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Seduced by the Dandy Lion

Page 20

by Suzanne Quill

  “Thank you, Wellingford. Just remove the dishes. Has a dessert been prepared?” Drew rolled his snifter in his palms.

  “Yes, my lord. Chef Jacques has prepared crème brûlée. I saw him prepare the caramelized discs for the topping earlier this afternoon.”

  “We cannot insult your French chef, your lordship.” Chase appeared to be drooling at the thought of the rich cream concoction though Drew doubted Chase even knew exactly what it was.

  “Chase,” Marianne garnered his attention, “have you ever even had crème brûlée?”

  “Of course not, but if it’s anywhere near as good as this meal, I’d die for a piece.”

  Drew chuckled, his thoughts confirmed. “Very well. Wellingford, please tell Chef Jacques to honor us with his latest dessert creation and we will attempt to do it justice.”

  Silence fell between them after the butler left the room. Before it became too uncomfortable, Marianne said, “He left this morning, Chase. He did not seem happy or satisfied that I am at ease here. We assume he is returning to London but he did not indicate so.”

  “Annie,” Chase looked deeply into his sister’s eyes, “have you decided then?”

  “Yes, definitely. I will remain with his lordship. He says he wants me to stay. I will be his wife and the mother of his children. I must admit I did not clarify the matter with Robert. But he left in such an unexpected rush, I had no opportunity this morning. I will write to him tomorrow and make sure he understands that we can remain friends but that is all it will ever be.”

  Drew took her hand in his. “How do you think he’ll take your decision, Marianne?”

  It was Chase who answered. “I don’t think he’ll take it well at all. Based on the description our parents gave of his antics just days ago, I think he fully expects Annie to leave you, my lord, and start a new life with him.”

  With that, Mrs. Stokes brought dessert. As the three of them tasted the rich custard, they became quiet and concentrated on the treat before them.

  Once finished, Drew spoke again. “Well, there’s nothing else to be done tonight. Chase, you’ve ridden long and hard. Why don’t you plan on spending a few days here with us rather than just overnight? I’d be happy to show you around the estate and explain to you the changes we’ve made because of your sister’s research. If you’re interested, we can do a little hunting. What say you?”

  “Do stay, Chase.” Marianne beamed over at her brother with hope and sincerity. “It would be so good to spend a little time with you. And we could have Chef Jacques spoil you with more of his culinary concoctions.”

  “All right. I have nothing pressing in town anyhow, and I’ve never spent much time on a country estate. We’ll have to write to Mother and Father first thing in the morning, though. If we don’t, they may be here in a few days themselves.” Chase held his snifter up to Drew. “Shall we have a little more?”

  Drew uncorked the decanter Wellingford had thoughtfully left on the table. “By all means.”

  Chapter 29

  Two days went by quickly as Chase and Drew traipsed over the many and varied verdant green fields that were his inheritance and responsibility.

  Afternoons were spent in the gardens entertaining Andrea and her kitten, playing battledore and shuttlecock or bowls, or just having tea and talking about life and the state of the country.

  On the third day, Marianne came down the main stair just as the butler closed the front door.

  “Who just left, Wellingford?” Marianne pulled on the riding gloves that matched her equestrian attire.

  “His lordship has loaned your brother some appropriate clothing and a gun and they are finally going hunting. Their horses have just been brought round and they are off toward the estate’s woods. They were discussing hares, pheasants, grouse and the like and what Chef Jacques could do with them. Lord knows what they will actually bring back.”

  “Well, then, I guess I’m on my own. I had hoped to ride with them over the fields today but I have no interest in hunting. When they return, please tell his lordship I have gone into the village to practice my riding and see Mrs. Pins. I shan’t be late. And, Wellingford, please have my mare brought round.”

  The butler left to find a stable boy to get her mare prepared.

  “Mama, mama, where are you going?” Marianne turned as Andrea trundled down the main hallway, her face and pinafore smeared with something that might have resembled chocolate. Miss Jane followed closely behind wiping her hands on her own apron.

  “Sorry, my lady. The little miss heard all the talking in the foyer and just had to come out to see what was going on. We’re in the kitchen helping Chef Jacques make Mousse au Chocolat for dinner tonight.”

  “Mama, I licked the bowl. Chef Jack let me. It tasted good!”

  Marianne laughed and bent to hug her daughter, being careful not to get the chocolate on herself or anywhere else on Andrea. “Well, are you not a very special little girl? Did you thank Chef Jacques for sharing?”

  “No! No! I forgot.” Pulling out of her mother’s arms she hurried back in the direction of the kitchen. “Miss Jane, we must thank Chef Jack so he will give me more next time!”

  Miss Jane curtsied. “Well, it’s good to see she understands what good manners can do for her. Have a good day, my lady.”

  “Thank you, Jane. I will stop by later this afternoon when I return from the village. Maybe the three of us can join her dollies for tea.”

  “I’m sure the little miss would like that, my lady.” She hustled down the hallway in pursuit of her charge.

  ~ ~ ~

  A beautiful, sunny day lay before her as she rode into the village. Marianne, comfortable and easy on her mare, Honey, felt her equestrian skills improved every day she took to the saddle.

