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After Sundown: Illumination

Page 20

by Eden Robins

  “Did you ever get to travel with your parents?”

  Although Rebecca knew Jason was probably asking her these questions as a professional, to learn more about the danger she was in, she couldn’t help but feel a warm glow from his interest in her. Other than with Xander and her family, she hadn’t had the freedom to discuss her personal life or craft with many people. She couldn’t share her craft with her friends, not even her childhood friend Maddie. So many times, when they were whispering their hopes, fears and dreams for the future in the middle of the night at a sleepover, she’d wanted to tell her best friend. But she never could. She could never talk about any of her insecurities or worries about her powers—or lack of powers.

  “I traveled every now and again with them but when I did I mostly got in the way. Or at least that’s how I felt. You see, my powers never developed like my parents’. Compared to theirs my witchcraft is weak. Although I’m practiced at my craft and proficient at many spells, my strength lies mainly in being empathic.”

  Jason raised one eyebrow in question. “Empathic?”

  Rebecca nodded.

  “Yes, I have strong empathic powers. I can sense and relate to what others are feeling on a level most don’t perceive. That’s why I chose communications for my career. I can read people very well. This helped me not only in my journalistic pursuits but also in developing my talk show, Are My Lights On?. But for my parents my powers were not of use. I don’t think they felt much pride in my type of ability, so they tended to leave me at home with my grandparents.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Rebecca.”

  Rebecca smiled brightly.

  “Don’t be. My grandfather and grandmother are wonderful people who always made me feel loved. They included me in their life as much as possible and helped me expand my craft. They’ve always been very supportive of me. After my parents died in a plane crash coming back from South America when I was sixteen, my grandparents helped me get through, protecting me and loving me with everything they had.”

  “I’m glad they could be there for you.”

  Rebecca smiled.

  “So am I. But anyway, back to what we were discussing. I was somewhat self-absorbed growing up, and didn’t think too much about other paranormals. Looking back, that was a bit close-minded of me. I should have learned more about the preternatural community around me. Maybe if I had I would have been more on guard with Xander. I would have had some inkling of what he was up to and gone to either the Wiccan authorities or the police to deal with him before things went so far,” Rebecca admitted.

  “You had a lot going on in your life, Rebecca. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  Rebecca shrugged, saying nothing. But she knew deep down inside that she was right. She regretted not learning more about other paranormals.

  “How about meeting more of that element right now?” he asked suddenly, holding out his hand to her.

  Rebecca was confused.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We don’t have much time,” he said, gently grasping her hand. “Don’t argue, just trust me.”

  Rebecca met his gaze. His stare was intense and probing, as if he were trying to read her thoughts. She didn’t look away. She didn’t want to. He asked her to trust him but could she?

  Can I?

  It was her turn to search his eyes with hers. She tried to look deep, tried to discover if she could be safe with Jason. Could she open herself to him? And if she did, would he hurt her? She didn’t want to get hurt.

  Not like that.

  Not again.

  She didn’t look away. And slowly she found herself smiling. She couldn’t help it. Something about being with him made her feel so good. His stare softened and his eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as his mouth turned up in a boyish grin.

  “You like me,” he said with confidence, as if he had no doubt.

  “Maybe,” she said, unable to keep a straight face. A small smile spread across her face.

  He chuckled at that. The low, sexy sound of it sent her senses reeling. Jason affected her in a way no other man ever had.

  “Maybe? Well, maybe you need to come with me right now. Maybe that would work for you?”

  She gave him an impish look, coy yet mischievous. “Maybe.”

  Jason took her hand and gave it a little tug.

  She didn’t fight it.

  They took his car. A sleek silver Corvette. The color almost exactly matched his eyes. The car suited Jason. Powerful, fast and great to look at. Just like him.

  As they left the grounds of her grandfather’s estate, Rebecca tried to get her mind on the business at hand. She needed to stop obsessing about Jason, no matter how good-looking he was.

  Curiosity got the better of her.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “A place I know. It’s a club called Twice Charmed, and if you want to learn more about the preternatural element in our community, that’s the spot,” he explained. “I really need to talk to someone there about this case and despite all the security your grandfather has at his estate I’d feel safer keeping you close to me.”

  Rebecca wanted to tell him how much she liked to stay close to him, very close to him, but she held back. Now was not the time.

  “Why haven’t I ever heard of this club?”

  Jason laughed.

  It was still low and sexy.

  But it was also mocking.

  She didn’t like that.

  “What?” she asked, irritation obvious in her voice.

  He glanced at her incredulously. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Of course I’m serious,” she replied.

  ‘”You really have been sheltered,” Jason said, shaking his head.

  “Your grandparents may have been involved in the goings-on of that community but you weren’t. You were always kept just out of that loop. You were protected, like a little princess.”

  Rebecca’s eyes narrowed.

  “What? Me? A little princess?”

  Jason nodded his head.

  “Did I stutter? You heard me,” he said arrogantly, mischief practically shooting out of his eyes.

