Book Read Free


Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan


  “We need to buy condoms,” she says, kissing up my neck.

  “We do?”

  “Yes. I want to feel you inside me. I want to know what it feels like to come with your hard and thick dick massaging my walls while I do.”

  “Fuck, Mara,” I growl.

  Chuckling, she gives me a quick peck to my check before sliding to the side of me. Before she can play again, I quickly grab my sweats and pull them up, covering my hardening problem.

  “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed, but as you’re up, please put some clothes—”

  “Donovan, you up yet?”

  My eyes meet Mara’s.


  “Donovan?” Phoenix shouts again.

  We’re screwed, more so if Reece is with him.

  There’s no way Mara can get back to the bedroom without being seen, plus she’s naked and I sure as hell don’t want him getting a glimpse of my naked girl.

  He needs to stay where he is.

  Placing my finger across my lips so Mara knows I want her to stay quiet, I jump up from the floor and greet a startled Phoenix.

  “What the fuck. Wait a minute. You have someone with you as in behind the cabinets?”

  There isn’t anyway to get out of this so I might as well be upfront with him and hope he doesn’t inform Reece before I get the chance. No matter how badly I think Reece will take me being with his sister, he still needs to hear it from me. Keeping it to ourselves isn’t really an option, plus now that I have Mara I’m not willing to keep her a secret.

  “Pass me that shirt.” I point to the one on top of my clean laundry so at least I can get her covered up first.

  Catching the tossed shirt, I pass it to Mara and when she’s covered I take her hand and pull her up, and into my side.

  Phoenix doesn’t say anything; he just stands there. His mouth opens and shuts and his eyes glaze over like he’s in a trance. A wry smile twists the corner of his lips as he stares between the two of us.

  “This is bad,” he finally says. “Reece is going to go off when he finds out about the two of you. You know that right? Fuck! This is going to screw up the wedding.”

  “How the hell is me being with Donovan going to screw up your wedding?” Mara asks what I’m thinking.

  “Are you fuckin’ with me right now? It’s only a few days before the wedding and Reece is going to go crazy when this,” he waves his hand between us, “comes to light.”

  “Look, I’ll tell Reece myself. I’m not ashamed to be with Mara. I’m also not willing to push her away because her brother doesn’t agree with us being together. She’s changed me. I only want her.”

  I tighten my arm around her.

  “Since when do you do virgins?”

  What the fuck!

  “You’re one of my best friends Phoenix, but I’m not going to stand here and listen to you talk about her like that. It’s no one’s business.”

  “I’m still a virgin,” Mara announces before burying her head in my chest.

  I can’t help but grin when I see Phoenix imitating a fish.

  “If…I mean. What the hell have you two been doing if you’re still…still…one of them?” he asks wincing.

  “Lots. Why are you here so early?”

  He gets comfortable on one of the chairs and after swiping his hand down his face, drops his head back and answers me, “Reece has been trying to ring you,” he says, turning to glare at me, “so here I am. Just be glad it was me and not him. You need to tell him so he doesn’t catch you like I have.”

  I whisper to Mara, “Go put some clothes on babe.” I clench my fists to my side to refrain from smacking her on the ass as I watch her leave.

  I walk into the living room and slide into the chair opposite Phoenix. I watch as a shit-eating-grin spreads across his face.

  “I knew it was only a matter of time before the two of you got together. My only hope was that Reece would have loosened up some beforehand.”

  “Reece is never going to loosen up where Mara is concerned. He has five sisters, well six, if you count Dahlia, and it would just be my luck that he’s closest to Mara.”

  Phoenix throws his head back and roars with laughter.

  That’s how Mara catches us. “Well you two look to be having fun.”

  “Come here, babe.”

  She’s wearing her jeans from yesterday and looks to have borrowed my baseball jersey.

  Climbing onto my lap, she snuggles against me as my arms wrap around her, keeping her close.

  “Like the shirt,” I comment, and she smiles.

