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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Vera Quinn

  “I tell you what, you climb in back and I will give you a ride to the edge of town.” I look at the man as close as he looked at me. He’s just being neighborly. When did I become so cynical?

  “Thanks man. I would appreciate it.” I tell him.

  “Most people these day carry those fancy cell phones. You don’t have you one of those? What are you doing out here this late at night?” I know sticking close to the truth is best so he won’t think I am lying. I need this ride.

  “I tried but I have no reception out here. It wasn’t this late when I started and I like a nice ride at night.” I tell him.

  “That’s why I only have a landline. Those new- fangled things are more trouble than they are worth and cost a man a week’s pay every month. Nope, I’ll stick to my landline. I can’t blame you for wanting to get out on a night like tonight. Back in the day I loved riding backroads. Peaceful at night.” The man is shaking his head. “Get in son and I will stop at the city limits and let you out. It’ll only be a few minutes.”

  “Thank you. It’ll save me a few steps.” I tell him. I text Stacks as soon as I am in the back of the truck. It doesn’t take him long to text me and with questions of where I am and why I am not at the motel.

  Stacks: Where the fuck are you?

  Me: My bike broke down and I am getting a ride to the city limits. Can you pick me up?

  Stacks: Have you turned on me brother?

  Me: My damn bike broke down. The drugs are fucking with you again. Can I count on you or not?

  Stacks: I’m coming.

  I think about it for a minute.

  Me: Is Stone coming with? Maybe it is time to get out of here.

  Stacks: I’m bringing your truck. We’ll bring your bike back to the motel.

  Me: Is Stone there alone? It’s not safe for us to be alone.

  Stacks: He’s here but he has it wired now. Taking no chances.

  Me: I’m walking your way. Main street.

  I think about it for a little while and I know what I need to do. I send Devil a text that I hope will bring his family some peace. I know to delete the message. I go over by the sign and it doesn’t take long for Stacks to come and pick me up. His hair is greasy and his clothes look like he slept in them. He smells of cigarettes and body odor. His eyes are glassy and bloodshot. His skin has a sallow look to it. This Stacks barely resembles the brother I have always known. “Guess I am bailing you out this time. Where’s your bike?” Stacks is looking at me suspiciously.

  “I needed time to think so I went out to that place you took me last week. The one you said mom and dad took you to when you were small. My bike had a flat so I hoofed it back to the road and got a ride from some old man who doesn’t like cell phones.” I laugh at the last part.

  “Let me see your phone.” I see the gun stuck in the side of the truck door. I hand him my phone slowly. He slides the thing on and puts in my code while trying to drive. He’s making me nervous. Switching his eyes from the phone to the road.

  “You want me to drive so you can read my phone? Your paranoia is getting the best of you again.” He hands me back my phone.

  “Why were you out here close to the Feral Steel MC clubhouse?” I give him one of my looks that always pisses him off.

  “Stacks you are the one that showed me this place. I needed to clear my head. I only know two places to go without being seen and you and Stone just disappeared. I thought you would want me to stay out of sight. If you don’t want to take me to get my bike turn my truck around and I’ll take you drop you off and come back. It’s a pain in the ass but I’ll do it. I’m thinking about heading out anyway. I’ve had enough of the damn watching my back twenty-four seven. I had enough of that in the army. I put my bike behind the shack so no one would see it even if they could find the place. I can see why you and mom went there to be alone.” Stacks looks like he relaxes a little. It’s not long before we are turning down the dirt road to get to the little cabin.