  Rebecca wanted to stomp her feet in frustration.

  “I’m no little princess, Jason. I can take care of myself, and have dealt with plenty of ugly situations in my life. My grandparents may not have shared every detail of the paranormal goings-on of this community but I’m not naïve.”

  Jason grew serious.

  “I know you’ve been through a lot recently, Rebecca. But your grandparents did protect you from some things. I’m not saying anything is wrong with that. I’m just saying it is what it is.”

  Rebecca rolled her eyes.

  “Whatever. Let’s talk about something else. This club, tell me more about it.”

  “I don’t have to. We’re here,” he said, pulling into a large parking lot. Rebecca looked around, realizing exactly what neighborhood they were in. She swallowed hard. Not the best place to be late at night but she could handle it. She was no “little princess”. Besides, she felt safe with Jason. He exited the car and came around to her side. He glanced around him as he walked then scanned the immediate area again before opening the door for her. He was in security mode. This was the first time she had seen him like this. It made her a little nervous. Placing her hand in his outstretched one, she got out. The contact sent tingles up her arm and down her spine. They looked at each other and she knew he felt it too. There was a connection between them that was undeniable. He continued to hold her hand as they approached the club entrance, walking in front of her protectively and continuously keeping aware of his surroundings. The large man standing at the entrance merely nodded at Jason, gave her a curious look then waved them past.

  Walking through that door was like walking into another world. The energy in the place hit her hard and fast. It surrounded her. The dim interior was interrupted by a strobe light that half concealed the occupants of the room, only provid
ing brief, distorted glimpses of their faces. The music beat with a primal sound that matched the rapid pounding of her heart. It called to something inside her, something that wasn’t quite human.

  It was too much.

  She pulled back against the tug of Jason’s hand, unable to move forward.

  He looked over his shoulder and frowned with concern. “Are you all right, Rebecca?”

  She shook her head. “Just give me a minute. The power in this room is so strong.”

  She knew she sounded breathless but she couldn’t help it. She had never, ever encountered this kind of energy accumulated in one place before. During her talk show she’d often felt a positive, healing energy emanating from her audience but this was different. Positive and healing weren’t words she would use for this place—or the people in it.

  Jason turned around and waited.

  “I understand. I forgot for a minute that you’ve never been here. Give yourself some time to adjust. It can be overwhelming even for those of us who have been coming here for a while. Why don’t we sit down?”

  Jason led her to a large bar to the side of the room. Two seats on the end opened up as they approached. Jason sat on the end, keeping her insulated between him and any possible threats. After they sat down he continued to hold her hand. He faced her, staring with concern into her eyes.

  “Is this too much for you?”

  “No, just give me a second.”

  Jason remained silent as she tried to absorb her environment. Looking down the long bar they were seated at, her senses tuned in to her surroundings and she realized belatedly exactly what type of bar they were sitting at. The bartenders weren’t serving alcohol to those seated, crammed together. The drink of choice was much more precious.


  Human blood.

  Rebecca shuddered as she watched the people at the bar drinking the thick, dark liquid. No, not people, she corrected herself. Vampires. Bloodsucking, night walking undead. Even she knew these creatures should never be confused with humans.

  The fact that they sat peacefully drinking like this in a crowd shocked her. She’d had no idea a place like this existed. Vampires coexisting with others? It was incredible, unthinkable. Impossible. Wasn’t it? As she scanned the room, she let a little of her power fill her. Not too much. Just enough to “feel” those around her.

  She caught the gaze of a man as he walked toward the bar. His stare intensified and focused on her. As he drew closer she couldn’t hold back the small gasp. His irises became iridescent, almost glowing, and changed from round to oblong. That combined with his signature energy told her everything she needed to know.

  He was a werewolf.

  As he passed he smiled in a way that communicated exactly what he would like to do to her, and released a low growl she knew was meant for her. She could feel the power emanating from him. It was purely sexual. She could sense his need like it was her own. Rebecca’s eyes widened and she snapped her gaze back to Jason. He watched intently, his gaze wary as the werewolf passed. The two males made eye contact just once. It was enough. Jason’s stare turned cold and dangerous. His message was loud and clear.

  Stay away, or else.

  Rebecca had never seen him look at anyone like that. She felt awareness shiver down her spine. She wouldn’t want to be the focus of such a gaze.

  After the creature passed Jason turned to look back her. The danger in his eyes was gone. Only gentle understanding remained.

  “Quite the circus, isn’t it, M’tali?”

  She glanced around her once more.

  Was that a demon across the room? It had to be. The small horns on top of his head were a dead giveaway, as was the purple hue of his skin. She glanced in another direction and found herself staring into the eyes of one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. Not as handsome in the classic sense as Jason was, this guy had more of a dark, earthy sensuality about him. It was basic, calling to the female part of her at a very primal level. The man was all male in the way he looked, the way he moved and the way he acted. A woman would have no doubt about what he wanted when she was with him. And she would want to give it to him.

  Interest lit his eyes as he caught her stare.

