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Page 16

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I missed you too, but I’m glad you went and got some rest. You looked shattered.” I take hold of his hand with mine and kiss his palm.

  He kisses my nose before sitting in the chair he’s spent a lot of time in.

  “Thalia and Callie made some chilli and cornbread.” He grins. “It was really good.”

  “I bet it was. I’m glad they’re taking care of you while I’m stuck in here,” I say, my voice husky with tears.

  Donovan scoots closer and rests his chin on our joined hands. “You’re coming home tomorrow to my house. I wish you were coming to live with me under different circumstances, but I can’t wait to have you there. In my bed with my arms around you while you sleep.”

  “I’m really going to cry.” I sniff. “Can you pass me a tissue?”

  Getting back to his feet, he grabs a handful of tissues and uses them to mop me up. “You can cry any time you want and I’ll always be here to dry them.”

  I groan. “I love hearing those words, but can you wait until I’m not so emotional. My face will be all blotchy like it probably is now.”

  He starts to laugh. How can he laugh at me when I’m in the hospital crying?

  “Now babe. Stop frowning at me. You look damn cute.”

  He kisses my frowning lips with his smiling ones.

  “I love you,” he whispers.

  And that does it. How can I be mad at him when he tells me I look cute even though I know I’m blotchy and when he can say “I love you” when I’m not at my best.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “Reece, you are seriously pissing me off,” Mara shouts to her brother’s back as he leaves my place.

  She’s been living here with me for two days now and is getting frustrated as hell not being able to get around on her sprained ankle. The trip downstairs took place four days ago and no matter what anyone tells her, she thinks her ankle should be back to a hundred percent by now. Part of me is relieved that Reece came around when he did because he got the brunt of her temper.

  I suppose I’d be pissed as well, not able to get about and being cooped up indoors, but that’s about to change. While she was chatting to her brother, I’ve set up the new sun lounger that he brought around for me. She loves the hammock, but until her ankle is better this is the next best thing. It’s even better because it’s one of the double ones so I can cuddle up with my girl and hopefully calm her down.

  Entering the bedroom, I lean against the doorframe and watch her fight back tears, probably tears of frustration.

  “Hey babe.” Gently climbing on the bed beside her, I lean over her and kiss her lips, her forehead, her nose and back to her lips. “I have a surprise for you?”

  “You’re going to make love to me.”

  I groan.

  “When you can move”

  “I can move now.” She wraps her arms around my neck.

  “Without being in pain.”

  “Spoil sport,” she pouts.

  Laughing, I pull away from her. “C’mon. I want to show you your surprise. Grab your kindle.”

  I pull the throw from the bottom of the bed that she’s partial to and then scoop her up in my arms. “Hold tight, baby.”

  I carry her through my home, which I hope one day she’ll call her own. This is the only place I can imagine living with her, although if the truth be told, I’d live anywhere she wanted to just to be with her. She’s my home now; I just don’t want to scare the shit out of her with her being younger than me.

  “Oh wow. You did this for me?” She covers her mouth with her hands as tears form in her eyes.

  “I’d do anything for you babe. Let’s check it out.” I place her down gently on her side and get the cushion in the right place behind her head before covering her up with the blanket. Once I’m sure she’s settled, I lie down beside her and take her hand in mine. We are silent as we gaze out at the view of the lake.

  “So this is what all the noise was while Reece was inside annoying me?”

  “It was and what did Reece do?”

  “He wanted to know what was going to happen between us when we both went back to the city.”

  A question I’d been dreading because I wasn’t all that sure I wanted to go back and was planning on talking to her to see whether she wanted to stay in the city or transfer back here. Part of me feels selfish though. How can I ask her to do that? She is happy with her new program of study and to have her work displayed in an art show in the museum was amazing. It was also something that wouldn’t have happened back here.

  “Why are you so quiet?”


  She laughs. “Well, scoot over here and wrap me in your arms. I need you close.”

  Well hell.

  The things this girl does to my heart is crazy.

  Rubbing my chest, I turn on my side and carefully bring her into me. She snuggles back against my chest as I spoon around her.

  The bruises she collected during her tumble are still there although not as vivid as they were and she’s certainly moving a lot easier than she was. Her ankle and arm still cause her pain, which is why I have a stock of Tylenol because she refuses the prescribed painkillers. When I have her in my arms like she is now, I never want to move. There is nothing more satisfying than having the girl I love close to my heart.

  “Donovan, you’re thinking so loud that I can hear you.”

  Smiling, I kiss her on the back of her neck. “I was thinking how lucky I am to have you—how much I love you—how much I love having you living with me and how much I love well as what Reece wanted to know. We need to talk about it because I’m not sure I want you away from me. Before we were living together, I hated you leaving, and now I want to be selfish and hold you close.” I bury my face into the back of her neck and breathe her scent in to my lungs.

  “I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but if you think you’re going to be able to get rid of me now I’m here, you can think again. I’m here to stay.”

  I can hear the smile in her voice.

