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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Vera Quinn

  “It would be in your best interest to keep your nose out of my business. Things are going to be changing around here and it’ll be my ass you will need to be kissing instead of Callie’s.” Terrence laughs.

  “You’re living in a dream world, Charisma. Callie is here to stay. Why don’t you just try to get along with her and stay away from Devil. Callie doesn’t look down her nose at us club girls. She’s nice. Just chill and leave her man alone.” This bitch did not just say this. I grab Terrence by the arm. I wish I could jerk it off and slap her with it.

  “Callie thinks she has Devil wrapped. He needs me and will be mine.” I huff out at her and tighten my hand around her arm. She jerks her arm out of my hold and pushes me.

  “You’re delusional. Wake up, Charisma, before you find your ass out in the street. Probably the best thing that could happen is for Devil to throw you out. I heard him today. You are on your last leg.” Terrence will get hers but right now I need to get her to shut up before I bring attention to my being around the kitchen when Callie’s tea was made.

  “Whatever. I’m just getting some air.” With that I walk off so I can make my way back around front and reenter the club. I’ll have to deal with keeping Terrence’s mouth shut later.

  Chapter 5


  I woke up hearing Starla yelling. I started to go out to see what her problem was but I remembered my promise to Kylar to stay in here. My back twinges aren’t any worse, about the same. They let me sleep so this labor may take a while. I am just picking my phone up to text Fe to check on Kellan, when I hear a soft knock on the door. I know Kylar locked the door when he left. I vaguely remember him saying something about it. I go to his drawer and get the key and unlock the door to a smiling Gertie. “Hey sunshine. I brought you some tea. Devil asked before he left.” Gertie tells me.

  “Where did he go, or do I need to even ask? I’m surprised he left me. He has been driving me crazy with his hovering again.” Gertie and I both laugh. We both know he has been too darn busy to hover over me. I almost let it slip about the doctor today but I caught myself. I step back and Gertie walks in and goes over to the couch and sits down and sets my tea on the side table beside the couch. I walk over and set my phone down and pick up the tea. I have been craving this stuff. It’s weird, I have never liked warm tea until now. I try to limit the stuff but it’s hard when it’s the only thing I have a taste for. “Thank you for making my tea. I could have come out and done it. Kylar said he was going to get you to. He wants to keep me away from Charisma. He’s afraid I will kill her.” I smile at Gertie. Since I have been back here she has taken me under her wing. She reminds me of Gram in a rough way. She’s good people. “So, are you going to tell me or not?”

  “Just rolled out on club business is all I know. At least you have a good sense of humor with him being gone so much. He left the two prospects and Creole here so that means he won’t be gone long. How are you feeling? What did the doctor say today? You still have over a week left now?” I look at Gertie and I can’t lie to her, she has been good to me. Even if I asked Kylar not to say anything.

  “I’m already in labor. It’s why I’m surprised Kylar left. I am already dilatated one and getting close to two. At least he isn’t hovering. Kat should be here soon.” I am drinking on my tea and I feel another twinge but then it is gone. I feel a little dizzy headed but I have been doing that the last week. Hormonal changes probably like the sweating I have been doing. “I need to text Fe and check on Kellan. They are probably expecting us soon. Kylar told them to order some food.” I pick up my phone and send Fe a short text. Gertie is watching me close.

  “Why didn’t the two of you tell us you were in labor so I could keep a closer eye on you.?” Gertie looks like we might have hurt her feelings.

  “I’m sorry. That’s my fault. Fe has been hovering over me every chance he gets. When Kylar is home he is the same way. They both missed most of my pregnancy with Kellan. I just didn’t want everyone here looking at me like you are right now. Kylar is a doting dad and husband. Fe is my best friend and just like another brother. Since Ty has been with Maizy I have been closer to Fe. It just gets to be a little smothering and now with Hanna visiting it is hard to get a chance to just breathe by myself. Please don’t be mad.” I feel a cramp like pain in my stomach this time. I breath through it but it feels stronger. Gertie doesn’t miss the pain on my face. I drink the rest of my tea.

