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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  “Oh crap, that hurts.” She is squeezing my hand harder and she is breathing hard. “My pains are hard. Where is Kylar? I need to get to the hospital, something is wrong. This is happening too fast.” She finally stops squeezing my hand. Damn, that girl is stronger than she looks.

  “What happened? Did something happen before you passed out?” She’s shaking her head no.

  “No. Everything just went black. My vision got blurry and that’s all I remember. I just felt tired. Oh, I had a labor pain right before that.” I hear Bourbon telling the lady on the phone everything Callie says. “I feel nauseated. Oh, there’s another contraction coming.” She’s squeezing my hand again. No more Wheaties for this girl, damn.

  “Callie, do you remember the breathing techniques for labor? In through your nose and out through your mouth. Slowly. Concentrate on your breathing.” Kat tells Callie. Devil needs to get here. He put that baby in there he needs to be here when he comes out.

  “Ambulance is ten minutes out.” Bourbon says. I hear Devil before I see him. He is yelling on his way in. Devil is on the floor next to me scooting me out of the way. Yes, please. He takes her hand and she starts squeezing his hand. That is fine with me.

  “Baby, I’m here. What happened?” Callie seems to be doing better now and the pain seems to be gone for the moment.

  “I don’t know, Kylar. I had one pain that wasn’t in my back. I had just finished my tea and Gertie went to make sure the SUV was parked in the front. I had just texted you and Fe. I felt dizzy and then things went black. Next thing I know Fe is sitting here with me and I am having a labor pain that was more intense than before.” Callie is pale and I turn to Gertie.

  “Can I use your phone to text Chief? Him and Tazer are going to want to be here.” I see Hanna stick her head in and she is holding Kellan. I shake my head at her and she backs out. We don’t need Kellan wanting his mom and dad.

  “Felix, I already texted Chief but you might want to give him an update. They are already on their way here, so is Sarah. You could text Micah and Maddie. Will you tell Hanna to take Kellan to my room? You two can come to the hospital later.” If Devil thinks I am waiting here he is out of his mind. That’s my best friend and I am going where she goes. Devil hands me his room keys.

  “Devil, I will get Hanna and Kellan settled in your room but I am going to the hospital. I’ll update everyone and text Callie’s sisters, but no way am I staying here. Callie is always there for me when I need her and I am going to be there for her. So, get used to it.” I get up and take Gertie’s phone from her. I don’t look back or wait for Devil to reply.

  Chapter 8


  We have been at the hospital for five hours. Callie has been coming through like a champ. She finally agreed to an epidural. She had Kellan naturally and she wanted to do the same for Killian but when Chief finally arrived, between us and ma, we talked her into it. Callie’s mom, Karen, was a drug addict and an alcoholic. Callie doesn’t believe in taking any drugs unless you have no other choice. The labor pains finally became so intense she gave in. She has relaxed since the medicine has started to work. Em, Ma, and Felix went to get something to eat. Callie was glad when her dad arrived. Chief is sitting in a chair on the other side of Callie’s bed. He wasn’t leaving her any more than I am. We barely got Felix to go. My ol’ lady has a lot of people that love her and she deserves it and more. It looks like Callie has finally drifted off for a short nap. There’s a knock on the door and then a nurse and Dr. White walk in. Both Chief and I stand up. We hope they finally have her blood test back to tell us what caused her to pass out earlier.

  Or if it was just from being in labor. Her blood pressure has been low, so has her heart rate.

  “Dr. White this is Chief, Callie’s dad.” The doctor nods his head at him. Callie still hasn’t opened her eyes. Dr. Neely from the emergency room treated Callie when we first got here and then the OB doctor on call was here. This is the first time we have got to talk to Dr. White. Dr. Singa, the OB on call, ordered the epidural. “Callie just nodded off a few minutes ago.”

  “Well, as much as she needs to rest for birth, I am going to have to speak with her.” Dr. White moves closer to the bed. I step back. Chief does the same and the nurse moves closer to Callie. “Callie, can you wake up for me? I need to ask you a few questions.” Callie’s eyes come slowly open.