  Rebecca quickly looked away, returning her gaze to Jason.

  “A circus. I guess you could call it that,” she replied with a little chuckle.

  She felt better.

  She was calming down, adjusting to the power in the room.

  “What’s a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?”

  The question surprised her. The male voice came from behind her. Swinging around in her seat, she found herself face-to-face with the gorgeous man she had connected gazes with moments before.

  Her mouth dropped open.

  She couldn’t help it.

  He was even better looking close up.

  Tall, with a muscular build, he was a man who filled out a pair of faded jeans and tight t-shirt in a way any women would appreciate. Rich chestnut-brown hair sat tousled upon his head, thick eyebrows arched over brown eyes so dark she could barely see the pupils, giving her the impression that his eyes were almost black. A strong aquiline nose topped sensuous lips that curved in a way that made her think of both mischief and very hot, very good sex.

  His eyes held hers for a moment. His gaze spoke a thousand words, all of them saying the same thing.

  I want you.

  “Give it up, bro, the lady’s with me,” she vaguely heard Jason say, breaking her from the snare the man held her in with just a stare.

  The sensuous stranger casually shrugged, breaking eye contact and glancing past her to where Jason sat.

  “Hey, man, you can’t blame a guy for trying. You’ve got yourself one hot lady.”

  “I won’t argue that,” Jason said, reaching forward and wrapping his arms around her waist. He gently tugged backward, sliding her and the barstool closer to him. “Malcolm, this is Rebecca. Rebecca, this is Malcolm. He’s a coworker of mine from Sundown Security.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Rebecca said, reaching out her hand to shake his.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, beautiful,” Malcolm said, gently taking her hand. But instead of shaking he turned her palm down and lightly kissed the back of it.

  His lips were warm and soft.

  They left her feeling flushed.

  She slowly pulled her hand back and placed it on her lap.

  Sheesh, was every guy from that agency a potential calendar boy?

  She looked back over her shoulder at Jason.

  “Does every male employee of Sundown have to be good-looking? I mean, is that a prerequisite or do you guys have to take pretty pills once you’re hired?”

  Both men laughed, low and husky. Rebecca noticed that all the females in the immediate area turned to stare. They couldn’t help themselves. These guys were just too, too, well, too male. Alpha, good-looking and sexy, they were hard to resist.

  “Thank you for the compliment, Rebecca,” Malcolm said with a slight bow that reminded her of more courtly days. “And on that note, I’m off. I have work to do. I hope we get the chance to meet again.”

  Rebecca smiled. It was impossible not to. The guy was just too charming.

  Malcolm gave Jason one last knowing glance before taking off.

  “Later, man. Oh, and if Maria shows up here tonight, tell her I need to talk with her.”

  “No problem,” Jason said with a nod.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rebecca waited until Malcolm walked away before asking the questions that played through her mind. But as she opened her mouth to speak Jason turned her around and stood up. His hold on her waist brought her to a standing position as well. He released her but only long enough to take her hand and lead her away from the bar and out to the dance floor in the middle of the room.

  “I want you to dance with me, M’Tali. I want to feel you pressed close to me.”

  Rebecca started to argue but as J
ason reached the dance floor and pulled her against him, she lost the ability to breathe. His body felt so good, so right against hers it was all she could think about.

  And Jason couldn’t have picked a better song. The slow, seductive beat had Rebecca yearning to sway her body softly back and forth. Jason began doing just that, moving his hips in a way that left her mouth dry. She couldn’t resist joining in.

  As they pressed close to one another she let the music take her away. Everything but the two of them disappeared in that small space of time and Rebecca knew she would remember that moment always. Pressed close to Jason, her arms wrapped around his neck, his hands at her waist, they swayed against each other. The friction created where their bodies rubbed back and forth left Rebecca tingling with awareness and desire, and if Jason’s hard length pressed into her stomach was any indicator he was feeling it too.

  The music ended and Jason slowly pulled away, leaving just their hips joined. He placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face up to him. He lowered his head and lightly touched his lips to hers. She wanted to prolong the kiss, deepen it until they melded together as one but Jason lifted his head once more. Their eyes met and his stare spoke volumes. He wanted her. The desire burning bright in his gaze strung her body so tight she thought she might snap.

  Jason must have sensed this because with one last tilt of his hips, one last feel of his hardness brushing against her, he stepped back, took her hand in his and led her back to their seats at the bar.

  Just as they sat back down Malcolm breezed by, patting Jason on the back.

  “Nice dance, man,” he teased, waggling his eyebrows at both of them. “Next time get a hotel room, bro.”

  Jason gave him a smirk. “Yeah, like you’re one to talk.”

  “At the moment that’s exactly what I am. And now I’m headed out, for real this time. I did one pass around the place but couldn’t find Maria. Don’t forget, if you see her, let her know that she and I need to talk. I know it’s hard for you to focus on much besides your beautiful Rebecca, Mr. Rock and Roll, but keep an eye out, will you? It’s important.”


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