  “That was a labor pain, wasn’t it?” Gertie asks me. I put my cup down. I know I told Kylar I would let him know as soon as the pain moved from my back to other labor but it wasn’t that bad.

  “Yes. I’m going to text Fe and Kat and then I will text Kylar. It’ll still be a while.” I text Fe and then Kat. I get a reply from Kat real fast. She’s about fifteen minutes out with Uncle Bourbon. Fe is leaving Hanna with Kellan and he is on his way. “Well, Fe should be here in about ten minutes and Kat and Uncle Bourbon about fifteen.”

  “You better text your man or he will have both our heads.” Gertie is right. She stands and takes my cup. “I’ll be right back. I’ll tell Rix to have your SUV ready just in case.” As Gertie is walking out I text Kylar. I expect a quick reply, but I get nothing. I stand up and I am hit with a sharp cramp. I am sweating suddenly and then everything goes black.

  Chapter 6


  The ride to the Pub felt good but way too short. When all this shit storm is settled my brothers and I need to take along ride to blow out all our kinks. We’re all stressed and a long ride is just what we need. As soon as we walk into the little bar and grill the Feral Steel bought a few months ago, I look for Bowie and Tex. They are toe to toe with two of the Expendable Ghost Whispers MC. The place is quiet. No one else is here except the bar staff. I see it is Croup, their President, and Dingo, their SAA. The other three members they have with them are watching on but it doesn’t look like they are ready to jump in. As I get closer it looks more like Croup is trying to explain something to Bowie but Bowie is past pissed. I make sure Bowie knows I am coming up behind him. He looks ready to take a swing at anything that moves. “What are you doing flying your colors in Feral Steel MC territory?” I address Croup.

  “I was just trying to explain to this ass that Stone owes us money and he is supposed to be meeting us here to pay it. We aren’t leaving until we get it. Dingo and Chalet were just trying to get acquainted with the waitresses while we are here. This is a biker bar, isn’t it? These bitches aren’t wearing anyone’s colors. Where we come from that makes them fair game.” Croup is an arrogant asshole. He thinks he can run roughshod anywhere he goes. Bowie steps back letting me get in Croup’s face.

  “This bar is owned by Feral Steel MC, this is Feral Steel territory, and the women that work here are under our protection. Is there any of that you don’t understand? When did you talk to Stone and why would he want to meet you here? He’s a wanted man by the Feral Steel.” No way would Stone show up here. Either he is fucking with us or he is fucking with the Expendable Ghost Whisper’s. “He knows if he shows up here he is dead man. He’s fucking with both of us.” Croup knows we have bad blood with Stone why would he believe him?

  “I talked to Stone last night. He owes us big and if he doesn’t show here today he is a walking dead man. He said he settled his differences with everyone. We were the last ones he owed and he had the cash on him to settle with us.” I see when Croup realizes he has been set up. He’s too proud to let me know he was played a fool. “He is into us for close to sixty thousand. Drugs and weapons that he said he was buying under Steel’s instructions.”

  “There’s been no drugs or weapons run through Feral Steel MC for close to five years. Steel was going legit and I finished it. If Stone made a deal with you then he did it on his own. He was thrown out of the Feral Steel on bad terms. I set eyes on him and I will be sending him to hell.” Croup looks in my eyes to judge to see if I am telling the truth.

  “Stone is your blood. You don’t have the balls fo
r that.” Croup is testing me but I have had enough shit to last a life time. I look him straight in the eyes.

  “We shared everything growing up. He was my best friend. He taught me to fight and live to be free. Now he wants to take my only family I have left. I must stop him. Can I send my blood to ground? Brothers? We were brothers by blood and brothers by our bond of Feral Steel MC. He betrayed both and now he will pay with blood. His blood.” I never hesitate and I let everyone hear the hate I have for Stone now. “I am giving you this warning. Don’t stand too close to him, he has a trained killer on his back and this guy usually doesn’t miss but there is always a first time. His name is Sarge. You may have heard of him. He also has the BlackPath MC on him as well as the Troubled Fathoms MC. It’s only a matter of time until his number is up. If your caught with him then try explaining your way out of it.”