  “Okay. Go ahead. I feel a little dizzy again and my stomach is nauseous.” The nurse moves around and gets one of those little trays out in case she gets sick. Callie looks so tired.

  “Callie, is there a reason you would have EPO, cimicifuga racemose, or caulophyllum thalictroides in your system?” Dr. White asks.

  “Dr. White, I have no idea what those even are. The only thing I take is my prenatal vitamin every day. Not even a Tylenol. I don’t take medicines unnecessarily.” Callie tells Dr. White.

  “What the hell are those? No way would Callie take drugs.” I put in.

  “They are herbs. Is there any way you might have ingested them accidently?” Dr. White presses on.

  “I don’t know where I would have gotten them. I have been feeling nauseous the last couple of days. I’ve only eaten the normal stuff. Chamomile tea is the only thing I have been craving. I usually don’t drink warm teas, but lately I have craved it. I don’t know where I could have gotten them. Is the baby okay?” Callie is upset and concerned for the baby now.

  “Isn’t EPO from the primrose plant? It seems like my mom used it. We are Native American and she did natural medicinal methods.” Chief asks Dr. White.

  “Yes, and the other two are also known as black cohosh root and blue cohosh. Native Americans have used them for years. Herbalist use them also. The Black cohosh has many good uses for women, but is not good when you are pregnant. The blue cohosh is probably why your labor pains are so intense. Also, maybe why your blood pressure went from being slightly elevated to being low. You would have had to have ingested this over time. If you didn’t take them intentionally, and I believe when you say you didn’t, you had to get them somewhere.” Dr. White tells us. “Right now, I am going to give you a steroid for the baby. You are progressed in your labor so we can’t stop it. You are far enough into your pregnancy that everything should be fine. I just want to use some caution. We are going to monitor you very closely. The dizziness and nausea can be caused by either of the cohosh. I am contacting a doctor friend of mine on exactly how to proceed. Now, if either of you gentlemen would like to step out I am going to check Callie to see how far her dilation has gotten. Nurse Jones, would you go ahead and put the steroid bag in with her IV?” The nurse steps up and starts attaching the bag. I look at Chief and he doesn’t look like he wants to go anywhere but I need to speak to him so I nod towards the door.

  “Babe, we are going to step right outside the door while the doctor checks you. Right outside the door and no further.” Dr. White has gone to get his gloves on. I kiss Callie’s head.

  “Okay Kylar. Do what you have to, I’m going nowhere.” Callie tries to joke but she just looks tired.

  “Baby Girl, I’m not going anywhere either.” Chief tells his daughter. Callie smiles.

  “Okay dad. I’m glad you’re here.” Callie says sounding half asleep. Chief and I step out into the hall as the doctor approaches the bed. We shut the door softly as we go outside.

  “What’s going on, Devil? I love that girl.” He stops and takes a deep breath. “Callie is not a girl anymore, but she will always be my Baby Girl. I know she is a grown ass woman. With her own children and ol’ man, but so help me god, if anything hurts her I am going to kill someone. I don’t need nor want to know Feral Steel business but anything to do with my daughter and grandchildren is my fucking business. Did Stone have anything to do with this?” Chief is pissed but no more than I am. Stone isn’t just Feral Steel business. The BlackPath MC has hunted Stone as much as we have.

  “Stone has not come close enough to Callie to do this but it doesn’t mean he hasn’
t had someone do it. There’s this club girl who I know has been helping Stone.” Chief raises his hand.

  “Felix has already filled me in about Charisma and you are a fool. I tried that shit with Kim and we all found out how that turns out. I didn’t like your sister. Yeah, I fucked her, but I despised her. Thought I could handle the situation. Be slick and outsmart her. I knew when she came to me she wanted something but I thought I could get information from her. I might have hated her Devil, but I never would have wished her dead, until she crossed a line. The line was my club and my family. Did you learn nothing from it all? Have you learned nothing from trying to play my daughter before? Your ass is lucky to have her.” I don’t give him a chance to finish.

