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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Vera Quinn

  “Devil, it is always nice to see you. You are looking good as usual.” Whitney eyes him.

  “Whitney, I know you know I am Kylar’s wife and this,” I point at my belly, “is our second son.” I go up and sign in. “I’d appreciate it if you could keep your eyes in your head when it comes to my husband or I may have to remove them.” Yes, I’m still being bitchy. Kylar smiles at me and Fe laughs. Hanna gives her the evil eye.

  “Honey, you may as well get used to it, because Devil has had a lot of women in his day.” That is the last straw.

  “I’m not your honey.” That’s all I get out before Kylar steps in.

  “You weren’t my woman, Whit. I fucked you, and if my memory is correct, so did two of my other brothers. Now quit being a bitch to my wife and do your job before I have a talk with Dr. White about your professionalism. Are we clear? Do you get it, bitch?” I look around and I see Ruth, Dr. White’s nurse, smiling at the talking down Whitney is receiving. Whitney has a look of shock on her face. Ruth steps up.

  “Mrs. Steel, you can come back now.” I follow Ruth back with Kylar right behind me. Fe and Hanna keep Kellan up front. We follow Ruth down a hall. We stop and she weighs me. Another two pounds. If Killian is healthy, I don’t care. We follow her on into a room and she takes my blood pressure. A little elevated. Measures my stomach, not much change. Kylar sits in a chair in the corner. I wore shorts and a t-shirt so it is easy to get ready for the doctor. Ruth asks me the usual questions. I tell her about the twinges and how some of my labor with Kellan was in my back. I know it is in my files but I want to be careful. Ruth hands me a sheet and tells me to undress from the waist down so the doctor can check me and the sonogram tech will be in soon and then she leaves us alone. Kylar comes over and helps me takes my shorts and panties off. He has that heated look in his eyes.

  “Think we could lock that door and have a few extra minutes to ourselves? I’d have to put my hand over your mouth. You cannot be quiet when you cum.” He’s trying to move his hand in between my legs. Oh no. Not happening buddy. I slap his hand.

  “Kylar, I am far from feeling sexy right now and it is not happening. The tech will be in soon.” Kylar has that half grin that is so sexy on him.

  “Babe, you are ripe with my son and your pussy is always wet and ready. You seemed to be okay this morning when you were screaming my name. If I could, I would keep you pregnant all the time.” Kylar says.

  “You’ve done a pretty good job at keeping me pregnant so far. Kellan isn’t even two yet.” I shove Kylar away and put the paper sheet over me. About that time the tech rolls his machine in. He puts the jelly stuff on my stomach and it is cold as usual. It’s not long before we are hearing Killian’s heartbeat. These 3D sonograms are so great. I hear a knock on the door and Dr. White walks in. He looks at the sonogram and listens intently to the heart beat. There’s another knock and in walks Fe carrying Kellan, Hanna behind them. Kellan is not amused. He could care less. Kylar picks him up and takes him over to the machine and tells him it is his brother and that gets a smile. Hanna is in awe and Fe holds my hand.

  “I know this is a tribe of a family but I need to check Mrs. Steel out to see what is going on with the back twinges. I don’t think she wants an audience for that.” Kellan hops down from his dad’s arms and grabs Fe’s hand and Hanna follows them out. Kylar is beside me holding my hand, “Mr. Steel, are you sure you don’t want to step outside while I do this?” Dr. White asks Kylar.

  “It’s my pussy, I’m staying.” Leave it to Kylar. I give Dr. White a weak smile. He just shakes his head. He walks down and puts my feet in the stirrups.

  “Mrs. Steel, just try to relax. Bring your bottom down to the end of the exam table. This is going to be uncomfortable.” He puts on a pair of gloves and does his business. It’s very uncomfortable. Dr. White moves his fingers around. “Mrs. Steel you are already one centimeter dilated. Close to two. You are in labor.” He covers me back up and takes his gloves off and looks at Kylar. “This could be today, but then again if Killian is stubborn it could be longer. We can do this one of two ways. The first, you can go over to the hospital and check in and we can monitor you. It may be a while. The second you can go home and with a watchful eye let your labor progress further and then come to the hospital. The choice is yours. You’re not high risk and everything seems normal. You live close. Your choice.” I look at Kylar and I know he wants me to stay but I would rather wait.