  “That’s settled then. You’re living with me from now on.”

  Mara wiggles and lying on her back, she kicks the blanket off with her good leg as I move and lean over her, so desperate to take her mouth with mine. But I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop and end up hurting her. Even now just having her eyes on me, my dick is hard as fuck and tenting my sweats. I knew there was a reason why I needed to wear shorts beneath. There’s no way she won’t feel what she’s doing to me, and catching her wandering hand in mine, I catch the laughter on her face.

  Using my other hand, I shove the waistband of my sweats over the tip of my cock to keep it against my stomach instead of prodding against her.

  Mara gasps then moans. “Please let me touch you.”

  I have a happy dick hearing those words, but no way in hell.

  “Keep your hands to yourself babe. The next time you touch me will be after I’ve shown you what it’s like to be loved.” I place a quick kiss to her lips before rolling onto my back.

  “I’m really frustrated,” she grumbles.

  “You’re not the only one.” I close my eyes to try and catch my breath.

  “What will it feel like when you slide inside me?”

  Is she trying to kill me?



  “You didn’t answer,” she smirks.

  Keeping my eyes shut, I grind out, “Heaven. Being inside your tight wet pussy will be heaven.”

  Talking about her pussy and my dick isn’t helping my horny problem so with that in mind, I ask, “What about school? What do you want to do?”

  “Hmm. I know you’re changing the subject, but I’ll let you off for now.” She rolls on to her good side and rests her injured arm on my chest as she uses my shoulder for a cushion. “I want to carry on studying art, but where I do that doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is if you’re with me. If you want to stay in the city we
can do that or if you want to stay here then I can transfer back. The college when I left said if I changed my mind about city living to come see them so that sounds good right? But what do you want to do?”

  “I’m going to go back to college and do what I’ve wanted to do for years. So babe, I’m going to let you choose because I’ll most certainly follow. I’ll always follow you.” And I mean every word. I just hope she realizes that.

  “If we go back to the city, where will I be living?” She starts to draw circles with her fingernail on my chest.

  “With me! Where else do you think you’ll be living?”

  “That makes me happy.”

  Brushing the hair back from her neck, I start a gentle caress. “Mara, are you sure this is what you want? That I’m what you want?”

  She stills against me.


  “You’re eighteen Mara. You have your whole life ahead of you. I love you too much to let you tie yourself down now with me if you’re unsure.”

  Burying her face in my chest, she stays silent, but a few seconds later I feel dampness against me.

  “I’m in love with you. I don’t think you can get more certain than that. Besides you’re not exactly an old man.” She sniffles.

  “That’s all I wanted to know. And for the record if you’d responded differently I think you’d have killed me.”

  “Then let’s live here. I will talk to my old advisor at the college and I know they do have architectural design courses. That is what you want right?”

  “Yes, that’s what I want. I also miss this place when I’m away so it will be good to move back. We’ll have to work something out with Deception because I won’t be around much.”

  She groans. “I’d forgotten about them. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. This is a move I’ve wanted to make for a while and if you hadn’t moved to the city when you did then I’d have already been back.”

  She looks up to me and meets my eyes. “I don’t understand.”

  “When I was looking for a place to stay it was my way of building up the courage to tell the guys I wanted to move back home. I wanted to see if the feelings I have for you were real. But all I had to do was open the door to see you breaking your heart to know that they are. So I got another apartment close by and then proceeded to ignore you because I’m an idiot. So basically, I don’t give a shit where I live as long you’re with me.”

  “I can’t stop crying.”

  Rubbing her back, I try and console her and pull her closer to me just needing that extra bit of contact. But then I get too much contact when she slides her leg in between mine and bringing her knee up slightly, she rubs against my balls causing my dick to twitch and take notice.

  “Donovan,” she whispers just before she bites my nipple causing me to arch into her.

  “We can’t do this.” My hands slide on to her bottom and squeeze, pressing her against me. “We really can’t do this.” She captures my mouth with hers and as soon as our tongues meet, I’m lost. She removes her leg from between mine and swings it over my hip bringing her pussy against my dick nearly making my eyes roll back in my head.

  “I ache,” she moans into my mouth as she rubs against me.

  Breathing heavily, I break completely from the kiss and rest my forehead against hers. “Let me relieve you?”

  “What about you?” She gasps when I press forward with my hips.

  “I’ll survive.”

  “Ahhh…fuck…baby,” I hiss when her hand slips between our bodies and squeezes my length.

  If I don’t stop this I’m going to be giving her more than she bargained for by coming all over us. Grabbing hold of her leg, I help her get comfortable before stripping her shorts and panties down her legs and tossing them to the floor.

  “You are beautiful,” I kneel between her spread thighs, “so beautiful.” Reaching out, I stroke the top of her pussy where she has a landing strip and feel a ripple of pleasure working it’s way through her. When I dip further between her legs, she gasps and then moans, her hips slightly arching toward me.

  “I’m going to taste you,” her eyes darken at my words, “but only if you promise not to move. I want to pleasure you not hurt you.”

