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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Vera Quinn

  “Kylar, do you have any questions. Did I give you any information that can help? Damn, say something. The damn silence is driving me crazy. I lived with the silence from William. I can’t take it anymore.” I sound desperate to my own ears.

  “Ma, right now I just need to process all this. Just go with Bourbon. We’ll talk tomorrow. I need to think this through. It’s like my whole damn past was a lie. I thought we were a happy family. I never seen Steel with another woman the whole time I was in the club. He couldn’t have hidden that shit from all of us.” Kylar pulls Callie close and kisses her cheek. “I’m going for a ride. I need to clear my head.” Kylar is talking to Callie. It’s like I am not even here.

  “Son, by the time you were in the club your dad and I had mellowed out with age. We were dedicated to raising you kids and being a family. After Chainz death something changed between us. I never smelled any perfume on your dad and I came around the clubhouse. I kept the club girls in line and away from him. He told me he would be faithful and I believed him. I had to or I couldn’t stay with him. We always loved you kids and I put you first.” William and I always loved our family.

  “No Ma. You had it right the first time. Steel always put the Feral Steel MC first. It was his club and they always came first until Stone screwed up.” Kylar never looks up from the ground. It’s like he can’t stand to look at me. He walks off the deck and to his bike and leaves.

  “Woman I need sleep. We’ll hash this out tomorrow. Let’s turn in.” Bourbon is standing beside me but I know Kylar will need more time. Callie walks up to me and she puts her arms around me and I can’t hold back the flood gate of tears. She holds me and lets me let it out. I feel Bourbon rub his hand down my back. He’s never seen me like this and he doesn’t know what to do with a tearful woman. I must say he doesn’t back down from it. I finally have cried all the tears I have. I hear the door open and close. I see Felix bring over a box of Kleenex and hand to Bourbon. He puts his arms around Callie’s and hugs us tight. He never says a word and he is gone back inside. That young man has a heart of gold. Bourbon hands me some Kleenexes and I take them and try to clean my face and blow my nose.

  “Just give him some time to process. Kylar is a good man and he will figure it out. It’s just such a surprise.” Callie tells me. She has no judgement in her voice at all. “We love you Kat. It’ll work its way out. All of you made tough choices. You made the most you could with the what you were dealing with. It’ll be ok. I need to get back to my boys. Just give it a while. You’re his ma and he loves you.” Callie kisses me on the forehead like she is taking care of one of her children. She nods her head at Bourbon.

  “Thank you, Callie girl.” Bourbon tells her and then Callie leaves Bourbon and me on the back deck. I look at Bourbon and all he has is understanding in his eyes.

  “You’re not disgusted with me after all you heard? I can’t believe you’re not running in the opposite direction from me.” I finally ask Bourbon.

  “Oh, little lady, one day we will talk about some of my past and see which one of us should be running. You are strong and a survivor and now that I know some of your troubles it just makes me want you more. Now we need to get some rest because this isn’t over yet.” With that Bourbon takes my hand and leads me to our room. I need some sleep and tomorrow I will start rebuilding the relationship between my son and myself.

  Chapter 22


  I can’t believe all the shit that just came out of ma’s mouth. Kane is my half-brother. Our entire family life has been nothing but one lie stacked on top of another. Everything is unraveling and it is all on Ma’s shoulders. Everyone else is dead. How convenient. I know I need time to think but I don’t have the luxury of time. I am determined that I will not follow in my parent’s footsteps. I will be as honest as I can with my sons while still protecting them. I stand out in our front yard contemplating going out to that motel and check it out when I hear the front door open and see Callie step out. I know subconsciously I have been waiting on my woman to come to me. She is the balance I need. She comes straight to me and I open my arms for her and she doesn’t even hesitate to embrace me tightly. Damn, this woman owns me. After everything she has been through the last few days she still comes to comfort me. Just her touch calms the animal trying to escape from me. That animal is close to the surface and he wants to come out to play. Callie has never seen that side of me and I hope she never does. She steps back up from me a little and I want to bring her back to me but I let her have her space so I don’t look like a clingy little bitch. Not with all the turmoil I have inside me. If I could I would permanently have her in my arms every minute of every day. Callie and my sons.