  “Yes, I am lucky to have her and she didn’t buy my shit. She stood right up to me. I was going to send her to you. Her and Kellan, to protect until I could get my hands on Stone. She may be adopted, but she is you made over. She told me almost the same thing. She then told me if I sent her away that we were finished and she wouldn’t go to you. She’d go wherever she wanted to. She also told me I would be playing right into Stone’s hand because we are weaker apart. Do you see what it got her? She’s in a damn hospital bed again and Stone may not have done it himself but he is responsible for it. I love that woman but she is damn hard headed woman. She won’t listen to reason. She tries my patience but I’ll be damn if I could live without her.” Chief smiles.

  “She is just like me but she has a level head. If you can’t live without her then get rid of Charisma or I will. If Callie leaves you again she won’t be back. She sticks to her word. BlackPath MC will always have her back. BlackPath blood may not run through her veins but it runs through her heart and she is in ours. We will protect family at all cost, even your life.” Chief and I have never really liked each other but I thought we had come to an understanding. I step up into his face.

  “Callie is Feral Steel now and she is mine. This is Feral Steel territory and we decide what happens here. If Charisma is taken out we will do it.” Chief comes a step closer.

  “Then I guess you better damn well take care of it. Sarge, Micah, and Maddie will be here tomorrow. Dra is coming in from Colorado, too. You’re going to have a full house. Do what you have to do then.” Micah and Maddie are Callie’s half twin sisters. She only recently met them or even knew of their existence. Callie’s biological dad sprung that surprise on her before he died. Sarge was Callie’s first boyfriend and fiancée. He cheated on her one night when he was away in the Marines and has been trying to get her back and make up for it ever since. He’s also the man who killed my sister, Kim. He did it because Kim tried to hurt Callie. Kim deserved it, but it was just another way Sarge was trying to protect my ol’ lady. Then Sarge meets Micah. Don’t know that story yet. I just know that Sarge doesn’t look at Callie the same way anymore. Dra was married to Callie. If he hadn’t faked his death I don’t know if I would have ever gotten Callie back. Dra screwed up big time. He picked his club, the Troubled Fathoms MC, over Callie and I thank him in my mind every day. He had a tough choice. I don’t know what I would have done. He lost his dad and Gram the same night in an explosion everyone thought he was in. He was married to Callie then. He let her believe he was dead. He let almost everyone believe he was dead. She had just had our son and she made everybody think she was strong but I put her back together. Then Dra came back. Callie never wavered. She is loyal to the bone. Now Dra thinks he owes her too. He gave her a divorce but he didn’t want to. Maddie and he seem to have an attraction but that story I don’t know. I just hope he has moved on. A lesser man would have their doubts but I know my ol’ lady and she will stand by me. I just don’t like these fuckers so close.

  “Right now, all I have to do is stay by my ol’ lady’s side while she brings our son into this world.” Chief and I are still standing close.

  “You’re right. That’s exactly what you need to do but we are going to be here for back-up so use us. Quit being so damn hard headed and just do it. Let us help you.” Chief says. I know he just wants to help and I know I need to utilize his help while he is here.

  “Okay.” That’s all I have time to get out before the nurse sticks her head out the door.

  “Gentlemen, you can come back in.” She says quietly. Looking at us like we might attack her any minute. She steps away from the door as Chief and I both go back in. Callie smiles when she sees us.

  “You know half the hospital could hear you two out there.” It’s not like Chief or I care. I look at the doctor and wait for him to say something.

  “Is someone going to tell us something?” Chief isn’t a patient man. I thought my fuse was short.

  “Callie is dilated to a six. She is progressing fine. I’d say another four hours maybe less after her water breaks. I’ll check her in an hour. If her water doesn’t break by then I will break it. Callie’s blood pressure is a little low but it is improving. Her heart rate is back to normal. She is getting a steroid for the baby. We are hydrating her by IV. I am moderately optimistic. Callie is a healthy, strong woman. We will keep a close eye on her. Callie, when you get up to go to the bathroom be sure and get help. We don’t want you passing out again or you getting dizzy and falling. Follow my instructions, young lady. We are here to help. Use us.” The doctor is trying to get his point across to Callie but he smiles at me and lets me know he had heard part of the conversation Chief and I were having in the hall. “Try to rest a little, Callie. You’re going to need your energy in a few hours. Gentlemen, I will see you soon. I am not leaving the hospital. If they need me they will page me.” Dr. White leaves and Nurse Jones is right behind him.