  “Well, one things for sure,” we turn our heads to look at Phoenix as he continues, “you only have to look at you to see the difference between before and now. I hope Reece sees what I do.”

  Phoenix stands and starts heading toward the door. “Oh,” he does an about turn, “Reece wanted you to swing by the wedding shop and pick up your tux, which is ready. Also, the rehearsal dinner has been confirmed at the country club. It starts at seven sharp on Friday. Mara, you’ll need to be there as well.”

  “Of course she’s going to be there. Why wouldn’t she?” Now I’m confused. She’d be there regardless, but I’d want her with me as my guest otherwise.

  “This thing between the two of you isn’t going to go down too well with her family, not just Reece. You need to consider that before you let the world know what’s going on before the wedding.”

  “You want us to stay quiet until after the wedding? That’s what you’re trying to tell me?”

  “It might save a lot of stress if Reece and Callie don’t find out until afterwards. We’re going away for a few days after the wedding so, hopefully, by the time we get back and Reece finds out, he’ll be too mellow to really get into it with you.”

  Mara laughs. “My brother is going to get into it with us regardless of how much sex he’s had before hand, and you know that. I’m Donovan’s date for my brother’s wedding.”

  “You are,” I blurt out before censoring my response.

  “Of course I am because I’d seriously have to kill anyone else you took.” She grins at me.

  “You have your hands full. I’m gonna get back to my girl.” Phoenix smiles and opens the door. I can hear him whistling the tune of Jaws as he leaves and I know he’s expecting the shark, Reece, to tear me a new one.

  Mara straddles my lap.

  “I am going with you right?” she asks while chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Babe, we’re both in the wedding party so we’re both going to be there anyway. We will also be sitting with everyone, but yes, you are going to be with me. I just need to figure out the best time to talk to Reece.”

  “Can we wait until after the wedding just in case he really gets pissed? I mean, Callie won’t want wedding pictures with Reece having a black eye, and you for that matter considering you’re the best man.”

  “There isn’t going to be a fight.”

  “Really?” She grins. “You’re not telling me that Reece won’t go for you when he finds out you de-flowered me.”

  “I haven’t de-flowered you…yet.”

  “I know. Condoms. We need lots of condoms.”

  “Oh, we do, do we?” I tickle her, which has her squirming around in my lap—not such a good idea. “We can go and get some flavored ones after breakfast.”

  “Flavored? Why flavored? Oh no. Normal ones will be fine because I have no intention of having any latex between you and my mouth.”

  “C’mon.” I move her from my lap. “Let’s get breakfast, otherwise, we’ll be going nowhere any time soon.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Where have you been? Mom’s been looking for you,” Sarah asks, sounding pissed because I stayed out overnight. She hates not knowing what’s going on, and heaven forbid if her younger sister has a boyfriend before she does!

  “Mom knows exactly where I’ve been because I sent her a text message last night letting her know, and she

  The moment I arrived home, Sarah had accosted me. I hadn’t even made it up the steps before she did, but I brushed past her. I knew what she wanted to ask me so I purposely ignored her because it’s none of her business. She always makes me feel like everything is a competition with her, and it isn’t. Although she’s really going to piss me off if she carries on whispering with Amanda about Donovan. Not only will she be putting Amanda on the spot, but if Reece finds out he’ll totally flip—maybe.

  “What are you doing today?”

  So now she’s trying the ‘let’s be friends’ tact, which will not work, either.

  “I have some studying to do. I’ll see you later,” I say from halfway up the stairs on my way to my room.

  I’m not telling her that I’m only home to change clothes before I sneak out and go and see Bonny over at the doctor’s office. Although I better give her a call first to make sure she’s working today.

  Donovan dropped me off five minutes away from the house so as I walked the rest of the way home, I looked up the contraceptive injection on my phone. It says that it’s effective straightaway if you have it within five days of your period. Well, I started with an aching stomach on my way home with Donovan so I figured I’m okay to have it now, which is where Bonny comes in.