  “I could be back here in fifteen minutes if anything changes, so I want to wait. At home, I can walk around. I definitely want to go home.” I tell Dr. White.

  “Are you sure? The doctors will be at the hospital. This makes me nervous.” Kylar says.

  “I promise when the pains get worse I will tell you.” I plead with Kylar but he looks hesitant. He finally caves.

  “Even one hard pain and we are back here. I am not delivering this baby.” Kylar says.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Steel, you’ll have plenty of time. I will probably be seeing you tonight.” Dr. White shakes Kylar’s hand and leaves. I jump down from the table and wipe my belly off and get dressed. Kylar is watching me.

  “Are you sure about this?” Kylar asks.

  “Yes, Fe and Hanna are here.” I tell Kylar.

  “No way. They can watch Kellan. You’re staying with me at the clubhouse. I don’t want you out of my sight.” I know there is no reason to argue. Kylar has that don’t mess with me tone.

  “Can we at least keep this to ourselves. I mean, I know Fe and Hanna know about the pains but can we not tell anyone else? I promise I will tell you if the twinges turn to pains. I don’t want everyone staring at me waiting for me to spit the baby out any second. I promise, Kylar, I will keep you updated. I will text dad and tell them to wait and come a little later and maybe Kat can still come and keep me company. Please…” I know I am whining but I would feel like a science experiment with people staring. Kylar looks at me and I know he only wants the best but he can’t say no to me.

  “Callie, if anything changes you tell me. Stay close. I love you, babe. It would kill me if anything went wrong.” I kiss his cheek and he pulls me to him and grabs my butt as always.

  “Thank you. Besides, if we get some time to ourselves after your business I have heard sex is a great way to make labor progress.” That gets a smile out of him.

  “I love the sound of that but I just want you and the baby to be okay. Let’s get back to the clubhouse so I can get this meeting done. You text everyone on the way. Felix is not going to be happy being away from you. He’s as protective of you, as I am.” We make our way back up the hall. Kellan sees us and comes running with Hanna right behind him. Kylar is digging his wallet out. He pulls some bills out and hands them to Fe. “I’m taking Callie with me. Callie is in labor but it is still early. We are not telling anyone else. Can you and Hanna take Kellan and go home? We’ll be there later but if you get hungry get one of the prospects I have on you to go and get us all something to eat. Anything but pizza.” Fe looks at me and I think he’s going to say something but he just looks down. Fe goes out and changes the car seat into Hanna’s car. Kylar has Kellan in his arms. I reach up and give him a kiss. Fe and Hanna are arguing over who is driving. Kylar gets Kellan in his seat. Fe wins the argument. I see Kylar nod his head at the two prospects across the street. They’ll be following Fe and Hanna. We watch Fe pull out of the drive and Kylar helps me into my SUV and we head to the clubhouse. I text everyone so they will stay home, except for Kat. She should be here in a couple of hours. If I’d only have known how much I was going to need her.

  Chapter 3


  I know I should make Callie go to the hospital but I have never been good at telling her no and we need to get business taken care of at the club. Hopefully, Hacksaw has Charisma somewhere out of Callie’s sight or the woman has enough sense to stay away. Maybe Oz has something from keeping eyes on Sarge. Ma will be here in a couple of hours any way to help. No doubt Bourbon will be with her.
Callie will be watched over while I do the shit I have to get done and then when it is time we will all go to the hospital.

  I help Callie into the clubhouse and sit her ass in my office. Her eyes look like she is ready for a nap. This pregnancy has taken a lot out of her with having Kellan to keep up with. She makes herself comfortable on my couch. I have things to do.

