Book Read Free

On Frozen Hills

Page 8

by KJ Swann

  * * *

  Jace laughed but soon stopped at the glare from Ivy. She hated people talking through movies. Jace cleared his throat. “Shall we?”

  After stepping off the elevator on the main floor, they glanced at each other and asked at the same time, “Which way?” They both laughed. Jace headed over to the check-in desk. “Hi. We’re looking for a place to eat.”

  The receptionist smiled. “I would suggest walking over to the casino floor. In there is the Whispering Grove Cafe. You can get a quick-service menu that includes salads, sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, and other items.”

  Ivy was nodding enthusiastically. He took her hand, and they walked toward the casino, where the lights flashed and waitresses hurried with drinks for the people sitting at the different slot machines. All around them echoed the clink of coins falling into machines, and people rejoicing in their winnings.

  “Wow, it sure is busy in here,” remarked Ivy.

  “What do you expect, babe? It is a casino.”

  Ivy stuck out her tongue at Jace, and he smirked. She hated when he pointed out the obvious. To Jace’s right loomed the cafe the receptionist had recommended. Jace grabbed her hand, and they walked toward it, trying to miss people who were walking around considering their next game.

  Shaking his head, Jace towed Ivy along. He was glad to see the cafe wasn’t packed. “Man, that was a clusterfuck.”

  “People can be rude, but you handled it well,” Ivy responded.

  Ivy eyed the different foods, her brow creased in decision until Jace nudged her and indicated the hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. She immediately snagged it and placed it on her tray. Jace grabbed himself a cheeseburger, and they moved down the line, where he saw they had mozzarella sticks and onion rings. He picked both up, placed the mozzarella sticks on his tray, and the onion rings on Ivy’s.

  “Oh, thank you. I didn’t see them,” exclaimed Ivy.

  “No worries. Watching out for my baby girl.”

  They walked around and found the desserts. Ivy stared at all the sweet confections.

  “Stop drooling and pick one already, would ya?” Jace joked.

  Ivy glared at him for a moment, then shifted her attention back to the sugar on a plate. “So many to choose from…”

  Ivy finally picked a strawberry cheesecake. Jace decided on some fresh fruit and led the way to the cashier, paid for their food, then found them a table in a somewhat quiet area.

  “Ah, food,” Ivy said.

  Jace shook his head. “You would eat nonstop if you could.”

  “No, I just love food.”

  “That could be another thing you could go back to school for.”

  Ivy looked at Jace with wide eyes. “Oh no. There is way too much competition in that field. I’m mainly thinking about teaching.”

  “Ah, that’s a certainly a different path from what you’re currently doing. Have you thought about what grade level?”

  “Well, there’s elementary and secondary. I’m not sure if I would have the patience to deal with little kids. I’m thinking secondary would be for the best.” Ivy popped an onion ring into her mouth.

  “So you’re telling me if we have kids, you don’t think you’re going to have any patience to deal with them?”

  “That’s not what I meant. I don’t know if I could deal with little kids in a school setting, but I know I could deal with our kids if we had any.”

  “You’re selling yourself short. You have a lot of patience. You’ve dealt with your dad for as long as you have without blowing up at him more. I think you could deal with young kids, whether you like to believe it or not.” Jace took a bite of burger.

  “I see what you’re saying. I do. I enjoyed my high school years more than my elementary years. When we look at universities, we can check them out together, but I want to include Tessa. Sound good?”

  “That’s cool. If you think you’ll be happy being a high school teacher, then go for it. Do what your heart tells you. I’ll stand behind you like I’ve always done.”

  “That means the world to me, Jace. Have you ever thought about going back to school or trying to move up in rank?”

  “I haven’t thought all that much about it. I’ve been up for promotion a few times, but I’ve never taken it because I was happy where I was at.”

  Ivy patted his arm. “Maybe you need to start taking them up on their promotions. What are you afraid of?”