  “Rye’s nephew is President of the BlackPath MC. How are they mixed up in this? I thought this was all over a power struggle between you and him. Rye and Bourbon are good people.” Dingo asks.

  “My ol’ lady is Chief’s daughter. That would make her Rye and Bourbon’s niece.” I never take my eyes off Croup when answering Dingo.

  “Damn! I knew that son of bitch was filling me full of shit.” Croup swears.

  “It seems we have a situation here. No one disrespects Feral Steel property. No one flies their colors in our territory without permission from us and we won’t give it.” I move in on Croup and have my knife pulled on him and under his chin before he can react. He completely freezes with the point sticking right under his chin. “This can either end one of two ways. The first is you get your asses out of here and stay out of Feral Steel territory or two.” I jab the knife enough to poke the tip into his double chin. He has a trickle of blood run down. “The Feral Steel will have a bloody mess to clean up.” Croup’s phone starts to ring. I know who it must be. “Answer very carefully. Put it on speaker and be very careful about what you say.” Croup takes his phone out carefully.

  “Speak.” Croup is straight to the point.

  “You’re going to help me out Croup and then I am going to bring your money to you.” I hear Stone’s voice and I poke the knife farther. Croup is one tough bastard he doesn’t make a sound.

  “What do you want, Stone? We are here waiting for you.” Croup says the right thing. I know he is trying to get the evidence so I won’t kill him. He’s trying to prove to me he is not lying.

  “I need you to cause a bit of a ruckus for a distraction. You’ve made it to Pub so tear it apart. You and your brothers take that place apart. When I have my business taken care of I will come to your clubhouse with the money I owe plus interest.” Stone sounds desperate. He’s on edge.

  “That wasn’t the deal. This was your last chance, Stone. You owe us. Our club has no beef with the Feral Steel MC. Why would you want us to tear your place apart?” Croup asks.

  “When I made the deals with you I was working for the Feral Steel MC. Things have changed since Steel died. Everything should be mine but it was all handed to Devil. It’s time he learns I take what I want. Starting with his heart.” Stone starts laughing. “Your little distraction is going to help with that.” Hacksaw walks over to the bar and comes back with pen and paper and writes something and hands it to Croup. Croup nods his head.

  “How are you going to get Devil with just this distraction? If you don’t have our money you are just yanking our chain. How can I believe anything you say? You’ve lied to us for months.” Croup is letting Stone know exactly how unhappy he is.

  “Devil thinks he has cleaned house at the club. That club is mine and I still have my ways of knowing. A man at the head of a club can have no weaknesses. Devil has an ol’ lady he cares about and a kid. I take them and then I control not only Devil but the entire Feral Steel MC. You are the distraction I need. You are in place, just do what I need and I will pay you whatever you want. Don’t you think you can do the job?” Stone is riding a fine edge between desperate and crazy. I feel my phone vibrate alerting me I have a text. I know Stone doesn’t have eyes here or he would know we are already here but he could still be close. I know I need to end this and get back to the clubhouse.

  “Stone, you’re sounding desperate. Are the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge? They should be. You are a wanted man with a target right between his eyes. Do you feel it? I wonder if our sister felt it right before Sarge took her out. You remember the sister that you helped get killed? Steel died paying back his debt for helping you. Ma has disowned you and you have had your cut taken from you by the club, so how does it feel living on borrowed time? How does it feel having to watch your back 24/7? Are you tired yet? You have nothing or no one, but you can rest assured, if I have my way, my face will be the last you ever see.” I let Stone hear all the hatred I have for him in my voice. “Tick tock mother fucker your time is running out.” I take my knife away from Croup’s neck and stand back.

  “Well, if it isn’t Devil himself. Croup, looks like you aren’t as much help as I had hoped. Just as well. I’ll keep the sixty thousand I owe your club. You might as well count us even for your betrayal.” Stone realizes he is getting no help from anyone. “I may go to hell brother but I am taking Callie with me. You can’t guard her twenty-four seven like right now. Thanks for the help.” With that the line goes dead. I take my phone out and look at it. I have two text. First from Callie she is having stronger labor pains. The second is from ma, oh shit, something is wrong with Callie. I have to go. I step up to Croup.