  Chapter 24


  I wake up and I feel beside me in the bed and Kylar still isn’t home. I look at the clock and I have slept for nearly three hours. It’s close to three in the morning. Killian hasn’t made a noise. I look at Killian’s bassinet beside our bed and it is empty. What in the heck? I jump up and look in it closer. There’s a slip of paper with a small written note telling me they are in the kitchen. I grab my chest. I was beginning to panic. I remember I fed and changed Killian and checked on Kellan before slipping in the shower. Everyone else had already turned in by then. As soon as I showered I was in this bed. My body was beyond tired and there is nothing like my own bed in my home. The hospital is not a good place for sleep. I would just nod off when I was there and they would come in to check my blood pressure or something. The only thing that could have made my bed more comfortable was for Kylar to be here and holding me. I go to Kylar’s dresser and pull out one of his shirts and put it on over my tank top and then a pair of his sweatpants. I take the draw string and pull it tight and tie it. Even with my extra pregnancy weight they would still fall off me if I didn’t tighten them up. I make my way out in the hall and go in Kellan’s room. He’s sound asleep. I lean down and kiss his head and cover him back up. He’s always kicking his blanket off. I look at the roll out bed we put in there for Dad and Em and they are both sound asleep. I tip toe back to the door and I see Dad raise his head but he lies back down. I close the door quietly. I look under the door of Kat and Bourbon’s room and the light is off. We put them a rollaway in Killian’s room. I go to the living room and the sofa pull out is empty. Maizy must be up with Killian in the kitchen. I check the front door out of habit. I make my way into the den and Micah is sound asleep on one end of the sectional and Fe is on the other. I look at the futon and Maddie is nowhere to be seen. She must be in the kitchen too. I make my way almost to the kitchen when I overhear Maizy confessing to Maddie and I stop in my tracks. “I took the EPT test this morning and I am pregnant. I haven’t told Ty yet and I don’t know how I feel about it. We have always been careful. I don’t know how it happened.” Maizy sounds close to tears. My heart hurts for her.

  “Maybe the test was wrong. We’ll get another one tomorrow.” Maddie tells her and leans across the table and pats her arm. I can see Maizy is the one holding Killian. She must have just fed him. He’s asleep in her arms and she is looking closely at him.

  “Em picked me up some when her and Kat went to get more groceries. She brought back two different kinds and both had positive results. You and Em are the only two that know. I just don’t know. I look at Killian and I see how perfect he is and I can almost see myself with a little Ty or a little me, but then I get scared. I know absolutely nothing about raising a child. What if I screw it up and it may sound selfish but what about my school dreams? I am just so confused.” Maizy kisses the top of Killian’s head.

  “Are you thinking about not keeping the baby?” Maddie sounds shocked at first but then continues. “I’m sorry. Not my business. I am not judging because it is your choice.” Maddie hesitates again but then goes on. “This is a small piece of unsolicited advice but I have to say it. Before you do anything rash talk it over with Ty.” I can barely breathe. This would kill Ty.

  “I am talking to you about it so, please, give me advice. Are you going to talk to Dra?” Maizy is almost begging Maddie.

  “If I had thoughts of not wanting this child I would tell Dra. I would listen to what he had to say and then make up my mind. I do want this child but I do not want Dra to think he has a responsibility to me. I’m going to go home and think it over and then make my decision. Dra doesn’t want me and I don’t know if he will want this child. I don’t want him to think I was trying to trap him and to tell you the truth, after Dra treated me the way he did, I don’t think I want him. My decision now is if I will tell him and when. You and Ty are different. Ty loves you and you love him. That’s all I am going to say because the decision is your and no one else’s.” Maddie reaches over
and rubs her hand down Killian’s cheek. “After seeing this little one, I am excited about the baby I will have. I don’t care if it is a boy or girl. I don’t care if I must do it by myself. All I care is it is healthy.”

  “He is a cutie and babies smell so good.” Maizy bends down and inhales that baby smell. “I’m just being stupid. I can do my classes online or most of them anyway. Ty and I will do it together. I just never had a good role model as a parent. Too bad babies don’t come with a handbook.” Maizy laughs and she looks up and sees me standing there. I rush over there to her and put my arm around her.

  “I’m going to be an aunt.” About that time, I hear the back door close.

  “Well, damn. Looks like the BlackPath family is growing again.” Rye says dryly.

  “I guess I better tell Ty next time I see him before everyone knows before he does.” Maizy says with a laugh.

  “Don’t worry Maizy, we’ll all be here for you. It takes a tribe to raise a child and we’ll all be here for you each step of the way.” I try to reassure Maizy.