  “I can understand, but you can’t live in fear after what happened with Sawyer. You need to live life. Not sit in the backseat and let it slip past you.”

  “There’s more to it than that.”

  “Then tell me!” Ivy finished her drink and slammed the glass down.

  “Not here.”

  “Then once we get back to the room, we are going to talk. You aren’t getting out of it. It’s been coming to this, and you know it.”

  Jace nodded and turned his head away from Ivy’s piercing glare. They finished eating in silence and watched the people around them. The cafe was starting to get busy as the afternoon wore on. Placing the last bite of strawberry cheesecake in her mouth, Ivy moaned in delight.

  “That was delicious. I’m going to have to have Mom make that when get back to the cabin.”

  Jace chuckled. “So, what should we do next?”

  Ivy gazed out into the casino. “What to try some of the slot machines or wander around?”

  “Either sounds good to me, but after eating all that food, walking around sound good until we find a slot machine that calls to us.”

  There was just so much to take in. Alarms were sounding from various points throughout the casino, announcing winners. Jace and Ivy finally walked up to a pair of empty slot machines. “Want to try these?”

  Ivy nodded, so they both sat on the padded stools. Jace handed her some money for the machine. She slipped it into the slot, then, once it registered, hit Max Bet and watched it spin. The first try she didn’t win anything, but five tries later, the alarms were sounding above her.

  “Way to go, baby. How much did you win?”

  “It says five hundred dollars.”

  Jace’s eyes went wide. “Wow, maybe you should come sit on my lap and give me some good luck.”

  Ivy smiled. “Let me cash out, and I’m sure I can do that.”

  “I hope you’re good luck for me. Once I’m done with this, we can go deal with your slip and head out. The lights and sirens going off are starting to get to me,” Jace said.

  “Fine by me. I’m ready to go whenever you are. Then we can wander around the rest of the grounds and see what’s here, then go back to the room and relax.”

  After about five minutes, Jace was out of money. “Well, so much for my luck. You got the winnings this time round.”

  They had to stand in a small line at the cashier cage, waiting to get the slips turned in. Jace wrapped his arms around Ivy’s waist and placed his head on top of hers. “So, enjoying yourself so far?”

  “I always enjoy spending time with you. Even though things are hectic back at the cabin, but we were still spending time together. Whatever’s up with Dad, we need to deal with it, because now I should protect Tessa. I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  “I don’t either. Honestly, I think Derrick is a good match for her. Who knows, he might bring her out of her rebellious stage.”

  “How do you know her rebellious stage isn’t what he’s drawn to?” Ivy countered.

  Jace shrugged. “I guess I don’t. Time will be the real determining factor, I suppose.”

  “Tessa isn’t going to let anyone stand in her way, especially Dad.”

  Ivy handed the cashier her slip. Once they were out of the casino, they looked around to figure out where they wanted to head. Since neither one of them could decide, they just walked, checking out the different amenities the resort offered. Jace made note of the fitness room and wanted to work out in there. Ivy saw a spa and planned on getti
ng a massage of some sort while they were there. Eventually, they went back to their room, where Ivy stretched out on the couch while Jace plopped down in the recliner.

  “The movie starts here in a couple of hours. Anything you want to do before then?” Jace asked.

  “No, I think I’m going to sit here and relax. I’ll probably fall asleep here after everything I ate.”

  “Hey, we have no time frame for being up or having to be anywhere. If we take a nap, then we do.”

  After watching Ivy fall asleep, Jace sat there staring out the window, trying to stave off the memories of the past. Unfortunately, as his eyes slowly drifted shut, the memories quickly rushed forward.

  “All right, boys, we’ve got a three-alarm fire on our hands. There are two battalion chiefs here. You follow what they say—there are over one hundred and thirty-eight firefighters here. Follow orders so we all stay safe,” ordered Captain Lazzari.

  Jace situated his mask as he waited beside Sawyer for his assignment—as always Jace and Sawyer were paired up for search and rescue.