  “You’re being escorted out of town. Stay out and don’t fly your colors back in Feral Steel territory again. You did us a solid with the phone call, so this is the only warning you get.” Croup shakes his head.

  “We’ll go, but Stone still owes us. I’m taking a vote on exactly what to do about all this shit. We see Stone and he won’t be bothering you anymore.” Croup’s just another name on a list that want Stone. I nod to Bowie and Crockett. I type out a message to Cricket, one of the prospects watching the house and let him know to get Kellan to the clubhouse. I turn and Hacksaw has his phone out.

  “We need to get back to the clubhouse. Your ma called the paramedics for Callie.” Hacksaw says.

  “Ma texted me. Cowboy with us, everyone else with Bowie.” I look at Croup one more time before I go out the front door. I just want twenty-four hours of no more trouble. I knew I should have made Callie stay at the hospital. I feel like I am chasing my own ass. I straddle my bike but send Chief a text real fast before I take off to get to Callie. One more time not knowing what I am going to find when I got there. Did Stone somehow get to Callie? Ma didn’t say. At least I know Bourbon is there. I start my bike and gun it to the road.

  Chapter 7


  I drive my truck up in front of the clubhouse and park. Most of the bikes are gone. Callie’s SUV is here. That’s strange. Devil wanted Callie with him and I know no one is riding his bike. He even does his own repairs on it. Only him and Callie ride on it and Callie hasn’t been on it for a while now. Callie would have sent him the same message she sent me if she is ready to go to the hospital. I can’t believe she didn’t want everyone to know she was in labor. I make my way inside and I see Gertie at the bar but I don’t see Callie. The only people I see are two prospects and a table full of club girls. This place is empty. I walk up to ask Gertie where Callie is. Gertie is a good woman. Always has a smile on her face. “Where’s our girl?” I ask her.

  “Devil has her in his office so she’ll be away from Charisma. She just had some tea and I knew by the look on her face before I left her she was in labor. I came out to make sure one of the boys made sure the SUV is up front. She texted Devil the same time she texted you. Kat is on her way too. She should be here anytime.” As if she knew she was being talked about Kat walks in with Bourbon right behind her.

  “I’m here and ready to meet my new grandchild. Let’s get this show on the road. Where’s the girl of the hour?” Kat comes up
behind me and gives me a hug. I turn and hug her back. Bourbon walks up beside us.

  “I’ll go and get Callie from Devil’s office. That she- devil over there won’t come near her while I am here.” I look over at Charisma when I say it and say it loud enough she can hear it.

  “Charisma causing trouble again? My boy should have showed her the road a long time ago.” Kat says. I walk down the hall to Devil’s office. As soon as I walk in I see Callie in the floor, out cold. I run over and check her pulse. Slow but there.

  “Get in here. I need help.” I get my phone out and dial 911. It rings three times and someone picks up. I try to stay calm. “I have a twenty- year old woman that is close to nine months pregnant passed out and her pulse is slow. I’m at 135 private road south 52030 south side of town. It’s about two miles from the city limit sign on the left side of the road the Feral Steel MC clubhouse. I’ll check and see.” The lady asks me if she is bleeding. I don’t see any blood. I look at her shorts and I see no blood. I hear people behind me. “I see no blood. Yes, please hurry.” I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see it is Bourbon. I hand him my phone so he can keep talking to the lady. Kat and Gertie come over and I start to pick Callie up.

  “She said not to move her.” Bourbon tells me. I am beginning to panic.

  “Callie, can you hear me? Wake up, girl. I need to be seeing those eyes of yours. I swear, girl, you can get yourself in more messes.” I am half way holding Callie up. I look at Kat.

  “You better text Devil to get back here. She will want him when she opens her eyes. Gertie, will you get a cold rag? Maybe that will help.” Gertie gets up and goes in Devil’s private bathroom and comes back with a cool rag. Callie starts moaning and her hand goes to her stomach. All of sudden she sits up with her eyes open and she has my hand and she is squeezing the hell out of it.


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