  “I’ll have Gertie make you a snack and bring it in. Maybe some of that chamo tea you’ve been drinking so much of and some fruit. As soon as I get business over we’ll be heading home. I just need to get some updates and make sure everything is covered. Ma should be here soon and she can keep you company. I’ll send her in when she gets here.” Callie has already flipped her shoes off and is lying down.

  “Don’t think I don’t know you are trying to keep me in here and away from Charisma. As long as she keeps her hands off of you, then you have nothing to worry about. I’ll behave. I think I am going to take a quick nap while waiting on my tea.” I bend down and kiss the top of Callie’s head and her eyes are already shut.

  “I’m locking the door and the extra key is in the top drawer if you need out. I’ll have Gertie knock so you can let her in.” Callie mutters something like a yes but she’ll know where my extra key is. I check my desk before I leave to make sure. Callie has her phone but I just want to be extra safe. I slip out of the door and lock it. I see Charisma heading my way, but Hacksaw is right behind her but he’s not fast enough.

  “Devil, we need to talk. I thought we were going to be together. I know you are ready to get rid of that bitch you married. I can give you exactly what you need and how you need it. I don’t understand what the holdup is.” She slides up next to me and rubs her fake tits on my arm and she thinks she is being sexy. I grab her arm and push her back. Enough to get her away from me. She looks at me like I slapped her.

  “Charisma, we have nothing to talk about. Stay the hell away from me and if I hear you say another bad word about my ol’ lady you are out of this club permanently.” I give her a look that usually leaves grown men scared. I let her see the full contempt I have for her. “There’s nothing between us and there never was. Either understand it or get your shit and get out. You can sleep on the streets, because we both know you have no other place to go. Callie is my ol’ lady, my wife, the mother of my children, and the woman I love. Hear it, understand it, and respect it or get out. Final word.” I walk over to Gertie who is sitting at the bar talking with Slick. “Gertie, will you make Callie some of that damn warm tea she is always drinking and take it to her in a few minutes? She was nodding off for a nap but she won’t sleep long. She cat naps.”

  “Sure will. Be happy to. What did the doctor say today?” I want to tell Gertie but I promised Callie.

  “Killian is still baking. He’ll come out when he gets ready. Ma should be here in a little while but I need to talk some things over with some of the brothers. Thanks for the help.” Gertie gives me a funny look. It’s one of those looks a ma gives their child when they know they are not getting the full story but she has been an ol’ lady a long time so she knows not to ask any questions. She just nods her head. I motion for Hacksaw. He has been keeping an eye on Charisma. After my talking down to her she went and sat at a corner table with Starla and Trix. She’s been on her damn phone clicking away. Maybe she is contacting Stone. That would be too easy. Hacksaw follows me down the hall to Tito and Oz’s tech room. I walk in and there is monitors on all surfaces. As soon as we are in Cowboy walks in behind us. I make sure the door is secure and turn to Oz. “See if you can get a trace on Charisma’s phone. She was texting away after I made it clear where she stood with me. Maybe we can get a lead on Stone.” There’s a knock at the door. Damn, this place is grand central station. I open the door and Crockett walks in and he has a serious look on his face.

  “Just got a call from Bowie. We got trouble. Expendable Ghost Whispers MC is in town flying colors. There is group of them in town at the Pub. They’ve manhandled a couple of the waitresses. Bowie and Tex are there by themselves. They’re out-numbered.” Crockett informs us. Just what the hell we need, a damn territory war starting.

  “Let’s ride out. Oz work on that phone. We’ll leave the rest of the prospects here, too. Everyone else on you the road.” I reach for the door. Maybe if I bust some damn heads together I can let off some of this stress. I need to feel some bones crushing under my fist.

  “Charisma wasn’t using a burner. The number is a residence over close to Barber Way.” That surprises me. That’s a quiet part of town. Mostly Native American elders live out that way. No way Stone would be there. I need to have it checked out.