  “Your ma is hurting Kylar. Please, think about that before you react. She was only trying to protect her family. I’m not saying it is right or wrong. All I’m saying is her heart was in the right place. She did the best she could with the circumstances she had. She loved her children and whatever type of relationship that her and your dad had they made it work for their family. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for our sons and you and that includes putting a man or woman to ground that deserves it. She’s been a good ma to you, hasn’t she?” Callie looks at me and waits for my answer.

  “Yeah babe, she has. I had a great childhood. It was nothing like the hell your mom put you through. I just can’t wrap my mind around most of it was a lie. Ma and dad loved us though. They made sure we knew we were loved. You’re right it doesn’t matter about what we thought was real, but it does matter that after I took over they couldn’t confide in me. I don’t need the thought of an ideal childhood now. I’m a grown-ass man now, someone should have told me.” Callie is standing there smiling at me. “What?” I ask her.

  “That’s the first time I ever heard you call Steel dad. I like it. No matter what happen in the past you still love your ma and dad.” She is still just a grinning. She just doesn’t get that me calling my dad Steel is a way I show him respect. Even though Callie has lived the MC life most of her life she doesn’t have the brotherhood. I will always love my dad but the respect he had as my President was what he wanted. He demanded it and he got it from every brother in the Feral Steel MC.

  “Shut up woman and kiss me so I can go. I have shit to do.” She comes over to my waiting arms and hugs me. I hug her back like my life depends on it. She stands on her tip toes and I bend down to meet her lips. She reaches around and grabs a hand full of my ass. “Woman, we have six more weeks before you need to be tempting me because it seems like an eternity since I was inside you.” Her lips slide to my ear and she softly whispers.

  “I may have to wait six weeks but that doesn’t mean my man does. So, go do your work and I’ll get some rest and then I’ll take care of my man.” She says using that husky voice that drives me crazy and being so close to my ear. Then she runs her tongue over the outside of my ear and my cock turns to granite. I move and take her lips with a hunger. I have to pull myself away from her mouth.

  “Woman, it is hard to ride when I am this hard. You are going to be the death of me yet. Get in the house and get some rest. Kiss our boys for me.” She pats my ass again and turns to leave but stops.

  “Kylar, be careful. You and those boys are my life and I can’t live without all of you. I love you to the moon and back.” Callie tells me and she is trying to be brave but I hear the tremble in her voice.

  “I’ll be back in the morning babe. Nothing can keep me away. Get some sleep.” She runs back to me and pulls my head down and kisses my cheek and she is gone. I climb on my bike and take a slow ride to the clubhouse trying to get my head straight. It’s not a long enough ride but it will make it do for now. I walk through the doors and I see Tazer, Chief, and Sarge at the bar drinking a beer with Hacksaw and Bowie. I make my way over there and I see Slick and Crockett at the other end. I motion for the prospect to bring me a beer as I approach. I look at the clock behind the bar and it is nearly midnight. You can feel the tension coming off everyon

  “I talked to Kane and I saw no signs of deception and my gut is telling me he is telling the truth. Sarge gets the same vibes. Kane swore he had nothing to do with hurting Callie or had anything else to do with the rest of the shit that has gone on. The timeline that Sarge got from his medical rehab shows he couldn’t have had anything to do with what went on in Texas. I think he is being mostly honest. He also gave me the room number that Stone usually stays in out at the motel but he said he can’t give us Stacks. He’s his brother and he won’t do it.” Chief tells me. This man looks exhausted but I guess we all do. Crockett and Slick make their way down by us.