  “Nothing to growing kids. Feed them, change them, and love them. The rest will take care of itself. Callie girl, will you make your uncle Rye some coffee?” Leave it to a man to simplify it. I turn to the cabinet and turn the coffee maker on. It’s already set up to make the coffee these men seem to be living on these days.

  “I’m going to go try and sleep a few hours. Aunt Deb is coming to take us home tomorrow. We’re dropping Micah’s truck off in Dallas to get some work done and then we are riding home with aunt Deb. She needs us back to help with the horses. She’s having problems keeping help again and the work never stops on a horse ranch. We wanted to stay longer but aunt Deb has never let us down so we can’t let her down.” Maddie starts to leave but I touch her arm to stop her.

  “You know Maddie, Dra will want his child. I know him well enough to know that he will be a great father. I may not understand everything Dra has done since we have known each other but that is something I would bank on.” I try to make Maddie understand.

  “I wish I knew him that well. Everything I thought I knew about him he crushed. I’ll think it over.” Maddie seems heartbroken.

  “The man has a right to know he is going to be a father even if you hate him. The child will need their father.” I turn to get Rye a coffee cup ready. “If this shit is in the water, keep it away from the other women. We’ll have kids coming out our ears.” I look at uncle Rye and he sounds so serious but we both start to laugh. The other two are just staring at each other. These two know something they are not saying. They have that deer in the headlight look. I look at Maddie closely. Willing her to tell me.

  “Who?” She looks sheepish.

  “It’s why Em didn’t mind buying the test. She needed one too.” Rye filled his coffee cup and laughed all the way to the door. I could still hear him on the other side laughing.

  “No secrets in this house is there?” I turn and see Em coming into the room. “I came to just get a drink of water and I see you are all having a family gossip fest. Yes, I am pregnant and yes, Cam does know. He was standing over me when I took it. He is not the guy to try and hide something from. He knows my body better than I do and to hear him tell it, he owns it.”

  “Wow! That’s all I can say. I am going to have two nieces or nephews or one of each in the next year and a new sister or brother. Life is good and I know what all my family has been doing the last few months.” I can’t help it. I had to say it. I am laughing. Maddie is red in the face. Em and Maizy are both giggling.

  “You started it all. Two sons in less than two years. Your dad and your brother. What is left to say?” Em says reaching up to get a glass. She gets her water and drinks what she needs and then puts the glass in the sink.

  “Life is good.” Maddie finishes as she leaves the room to get some sleep. I walk over and get Killian from Maizy. It is time to go back to sleep.

  “Now if the men can just catch Stone and this Stacks, everything will go back to normal.” I say as I am walking out of the kitchen to go back to bed but I hear Em say.

  “I barely remember normal. It has been a hell of long time but I am ready for it.” Me too Em.

  Chapter 25


  We left the prospect up the rode in the van. We made our way up to the back of the motel. Damn Sarge, he has those damn night goggles on so he can see any wires that may be hidden by the dark. That man has more gadgets and hardware than the damn army. I hate to say it, but he may save our asses, if we come in any contacts with explosives. Bowie and Crockett have had some experience with some explosives but Tazer and I have not. Sarge seems to know what he is doing but I would never tell him that. This is a single-story building. Back in the day, ma said it was a nice family motel to stay in. You could drive straight up in front of your room. Everything a family would want. Easy in and easy out. Now it is run down and vagrants are probably keeping the rooms full. I motion Bowie and Crockett around to the side so they can maneuver around to the front. They can cover me as I go in the front door. One door and window in the front and one small window in the back. Once Bowie and Crockett are in place I motion for Sarge and Tazer to go to the back so they can position themselves to watch the back window. I make my way to the walkway. I give Sarge and Tazer ten minutes to get positioned. I see no one in sight. I make my way up the walkway to the door to the room Kane told us Stone would be in. I have to walk in front of the window. It is partially boarded up and there are curtains hanging over the rest. I quit over thinking it and just think about all the shit Stone has put us through and I go on auto- pilot. I have the door kicked open before I know it. Bowie is right behind me. The room is empty except for a nasty looking bed. There a nightstand beside the bed and on top of it is a syringe with a needle in it, a candle, a lighter and some type of spoon. There’s a small amount of white powder, aluminum foil, and some light bulbs. Bowie covers me and I kick the bathroom door in. Nothing. I pull the shower curtain back and nothing. We look through everything and still nothing. I type out a text to Sarge and Crockett.

