Book Read Free


Page 17

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I came at the same time you did.”

  “You did?” I seriously hadn’t realized.

  “Yeah. I’ll flip the cover and then wash it later.”

  “Um, okay.”

  I wrap my arms around his shoulders, taking care not to bash him with the one in the plaster, and hold him tight. He buries his face in my neck.

  He feels so good against me and having his dick between my legs is hot especially when it twitches. Its light caress is making me want to flip him over and slide down on him. But I’m not going to do that because not only will it hurt, it will disappoint him. He wants to be romantic for my first time so I’ll have to control my body’s urges, which is easier said than done. I want to stay wrapped around him like this forever, but unfortunately my ankle is starting to throb and we have guests arriving soon.

  Dropping my legs back to the lounger, I wince when my sore ankle hits. Bad idea.

  Donovan lifts his head. “You need some more painkillers babe. Let me carry you inside and clean you up before putting fresh clothes on.”

  “Okay. I kind of like having you doing things for me, although I have a feeling it’s going to get pretty old fast.”

  He chuckles, then places a kiss to my lips before sorting himself out and carrying me inside to the bathroom where he seats me on the vanity unit.

  Wetting a cloth he turns and grins at me. “Open wide,” he says, wiggling his brows. “Mara. Now isn’t the time to be stubborn. I want to look after you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I spread my thighs and smile when I catch sight of his cock swelling.

  “Stop looking at me, Mara or I won’t be responsible for the consequences.” He wipes between my legs—thoroughly.

  Without another word he carries me back into the bedroom and sitting me on the side of the bed grabs me fresh underwear, yoga pants and a tee shirt before helping me dress. My body comes alive under his touch so I tease, “You know, I think there’s something wrong with me?”

  “Why’d you say that?”

  “Because up until two weeks ago my body was kind of flat you know, but since we’ve been back here and I’ve been with you, my body is constantly wanting to have sex with you. That can’t be normal for a virgin.”

  He groans with his cock twitching.

  “Don’t move.”

  He dashes into the bathroom and I hear the shower switch on, and then a crash followed by some cussing.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Give me a minute.”

  Collapsing back on the bed, I gaze up at the ceiling wishing I could join him in the shower. Once I no longer have my flower, I’m going to seduce him every damn opportunity I get. He’s going to wonder what the hell is wrong with me having a horny girlfriend 24/7 because that’s how I feel—constantly horny. I wonder if he reacts like that to me.

  Speaking of the devil, he comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and, ignoring me, he grabs shorts, jeans and a tee shirt. Pulling his clothes on he drops on his stomach to the bed beside me.

  “To answer your question, now I’m dressed, the answer is your horny feelings towards me are perfectly normal,” he laughs as I lightly punch him on the arm. “Seriously babe. You love me right so is natural you’d want me all the time. I mean I love you and can’t get you out of my head. For a while now, I only have to hear your voice down the phone and I’m hard as a rock. One touch from you is enough to have me nearly coming in my jeans. I mean outside, you didn’t even touch me and I came when you did.”

  God, I love his smile, and his sexy body and I just plain love him.

  He rubs noses with me. “So does that answer your question?”

  “It answers my question but it doesn’t do anything about the craving to constantly have sex with you. In fact, just to have sex once with you would be good,” I grumble.

  He laughs. “We’ve done some pretty hot stuff babe and I promise I’m going to be inside you really soon.”

  “But not soon enough.”

  He groans and drops his face in to the bed.

  “Anyone home?” Thalia shouts.

  “Yeah. One minute,” Donovan replies getting to his feet and readjusting himself in his jeans.

  “C’mon babe. Let’s go eat and be social for a short while.”

  He’s in the process of picking me up in his arms when I remember, “Our clothes are still out back,” wrapping my arms around his neck.


  Carrying me out into the family room, he deposits me into the recliner. “I’ll hide them.” He kisses me on the lips and moves away.

  “I hope you brought plenty of pizza. Mara’s hungry.”

