hugged her close, then thrust her away to peruse her person.

  Marianne pushed him away. “Of course, I’m all right. Chase, what in the world is the matter with you? Why would I not be all right?”

  “Wellingford,” Drew broke in, “set another place for my brother-in-law. And could you bring him a glass of brandy? He seems quite distressed and we’ll need to hear the whole story. Also, have a room prepared for his stay.”

  As the butler left for dishes and brandy, Drew turned to Chase. “Here, have a seat and tell us what the devil has happened that you descend upon us like a typhoon off the Pacific.”

  As Marianne returned to her seat, Chase settled in the chair Drew pulled out for him. Chase pushed both hands through his hair then leaned toward Marianne to tell his tale.

  “I’ve been out of town for over a week. A few of my friends, you know, The Unattainables, and I took off to Brighton. I returned two days ago to find mother in a fit, crying almost constantly, and father pacing the library as if he were determined to wear out the India rug.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Mother or Father at all. What happened?”

  Wellingford entered, so Chase stopped speaking while a generous glass of brandy in an elegant crystal snifter appeared before him. Next, Mrs. Stokes brought in plates and flatware and arranged them appropriately. When both servants retired, Chase continued.

  “It seems your friend, Sir Robert Gentilly, visited our parents the day before I arrived home. He had been more than animated in relaying his discomfiture. Evidently, he had decided to take you out for a ride in the park and stopped by the earl’s town house to pick you up, but you were not in residence.”

  Mrs. Stokes bustled in, set a bowl of soup before Chase, then hustled back out.

  Chase paused, took a few sips of soup and sighed. “Excellent. I haven’t eaten for most of the day. Let me continue. Gentilly then explained that he had not received a note indicating why you had left or where you had gone. He had demanded information from the servants but they could say no more than that you had retired to the earl’s country estate.” He nodded to Drew. Chase paused to take a large sip of the brandy and a few more spoonsful of soup.

  “The servants were quite affronted with Gentilly’s frantic, brusque manner and would only reiterate that the two of you and Andrea had retired to the country.” Chase paused to catch his breath as Mrs. Stokes entered yet again. She took away the partially eaten soup and replaced it with the entree. Chase picked up his knife and fork and started cutting meat, ribs of beef with carrots and butter, and potatoes marinated in brandy and lemon. “He came to our house in a fit, if not a rage. He claimed that his lordship had abducted you to the country without your permission, Annie.”

  “That’s absurd.” Marianne placed a hand on her brother’s arm. “You can see for yourself, I am perfectly fine.”

  “According to him, you would never have left London without giving him notice and telling him why. He said he could claim no less under the circumstances.” Chase drank again, a smaller sip this time. He put a piece of meat in his mouth and chewed as if savoring food for the first time in his life. “My lord, I must commend your cook. Despite being out in the country, she does a fine job of cooking.”

  Drew nodded as he drawled, “I’ll tell my French chef, Jacques, he has your approval. He’ll be most complimented.”

  Chase looked up with his mouth full of more food to realize he had somehow insulted his host. He swallowed hard. “I do beg your pardon. I did not mean to imply . . . It’s just that I’ve never really been in the country and didn’t expect . . .”

  Drew rescued him. “Do not fret yourself, Chase. Enjoy the meal and continue with your saga.”

  Chase continued. “He asked our parents for the location of your estate.” He glanced over at Drew as he continued stuffing food into his mouth and making small noises of appreciation. “Of course, Mother and Father had no idea exactly where it was and told him so. Then they told me Gentilly became even more agitated and accused them of lying to him to keep you apart.” He glanced back to Marianne. “He said that everyone sided against him and had taken his lordship’s side. He vowed he would search until he found the address. He’d go to his lordship’s club, inquire among his friends, whatever it took until he could locate you, Annie, and rescue you from the earl’s evil influence and clutches.”

  Drew sat back in his chair. “That man really thought I had to abduct my own wife? He must be mad.”

  Calmer now and seemingly sated by the food and finding his sister safe, Chase rolled the snifter between his palms to warm the remainder of his brandy. “Needless to say, our parents were beside themselves with worry by the
end of Gentilly’s visit. They begged him to send information back as soon as he discovered your whereabouts. They promised to pay his expenses and anything needed to rescue you, Annie, and bring you safely home to them.”

  “Chase.” Marianne rubbed his arm, then rose to pace the floor. “This is ridiculous in the extreme. Drew did not abduct me. We did leave in a hurry because I was excited about straightening out matters on this particular estate. It’s true I did not take the time to notify anyone, not even Mother and Father. But I came of my own free will and have been nothing but safe and protected while here.”

  Chase looked at Drew, then back at her. “So has Gentilly been here? If so, what did he do?”

  “He arrived uninvited and unannounced the day before yesterday late in the afternoon.” Drew rang the little crystal bell next to his plate. “He made quite the fuss over Marianne’s lack of communication. Marianne assured him she was fine and here by her own choice.”

  Wellingford entered to answer his master’s call. “Yes, my lord?”

  “Please bring two more snifters and the brandy. We shall remain here for now.”

  “As you wish, my lord.”

  Marianne picked up the story. “Chase, he had turned into a totally different person. I have never seen him like this before. He was rude and inconsiderate. I admitted that I should have written to him before I left or right after I arrived here, but he continued to carry on as if I had inflicted some personal, physical injury. We made him welcome but he continued to pressure me to return to London. I told him I could not until we resolved the challenges here on the estate. He said these problems were Drew’s now and I should leave them to him. He said I should be happy letting go of all this responsibility and live quietly with him.”

  The brandy and snifters were delivered and Wellingford poured the two new glasses. “Will there be anything else, my lord?”


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