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After Sundown: Illumination

Page 21

by Eden Robins

  “No problem, fairy boy. I’m looking for her too so if I see Maria I’ll tell her to call you.”

  Malcolm was obviously giving her and Jason a hard time about dancing. Rebecca hadn’t realized others might notice and now felt somewhat embarrassed that she had let herself go on that dance floor. Other than that, she didn’t quite get what Jason and Malcolm were discussing. What was all the talk about Maria, and fairies?

  After Malcolm walked away, Jason answered her question before she could even ask it.

  “Malcolm is a fairy.”


  “A fairy. You know, a winged being from the magical realm. A Fae.”

  Rebecca was flabbergasted. She always imagined fairies being women, or really, really feminine men.

  “He has wings?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

  “Yep, but they’re retractable.”

  “Retractable?” Rebecca repeated, starting to feel a little lightheaded by it all.

  “Yeah, he only lets them out sometimes, most often when he’s in danger and needs to fly, or when he’s with someone he really trusts. A fairy’s wings are precious. There are even some out there who hunt for those wings, knowing they will get big money for them.”

  “But what happens to the fairies whose wings get taken by these hunters?”

  “Usually they die,” Jason said grimly. “Just like any creature whose parts have been cut off, they can only survive if they receive fast medical care, and even then chances for survival are slim. A fairy’s wings are an integral part of who that creature is. Without them, some fairies just can’t function in life, so they choose death instead.”

  “How sad. It’s hard to believe that anyone would try to take their wings, knowing the consequences of their actions. That’s cruel and evil.”

  “It is what it is, Rebecca. So goes the world. We don’t all coexist perfectly for just that reason. Not everybody is good.”

  Rebecca understood that. Especially after her encounters with Xander Davis. But she had always known that there were good people and there were bad people and there were some in between. That was the way life was. She didn’t have to like it but she understood it. She may have been somewhat sheltered but she wasn’t naïve.

  She was about to tell Jason just that when a beautiful, dark-haired woman with a petite build and gorgeous smile breezed up to him.

  “How are you, handsome?” the woman asked in a voice both husky and breathless, looking up at Jason with a seductive gaze.

  Rebecca felt her hackles rise.

  Who was she? And why was she looking at Jason like he was some delectable dessert she would love to taste?

  “Hello, Maria,” Jason replied with an easy smile. “You’re just the lady I’ve been looking for.”

  Maria gave him a doubtful look, rolled her eyes and chuckled. “That’s what they all say.”

  The two of them laughed. Rebecca noticed how comfortable the two looked with one another, and their joined laughter sounded light and easy, as if they had done so many times before. Then they huddled their heads close together and spoke quietly to each other. Although Jason continued to hold Rebecca’s hand as they talked, she wasn’t close enough to hear their conversation.

  After several minutes, she couldn’t take it anymore.

  She’d had enough.

  She didn’t like this. Not one bit. She had never been a possessive person in her life but in that moment, as she watched this petite, beautiful woman laugh and talk quietly with Jason, jealousy filled her and one word rang out loud and clear in her mind.


  She couldn’t help herself. She slid off her seat and sidled next to Jason. Pasting a smile on her face, she lightly placed her free hand on his shoulder and looked expectantly at Maria.

  “Who’s your friend, Jason?”

  Jason looked startled by the sound of her voice, as if he had totally forgotten Rebecca was there. His gaze swung to hers in alarm and then just as quickly back to Maria.

  Maria stared unabashedly at Rebecca. She studied her face for a moment before letting her gaze run leisurely up and down her form. Rebecca reciprocated, glancing at the women’s face and form in a way that was openly curious.

  “Jason, you didn’t tell me you were with someone,” Maria said, keeping her eyes firmly on Rebecca’s face.

  Jason looked dumbfounded, as if he couldn’t form coherent thought. What was wrong with him? Rebecca had never seen him act like this before.

  Well, it was time she took the bull by the horns. Maria needed to know here and now that Jason belonged to her.