  “Very funny.” I’m not that hungry, but Donovan can eat and I mean really eat.

  “How you doing today?” Thalia asks sitting opposite while Callie sits to my right.


  They look at me before looking back and forth between the two of them when I start laughing.

  “Well, I am that, but I meant not being able to get around myself. It’s starting to piss me off. Donovan’s great, and although I love being in his arms, it’s frustrating that he has to take me to the bathroom, you know?”

  “He loves you and won’t give a damn about all that.”

  “I know. Anyway, enough about me when are you both going away seems as though I ruined your original plans?”

  “Oh you hush now. You didn’t ruin anything,” Thalia tells me the same thing they’ve been saying since my fall. I still feel bad though. She continues, “We’re going to the beach tomorrow for a couple of days.”

  “Nice. Hopefully my brother will come back in a better mood.”

  “He’s just worried about you,” Callie says.

  “I know. He just goes overboard with it sometimes.”

  “Hey sis. Feeling better?” Reece kisses me on the head before grabbing Callie up out of the chair. “Let’s go outside now Donovan’s tided up.”

  I look everywhere but at him when he said that. Tided up my ass. More like hidden our clothes and any sign of us fooling around.

  “Hmm. Now what would make you embarrassed about going outside,” Thalia smirks.

  “Just don’t tell my brother.”

  “Don’t tell your brother what?” Donovan asks having overheard me.

  “Why I’m blushing because you’ve tided up outside.”

  Donovan pauses as he’s in the process of bending down to collect me and meets my gaze, and then he grins like a satisfied idiot.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about,” he says, kissing me now that I’m in his arms.

  He strides outside and sits me down at the table where there are four, huge pizza boxes and two, six packs of beer and some Pepsi spread out.

  My stomach chooses this moment to grumble—loudly.

  They laugh, and Reece asks Donovan, “You not feeding my sister, man?”

  “I’m feeding her just fine.”

  The guys open the boxes and the fresh pizza smell hits me again. “Did you get these from the new place in town?” I ask taking a huge bite from the slice of cheese and mushroom pizza Donovan placed on my plate.

  “Sure did and it isn’t new anymore. It’s been there over twelve months,” Phoenix adds.

  “Exactly, it’s still new.” I grin. “Before I left to join y’all in the city, I’d go there and sit in the kitchen with Marco. While he’d get the dough ready and all the fresh ingredients for the food, I’d keep him company. Sometimes I’d help, but mostly I’d just sit and inhale the delicious aromas.”

  I carry on eating and notice Donovan looking at me, so I return his gaze, raising an eyebrow in question.

  “Marco?” he asks.

  Reece chuckles. “A bit of jealousy never did anyone any harm.”

  Donovan grunts. “I’m still waiting.”

  “He’s a really good looking guy, and he likes me. He used to save me some of his tiramisu if I didn’t show up the day he’d made it.” Now
I laugh. There is no way I can carry on pretending. “Marco also has a great grandchild that I’d look after sometimes when his mom was cleaning in the restaurant. Marco is eighty-six with no sign of giving up his kitchen.”

  “She got you there,” Phoenix says with a punch to Donovan’s arm.

  Donovan wraps his fingers around mine, which are sticking out of the plaster cast that I have resting in my lap. I find it cumbersome, but having him touching me while we’re here with my brother, Phoenix and their wives is amazing. I never thought I’d have this with him.

  Chapter Thirty


  “You better not be doing what I think you’re doing with your hand on my sisters…um…there?” Reece stumbles over his words causing the others to erupt with laughter.

  “Are you for real?” Mara asks, but I don’t think she’s expecting an answer.

  “You’re an idiot. As though I’d be feeling her up with you sitting there.” I shake my head. “I want to hold my girl’s hand if that’s okay with you?”

  Reece opens his mouth and I watch as Callie shoves a slice of pizza in. “You need to keep your mouth occupied with something other than words before you say something to piss them off.”