  “I’ll be right back. I forgot to ask the doctor something.” I hurry out the door and catch up with the doctor. He turns to look at me.

  “What is the steroid for? You said it was for the baby. Why?” I see the hesitation in his eyes. He nods his head away from the nurse’s station and I step that way with him. He lowers his voice.

  “I am giving your wife a steroid because caulophyllum thalictroides or blue cohosh can cause heart failure in a newborn. I am taking every precaution possible. The baby’s heart beat is strong but I am just being cautious.” I feel like I have been sucker punched. No, not our son.

  “Why didn’t you say anything? Are you sure he sounds okay? Nothing can happen to our son.” They must do everything they can.

  “We are taking every precaution. I told your wife. She’s my patient but I think you have the right to know. She didn’t want to worry you. She is convinced this baby is a Steel and he is strong. Her exact words. Just stay close. If there is any sign of distress we will do a cesarean section.” I am still trying to wrap my head around this and I just can’t. The doctor walks off. When Killian is born, healthy, I will take the threat away from my family and nothing will ever touch them again. I take my phone out and text Hacksaw, Oz, Bowie, and Crockett. I give them detailed instructions. I go back in Callie’s room.

  “You’re right. Killian is a Steel and he is strong and he will be fine.” Callie smiles and reaches out her hand to me. I go take it and kiss the top of it.

  “Yes, and he has his mom’s stubbornness.” Chief says. I see that Callie has had time to tell her dad. He and I make eye contact and I nod my head and he knows exactly what I am agreeing to. After my son’s birth, I will hunt Stone down and bury him six feet under. I will take any help I need to achieve that.

  Chapter 9


  Dr. White said four or more hours but within three hours Killian came screaming into this world. He has a strong heart and a strong set of lungs. Kylar and I kept this delivery to ourselves. He and I and six of the hospital staff were the only ones present during Killian’s entrance into the world. Dad, Em, Kat, and Felix came in right afterwards but for Killian’s entrance into the world Kylar was holding my back and one leg with Nurse Jones on the other side. After they made sure Killian was ok I got to hold him on my chest. He is beautiful. Ten fingers and ten toes
and a head full of dark hair just like Kellan had. Yes, Kylar marked another child. Killian looks like Kylar and Kellan. Am I ever going to get a child that looks like me just a little? Killian has my blue eyes but that will change. I am just happy he is okay. For some reason, I feel energized. A lot of excitement, but I think it is relief that our son is okay.

  I know Kylar is going after Stone. If I hadn’t been raised in a motorcycle club almost like the Feral Steel MC I would beg Kylar not to go but I know it needs to be done. If Kylar doesn’t go after Stone now, he will be a thorn in our sides forever or until someone else dies. Someone I love. I never thought I would have to pick between my children and the man I love. I can no longer take the chance even if it kills us both. Kylar will have to be apart from us for a while but we must protect our children. Killian could have been seriously hurt or worse with whatever someone slipped me. I don’t even want to think about how bad it could have been. I don’t even know how someone could have done it. I look at Kylar and he is holding our son to his chest. I see in his eyes he is determined. I must support him. Kylar lies Killian back in his little cubicle bed. A male nurse knocks and then comes in to bring a bottle for Killian. I can’t breast feed because of the herbs in my body.

  “Mrs. Steel are you ready to feed this little man? We are going to have to take him to the nursery in just a little while.” I am so ready to feed him. I read the nurses name and it is Chad Evens.

  “I am ready. Do you know how long it will be before I can breast feed or if I will be able to at all? Dr. White hasn’t been back in so I can ask him yet.” Kylar has already gotten up to bring the baby to me. He kisses him on top of the head before he hands him off to me. I don’t think I am the only one who is just now realizing exactly how bad this could have turned out.


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