  “Hi, I’m Rebecca,” she said, holding her hand out to shake.

  Maria smiled. It was warm and friendly. Rebecca felt slightly better.

  “Nice to meet you,” she said, reaching out and gently taking Rebecca’s hand in hers. “I’m Maria. A coworker of Jason’s at Sundown Security.”

  “You work at Sundown?” she asked in surprise.

  Maria smiled and nodded, obviously amused by Rebecca’s surprise.

  “Well, that’s a relief,” Rebecca said. “I was beginning to think only hunky, well-built and mysterious men were employed by that company. It’s good to know they’re an equal opportunity employer.”

  Maria laughed and Rebecca couldn’t hold back her own chuckle.

  “I can see why you might think that. I doubt there’s a better-looking group of guys working together anywhere. And with the exception of a few of us ladies, the specialists working for Sundown are predominantly men.”

  Rebecca nodded. “So what do you do for the agency?”

  She couldn’t help asking, curiosity got the better of her. What was a petite, vivacious, beautiful woman like Maria doing among this group of alpha males?

  “I gather information mainly. I have this, um, thing.”

  “Thing?” Rebecca asked.

  Maria nodded and smiled.

  “Yes. This thing. I have the ability to persuade men to, well, to cooperate with me.”

  Rebecca’s eyes widened and she grinned. “Really? How do you do it, and can you teach me?” she asked teasingly.

  Maria laughed. “If it were only that easy.”

  Jason chuckled. “Rebecca, Maria is a siren.”

  “A siren?”

  “Yes, you know the Greek myth, don’t you? Beautiful creatures who beckon sailors to their deaths by their voices alone.”

  “They’re actually real?” she asked, glancing back and forth between Jason and Maria in disbelief.

  Rebecca was flabbergasted.

  Maria poked her own arm with her index finger, as if to test how solid it was.

  “I think I’m real,” she teased.

  “Sorry about that,” Rebecca apologized, feeling rude. “I just had no idea.”

  “Don’t worry about it. That happens a lot. Even within the paranormal community folks are much more likely to accept the concept of werewolf or vampire then they are a supposedly mythological creature. I’m not sure of the reasoning behind that but that’s the way it usually goes.”

  “I understand,” Rebecca said. “Well, I think you’re one lucky woman, having a power like that.”

  “It has its good days and bad, just like everything else in this life,” Maria sighed. Her eyes grew sad for a moment. Rebecca wondered what caused that. If she’d known the siren better she would have asked her. But since they’d just met she felt that it wouldn’t be appropriate.

  “Well, if that’s all you need to know then I better get back to the boys, Jason. They’re probably wondering what’s taking so long,” Maria said, glancing across the room.

  Rebecca followed her gaze and gasped. There was a group of five gorgeous men standing there. They were all watching Maria intently. Appreciation and longing were written all over their faces.

  “You’re with them?” Rebecca gasped.

  “No, they’re with her,” Jason said, chuckling.

  “Very funny, Jason. Anyway, keep in mind what I
told you, okay?” Maria said before turning back to Rebecca with a smile. “It was great meeting you, Rebecca. I hope we get a chance to chat again soon.”

  “It was nice meeting you too, Maria,” Rebecca said, truly hoping she would have the opportunity to get to know the siren better. She seemed like a kind and authentic woman. A person who could be a great friend.

  Rebecca watched with interest as Maria sashayed back to her group of studs. They immediately gathered around her, swallowing her up in their attention.

  “Must be rough,” she said jokingly, glancing back at Jason.

  She had expected his gaze to be glued to Maria as well but it wasn’t. It was directed at her. And it was hot and intense.

  “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  Rebecca felt a flush creep up her neck and spread across her cheeks. She was thankful for the dimly lit room as she realized she was blushing. Blushing! She rarely, if ever, blushed. What was it about Jason that affected her so much?