  “Well I just had a hell of a bombshell dropped in my lap. Stacks is Stone’s half- brother.” I hesitate but I look at Slick when I say the next part. “Kane is also my half-brother. Steel fathered him. If this shit isn’t fucked enough. Did Kane say if Stone had anyone else working with him?”

  “He said all he knows about is Stone and Stacks but he does have connections with some weed growers in Colorado. Some associated with the same ones we burned out when we thought they killed Dra. He didn’t know how they were connected. Apparently Stone and Stacks are too paranoid to share. He’s also under the impression your club girl Starla only helped Charisma because Charisma threatened her. Something Charisma was blackmailing her with. He has a soft spot for Starla but wouldn’t confirm it. He wants to talk to her.” I trust everything Chief is telling me. Chief has a way of getting a good feel for the truth and seeing things people don’t want to tell you.

  “Have we found out when they are moving Charisma yet or if we have anyone inside the jail to make sure she keeps her mouth shut?” I look at Hacksaw. He starts to say something but Sarge interrupts him.

  “Charisma will not be talking to anyone ever again. She’s been neutralized.” Sarge says way too calmly and with a cold look in his eyes. “Dra called a little while ago and Krill is reaching out to their contacts. They think they have a lead on the link from Oklahoma to Colorado. Dra hasn’t made it back to the Troubled Fathoms clubhouse yet. He called when he stopped for fuel. He should be there by midmorning.”

  “Good. Slick, get Kane so we can talk some more now that I know the whole story.” Slick goes down the hall to get Kane.

  “I am going back to your house and grab some sleep and then I will be back. We need to start sleeping in shifts. We are all at the end of our limits. We are no good to anyone if we can’t function. I know Bourbon and Rye are sleeping in shifts and so are their brothers. Devil you need some rest before you fall over and then you’ll be no good for anyone.” I know Chief doesn’t want to be far from Callie and the boys or the rest of the women. That’s all I need from him. I shake my head at him and he walks by me and pats my shoulder as he leaves.

  “Prospect make us some coffee. I think it will help more than alcohol at this point.” Tim is quick to do what he says. I wonder what is taking Slick so long. “What the hell is taking Slick so long?” Crockett goes to find him. “Where is everyone else?”

  “Tito has taken over for Oz so he could catch some sleep. Everyone else is sleeping, except for Creole, he’s on guard duty again.” Hacksaw tells me. I see Crockett helping Slick back down the hall.

  “Where’s Kane and what the hell happened?” I ask them.

  “Slick was knocked out on the floor and Kane was gone. He took Slick’s gun and keys.” Bowie is already down the hall with Tazer and Sarge right behind him.

  “Prospect call the doc.” Before I get it out good Slick has his hand in the air.

  “No need for the old saw bones. I have a hard, damn head. Devil, before Kane put the lights out on me he apologized to me for what he was going to have to do. I thought my days were over and he was going to kill me. He also said that you take care of Stone and he’ll handle Stacks. He said it was his payment to you for all the shit Stacks has pulled. He also said he would be back here when it was over to get Starla and to talk to his brother. He said if you want Stone to stake out the motel and he’ll show up. That was his exact words and then he gave me this damn lump on my head. I’m getting too damn old for this shit. Ten years ago, I would have been ready for his shit.” Slick looks tired and I know he is blaming himself.

  “Prospect call the doc anyway. Slick he could have done this to any one of us.” Slick is shaking his head and his eyes are on the floor.

  “No sign of him but the door at the back of the hall was left wide open.” Tazer throws Slick’s keys on the bar. “Those were still in the door.” I don’t know if I should trust Kane. I know him knocking Slick out looks bad but the words Slick said linger in my thoughts.

  “Slick, tell me what your gut says about his words.” I know we can either spend time hunting Kane’s ass down or we can go to the motel. I pull out my phone and text Chief so he’ll know.

  “There was something in his voice that rang true to me. If I was a betting man, which I sometimes am, I would say he was telling the truth.” I take my eyes off Slick and I know Kane was telling the truth. My phone vibrates and I see Chief sent me back a message.