  After a brief visit with Mrs. Pins to discuss the making of a new pinafore for Andrea and another day dress for herself, she made her way back to the hitching post where she had tied up Honey. Offering the mare a carrot she had hidden in her pocket, she heard a familiar voice call her name.

  “Marianne, you’ve quite mastered horseback riding. I would never have thought you’d have any interest in it.”

  Marianne, quelling her feelings of surprise and annoyance, turned to look into the intense face of her friend. “Hello, Robert. How are you? I must admit I did not expect to see you here after you left so abruptly a few days ago. Are you well?”

  “Quite. And you? Are the plans proceeding on the estate?”

  Marianne noticed that Robert made to stroke the mare’s nose but that she shied away.

  Her musings over recent events had brought to her attention that Andrea had never really warmed up to him either. Though always polite, her daughter seemingly had neither interest in activities Robert suggested nor any desire to spend time in his company.

  “Why, yes. Things are turning around very nicely. Thank you for asking.”

  “Of course. Since we are both here, would you honor me for a little while by having luncheon in the inn over there? I understand their service is acceptable for such a rural locale.”

  Marianne hesitated for only a moment; since her errand had been quickly done, the day remained quite young, and the weather amiable, she saw no harm in tarrying a little while to spend a few moments with Robert. It would probably be best not to let him wonder any longer about her decision to stay with Drew. “Very well, I would much enjoy that.”

  Robert gently took her arm and escorted her across the road to the village inn which shared its hospitality with the locals as well as any travelers who might be passing through and in need of a meal and a bed for the night.

  Robert led her over to a table at the far side of the small tap room and assisted her to a seat.

  After giving their order to the barmaid they sat quietly waiting for their meal. It was
not until they were almost finished eating that they both started to talk at the same time.


  “Marianne. Wait, let me go first.”

  Marianne nodded and waited for Robert to have his say.

  “I feel an apology is needed for my inappropriate behavior the other day. You and his lordship welcomed me into your home despite the fact that I showed up uninvited and unannounced. Even his lordship welcomed me with all cordiality. There is no excuse for my rudeness. It was a manifestation of my complete frustration and upset to find you had left London and not given me any notification. I was sure you had been taken without your agreement. Once I saw you, however, I knew you were under no duress.”

  Marianne started to speak but paused while the barmaid refreshed their teacups.

  “Thank you, Robert. I accept your apology but recognize the entire matter would not have occurred if I had only sent a note to inform you of our plans to leave town. That being said, I feel I must also tell you that I have thought long and hard over my decision to stay with Drew, his lordship, or leave him to start a new life with you. Please believe me when I tell you it was a very difficult decision to make. The most important part of this choice was my daughter, Andrea. I find I just cannot bring myself to leave her, give up all rights to seeing her or being with her, and not have an ongoing part to play in her upbringing. She is my heart. As a mother I will not give her up. I do hope you understand.”

  Robert looked up from stirring his tea. His eyes betrayed a plethora of emotions. Pain. Rejection. Frustration. Betrayal. “Is there nothing more I can say to change your mind, Marianne? We had such plans. Such possibilities. We could have more children. Our children.”

  “I know. But nothing can compare to my responsibility and love for my daughter. You may not understand, since you have no children of your own yet. But someday you might and then it will become clear to you.”

  “No, without you there will be no other in my life. No children. No wife.”

  “Don’t say that, Robert. You are still more than young enough to find another to share your hopes and dreams.”

  “Your ladyship. Your ladyship.” Mrs. Pins hailed her near the door to the taproom waving a hand in their direction.

  “Oh, I must have forgotten something. Robert, please excuse me for just a moment. I will be right back.”

  Marianne had forgotten the sketch Mrs. Pins had made of the new day dress as well as the swatch of sprigged linen for Andrea’s pinafore.

  “I saw you come in a little while ago and hoped you’d stay long enough to fetch these for you. I’m so glad I hurried. It looks like you’re almost done.” Mrs. Pins handed her the two items. “I’ll be going. I’m sorry to have interrupted your meal.”

  “No matter, we’re just finishing up. Thank you, Mrs. Pins. Andrea will be most excited.”

  As the seamstress left, Marianne folded the two objects and placed them in her pocket before returning to their table where she found Robert stirring her tea. He looked up. “It was quite hot, my dear. I thought stirring it might cool it just a tad.”

  She sat and settled her skirts.

  “I do understand.” Robert picked up their conversation from before the interruption as he set the teaspoon down on his saucer and picked up his own teacup to take a sip. “I had hoped I would be enough for you. I tried my best to be everything you wanted. Surely it would be difficult to give up such wealth and station for a mere gentleman of my low means.”

  “Nonsense, Robert. It has absolutely nothing to do with wealth or his lordship’s earldom. It is truly about Andrea.” Marianne decided it best not to share that she loved her husband. His kindness, patience, and intimate attentions had won her over. He had given her so much more in just two months together than she had shared with Robert in the last two years. How could she give that up, too?