  She’s one of the family planning nurses at the clinic so I’m hoping she’ll give me the injection without getting on the phone with my mom the minute I leave, like Suzie would have done. I’ve told Bonny things in the past that I don’t think she’s repeated so I’m going to put my trust in her.

  I’d love nothing more than to have sex with Donovan without having anything between us—to feel his silken length as he moves back and forth inside me. I wonder what he’ll feel like inside me though. He’s big. I know the first time is supposed to hurt, but knowing Donovan, he’ll make sure the pain is minimal. Right now, I can honestly say I’m not frightened—more like excited. He makes me feel so special and just being in his presence makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

  At the beach yesterday, there had been so many beautiful girls and he never once stared at them. A few had tried to get his attention, but he’d turned to me instead. At least I know where his mind is, or rather whom his mind is on.

  Smiling in remembrance, I throw my clothes off and head for another shower before I put some clean ones on.

  Stepping under the hot spray, I decide that today feels like a sundress kind of day. Plus if I’m meeting Donovan later then I want to tease him. He can’t get in my panties for a few days, and I thank God my periods only usually last around three days. So Thursday, the day before the rehearsal dinner, I should be finished and ready to go. I just need to keep Donovan on pins until then so he doesn’t have second thoughts because of my over-bearing brother. Don’t get me wrong, I love Reece, but I’m old enough to lead my own life and I wish he’d let me, instead of interfering.

  I know he’ll eventually come around to me being with Donovan, but to begin with he’s going to spit bricks, he’ll be so mad. I know the life Donovan’s led with Reece before my brother met Callie, so it’s not as though I don’t know where Reece is coming from. But, I believe Donovan when he says he only wants me. Even Phoenix believed him.

  Stepping out of the shower, I quickly wipe myself dry, and after seeing to my girl problem, slip into skimpy yellow panties and one of my new sundresses hanging in my closet. It’s lemon cotton with a fitted bodice, spaghetti straps hold it up and a full skirt covers my thighs, with the dress coming to a stop above my knees. It reminds me of the kind of dresses they wore in the fifties. I love it.

  Slipping my ballerina pumps on to my feet, I’m tempted to change them out for my Uggs. I love my boots and have a habit of wearing them no matter the weather—even in the Alabama heat.

  As I hide behind my curtains the ballerina’s are still on my feet while I try to see if anyone is out back. To my delight, Sarah is on the back porch with a couple of her friends. This means, I’ll hopefully, be able to get out of the house without anyone being the wiser. At least that’s the plan.

  Turning back to my room, I find Amanda standing in the doorway. I hadn’t even heard her open the door.

  “Can I come in?”

  I nod my head and sit on my bed waiting for her to join me.

  She doesn’t. She hovers near the closed door.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Can’t I come in and talk to my sister, who I haven’t seen for a few weeks, when I want to?”

  Flopping back on to the bed, I pat beside me. Amanda comes and lies next to me.

  “What’s going on with you and Donovan?”

  Wow. Direct.

  “What makes you think there’s something between me and Donovan?” I counter to try and bide my time because I really don’t want to lie out right to her. Despite wanting to, I can’t tell her the truth—at least not yet.

  “I’m not blind, Mara. No matter what Sarah thinks, he’s only ever had eyes for you.”

  I roll on to my side so I can look into her face. “You’re serious. I honestly don’t know what to say.”

  “It’s okay. Perhaps it’s best if you don’t. That way I won’t have to lie to Sarah if she asks me if I know anything. Just be careful, okay? She has this weird notion in her head that it’s her he wants when anyone with twenty-twenty vision can see it’s you.”

  “I don’t know why she always seems to have it in for me. She’s so bad tempered.” I flop over on to my back and stare up at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. I stuck them up there with Reece about six or seven years ago.

  “I don’t think she’s happy. I think deep down she knows he isn’t in to her. She’ll get over it. She doesn’t really have much choice.”