  She tried not to appear flustered. Jason thought she was naïve and sheltered. She needed him to know that she was just as sophisticated as the next woman, just as cool and collected as Maria.

  “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself,” she said with a sassy grin.

  “Not so bad, huh?” he asked, returning her grin and raising one eyebrow arrogantly.

  “Fishing for compliments, hmm?” she teased.

  “I don’t need to fish,” Jason retorted. His grin widened and the very masculine, very knowing look in his eyes almost turned her legs into wet noodles.

  Rebecca tried to hold on to her composure.

  “I just bet you don’t,” she murmured under her breath before changing the subject. She needed to talk about something else. Things were getting a little too hot for her and flashbacks of her and Jason in her grandfather’s study were coming to mind. “So why are we here, Jason? Other than to show me how ‘the other half’ live.”

  “Besides showing you the place, I needed to speak to Maria, to verify a few things. She had some information for me regarding your case.”

  “Really?” Rebecca perked up, interested in learning more. “Was it helpful? And did you get all the information you needed from her?”

  “Yeah, she told me— Uh, wait a minute.”

  Jason glanced over to where Maria and her men were still standing.

  “Damn, I forgot to tell Maria that Malcolm was looking for her. I know it was important or he wouldn’t have asked,” he explained. “Let’s just detour over to Maria on our way out and I’ll tell her about Malcolm.”

  Curious about both Maria’s powers and the men that engulfed the petite siren, Rebecca nodded her head and let Jason lead her across the room. But they had only taken a few steps when Jason stopped in his tracks.

  “I guess we don’t have to tell her after all. It looks like Malcolm found her,” Jason said, gazing over to where Maria stood.

  Rebecca followed Jason’s gaze and saw the hunky fairy sidle past all the adoring males to reach Maria’s side. Even across the dimly lit room the transformation was obvious. Maria, who only moments before had a pleasantly bored expression on her face, now looked radiant. With a smile a mile wide and eyes flashing with eagerness, it was clear she enjoyed seeing Malcolm. And if the sexy smile and hot, interested look in his gaze was any indicator, the feeling was mutual.

  “It’s time to get you home. I don’t want your grandfather worrying,” Jason said as he led her toward the club’s exit. “I think you’ve mingled enough with the paranormal community for one night.”

  Suddenly feeling tired, Rebecca couldn’t agree more.

  The refreshingly cool spring air hit them as they walked outside and Jason slipped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him.

  “Are you cold, M’tali?”

  Rebecca shook her head.

  “No, the cool air feels good after being inside the club. Everything was so close, so magnified, so powerful inside, it feels good to break away from that.”

  “I understand,” Jason said, but he still held her close to him as they walked to his car.

  Rebecca felt giddy. The experience of him holding her close made her feel like a schoolgirl on her first date. Considering what they had already been through, it was strange that she would feel that way. But she did. Being with Jason brought her a sense of peace and reminded her of more innocent times like summer vacations with her grandparents at the beach or going to the state fair on a mild spring day.

  It was a feeling she hadn’t experienced for a long time.

  It felt so good.

  Her mood was abruptly interrupted as they approached the car and saw Malcolm leaning against the hood of Jason’s car. How did he get outside so quickly? He gave them a strange smirk as they drew closer. It made him look different somehow. Not like himself. Rebecca wasn’t sure why but Malcolm’s presence suddenly felt uncomfortable.

  “Hey, fairy boy. How’d you get out here so quickly? The enchanting Maria usually keeps your attention longer than that,” Jason teased.

  As they drew close, Malcolm didn’t answer. Instead he shrugged and shook his head, slowly reaching toward Jason and placing one hand on his shoulder.

  “What’s up, bro?” Jason asked, wariness slipping into his voice.

  Obviously Jason felt something too, because he shoved Rebecca behind him and started to step back, trying to break their physical contact.

  But it was too late.

  Malcolm spoke the words quietly under his breath. The minute she heard them she knew it wasn’t the fairy standing there. It was someone else.

  Chills ran down her spine.