  Heading to their positions, Sawyer glanced over at Jace. “Can you believe Lazzari?”

  Jace shook his head. He knew once Sawyer got started, there was no stopping him. “I want to save people as much as you do. But we have to be cautious as well.”

  Sawyer stopped once they got into position and radioed back. “I know. I get in there and the adrenaline starts flowing and I stop seeing reason.”

  “When Lazzari or the chief calls for us to fall back, listen,” insisted Jace.

  Holding out his fist, Jace waited for Sawyer to fist bump him. Over the radio, the captain told them to move. Taking deep breaths, Sawyer and Jace inched into the building and began their search, all the while turning items over with their pickhead axes to make sure the fire was out. Neither Sawyer or Jace found anyone, so they headed to another part of the building. As Jace and Sawyer moved along, the building cracked and groaned, indicating the structure was under strain.

  A few seconds later one of the battalion chiefs was heard over Jace’s radio, “Bail-out! Bail-out! Everyone out of the building.”

  “Come on. We have to go.” Jace pulled on Sawyer’s sleeve.

  Suddenly, in the distance, a cry for help sounded. Jace quickly radioed command.

  “You need to get out of there now!” ordered Lazzari.

  “We need to try to help that person, Jace,” Sawyer cried.

  “Man, we need to go.”

  Shaking his head, Sawyer moved toward the cries for help. Jace stood there, debating whether he should follow Sawyer. Following his gut, Jace made for the door as quickly as he could.

  As soon as Jace crossed the threshold, the building collapsed behind him.

  Ivy was startled awake a few hours later by Jace’s snoring. She sat up on one elbow and to see him leaning back with his mouth wide open. Ivy snorted at the sight. She slowly got off the couch, walked toward the recliner, and crawled onto it. Jace continued to snore, but now he mumbled a little in his sleep. Once Ivy’s face was even with his, she stuck out her tongue and lightly flicked Jace’s nose.

  Startled, Jace’s eyes flew open and his hands flew up to protect his face, but once he saw it was Ivy, he narrowed his eyes. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Having a bit of fun, but I didn’t think you’d respond that way.”

  Jace patted Ivy’s face. “No harm, no foul.” He pulled her down beside him in the recliner and kissed her.

  Ivy let herself relax, lying as comfortably as she could in the recliner. She placed her hand on his chest and felt how fast his heart was beating. Ivy looked up at Jace only to see his eyes were closed. She could see he was focused on something, but she didn’t want to bother him. Ivy knew deep down that she’d scared him, and he was covering up. The only thing was she didn’t know why it scared him. When the timing was right, she would talk to him.


  A few hours later, Ivy had taken a shower and set up an appointment at the spa, and Jace had ordered some food from room service.

  “I thought you wanted to go down and check out the fitness room while I’m at the spa?” queried Ivy.

  “Nah, I think I’ll wait and do that tomorrow.”

  “Is everything all right? You haven’t acted right since I scared you earlier.”

  Jace shot Ivy an unreadable look, but sighed, “No, I’m not. When you come back, I do want to talk to you.”

  Ivy watched Jace closely. Whatever was bothering Jace, he didn’t want to share, but she knew she would help him through it. “No matter what it is, I can handle it, and you won’t scare me away.”

  “You’d better get going to your appointment. We have plenty of time to talk later. Enjoy it, okay? Your mom would want you to, and I do too.”

  Ivy picked up the room key and phone and walked toward the door. “If you need me, I do have my phone, and I’ll be right here if you call.”

  Jace smiled. “I know you would be. Just go.”

  Ivy went toward the elevators, breathing a sigh of relief as she walked. She was partially worried about Jace, but part of her wasn’t. He was a strong man inside and out. He had gone through a lot in the past few months, and she had been by his side for all of it. Stepping onto the elevator, she made a vow she would always be there for him no matter how hard it got.

  As Ivy arrived at the Blossoming Day Spa, she could see why the hotel wanted its users there almost an hour early. It was busy. Ivy waited a few minutes for the receptionist.

