Book Read Free


Page 8

by Lexi Buchanan

  He growls. “You’re killing me, Mara. Please change the subject.”

  “I will when you answer me.”

  He flexes his hands around the steering wheel before glancing at me again through the corner of his eye. “Making love to you without any barrier would be amazing, and I’d be honored to do that…but don’t think for one minute that after we have, that you can be with anyone else because I won’t share you—ever.”

  What the hell is he on about? When have I ever said I wanted to be with someone else? “When have I ever given you reason to believe I’m going to go from you to someone else? I actually thought we had something special and all I could see was a future with you.”

  I turn to look out of the window feeling disappointed that he could think I’d consider going from him to someone else. That had never entered my head. I haven’t even thought about anyone else.

  Donovan pulls over at the back of the clinic, and switching the engine off he unclips my seat belt. Pulling me into his arms, I resist for a second before I slide into his warmth. There is no fight where Donovan is concerned and I’d go wherever he took me. “I’m sorry, Mara.” He kisses me on the top of my head. “I didn’t mean you were going to go off with someone else after me, I was just trying to tell you in my stupid way that I’m never going to be able to give you up. That applies regardless of when I make love to you.” He brushes the hair back from my face. “Are we good?”

  “Yeah, we are.”

  “You want to go park later,” he nibbles along my jaw and neck, “and fool around.”

  I giggle. “How old are you?”

  “Now babe, we’ve never dated and I intend to rectify that. We’ll just have to do it low key for now, and parking with you is on my list of things to do.”

  “You have a list?” I ask surprised.

  “Not really.” He grins. “But it sounded good.”

  I hit him on the chest.

  “Now enough talking. Kiss me and go get the jab…where do they put it anyway?”

  Rolling my eyes, I cup his face in my hands and looking into his eyes, I kiss him.

  As my tongue tangles with his, I change position and sit astride him, wanting more contact. Now that I’ve tasted him, he’s becoming the air I breathe, and I just can’t get enough.

  “You better go,” he groans as I kiss my way along his jaw and bite down on his earlobe before sucking it into my mouth. He arches into me as his hands slide up my dress to land on my bottom. He grips me in his hands, and starts to rub me against the hardness he has going on in his jeans.

  It feels so good. I throw my head back and start to ride him, but as I feel his hands slipping inside my panties it brings me abruptly back down to earth.


  He freezes.

  “I can’t.”

  He looks stunned, but starts to pull away from my bottom.

  “I mean. Oh God, this is embarrassing.” I cover my face with my hands as I feel a blush starting to rise up from my neck.

  “Mara, you have me worried. What’s embarrassing?” He starts to soothe me with small caresses up and down my back.

  “Um, you get the jab within five days of your period starting.”

  He freezes then starts to laugh.

  “Fuck, woman. You had me worried. I thought I’d done something wrong. There’s nothing embarrassing about being a woman.” He kisses me on each hand before pulling them from my face to reveal my fiery cheeks. “You look cute all red.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “No I’m not. I’m sweet for telling you not to be embarrassed.” He gives me a quick kiss to my lips before opening his door and dropping to the ground with me in his arms. “Now go in there and get sorted out, and I’ll see you later.” After one last kiss, he passes me my purse, pats me on the butt and shoves me in the direction of the back entrance.

  “I’ll let you know what happens,” I shout over my shoulder.

  “You better.”

  Opening the door, I step inside the air-conditioned corridor and spot Bonny coming out of a room further down. When she looks up and sees me, a frown mars her brow before she walks toward me.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Tux in one hand, I push through the door of the wedding store and walk smack into Reece. My mind has been full of Mara, but as soon as I see him everything flies out leaving me tongue-tied—a first for me.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” he asks sounding pissed.

  “Nothing,” I say then grin. I’m an idiot. “Okay, nothing much. Just lost in thought.”

  He laughs. “So who’s the girl?”