  “No! Stop!” Rebecca tried to pull Jason back while chanting a reverse spell, but it was too late. Before she could finish Jason slipped to the ground, Xander stepped over him and she felt a pinch in her arm. The world started to spin and she slid to the ground, hearing Xander’s low laughter echo through her mind before everything went black.

  Rebecca came back to consciousness with a headache that could down an elephant. Her head was pounding so ferociously she wished she could remove it from the rest of her body. Realizing she’d have no such luck, she forced her eyes open. Cringing at the bright light filling the room, she scanned her surroundings.

  Everything around her was fuzzy-looking, as if it had a blurred glow around it. She tried to focus but her eyes weren’t cooperating. And as she tried to stand she realized her body wasn’t either. She couldn’t move anything below her head. Glancing down, she saw why. Her arms and legs were bound.

  Panic filled her.

  Why was she alone in a room, feeling groggy, tied up?

  The room was small and sparse with little more than a small wooden table with two chairs on one side of the room and her bed on the other. There was also one small window, too high on the wall for her to reach. Her attention shifted from the room’s layout to the door that slowly opened. The minute Xander walked through the door she remembered what had happened while out at the parking lot.

  Xander must have used a transformation spell, taking on the image of Malcolm outside the club. That skill was not common among her kind but even more than that, the amount of energy to pull it off, even for a short period of time, was enormous. Most witches she’d heard of, using that spell, would have passed out after returning to their true form and remained unconscious for several hours afterward. Yet Xander appeared completely unaffected. Obviously he had become more powerful than she realized.

  Pushing the panic back, Rebecca tried to prepare herself for whatever may come.

  Seeing her awake, a satisfied smile spread across his face.

  “Good. I thought you’d be awake by now. I tried to only give you enough of the drug to knock you out for a short period of time.”

  “Well, that’s a relief,” she said sarcastically. “And here I thought you were trying to harm me.”

  Xander walked to where she sat and knelt in front of her.

sp; His gaze softened.

  He gently took her hand.

  “I’m not the devil, Rebecca.”

  Unmoved by his gesture, she attempted to pull her hand out of his but wasn’t able to due to her bound arms. She tried to clear her mind but it wasn’t working. Xander’s image remained unfocused, as did her surroundings, and she couldn’t seem to find the clarity she wanted.

  “M-maybe not but you sure know h-how to cause trouble and hurt people, Xander,” she said.

  “I did what I had to do. It was necessary.”

  “Necessary? N-necessary to have your minions viciously attack me, hurt me so bad I had amnesia b-because my mind didn’t want to remember the pain. Necessary that you kidnap and hold Jason’s mother hostage? Those actions are necessary? I don’t understand that, n-not one little bit. Maybe you could explain it to me. But you’ll h-have to do it nice and slow because I th-think there must be something wrong with me for not understanding how hurting others is necessary.”

  Rebecca stumbled through the words, trying to tell him exactly what she thought, despite the fact that her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. What drug had he given her? Whatever it was, it wasn’t letting go easily.

  She didn’t have time to dwell on it as Xander got to his feet and started pacing the room.

  “I have a vision, Rebecca. A vision I’ve had for a very long time. And I am determined that it will come to fruition no matter what. Yes, a few people may get hurt in the process but the end result far outweighs those circumstances. If that makes me evil then so be it. But I see my dream as a noble one, a pure one. One that will help our kind find their rightful place in this world.”

  “Wh-what rightful place? What are you t-talking about?” she asked, but knew instinctively he was referring to Chandra’s Stone.

  Xander stopped pacing and looked at her in surprise, as if she should automatically know the answer to that question.

  “Our rightful place as rulers of this world, of course. We are the most powerful beings on this planet and as such we should run it, not other, lesser, beings.”

  Rebecca narrowed her eyes, peering closely at Xander as if by doing so she might figure out how his twisted mind really worked. Her vision blurred again and she lost focus. Ignoring her sight, she tried to gather her thoughts.


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