  “Let’s talk about something else,” I’m sick of talking about Sarah, “like you.”

  She groans.

  “I’m boring. You’re much more fun or at least you’re going to be when Reece finds out Donovan has the hot’s for you—and it’s returned.”

  I elbow her in the side. “Stop. I want to hear more about the job you’re doing in town.”

  “It’s just at the law office. It gets boring but the scenery is nice.”

  “Nice? Since when have hot lawyers been ‘nice’?”

  I watch her blush when I turn my head to look at her.

  “He’s really cute, but shy with women. He’s a damn good lawyer though.”

  “Why the long face?”

  “He always smiles at me and greets me when he gets there in the morning, you know he has good manners. But whenever we pass in the hall or I have to go into his office to give him some notes that I’ve typed up, he gets nervous and blushes. It was cute but now it’s bugging me. I want him to ask me out. I’m not fussy. Coffee would be a start. But I’m getting nowhere fast.” She sighs.

  Smiling to myself at my eldest sister being in a snit over a lawyer, I feel so happy that she’s telling me. This feels good—being needed by one of my sisters.

  “If he’s shy—”

  “I’m not sure he is. Only with me.”

  “Then you need to get a couple of new shirts with a bit of cleavage and some tighter skirts, and then see how he reacts to the change. Whether he looks or not, I’d still invite him out myself. Just go for it.”

  She groans. “He might say no.”

  “He also might say yes.”

  She goes quiet beside me, and I’m positive that she’s considering my words.

  “I better get going,” I say realizing time is getting late.

  “Thanks for the chat. I’m going to drive into town and get some new clothes. It’s been a long time since I spent some money.”

  “Then go for it.” And go get him, I silently add.

  We roll off my bed and Amanda hugs me before leaving me alone. Quickly checking out my window again to make sure Sarah is still distracted, I collect my purse from beneath the dirty clothes, and leave my bedroom as quietly as the door
will allow. I make my way downstairs and out of the front door, which has been left open a crack to my advantage. Whenever I sneak out, the front door has a habit of making the loudest noise. But not this time!

  Hurrying across the road, I slip down the back of the corner house so that I can’t be seen walking to the crossroads to get into town. That’s the beauty about living so close; you can walk pretty much anywhere you want to go—apart from Donovan’s that is.

  Donovan’s home is part way round the lake, and although it can be walked, it would probably take up a good part of the day to do it.

  Arriving at the crossroads, I turn right and start to second-guess myself. What if Donovan doesn’t want to have sex with me bareback? I mean he’s a guy right? Anything to heighten their own pleasure—he’ll be game. Ugh!

  Lost in my own thoughts, I suddenly notice Donovan driving along beside me.

  “Hey, babe. Hop in.”

  He stops so I can climb into the cab with him.

  Grinning, I quickly kiss him before sitting back in my seat and belting up.

  “Where you heading?”

  Hmm. The truth or not?

  The truth. “I’m going to see Bonny.”

  He sends me a questioning look with a raised eyebrow.

  “She’s the only one I trust to give me the contraceptive injection without telling anyone.”

  He brakes hard, throwing an arm out in front of me.

  “Sorry. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I take it you don’t agree?”

  He switches to the gas and gets us moving again. “I just wasn’t expecting that to come out of your mouth.” He glances at me. “Are you sure you want to do that? Isn’t there side effects with having the injection?”

  “There’s side effects with every medication on the market. This is no different. It just means we can have sex without any latex between us. I’ve never been with anyone before and I want to feel every bit of you when you’re finally inside me.”

  “Fuckin’ hell, Mara.”

  He’s sweating, and yeah, I glance down and notice the bulge in his jeans. I’m getting to him.

  “I’ve never done it without a condom before.”

  His admission fills me with joy. “Don’t you want to make love to me with skin against skin? I mean, think how sensitive your dick will be when its not squished in a condom.”


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