  “I promise. Just do it.”

  I chuckle. “Impatient little thing, aren’t you?”

  She doesn’t reply but groans when my finger slips inside her. She’s so tight and her muscles clamping around just the tip of my digit are causing my dick to swell and leak with excitement.

  “Wait,” she gasps. “Strip.”


  “Help me,” she pleads, struggling with her clothes.

  I toss her tee shirt followed by her bra to the floor and watch as she stares back at me. I have to close my eyes from the sight of her excited nipples beading under my gaze, which she notices and brings her hands up to cover them before she starts rubbing over them with her fingers. My dick surges against my sweats knowing what it fuckin’ wants.

  Before she can blink, I have my tee shirt off and my sweats around my thighs and then her hand lands on my straining length. I nearly lose it as my hips arch in to her touch.

  She caresses back and forth, wiping the head with her thumb. I grind my molars while trying to stay loaded because she’s making me want to come all over her generous breasts. I’m sure it’s every man’s fantasy or dirty dream to fuck his girl’s boobs. To play with her nipples while squeezing her breasts around his shaft as he rocks between the luscious softness that only he has access to.


  I knock her hand away and breathing heavily through my nose desperate to come, I press down on my balls. This is supposed to be about my girl, but somehow we’ve gone off track.

  Hoping I manage to keep it together long enough to pleasure her, I lie down between her legs. “Be careful with your foot and just keep your arm resting against the lounger.”


  Smiling, I dip down and catch her scent before using my tongue to part her silken folds.

  I growl.

  “You taste good.”

  Pointing my tongue, I glide between her neither lips, aiming for her most secret depths. It makes me feel so damn excited knowing she’s letting me go where no one else has been before. Knowing my cock is going to be buried in her tight heat as soon as she’s back on her feet is making me burn up. I’ve never been with a virgin before, and knowing it’s the girl that I’m in love with does weird things inside me.

  Swirling my tongue around her entrance, I finally get a taste of her essence and my balls pull in tight to my body. So not good. But I can’t slow down.

  She writhes under my onslaught. Feeling so close to my own release, I insert my finger as my tongue laves her clit and start to massage along her walls. Feeling her legs quiver and small gasps escape her mouth, I rub against the bundle of nerves and take all of her release in my mouth as hot spurts of cum shoot out of dick in my own release.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  When Donovan carried me out back and laid me down on here, I hadn’t planned for us to get carried away. Poor, Donovan though, he’d planned the perfect romantic evening for us for after my brother’s wedding and I ended up nearly killing myself. Just my luck.

  Once I’m back on my feet I’m going to make it up to him, but right now having the man I’m in love with resting his face on my pussy is turning me on again—so much. I’m exhausted from the orgasm he’s just given me, but my body wants more. I have a feeling my heart and body will always want more of him. He treats me like a princess, which will change, but while I’m laid up I’m willing to sit back, or rather lie back and let him.

  I need to finish him off though—I’m not selfish. He must be in pain suppressing his need. So with that in mind, I use my good arm and try to pull him up my body, but he doesn’t budge. “Donovan. I need you up here.”

  He lifts his head and slowly crawls up me, kissing each breast. “T
hese are beautiful.”

  “They’re too big.”

  “Like hell. They’re just the right size. One day I’m going to fuck your breasts.”

  My eyes widen in shock. I know I’m a virgin and read erotica genre in books, but hearing Donovan come out with something surprises me. I have wondered about it after reading it, and the thought makes me want to tell him to get his dick up here and to straddle my chest. He’s so dirty and I’m getting frustrated as hell that he won’t make love to me. I understand why, and I understand that he wants to make it special for me. But doesn’t he understand that just being with him—that he’s the guy—is special. There are a lot of things I want to try out and one of them is to be taken up against a wall in public. I don’t mean with an audience, but where there is a risk of us being caught. It sounds hot and gets me excited every time I think about it.

  “What are you thinking about? You’re eyes have darkened with lust again and your hips are moving with a mind of their own.”

  “I’m thinking that my guy is dirty and that I want to get down and dirty with him. But you need to deflower me first because I’m getting desperate to have you inside me. I’ve seen and touched you, and know how big you are and I clench wanting you sliding in and out of me.”

  “Fuck me, Mara,” he growls. “We need to get dressed before the guys and girls get here.

  “We’re having visitors?”

  “Yeah. You’ve looked down all day so I thought they could come round for a bit.” He smiles. “They’re bringing beer and pizza.”

  “Okay.” I stroke a finger down the center of his chest. “But I still want you up here. I want your full weight on me when you hold me close.”

  “Oh baby.” He moves from my aching nipples and comes closer, but we both gasp when I wrap my legs around his hips and the head of his shaft touches me right where I need him. And by the feel of things he’s hard and ready again. “Don’t move,” he grounds out.

  “I need to…and you need to come.”

  He presses his dick down so it’s lying from my pussy to ass between my legs as he gives me his weight.


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