  “Welcome to Blossoming Day Spa. Can I get your name?”

  “Ivy Mercer.”

  “Okay, I see you’re here for our hot stone massage. Just a little information on what will happen today. You’ll be given our clothing to change into after you shower and prepare for our ‘balancing oneself’ ritual. It takes place in our whirlpool and lounge area. Once the ritual is done, your massage therapist will call your name and take you to the room where your massage will take place.”

  Ivy smiled. “Sounds good.”

  The receptionist pushed a button, and a spa employee came out and escorted Ivy to the back. Ivy was in awe as she was led through the interior of the spa. It was decorated with marble-looking floors and walls and the lounge chairs decorated in green fabric. Everything felt so welcoming. In the center stood a cloverleaf pool with a fountain in its middle. Ivy was led to a room and given fresh loose clothing.

  “After your shower, meet us out in that room we just passed through and put your clothing in the lockers across the way. Make sure all jewelry is off and, if you have a cell phone, that it’s turned off,” the assistant said.

  “I’m sorry, but I kinda need to keep my phone on me. Is it possible to keep it on vibrate?”

  “May I ask why you need it? Most people come here to relax and get away from their cell phones.”

  “My boyfriend has issues at times and needs someone to talk to. I’m usually the person who he turns to. If I’m not available for him, I don’t know what kind of condition I could find him in if he needed to talk and couldn’t reach me.”

  The receptionist pursed her lips and nodded. “If your phone causes issues, I will ask you to put it in your locker. Understood?”

  “I do understand and thank you so much.”

  Ivy played with her necklace. She hadn’t taken it off since Jace had given it to her at their high school graduation. She gingerly reached up behind her neck and undid the clasp. She laid the jewelry in her hand and looked at it for the first time in years. It was a circular silver coin with their names engraved at the bottom. Jace Loves Ivy. Attached to the necklace was a silver heart charm that hung right above their names.

  She got undressed and stepped toward the shower, and it automatically turned on. It surprised Ivy at first, but it was perfect. Ivy closed her eyes and tensed when images of her job flashed through her mind. Taking a deep breath, she thought about how she loved to run with Jace. She imagined listening to her footfalls on the pavemen
t. Ivy slowed her breathing and listened to the water hitting the bottom of the shower to calm her even further.

  Once she was done, she put her clothing and jewelry into the locker, then placed her cell phone in her pocket. In the lounge area, she lay back, listening to the fountain bubble into the pool. Ivy opened her eyes when more people come into the room and got settled in. She was surprised at how many people were there for the balancing ritual. A couple of women and a man walked into the room. They were dressed in outfits like hers, but in a dark blue. The man stood in the center between the two women.

  The whole room became quiet as the trio set up a small table in front with various items for the upcoming ritual.

  “Please come forward and stand around the pool,” one of the women said.

  Ivy and everyone else stood and picked a spot around the water. The ritual was short and sweet, but afterward, Ivy felt a lot better about everything in general. She was called about ten minutes after the ritual ended, even though it felt like forever to her.

  Once Ivy was back in the room, the massage therapist held out a robe for her. “My name is Bobbie, and I’ll be your massage therapist today. You’ll need to change into this robe and then just take a seat over there. I also have this medical history form for you to fill out if this is your first time here.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Okay, I need you to fill out these papers on your health history. They aren’t very long, but it will help us determine if there are places we need to skip while doing the massage, or if there’s a different massage oil we should use if there are any allergies.”


  Ten minutes later, Ivy handed the clipboard back to Bobbi, who looked it over and smiled at Ivy. “I see you don’t have any medical issues to speak of. We like to see that. Now we have all that, you can go ahead and get on the massage table and slip under the sheet.”

  As Ivy obeyed, Bobbie dimmed the lights, then went over to a stand holding a CD player. She switched it on and made sure the music was at a volume Ivy could hear, but not where it was annoying.


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