  Chief: You know what you have to do.

  Me: Yep.

  “What are we going to do?” Tazer asks. “We need to get to the motel before they have a chance to run.”

  “Sarge, Tazer, Bowie, Crockett and prospect we are going to the motel. Hacksaw get Cowboy and Tex up and be ready if we need back-up or if Chief needs help at the house. Slick get doc here to look at your head and get Gertie here. We don’t need to leave anyone out there for Stone to get to. Are the rest of the girls here? Bring them in too.” I am talking while walking to my office. I take my keys out and unlock the cabinet holding my safe and take out my 9MM and my 45. I make sure the clips are full and I grab the spares. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I walk back out front. “Grab your hardware and let’s ride.” Sarge is coming back up the hall from where his room is located. He’s throwing bullet proof vest at us.

  “I am not taking any chances on any of you motherfuckers getting shot on my watch. Callie would never forgive me.” Sarge barks out.

  “How the hell did you get these? I know they didn’t fit on your damn bike.” I ask him.

  “Do you think my rifle fit on my damn bike? I had someone drop them off here. Let’s just call him a friend and they are yours now. Use them. They have saved my life more than once.” Sarge always has a smartass attitude but he has his uses.

  “I am the one in control here. Don’t forget it.” I remind him. “Callie wouldn’t let me live it down if something happened to you either.”

  “I know that and I like that thought. She would be sad if I died but it would destroy her if anything happened to you or her brother. I love the woman, but that many tears, just is not something I can do.” Tazer laughs and I see by the look on Sarge’s face he is trying to cut some of the tension in the room but I don’t find it funny.

  “Sarge sometimes I think we could be friends but then your smartass mouth reminds me why we will never be friends.” I step up to Sarge and dare him to say something else about my woman.

  “Damn Devil, lighten up. I love Callie like a sister. I get it. You and her a done deal. If she was ever to change her mind about you I would be there in a flash, but she’s not. When Callie loves, she loves until she can’t love anymore. So, get the stick out of your ass. Let’s do this. You’ll come back to your woman and sons and I’ll go home to my own life.” Sarge just keeps smiling. I shake my head at him and take the vest. I put the vest on and wait for everyone to do the same. I pull out my phone and see a text from Kane.

  Kane: Stone is in his room. He has that motel booby trapped. Explosives.

  “Kane says Stone is in his room. He also said the place has explosives wired. Let’s get this done.” This is our best chance to get Stone.

  “We have to go in quiet. We’re taking the van and the prospect will stay in the van. Any questions? Watch for trip wires. Prospect get the van.” I just hope we all make it back.

  Chapter 23


  I make it away from the Feral Steel MC clubhouse and I make it to the highway. I didn’t like hitting Slick in the head to knock him out but I had to get away so I could get Stacks away from Stone. I know Devil is not letting Stone get away. He has a look in his eyes of a man that has had too much. I’ve seen that look in the eyes of the men I have served with in the army. It’s usually the look that gets someone killed but I know Devil is determined to protect his family and his club. He thinks he needs to prove himself worthy to be President of the MC and worthy to be his woman’s man. I can understand that train of thought.

  Everything Stacks and Stone have told me to try and get me to help them has been a lie. I knew Stacks had made bad choices in his life but the things Devil and Chief told me Stacks and Stone have been into is beyond deplorable. Women and children are to be protected and cherished. Not used as pawns in some battle over a damn motorcycle club, territory, and money. The things that I witnessed overseas tortures my dreams and I don’t see how this is much different. I could never bring myself to harm a woman or child. Even in war you need to have principles you live by. I have mine and I stand by my principles of life.

  As soon as I get far enough away from the clubhouse I find the road deserted until an older truck slows down beside me. I can barely make out the older man as he rolls down his window. “You lost son?”

  “No sir. I was riding my bike on the backroads and it broke down. I am trying to make my way back into town to get some help.” He looks at me real close.


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