  My heart drops to my feet. “Um, someone I took to the beach yesterday.”

  Telling him the truth, but being a bit evasive will probably work with him right now while his head is full of Callie and their wedding. “I thought your tux was okay. What are you doing here?”

  “Shoes,” he grouches.

  I laugh. “Were you planning on wearing those?” I point down to his scuffed boots.

  “I was, but Callie has other ideas.”

  “You’re a dick if you thought Callie would let you get married in them.”

  He shakes his head. “Yeah, well, I’m thinking another pair of these instead of shoes. I can cope with a lot but I need something I can feel comfortable in.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh at him again. He reminds me of the time we all had to get suits when we were about fourteen. Can’t remember why right now, but he was the same back then about his footwear. Now we’re in our twenties, it’s kind of weird for a guy to have a thing about his footwear, right? It certainly is to me.

  “I think you’ll get away with a new pair of boots. It’s probably the wrecked look of those that Callie’s opposed to you wearing for your wedding rather than the fact they’re boots and not shoes…On that note, I’m going to leave you to get sorted, and I’ll catch you later.”

  Turning, I dash toward my truck, hoping he doesn’t call me back to go in the store with him. I can still feel him staring at my back though.

  Hanging the tux up on the handle in the rear of the truck, I climb in and pull out behind the two cars on the main road through town. I wonder if Mara has finished at the clinic and if she’s okay.

  She’d shocked me when she’d told me where she was heading and why. That had been the last thing I’d expected to come out of her mouth. My dick had also stood up and took notice. Bareback. Yeah, it definitely likes that idea. Down boy! I grin, and before I know where I’m at, I’m pulling up in front of Mara’s house. This is probably a really bad idea, but I need to check on her before I head back to my place. A text message isn’t going to cut it.

  Stepping out of the truck, I groan when I spot Sarah coming toward me across the lawn. She’s a pretty girl, more my age, but she isn’t Mara. There’s only one of her.

  “Hey handsome,” Sarah shouts in greeting as she gets closer to the truck.

  Reaching into the back of the truck, I pull an art book out of the red paper bag that Julie at the local bookstore wrapped for me. I’d wanted to give it to Mara as a present anyway, but I figure I’m going to need a good excuse to get to Mara right now.

  Slamming the door, I turn and face her. “Hi Sarah. How are you doing?”

  “All the better for seeing you.”

  I can handle flirting—I think.

  “Good to know. Is Mara around?”

  Perhaps that was the wrong thing to ask. I watch as her face changes into a scowl. “What do you want her for?”

  “Whatever happened to sisterly love?”

  “You didn’t answer my question.” She stands with her hands on her hips in a ‘you’re not getting past me’ move.

  Exasperated, I stand my ground. “Sarah, stop being a brat. I’m here to return a book to Mara. Now is she home or not?”

  “I’ll give it to her.” She reaches out to take the book from me, but I hold tight.

  “No can do. I want to ask
her something about it as—” my breath catches in my throat as I spot her standing at the front door, “Never mind. I see her.”

  I quickly walk around a shocked Sarah to get to my girl. Probably the wrong move to make, but even from a distance I can make out that Mara doesn’t look too good. Her skin is pale and she has her arms wrapped around her stomach in a protective gesture.

  “Mara, what’s wrong?” I ask as soon as I reach hearing distance. I jog up the steps to the porch.

  She shakes her head, turns and heads back inside.

  I follow her upstairs and into her room, where I close the door behind me and lean against it to stop any unwanted visitors.

  “Please talk to me.”

  She lies down on her bed, before turning away from me.

  Fuck the door!

  Placing the book on her desk, I walk around the bed and climb on, lying down so I’m face to face with her. I’m not fully settled before she moves into my arms.