  “Hey. I’m cool with them being together.”

  Callie snorts—very unladylike.

  Mara stills next to me.

  “You really are okay with me being with Donovan, right? I mean, reverse psyche shit and all that.”

  “Of course I—”

  He rubs his arm that Callie pinched.

  “I think I’m going to need insurance being married to you. I was about to say before I was so rudely interrupted that of course I’m okay with you both being together.” He grins.

  “What a load of shit.” Callie bursts out laughing.

  God, he’s giving me a headache. He told me reverse psychology, so what the fuck is going on.

  “Okay, to begin with I was pissed, but then as time went on I realized it was more so I decided the reverse psychology crap,” he smiles, “and it worked. Although on occasion I had second thoughts.”

  “Ha, yeah right.” Callie smirks at Reece before looking at Mara. “You should have heard him the night of the art show. He wasn’t okay then.”

  “Wife, eat some pizza,” Reece says before he adds, “I’m okay with you both being together. Now can we please change the topic of conversation?” He takes a large bite from his fully loaded slice.

  Mara squeezes my fingers so I turn to look at her and see a small smile on her lips. She leans into me and I meet her halfway placing a small kiss to her lips. “Are you doing okay?” I whisper, sliding my hand into her glorious hair.

  “I’m always alright when I’m with you.” She grins.

  “Okay, enough of that mushy shit with my sister. Let’s go down to the lake and leave the girls here to gossip.” Reece stands up, kisses Callie like he’s leaving for a month before grabbing another beer.

  Phoenix kisses Thalia and starts to follow Reece with his beer so that leaves me with three pairs of female eyes on me.

  Laughing, Mara wraps her good arm around my neck and pulls me close for one, hot kiss that has my toes curling and my dick swelling. Pulling back she grins at me with lust clear as day on her face. But unfortunately we can’t do anything about that right now.

  “I’ll see you soon babe.” I push away from the table and, grabbing a beer, turn back to Mara, “You’ll be okay, right?”

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. It’s not as though you’re too far away. One shout and you’ll be here.”

  “Okay.” I quickly kiss her again. “See you girls real soon.”

  Shoving my feet into my sneakers, I walk away from my house, and listen to the girls laughing. Probably at my expense, but I really don’t care. Mara has me wrapped around her little finger and I love her. I love her taste, which is addictive and causes my blood to heat with arousal. I love her sense of humor and her laughter. I love the way she thinks and all of her passion for art…Let’s face it, I love all of her.

  Arriving at the small jetty where my dad’s boat is moored, I’m tempted to turn back to my girl, but the grinning faces of my two idiotic friends stop me.

  “You are so easy to read,” Phoenix shouts, laughing. “She isn’t going to disappear.”


  Kicking my sneakers off, I drop down and let the cool water of the lake lap around my feet and ankles. Phoenix and Reece join me.

  “Come with us,” Reece says out of the blue and I’ve no idea what he’s talking about.


  “You heard me. Come with us when we take the girls to the beach tomorrow.”

  I look between my two best friends to gauge whether or not they’re serious about Mara and me joining them, and they look to be.

  “Why would you want me to tag along on your honeymoon? I don’t think Mara would like me helping you guys out pleasuring your girls,” I smirk when I see the shocked expressions on their faces.

  I’m not serious, but I love winding them up, and no doubt they’ll get me back at some point.

  Phoenix hits me in the arm. “My girl is plenty satisfied so shut the fuck up.”

  “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer,” Reece growls.

  Smiling, I take a drink of my beer then grimace because the beer has warmed up with the heat. We usually put them in coolers, but I had my girl in my arms and my head so the coolers slipped my mind. Not sure what my friends excuses are.

  Taking another drag on the bottle, I rest back on my elbows and look up at the moon trying to think whether or not I want to head to the beach with my girl and the guys. Do I want to keep her to myself or share her is what it basically comes down to.

  “Well? You coming with us?” Reece persists.