  She feared it was getting late. She found the other pocket in her dress and withdrew the little watch her husband had given her just before they left London. The tiny turquoise flowers, petite rubies, and gold detailing made her smile every time she looked at it. The tiny hands told her it was after three. Andrea would expect her in time to play tea with her, Jane, and all the dollies.

  “I must be going, Robert. Thank you so much for spending this time with me. I am truly sorry things will not work out as we planned. Life certainly does keep one off balance, does it not?” She rose to leave. Feeling as if her blood rushed from her head to her feet, she reached for the table edge.

  Robert stood immediately. “Marianne, are you quite all right?”

  “I . . . I . . . don’t know. I feel so light-headed.”

  “Here, let me help you outside. Fresh air should clear your head quickly.”

  Robert left enough money on the table to cover their meal, then took Marianne’s elbow.

  “Really, I should be all right with a little air.”

  Once outside, Robert helped her across the road to where she left her mare. Honey was gone.

  “I don’t understand it, Robert. She was right here when we went for luncheon. Where could she have gone? Who would dare take his lordship’s horse?”

  “No matter, my dear. My carriage is right around this corner. In your condition, it’s probably best you not ride anyway.” Robert started to lead her along the road toward the corner of the shop.

  “Robert, I feel so faint. I think I’m going to . . .”

  Robert picked her up and carried her to his cabriolet.

  Chapter 30

  Chase paced across the library’s Oriental carpet. “It’s not like Annie to be so late without sending some type of message.” He pushed both hands through his hair yet again, causing it to stick out in wild fashion around his head.

  “You’re going to wear that rug away if you don’t stop. We need to decide on a plan.” Drew gazed out the window overlooking the front courtyard. In his pocket, he worried the miniature that had been through so much strife and trauma in his life. Once again, life had possibly taken a dangerous turn. “On that point, I would remind you the two of us left for this estate without a note to anyone. She was so excited to make progress here she allowed me to remove her from town without a word of dissent.”

  Chase tracked across the floor once again. “But still, she’s a responsible young woman. Everyone knows that. And Miss Jane said she intended to play tea with Andrea. Annie would never want to disappoint her daughter.”

  After a perfunctory knock on the door, Wellingford entered. “Dinner is ready, my lord. Should we serve it or shall we wait for her ladyship a bit longer?”

  “Serve it in the morning room, Wellingford. As soon as we’ve had a bite to eat, we will go out searching for her.”

  Movement in the courtyard caught Drew’s eye and he pushed up from the window jamb. Honey, Marianne’s mare, meandered into view. “Her horse!” He rushed out of the room, down the corridor, and out the manor’s front door.

  After taking the steps two and three at a time, Drew slowed to near the horse at a calmer pace so she wouldn’t be startled and run. He gently took hold of her bit and stroked her nose. Honey whinnied and shook her head but stayed calm.

  Still holding onto the bit and then the reins, Drew walked around the horse inspecting her body and the tack.

  Chase arrived and Wellingford soon thereafter.

  “Neither the horse nor the equipage have any damage. I don’t think she fell off but that does remain a possibility.” As he stroked the mare’s mane, he turned to the butler.

  “Wellingford, we’ll need a very quick meal as we haven’t eaten for hours. In the meantime, have our horses prepared and we’ll set out for the village in short order.”

  Wellingford nodded before making haste back into the house.

  “We should leave right away.” Chase tugged at his hair.
“I should send a note to our parents. I need to let them know.”

  A groom hurried up and Drew handed Honey’s reins over. “Let’s just check in the village first before we upset your parents any further.”

  ~ ~ ~

  After stuffing in a meal while standing, they mounted their horses. Checking along the way to see if Marianne had fallen from her horse and finding no indication of such an accident, they headed toward the village. In less than a half hour, they stood before the dressmaker’s door while Drew knocked insistently.

  “My lord.” Mrs. Pins answered the door in a wrapper, her hair covered by a mobcap. “What is it? What is the matter?”

  “Mrs. Pins, was not my wife here to see you this afternoon?”

  “Why, yes, she was. We picked out a lovely day dress for her and designed a new pinafore for Miss Andrea. I even gave her a sketch and a swatch of the pinafore fabric to show the little miss.” She patted her head and smoothed her wrapper, clearly self-conscious of her déshabillé.

  “And after, did she leave directly for home?” Drew stayed as calm as he could. Getting everyone around them keyed up would not help matters one bit.

  “Well, she was going to but she stayed a while longer. You see, she had forgotten the swatch and the sketch and when I saw her go into the inn I went and retrieved them and found her there.”

  “Excellent! What was she doing in the inn, Mrs. Pins?”

  “Why she looked to be having luncheon, my lord. A full meal, tea and everything.”

  Chase nudged him from behind. Drew pushed gently back with his elbow. They had to have patience, not panic.

  “Mrs. Pins, was she alone?”

  “No. No, she wasn’t. She was eating with a man. They seemed to be cordial and friendly with each other.”

  Drew could feel the radiating heat of his brother-in-law behind him. He was practically breathing down Drew’s neck. And Drew couldn’t blame him for his anxiety.


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