  I wrap mine around her and pull her in flush against me. “Babe,” I whisper into her hair, “you’re killing me. Did the injection make you sick?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Give me something so I can stop freaking out or so I know what I’m freaking out over.” I stroke down her back and massage her bottom, which isn’t such a good idea. Not only is a flaccid cock good right now, I sure as hell don’t want to have to walk out of here with an erection.

  “Period pains,” she mumbles against my chest.

  “Are you serious?”

  She nods her head.

  “Fuck, Mara. You had me worried…I mean period pains obviously make you feel like shit, but…God…I thought it was more serious.” I put her slightly away from me so I can see her eyes. “Tell me what to do to help you.”

  She smiles. “You already are.”

  Returning her smile, I take advantage and kiss her on the lips. What was supposed to be a quick kiss becomes heated when she opens her mouth to me. One taste is all it takes for me to be desperate for more. Chasing her tongue into her mouth, I deepen the kiss as I roll fully on top of her.

  She breaks from the kiss, and nibbles my earlobe. “Mmm. That feels good. The pressure on my stomach is easing the pain.”

  Our mouths meet again and my cock surges with lust when she wraps her legs around my hips, pressing me down into her. Her hands slide into my hair, holding me against her mouth. There isn’t any need for that because I’ve no wish to go anywhere else. I’m in heaven right here with her surrounding me—grinding against my throbbing dick.

  Our mouths separate, trying to catch our breath.

  “Make me come,” she pants before taking my mouth again.

  My head is spinning and I’m hard as rock with nowhere to go. With her words, she nearly made me come.

  While she’s writhing against me, I’m still conscious of where we are, and who could walk through that door at any moment. But my girl is too far-gone to give a damn.

  “Donovan…I’m so close…Please…I ache,” she moans.

  She’s going to kill me.

  Shoving my hand between us, I unfasten my jeans and shove them down my thighs, but keep my shorts on—not that they’re much of a barrier. Taking a deep breath, I position the root of my dick against her pantie-clad pussy and press down against her before yanking my tee shirt off, letting it drop to the bed.

  She fists the duvet and arches up into me with her head thrown back. Fuckin’ gorgeous!

  Pulling the top of her dress down to expose her breasts, I lean down and capture a nipple in my mouth. I slip my hands beneath her. One against her back to keep her arched and one against her bottom—then I start to rock against her and watch as she clamps her mouth shut and starts moving with me.

  Moving to her other breast, I massage her nipple with my tongue against the roof of my mouth, and feel her hands slip back into my hair holding me in place, against her.

  “Oh God…I’m going to come,” she hisses.

  She isn’t the only one.

  I move my hips a fraction to the left and watch as she shakes apart in my arms—gasping and groaning in pleasure. As she starts to get too loud, I release her breast and capture her lips with mine—taking her shouts inside of me. All the while I’m praying for sanity because my balls feel like they’re on fire. She surprises the fuck outta me by catching me off guard and flipping me to my back.

  As she straddles me, I try to catch my breath, which is impossible with her rocking and grinding against me, while shoving her hands into her hair and throwing her head back. She’s a beautiful vision. The girl I’ve fallen in love with is a sexy nymph. Her breasts are swaying, her nipples begging for my touch.

  Releasing her hair, she peels my shorts away from the head of my cock and runs her fingernail between the leaking slit, causing the fire inside me to hover, ready to release. I reach out and roll and pinch her nipples between my fingers. She shoves her chest towards me as she reaches behind her and places her hands on my knees to keep her balance.

  Ahhh…I’m going to come…

  Rearing up on the bed, I grab Mara and wrapping her up in my arms, I suck her nipple into my mouth. She comes again, sending me with her—white-hot jets spurt out between us, coating my stomach and Mara’s dress, between her breasts—everywhere.

  Fuck me!

  Still quivering with our climax, Mara bites me on the shoulder before pulling slightly away from me; with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on her face.

  “We made a mess.”

  I close my eyes from the sight of my come between her breasts—her magnificent breasts.

  “We need to get cleaned up… You’re kind of a mess.”