  “I’m thinking.”

  “Well think faster.”

  “Why the rush? It’s not as though you’re going now.”

  “I like to plan.”

  “Yeah right.” I turn to Phoenix. “What about you? Are you really okay if Mara and me come with you?”

  “I’ve just shared a wedding with one of my best friends so why wouldn’t I want my other best friend to come on honeymoon with me?” He grins wiggling his eyebrows.

  “You’re both dicks,” I laugh. “We’ll go with you, but we’re not having separate rooms. Non negotiable.”

  “Well, we sure as hell aren’t sharing a room with your hairy ass,” Phoenix jokes, laughing.

  “Ha ha. Funny man!”

  “Perhaps this isn’t such a good idea,” Reece frowns. “I’m not sure I can cope with you sharing a room with my sister.”

  “Are you for real? We’re already sharing a house… Dick!”

  “He has a point,” Phoenix comments. “She might be your sister, but she’s his girl so quit being so damn protective of her when you know he wouldn’t hurt her for anything.”

  “I knew there was a reason why I loved you.” I grin wrapping my arm around Phoenix’s neck.

  “Um, is there something you need to tell us?” Thalia asks.

  How the hell they managed to creep up behind us, I don’t know. The damn jetty creeks like the bones on a ninety-year old man—my grandfather’s description, not mine.

  Turning, I see Mara being held up between Callie and Thalia. Jumping to my feet, I wrap my arms around her waist. She releases her hold on the girls and wraps her arms around my neck just missing knocking me out with the arm in the plaster cast. That’s more inconvenient than the ankle.

  “What are you doing struggling down here?”

  “We finished eating and I wanted to be with you.” She looks uncertain. “I mean you don’t mind, right? Or do you?”

  She starts removing her arms from around me, which won’t do and I’m being an idiot for not replying. It’s just that hearing that she has struggled down here between the girls because she wants to be with me fills me with joy, but at the same time I don’t want her hurting
because of me.

  Tightening my hold on her, I bend my head and kiss her sweet spot on her neck, which always makes her shiver. And she does again. “I love that you want to be with me, and don’t think for one minute that I’m mad with you for interrupting when I’m with the guys. They’re my best friends and probably always will be, but you’re the girl I love and you will always come first. You got me?”

  She nods her head and probably hoping I don’t notice, buries her tear stained face in my neck. I do all I can to comfort her and carry on holding her close, when Reece has to go and interrupt.

  “So you’re telling me that we don’t come first anymore?”

  Turning, but keeping my hands on Mara, I reply, “That’s about right.” I grin.

  Reece tries to hold his frown, but it slips and ends up a shit-eating grin.

  “I promise to try and stop being a dick where my sister is concerned, but you ever hurt her then all bets are off.”

  “I hear you.”

  I’ve no intention of ever hurting my girl. We’re bound to have arguments now and again, but I can’t ever imagine doing something to hurt her. There is one thing that I’m going to be doing, which will probably hurt the guys though so I decide now while it’s quiet to tell them about the changes I’m making to my life.

  “Let’s sit back down, I need to tell you all something.”

  Through the dark, I feel them watching me as they do what I ask.

  I help Mara get to the floor before I sit behind her and pull her back against my chest to wrap my arms around her stomach.

  “Mara and I have been talking about living arrangements and college.” Now or never. “We’ve decided to live here, as in this house and Mara is going to finish her studying here and I’m going back to concentrate on architectural design.”

  No one says anything, and then they all start talking at once.

  I wait for them to shut up rather than trying to talk over them. I might as well save my breath.

  Mara leans against my shoulder and I meet her amused gaze. My eyes drop to her lips and all the noise disappears. All I can hear is the blood rushing through my ears and all I can see is the beautiful girl in my arms. I capture her lips and nothing else matters. Her mouth opens for more so slipping my tongue inside, I stroke against hers. Until we hear a throat being cleared, which is when I realize the noise has stopped.


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