  “Oz, you and Slick go out there and nose around. Be careful. I don’t think Stone would be there but don’t take any chances. Lock this room up. Make sure no one gets to our information.” We’ve gotten very little of it but what we have needs to be secured. I go out the door and back up the hall. I see Gertie is gone but Slick is at the bar. All the club girls are nowhere to be seen. I see Rix our best prospect behind the bar. I make my way over to the bar. “Slick, I need you to ride out with Oz to check a lead out. Watch your backs and don’t take any chances. Rix, you and Tim are to watch the clubhouse. Creole will be at the gate. Keep an eye on Callie. We have a call out at the Pub.” That’s all the explanation a damn prospect gets. Oz will fill Slick in. I feel the need to ride and the need to hit something, right now anything will work. I make my way out to my bike and when I feel it roar to life I come alive. The brothers are beside and behind me as we ride out. At least this is one thing we can take care of.

  Chapter 4


  Devil thinks I don’t know he was only trying to use me to get to Stone. He’s a fool. He’s as big a fool as Stone is for trying to take the Feral Steel from Devil. Devil is the rightful President of the Feral Steel MC and he is going to make it stronger than it is has ever been. He just doesn’t know what is good for him. I will be the perfect ol’ lady for Devil. Callie only wants to tie him down with a houseful of kids. I want the wild Devil we used to have. He doesn’t remember me, but I sure as hell remember him. I only had him for part of one night, six years ago, but he was man enough that he not only took care of me, but my cousin Starla, too. He’s given up partying like he did back then, but I know with the right influence this club can party like we did before the brothers gave up all the drugs and illegal deals they were into. Stone has told me plenty. With the right influence, Devil and I can have it all. Callie can crawl back to daddy and that weak ass MC she came from. I can make sure the only child Devil has is Kellan. The only child with Callie anyway. The spawn she is carrying needs to be done away with and I have just the right thing to do it with.

  I have stuck myself in this damn pantry waiting on Gertie to come in the kitchen to fix Callie’s tea. She is taking forever. My great aunt, who has been an herbalist for years, gave me just the thing I needed to help. She thought she was giving me something to help with cramps but I am not stupid. I did my homework and I knew my aunt was just the right person to help. Two herbs plus some EPO will help put Callie in premature labor and one nuisance will be taken care of. Either Starla or I have been sneaking it into her drinks for over a week now. If Gertie would just come on. Starla is going to help distract Gertie so I can sneak this damn stuff into the drink and no one will be the wiser. After all, Gertie is making it. Who would question it? Gertie has been here longer than anyone. If Starla can just distract her long enough. I finally hear someone in the kitchen. It sounds like Gertie talking to herself. Yes, I hear the water running. Just a few more minutes. It’s taking forever. How long does it take for water to boil? This must go off without a hitch or Starla and I will both be dead. We have been taking a big risk but the reward will be worth it. I’m already going to have Stone on my ass about changing sides. If this shit doesn’t work that I got from my aunt, then I will just have to go back to plan A and help Stone get rid of Devil. Finally, I hear Starla calling Gertie. My gosh, what is
she squealing about? Whatever it takes. I open the pantry door just to peek out and I still hear Starla squealing but Gertie is gone and the cup of tea is there. I hurry and take out the powder and EPO and stir it into the tea. It’s a good thing it doesn’t have a weird taste. I leave everything the way it was and leave through the back door. Now all there is to do is go back in the front and wait. I will get my man with only one brat to deal with. If I have any luck Callie will go back to Texas and take Kellan and not let Devil see his kid. She’ll be distraught and blame it all on Devil and the Feral Steel MC for losing her brat. I can only hope.

  As soon as I am outside I walk straight into Terrance. She’s a club girl like me but she is friendly with Callie. I am surprised to see her but she doesn’t act surprised to see me. “You spying on me, Terrence?”

  “What if I am? Why are you coming out the back door? I heard screaming coming from inside and I was coming to check it out. You know what is going on?” Terrence ask me.

  “Starla is squealing about something. Gertie went to check on her. I was coming out the back to get away from all the noise for a while. Need some fresh air.” I cover well.

  “You and Starla have had your heads together for weeks, so why aren’t you checking on her? What are you hiding Charisma?” Terrence isn’t buying my story. Well, I can put her in her place. She’s just a club whore that tries to kiss up to Callie.


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