  Chuckling, I meet her gaze. “We both are. Thanks to me.” I turn her so she’s on her back on the bed. “Stay there.”

  Rolling off the bed, I shove my dick in my shorts and yank my jeans up so I can walk, and quickly make my way to her bathroom. Grabbing the washcloth, I clean my chest before sitting on the john to remove my boots, jeans and shorts. I’ll have to go commando until I can get home. Cleaning my cock, I pull my jeans and boots back on. Grabbing a clean cloth, I walk toward the bed unable to help the smug smile that I know is hovering on my face.

  “Are you going to clean me up or stand there staring at me all day?”

  “I’d love to do both.”

  Sitting beside her, I run my finger through my cum and rub it around her nipples, which harden under my touch. “I’ve marked you—much more enjoyable than peeing on your leg.” I burst out laughing.

  Joking aside, it’s hot seeing her covered with a part of me, but we’ve pushed our luck so much right now, that I quickly clean her up before helping her out of her dress.

  “Give me a minute to get changed,” she says, giving me a quick kiss before slipping from the bed.

  Getting up myself, I smooth her bedding out so it doesn’t look like we’ve just taken a tumble in the sack and pull my tee shirt back on. Thank god, I’d taken it off.

  Lying back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, I start to drift off to sleep when I hear the bedroom door open.

  As casual as I can, I open my eyes and see the startled look on Sarah’s face, but I catch a smile on their mom, Cindy’s, face before she hides it from Sarah.

  “See. We aren’t allowed boys in our rooms, but Mara has one in hers.” She turns and confronts her mom.

  “Sarah, stop acting like you’re five years old. Donovan isn’t a boy.”

  “Um, excuse me? I was a boy the last time I took a leak,” I say to the room at large.

  Cindy rolls her eyes. “You’re not a boy, you’re a man so you’re allowed.” She winks before turning back to Sarah. “Haven’t you still got company on the back porch.”

  “Humph!” Sarah whirls around and stomps downstairs.

  “Is Mara okay? She looked white when she came home.”

  “Stomach ache,” I answer sitting up on the side of the bed. “She’s in there getting changed.”

p; “If you need anything just help yourself from downstairs…and Donovan,” she waits for my attention to be on her instead of the bathroom door, “I’m trusting you to look after my daughter.”

  She holds her hand out when I open my mouth to speak but I’m not sure if I’m going to admit that Mara and I are in a relationship or not.

  “I know how you feel about her—I’m her mother, I know these things. Just tread carefully with Reece; he’s a firecracker waiting to go off. When he does, just remember he’d be the same with anyone going after Mara, and that it isn’t personal. You two have a lot of history and it would be heartbreaking to me to see you both fall out for good. I’ll do my best to help smooth things between you all if it comes to that because I can’t imagine Mara with anyone but you.”

  “Thank you, and it won’t come to that, but Mara’s happiness comes first—always.”

  “Good answer.” She closes the door behind her.

  “You can come out now.”

  Mara comes out of the bathroom looking sheepish. I knew she was listening from in there, and in a way, I’m glad she stayed put because I doubt I’d have found out how her mom felt otherwise.

  “You look good. Come here, I need you in my arms before I go.”

  Mara stretches out on top of me, her leg going between mine as she wraps herself around me like a vice.

  “I love being in your arms like this. Just the two of us.”

  “I love that too.”

  Wrapping her up in my arms and lulling her into sleep, I can’t help wondering what Reece is going to have to say once Sarah tells him I’ve spent time in Mara’s room—alone—which she will. Probably.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Donovan left an hour ago not wanting to stay for dinner because he’d overheard Amanda saying that Reece and Callie were going to eat with us this evening. I guess he was right when he said Reece would spend the whole time watching us to see if his suspicions were correct. Because since he took his seat at the dining table with Callie at his side, he’s done nothing but throw dark looks in my direction.


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