  “I’m going up to the office Bowie. Wait here.” When I walk out the door Sarge and Ty are already there. Crockett walks up to. “Crockett, Bowie is staying here go up there and check all the rooms.” I point up the walkway in the opposite direction of the office. Crockett goes without a word. Sarge, Tazer, and I walk towards the office. All of us in our own heads. No one bothering to talk. We stop outside the office and take our guns back out. We walk through the glass door and a bell goes off. No one is at the desk. I look at my surroundings and the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Everything about the place is like a motel. The partition of thick glass. A sliding window that slides back so you can be registered. A bell for you to ring for service and a sign saying to do just that. I have that feeling go up my spine. I know Stone is somewhere behind the door that we need to go through to get behind the desk. Tazer and Sarge are watching me and I nod my head letting them know I feel it. He is close.

  “I’m going to go and help Crockett.” Sarge says. I know he is going to try and find another way in. When he goes back out the front door I walk up and act like I am reading the sign behind the bell. I nod to Tazer. It’s time. I ring the bell and Tazer kicks the door at the same time. Up against the wall is standing Stone. The only thing is, Stone is standing behind a little old man. Stone has a gun to the man’s head with a smirk on his face.

  “Long time no see little brother. Have you missed me?” The man standing in front of me barely resembles my brother of just a year ago, he’s lost at least forty pounds. His hair is long, greasy, and stringy. Hanging down in his face. His clothes are dirty and they hang on him. His eyes are blood shot and glassy. No, this Stone, looks nothing like my brother.

  “How could I miss you when you have been a thorn in my side? Let the man go Stone and let’s talk about this.” I know I just need to keep him talking until Sarge can get shot at Stone.

  “How’s that pretty l
ittle woman of yours? Does she miss me? She’ll be getting to know me a little better soon. Tell her that for me. Now you and Tazer back the hell out of here. Mr. Grimes and I are going to go out and get on my bike and leave and you’re going to let me or he dies. Can you take another death on your conscious Devil? Remember our little sister Kim? Her death is all on you. You and the man we called dad.” Stone is trying to bait me. Not happening.

  “My dad. Not yours. Chainz was your dad. You have followed in his footsteps. He would be proud, don’t you think. Now you know why dad wouldn’t leave you in charge of shit. He knew your bloodline is weak.” I lay it on think. Stone’s eyes go large and he is pissed.

  “Steel was an idiot and he run the Feral Steel MC into the ground. He stole it from my dad. I should be President of the Feral Steel. The only thing Steel did right was leave me in charge of the damn money.” Stone is livid and he is slurring his words.

  “What did you do with the money you took? It doesn’t look like you are living the high life. It didn’t do you any good. Tito and Oz already recovered most of it and the rest is just not important.” Mr. Grimes doesn’t look like he is going to hold up much longer.

  “Little brother the money I took from the club is nothing. Haven’t you figured it out yet? Most time, nothing is ever how it seems. That was just pocket change compared to my plans. I have connections. All I need to do is get rid of you and take back what is mine. I will have it all. Feral Steel MC, your woman, those brats of yours, and all the green I can spend. Now it is time for us to leave so get out of my way so we can go.” Stone is staring at me. Tazer speaks then.

  “Callie would kill you herself before she let you anywhere near their sons.” Stone jumps in surprise. It’s like he is so drugged out he forgot Tazer was beside me and Tazer’s voice startled him. When Stone jumps, he loses his hold on Mr. Grimes and the back door is kicked in and I shoot. It all happens at once. It’s like a flash. Stone and Mr. Grimes both fall. Sarge comes through the door. Tazer and I are over to Stone and the old man. Tazer helps Mr. Grimes up ad helps him out the door. I set there and look at my brother. He’s still breathing but he is dying. Sarge kicks his guns away and runs his hands over him to make sure he has no other gun. I grab Stone’s hand. He grips my hand but his hold is weak.


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